I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 200 [Thunder Lingzhu] I will intercept him halfway!

Hearing the noise around him, Li Hao, who was about to leave, stopped and walked towards the empty table. The menu was reflected on the jade slip placed on it.

As soon as he glanced at it, he saw the black dragon fish. As soon as he came back from the river, Li Hao called two thousand-year-old black dragon fish. The jade slip flashed, and the message had been passed on.

"I think you have been deceived. What kind of devil baby? Where did the devil baby come from? It is getting more and more evil. It is exuding magic flames all over its body. Tsk tsk..." The goat-bearded monk looked disbelieving.

"Don't believe it, I have a friend who has seen it with his own eyes." The green-robed monk emphasized, pretending to be a friend.

"Hey, it's a fellow Taoist, a friend, a relative, but I haven't seen it before." Goat Beard laughed, "I don't know where I got the news, so I came over to try to flatter everyone. I don't know how much I added fuel and jealousy to it."

"Hey, if you don't believe it, you can go to Tianji Pavilion to buy relevant information. It must be recorded." The green-robed monk said angrily, which aroused Goatbeard's contempt: "Who doesn't know that information about the Daxia royal family is extremely expensive? , Zhenbei King’s level will not be sold at all.”

"I'm not afraid of everyone laughing at me. Even if it's information about Xu Yuanxin, I can't afford ten of them."

"You're talking about this, we've just finished talking." Goat Beard shook his head, stood up and swayed to leave, "What's true or false, it's just a matter of conversation after dinner, why bother being so teasing."

What he said was so irritating. He was the one who argued with the man in green robe just now, and now he was the one who said it didn't matter. He said all the good things.

The green-robed monk was obviously young, his face turned red with anger, he was extremely depressed, his body was trembling, and he was speechless while pointing at him.

Li Hao couldn't help but grin. After a moment, two black dragon fish were brought up. The plate was astonishingly long, half a foot long, golden in color, shiny with oil, and exuding a sweet aroma.

He was followed by several burly men, the leader of whom was the Dragon Transformation Realm.

"Brother Taoist, the thousand-year-old black dragon fish is too long and cannot be accommodated on this small table. We have prepared a private room for you. How about dining in the private room?" The middle-aged man bowed his head with a flattering smile. .

The movement here attracted many people, who were amazed.

"A thousand-year-old Black Dragon Fish would cost at least 100,000 Spiritual Source Crystals..."

"Is there such a wealthy person in the hall?"

"It's hard to tell. This person looks unattractive. He might just be an old man."

The level of this restaurant is not low, and the people who come here to have fun are not ordinary monks. They have lived for many years, and there are no people who are rash to ridicule. They are just quite surprised.

Li Hao glanced around, and of course he knew that these people were afraid that he would have no money, so they came to such a fight.

However, it was human nature and he didn't mind if the other party was polite.

"Then let's go." He looked indifferent. Although he had changed his appearance, he still had a certain demeanor.

When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he knew something in his heart. With a look, the burly men around him retreated one after another, and the remaining people went to the box holding two plates of black dragon fish.

Half an hour later, Li Hao left the restaurant with a respectful farewell and nodded secretly, "Yes, the taste of this fish is indeed good."

After thinking about it for a moment, he took out the city map given by the restaurant, looked for the direction of Tianji Pavilion and walked over.

Tianji Pavilion is spread all over Daxia and has been integrated into the daily life of Daxia monks. Everyone knows that this is a terrifying behemoth dormant under the water, but few people think about it.

Even forces like Xuntian only affect southern Xinjiang, while Tianji Pavilion is more than that, but they are not outstanding in terms of strength.

In an attic, there is a plaque with the words "Tianji Pavilion" written on it. Many monks wrapped in robes to hide their auras are coming and going in a hurry.

This kind of organization that sells information should be hidden, but Tianji Pavilion is not like this and stands in the middle of a busy city.

A long time ago, in the North, he purchased some information and knew the general process.

After walking in, he was led into a small room by the waiter. On the jade plate, the words "King of Zhennan" were engraved. Suddenly the runes stirred and a line of small words came out -

"Your Majesty the King of Daxia, the secrets must not be leaked"

Regarding information related to King Zhennan, Tianji Pavilion does not sell it.

Perhaps, given his true identity, there is still some possibility of negotiation, but Li Hao will not take this risk.

Frowning slightly, he thought again and engraved a few words - Xu Yuanxin. Runes surged around him, and a line of small words appeared, "roughly - one million, detailed - three million, precise - five million."

This price is not low... Li Hao secretly murmured to himself that the other party's status as heir apparent would increase the price quite a bit, otherwise it would not be so expensive.

"I need his recent whereabouts and what he has done." Li Hao thought about it and engraved the next sentence.

Roughness and detail disappear, leaving only the finer.

Obviously, if you want to know so clearly, you can only buy the most expensive one.

Li Hao was naturally sure that soon, someone hurried over, wearing a white robe and uniformly dressed. He should be a high-ranking person here.

His eyes were strange and he looked at Li Hao subconsciously. Even in a big city like Jingnan City, there were very few people buying such expensive information.

"Guest, wait a moment..." He smiled warmly and bowed respectfully. He didn't communicate much, he just came to verify his capital.

Li Hao threw out half a Yuan Crystal, and this person took it and used secret techniques to estimate it. Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be exactly equivalent to five million, but the fluctuation is not much.

If it's too much, they'll refund it. If it's not too much, Tianji Pavilion won't ask customers to make up for it. After all, they are doing business.

After confirming, he put away the Yuan Jing, walked quickly to the jade plate, put in a jade slip, pinched out the talisman, the runes surged, and strands of indescribable secrets poured into the jade slip.

"Please..." After a moment, he reached out and left the room without touching the jade slip.

Li Hao picked up the jade slip and inspected it on the spot. His expression flickered, sometimes even more strangely.

Xu Yuanxin is a relatively rare person among the Daxia royal family. This is mainly reflected in the fact that his qualifications are not very good, but very poor.

With a person of King Zhennan's level and the blood of the Daxia royal family, it is difficult to imagine that someone with such poor qualifications would be born.

This person did not enter the Mortal Realm until he was twenty years old, which is enough to prove how poor his qualifications are.

King Zhennan used many things to improve his qualifications before he could barely lift them up to the level of ordinary people.

Even so, his progress in cultivation was extremely slow, so he received a lot of looks and ridicule since he was a child, which also developed a somewhat twisted mentality.

At least this is what Tianji Pavilion summed up--

He is quite arrogant when getting along with others, just to cover up his inner inferiority. He does not do good to others, but often does evil to others. He often vents his dissatisfaction wantonly, only to increase the number of crimes and torture the talented ones.

The latest news about him was three days ago. This person appeared near Kuteng Mountain and stationed with his own troops. He probably wanted to clear out the mountain god on Kuteng Mountain.

As for the magic baby, Tianji Pavilion didn't cheat and hide it deliberately, and then sold him a share.

The demon baby only appeared next to Xu Yuanxin recently. According to Tianji Pavilion's rough guess, it will not exceed two months.

After the Demon Infant appeared, Xu Yuanxin began to hunt down the gods of heaven and earth. It was indeed the Demon Infant who took the initiative, and it was he who bore the punishment of God.

Based on some scattered information, Tianji Pavilion speculated that Xu Yuanxin was practicing a secret technique that swallowed the power of the gods of heaven and earth to help him practice.

"... His face is like a jade baby, he is three feet tall, his eyes are unfocused, and he often doesn't pay attention to outside noises."

"...Once he takes action, his face is ferocious, his whole body is surrounded by demonic flames, his mind is crazy, he has three heads and six arms, his skin is as dark as charcoal, with golden lines, and his strength is so tyrannical that the peak of his life is within the palm of his hand."

This is Tianji Pavilion's original description of the Demon Infant. It is extremely detailed. It feels like it was sold by Xu Yuanxin's pro-army.

Tianji Pavilion has said everything it can say, it is indeed very detailed, even the strength of the pro-army around Xu Yuanxin, how strong the combat effectiveness can be, and what military formation methods are used.

Except...the Demon Infant is suspected of being a reincarnated immortal god, this is still a secret to most practitioners.

Li Hao knew it in his mind. When he rubbed it with his palms, the jade easily turned into powder and floated from his fingertips.

Kuteng Mountain... Li Hao opened the topographic map of southern Xinjiang and found Kuteng Mountain, which was not far away from here.

"If the opponent has been wiped out and wants to return to Zhenna City, the fastest way is to pass through the teleportation array in Jingnan." Li Hao pondered.

But the King of Zhennan had recently closed down all the teleportation arrays in Zhennan City, and planned to use them as bait to lure Xuntian out and retrieve the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

That was his only chance to reach the True Realm, and he would not let it go.

This also resulted in that even if his son wanted to go back, he could only go on foot, and the shortest route would have to pass through Jingnan City.

"Xu Yuanxin is just used to stir up the troubled waters. As for this devil baby, I just accept it." Li Hao thought to himself.

In the current situation, Xu Yuanxin is still wandering in southern Xinjiang, and it cannot be said that he is careless.

However, Xuntian must have been warned by the Eighth Prince not to attack Xu Yuanxin.

Moreover, Xuntian had no need to take action against Xu Yuanxin, he would just drag King Zhennan into the battle.

The Youlong Jinshi was gone, and his son was ambushed by Xuntian. He didn't know if the eighth prince could suppress his hatred for Xuntian.

As for the Demon Infant, it just happened to draw out its three-headed and six-armed magical power and integrate it into its own body. It could also save Li Hao some time to settle down, and maybe it could directly ignite the fairy fire.

The enemy that Li Hao doesn't want to face now is not the True Realm Realm, but the Immortal Fire Realm.

Even in the middle or high realms, there are only a few people who are stronger than him. If he pays something for this, he will feel very painful.

And when he breaks through to the Immortal Fire Realm, he will not be restrained when facing people in the same realm.

After thinking about it, Xu Yuanxin couldn't do anything unless something happened to him.

If you think too much, you have to take action. The longer you delay, the more you will have nightmares. This person is not a formidable enemy. He is ready to intercept and kill him directly.


In Ku Teng Mountain, the sky is dark and the earth is dark. Blue lightning arcs are boiling. The entire Ku Teng Mountain has been covered by formations, preventing the mountain god from escaping.

Thunder falls from time to time and hits the Withered Vine Mountain. The whole mountain is very dry and silent. The most common ones are the withered yellow vines, which almost cover the entire mountain. This is also the origin of its name.

A young man wearing armor with a gloomy expression looked anxious, pacing back and forth, his words full of impatience, "What's going on? Is this mountain god so difficult to catch? Why haven't he been forced out yet?"

Next to him, there was a dwarf wrapped in black robes without a hood. He looked like a porcelain doll, white and tender, but his eyes were a little distracted, and he often stared at one place in a daze.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on with these gods. They are getting more and more cunning. They have many secret techniques that have never been seen before." The leader of the personal guard reported:

"This mountain god is not very powerful, but it has integrated into the entire mountain. We can destroy the mountain directly. But without the corpse of the god, you may not be able to practice secret techniques."

"You must force it out, otherwise I will only ask you!" His eyes were cold, and the guard leader felt a chill in his heart. He knew that this little ancestor was moody, and if he didn't give an explanation, he might really be done with it.

"Your Majesty, but according to the information we have investigated before, the God of Kuteng Mountain is quite kind, and the people and monks around him respect him very much." The guard leader hesitated,

"The God of Kuteng Mountain also loves them very much. When we wanted to hunt them a few days ago, we encountered resistance from many people."

"If they are forced to confront each other, maybe the Kuteng Mountain God may show up."

"Kindness? Love?" Xu Yuanxin said, and immediately sneered, "Only my father can win the respect of these stupid people in southern Xinjiang. Only my father can love and protect them. Only my father is the god of this southern Xinjiang." .”

"Don't they admire me? Capture them all and sacrifice them one by one!"

He uttered a few words with murderous intent, and the guard leader's face tightened. He knew that the words he said might lead to the death of many innocent people, but there was nothing he could do. He also needed to protect himself.

Soon, many people who had been locked up were detained. They were all people from nearby. When they heard that the mountain god had been killed, they came to explain in a hurry and wanted to tell them that the mountain god was a good god.

Unfortunately, it was suppressed directly.

"Sir, sir, the mountain god is a good god. My father had an evil spirit some time ago, and it was the mountain god who took the initiative to expel it."

"Yes, and my daughter, who was just born, was cold and weak, and contracted the wind and cold. It was also the mountain god who took action..."

Someone shouted, explaining to Xu Yuanxin.

Xu Yuanxin was too lazy to say a word to these stupid ants.

"Kneel down!" The cold-faced guards asked these people to kneel down one by one, facing Kuteng Mountain.

The leader of the personal guards shouted, "God of Kuteng Mountain, since you love these creatures, show up quickly. Otherwise, these people will be buried with you."

In order to prove that what he said was true, the leader of the personal guards acted very decisively. He drew his sword and a row of heads fell to the ground, soaking the ground. Blood spurted out instantly. The scene was quite horrifying.

In an instant, the originally noisy scene suddenly fell silent. Others were shocked. They did not expect that these heavily armed Daxia officers and soldiers would actually kill people.

The leader of the personal guards turned around coldly and looked at the group of people, "If you want to survive, go to the God of Kuteng Mountain. Only if he shows up will you have a way to survive."

Faced with a threat to their lives, these people immediately prostrated on the ground, kowtowed to Kuteng Mountain, and cried out, "Mountain God, help me!"

The situation changed, and a moment later, the leader of the personal guards took action again. Blood stained the ground red, the wind howled, and the cries all around became more intense. Xu Yuanxin felt irritable after hearing this.

Finally, with a sigh, at the edge of Withered Teng Mountain, not far from everyone, withered vines gathered together and condensed into a human shape. The facial features looked unreal, except for the blood and tears left in the eye sockets.

"I'm out..." Youyou sighed, and the voice of the God of the Withered Teng Mountain spread throughout the earth. Looking at the creatures kneeling on the ground, his heart was full of sonorousness and sadness.

"Ling Ying." Xu Yuanxin looked at the dwarf beside him, and he didn't know what method he used. Ling Ying's eyes were focused for a moment, and his black robe exploded into pieces. Black flames burst out from all around him, and his voice was high-pitched.

At the same time, a little black paint spreads instantly between the eyebrows, covering the whole body.

Then, during this process, a mass of flesh bulged out from his shoulder blades, which suddenly pierced the skin and stretched out. They were two heads, and four black arms tore out from his back.

It is not the evolution of magical powers, but the real limbs and physical body.

A cold and terrifying aura burst out, and the spirit infant went straight to kill him.

The strength of the God of Kuteng Mountain was far inferior to that of Ling Ying. In a flash, his body was torn apart, wisps of light bloomed, and the entire Kuteng Mountain whined incessantly, seeming to be sad.

"Very good." Xu Yuanxin laughed, opened his hands, and his hands split open, revealing a bloody mouth.

He began to extract an indescribable power from the dead Kuteng Mountain God, and with this extraction, an intoxicated look appeared on his face, and his aura increased slightly.

The black flames that enveloped the spirit infant seemed to have grown higher. He looked around with a ferocious expression, as if he had some violent thoughts.

But the next moment, strands of golden lines spread from his head, neck, and wrists, locking him tightly.

Following the wailing sound, he returned to his white, tender and dazed look again.

Soon, Xu Yuanxin breathed out, and the leader of the personal guards asked, "Your Majesty, how should we deal with these people?"

Xu Yuanxin frowned, glanced at the group of frightened fools, and said coldly, "I should have left here two days ago, but this God of the Withered Teng Mountain made me waste so much time."

"Kill them all and bury them with their good gods."

The guard leader nodded: "Yes."

Then, he hesitated again and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the prince has sent another message, asking us to go back quickly."

"Go back, I'm still one step away from entering the high realm of Tongyou." Xu Yuanxin was very unhappy.

"Ke Xuntian is searching for Li Hao and the others all over southern Xinjiang. You are the prince's biological son. It is too dangerous and you should not do too many activities." The leader of the personal guard advised.

"Xuntian...Li Hao..." Xu Yuanxin looked uncertain, "A group of bereaved dogs have long been defeated by my father and His Highness the Eighth Prince. Do they dare to touch me? Aren't they afraid that my father will get involved and mess up their situation?"

"As for Li Hao, I heard that his aptitude is incredible. He has only been practicing for a few years and he has already reached the high realm of Netherworld. Haha..." Xu Yuanxin sneered:

"A group of idiots who don't know the so-called, tout it out, but they are just reincarnated gods. This is not their era anymore."

"Ling Ying is still at the peak of Tongyou, so what's the use? No matter how powerful he was, he still wants to be a dog for me." He stared at Ling Ying, with joy in his eyes.

Suddenly, he glanced at the guard leader again and asked, "Why don't you speak? Do you have any objections?"

The leader of the personal guard knew that he, the prince, was extremely jealous of those geniuses with better qualifications, and tortured and killed many young geniuses with no background.

He responded hurriedly, "You are right, he is just a man who is just trying to gain fame, and now he is being chased by Xuntian."

"However, the trouble they bring cannot be underestimated. You should avoid it. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. You will have plenty of time after the storm is over."

Xu Yuanxin was silent, and finally snorted coldly, "Then just avoid it."

The guard leader was relieved, and then the army set off and began to leave here.


[The Evil Sword Immortal enters the magic box. Next, the five elders take you to the Babel Stone, hoping to use your blood to open the same way to heaven, but the Babel Stone has no response. What do you choose? 】

[Let the elders call Xu Changqing quickly! 】

[Perplexed, what’s going on? 】

[While all the elders were looking sad, you were a little impatient and immediately asked the elders to call Xu Changqing. This Sky-Bearing Stone is a Yin-Yang Stone and requires the blood of two people.

All the elders have respect for you, so they called Xu Changqing according to your instructions, and the two of them worked together to open the way to heaven. 】

[Obtain reward--Thunder Lingzhu (drawing): The drawing of the Thunder Lingzhu can be realized by filling it with materials or energy]

[Thunder Lingzhu (Drawing)], so random and sudden, Li Hao was surprised and had a strange look on his face.

Things that last forever basically require him to pay an extra price.

It's not that it's not bad, it's just that he doesn't have anything extra to fill this thing.

I don’t know what level of treasure it is. It should be pretty good. Let’s wait and see...

After suppressing the swirling thoughts in his mind, Li Hao hung high in the sky, his fiery eyes always open, scanning the world.

"If nothing else happens, this is the nearest way, and they will definitely take it." Li Hao thought about it, feeling that Xu Yuanxin would not suddenly think that someone would ambush him.

With the Demon Infant's strength, no one in the Tongyou Realm could be his opponent, and a normal ambush would require at least the Immortal Fire Realm.

Xuntian is currently searching for him in full swing, so there is no time to provoke King Zhennan again.

The Eighth Prince must have greeted each other and maintained a tacit balance. They would not attack each other until they found their group.

After waiting for about half a day, the accident did not happen. The fluttering Zhennan King's flag appeared in Li Hao's field of vision.

This is an army of about two thousand people. There is a strange beast in the center pulling the carriage. Their speed is not too slow. When they attack, they stir up large amounts of dust.

"Here we come..." Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief. If Xu Yuanxin suddenly wanted to take a long way, he would have wasted some time.

In the carriage, Lingying's distracted eyes were slightly focused. He looked up and seemed to notice something.

Xu Yuanxin noticed this and was suddenly a little strange. This spiritual baby rarely reacted. What was going on?

Just as this thought passed through his mind, the next moment, the heaven and earth shook violently, and the vehicle frame flew straight out.

He was not at a low level. He reacted in an instant and rushed out of the carriage. There was a huge ravine on the ground that spanned a hundred miles and passed directly through his personal guards, causing countless casualties.

"The enemy is attacking, form a formation!" the guard leader shouted, and quickly reacted. The remaining guards were well-trained and quickly formed a formation.

The black wave surged and condensed into a huge black object, like a turtle, covering the entire team.

"Someone ambushed me?" Xu Yuanxin woke up from a dream, his face instantly turned gloomy, and he shouted: "I am the son of King Zhennan. I wonder who you are? Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Black Water Black Turtle Formation, Daxia Defense Army Formation," relevant information appeared in Li Hao's mind, his eyes were indifferent, the magic sword in his hand trembled, he raised his hand and slashed down.

The sword fell, and the black sword light was like a curtain hanging from the sky, directly cutting through the world.

The huge black water turtle was cut straight in the middle, the military formation was broken, and a large number of soldiers vomited blood and even died on the spot.

"Your Highness, the person who came here is quite powerful. I wonder if he is from the Immortal Fire Realm." The leader of the personal guard spoke hastily and had many thoughts.

"Immortal Fire Realm?" Xu Yuanxin, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "There is only one force that can use the Immortal Fire Realm to ambush me in southern Xinjiang."

"It's Xuntian!" The leader of the personal guard also thought of it and couldn't help but said: "Are they crazy? Why are they attacking you? Can't you just search for Li Hao honestly? Your prince doesn't want to get involved. They are forcing him to Get in."

"Who knows!" Xu Yuanxin was anxious and shouted: "Lingying! Stop him!"

The spirit infant is powerful and powerful, and is the reincarnation of an immortal god. Even if the opponent is really in the immortal fire realm, he can still delay him for a moment or two.

He is not slow. As long as he can escape from here, it will be easy.

Upon hearing the command, the spirit infant rushed straight into the sky, with demonic flames surging into the sky, turning into a body with three heads and six arms, and went straight towards Li Hao to kill.


The magic flames struck, and the surrounding air was burned dry, scattered with scattered firelight, like a meteor, hitting Li Hao hard at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"This should be Nezha..." Li Hao stared at the demon infant in front of him, with a ferocious face. Six arms came out, almost turning into a phantom, causing changes in the surrounding sky.

I don't know how many punches were fired in an instant, the sound of gold and iron was heard endlessly, and thunder and sparks suddenly appeared, covering the sky.

The magic sword stood upright in front of him, with spiritual light overflowing. Li Hao was observing the magic baby with golden energy and blood surging all over his body.

Then, he took action and the sword fell. The magic sword is an immortal weapon, and its sharp power goes without saying.

Black blood spilled across the sky, an arm was broken, and was quickly burned by black flames.

One of the demon infant's arms was cut off by him, but the other person seemed to feel no pain, and was even more crazy from the stimulation. The flesh and blood at the wound area squirmed, and the limb was soon revived.

When the Demon Infant fights, it does not matter the cost. It can even be said that the opponent fights with his life. The black flames that spurt out have an evil nature.

On the other side, Xu Yuanxin had abandoned the leader of his personal guards and fled into the sky, even sacrificing blood and essence in an attempt to get away from here as quickly as possible.

"The devil baby fights without knowing whether he will live or die. The other party will definitely not expect it. As long as I delay for a moment, I can escape..."

Xu Yuanxin's eyes burned with anger as he looked at the empty sky in the distance, freedom beckoning.

However, what happened next made his mood sink to the bottom, and he saw the void around him twisting.

Dark chains condensed together, like black dragons, attacking from all directions.

The chains that bound his limbs were so hard that Xu Yuanxin couldn't break free even with all his strength.

Formation! ?

He gritted his teeth. He should have thought that since Xuntian dared to ambush him and even dispatched the Immortal Fire Realm, there would definitely be no backup plan.

"Little guy, doesn't despair taste good?" A sinister voice sounded, and a figure in black robes appeared, staring at him not far away.

"The son of King Zhennan is nothing more than a loser."

Xu Yuanxin was panting like an ox and his cheeks were twisted, "You dare to bully me even if you're a lost dog?"

Suddenly, his chest burned with blazing flames.

In the flames, a red arrow shot out. In an instant, it pierced the black robe in front of him and split the surrounding formation patterns.

"Fake?" Xu Yuanxin was stunned.

"Sure enough, he has a trump card." The figure of Beiling Taoist appeared on the side and laughed. "Although this arrow cannot kill the old Taoist, it will still cause a lot of trouble."

"Another Immortal Fire Realm?" Xu Yuanxin felt the aura coming from Taoist Beiling and found it difficult to understand.

What value do I have to have Xuntian dispatch two Immortal Fire Realm figures to ambush me?

You must know that the people who ambushed Daxia at the beginning were only three immortal fires in total, and there were two princes in Daxia's team, as well as that Li Hao.

Taoist Beiling didn't talk nonsense, he banned it directly and returned to the battlefield.

Only then did Xu Yuanxin realize that the battle for Ling Ying was not over yet.

how so?

Although the spirit infant's strength is astonishing, it is absolutely impossible to fight with the fairy fire realm for such a long time.

The demonic flames roared, but Li Hao just defended.

He couldn't take the life of the demon infant, and he didn't even want to hurt him too much to avoid anything happening when the time came to extract the Yuanling fragments.

It wasn't until chains came from all directions to block the raging demon infant tightly that Li Hao smiled and said, "Senior, you are much slower than I thought."

"I suspect that this guy has a trump card given by King Zhennan. I tried it a little and wasted some time." Beiling Taoist said, throwing Xu Yuanxin out.

Of course, Li Hao was not the only one involved in the ambush this time. With Taoist Beiling, who was in the Immortal Fire Realm, how could he not pull him in and let it go in vain? That would be too stupid.

"Oh?" Li Hao asked, "What's your trump card?"

He had made some guesses before, so he asked Taoist Beiling to deal with Xu Yuanxin.

"An arrow, very powerful, but this guy was too stupid. He just used it without confirming whether it was my true body." Beiling Taoist said lightly.

Xu Yuanxin gritted his teeth secretly, but he also knew that he was a prisoner now, and said in a deep voice: "You... why are you attacking me? Aren't you searching for Li Hao and Prince Ming'an?"

"My father has no intention of interfering. You can attack them as long as you want. There is no use in ambushing me. On the contrary, it may draw my father into the battle."

"There is no need at all." This was also what he found difficult to understand.

Although he heard what King Zhennan said and was ready to return to Zhennan City, he didn't think that he would be killed by Xuntian.

"But my purpose is to drag your father in?" Li Hao looked at him and said calmly: "He wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but his thinking is too simple."

Xu Yuanxin was stunned. He was a little confused at first. Why did Xuntian bring his father in? Make it more difficult for yourself?

But after a moment, an idea suddenly popped up, like thunder roaring in his mind.

His pupils shrank to pinpoints in an instant, and his tone was full of shock and disbelief: "You are not from Xuntian, you are Li Hao!?"

"How is it possible? Aren't you running for your life in panic when being hunted by Xuntian!?"

He couldn't understand how a hunted person could suddenly appear and attack him! ?

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