I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 199 The Divine Court grants the power of reincarnation to the Southern Xinjiang Demon Infant

Are you going to kill your own people when you ask them to?

Turtle Lao was startled. It wasn't that he had never seen anyone killed before, but he thought he had been observing these gods for a long time.

This mountain god sleeps in the mountains every day. Only some special things will wake him up. At the same time, he does not have many emotions, not even flattery.

These gods are very pure, at least they are very pure now, like children, but they have been given some knowledge by heaven.

They were not afraid of Li Hao, but respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

This is what shocked Mr. Gui.

Li Hao asked Jiang Chen to gather the rest of the people together, temporarily set up a formation, and trapped them in it.

They were not allowed to leave because they didn't know how long they would be staying here. If the news got out, it would definitely cause some waves.

"What's your name?" Li Hao asked casually, quite curious about them.

"Little God - Zongshan Mountain God." The Mountain God responded respectfully.

"Did you choose the name yourself?" Li Hao asked.

"Since the little god was born, he has had his own name in his mind. To control the Zongshan realm, he needs to make it smooth and prosperous," he responded.

It is also fulfilling the responsibilities of heaven and earth. Li Hao thought thoughtfully. Heaven and earth themselves must hope that they can develop better. The spiritual energy is exhausted and all living things are extinct. It is obviously not up to standard.

"What kind of power do you draw from ordinary creatures?" Li Hao pointed at the pilgrims and said.

"This is for God, the little gods don't know." Zongshan Mountain God looked a little at a loss and looked back.

Among the many gods, there is one god with the strongest aura, and his whole body is composed of azure liquid.

Hundreds of miles away from Zongshan, there is a wide and extremely long river named Yunxi River. This god should be the Yunxi River God.

He walked slowly over and said with the same respect: "God, we don't know the specific name. It's just a message from the Divine Court, asking us to build temples and not kill living beings at will."

"Under the pious worship of creatures, a special power will be born, which can expand the area under our control and enhance our power."

"Shen Ting?" Li Hao caught an unfamiliar noun. From this term, he had a lot of guesses, and immediately asked: "What is Shenting?"

"The Divine Court is the Divine Court..." Yunxi Water God's answer was simple and unpretentious, "We are born ignorant, and many abilities were taught to us by the Divine Court."

"Originally, each of us has our own scope of activities and cannot leave. It is Shenting who teaches us how to temporarily leave the area under our control. With the consent of other gods, we can set foot in the places under their control."

"This divine court should be an organization composed of many gods. The spiritual intelligence of these gods grows very fast, and it is normal for them to consciously form groups." Gui Lao secretly communicated with several people.

This is the internal information of the gods. They are extremely exclusive, so it is naturally difficult to leak it to the outside world.

Li Hao agreed with this idea and continued to inquire, "Does the divine court have a master?"

"No..." Yunxi Water God shook his head: "The Divine Court is composed of a large number of gods. We can also be called a member of the Divine Court and have no master."

These gods still have great limitations. Even if they can set foot in areas controlled by other gods, they may still have great limitations.

Li Hao's eyes flickered, and then he asked some more questions, and he probably knew everything about this divine court.

"There is a cave behind this temple. Have you touched the things inside?" Li Hao asked the mountain god Xiang Zongshan.

He responded in a low voice: "God, the cave is intact. I will not deliberately damage anything in this mountain."

"In that case, let's leave." Li Hao said, what happened today was quite unexpected, and he was sure that these gods could discover the high status in him.

At the same time, it was an unexpected surprise to learn that these gods respected him.

"It's best if there is no conflict." Gui Lao also breathed a sigh of relief, but his curiosity about Li Hao became even stronger.

High God, Little God... It can be seen from this title that in the understanding of these gods, Li Hao is also from the same system as them, but at a higher level.

But this guy is obviously a living person, not the god of mountains and rivers.

His curiosity is already strong, otherwise he would not have stayed to observe Zongshan Mountain God.

However, just as everyone was preparing to leave, the Yunxi Water God hesitated, "Sir, we have only been born not long ago. Do you have any advice?"

Many gods were looking at Li Hao expectantly at this moment. Although they were born in heaven and earth and received divine instructions, they still had to explore many things by themselves.

"You want me to give you some advice?" Li Hao was surprised, but he heard Gui Lao say: "Why don't you tell me, these gods don't understand good and evil. If you don't give me some advice, I'm afraid things will happen that use their power to hurt people."

Naturally, Li Hao didn't have time to specifically guide these gods, but since he met them, it didn't hurt to say a few words. He thought, "The power you draw from the living beings, I call it incense."

"Incense can strengthen your divine body. Zongshan Mountain God uses his subordinates to deprive you of incense. It seems good, but in fact it is a waste of water."

"When living beings are prosperous, incense will come naturally. If you deliberately plunder, you will fall into inferior status and it will not last long."

Especially in this world, there are powerful practitioners, so it's hard to guarantee that there won't be those who kill demons on a whim.

Many gods seem to understand, but obviously they don't quite understand. Yunxi Water God is thoughtful. He has been born for the longest time and has already gained some insights.

Deterrence is the best way to plunder incense in a short period of time, but many villages living next to the Yunxi River have already begun to move.

Li Hao briefly said something. He actually didn't know much. He basically followed the path of orthodox immortals and gods.

Common monks regard gods as father and heaven. This situation is obviously the best.

"Okay." Li Hao waved his hand, "We are leaving. How much you can understand depends entirely on you."

"Shangshen..." Yunxi Water God called again. Li Hao frowned slightly and turned his head to look, "What else can you do?"

He seemed very embarrassed and a little afraid. After a moment, he said, "Can God give us some of your divine power so that we can become more complete."

"Huh?" Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, divine power? How can he have any supernatural power? "Why do you say that?"

"Since we met God, we have a desire in our hearts. This desire comes from God. God seems to make us more complete." Yunxi Water God said more clearly.

Taoist Beiling and Mr. Gui looked at each other, why did they become more and more mysterious as they talked? Are they incomplete? It's quite complete, what else is missing?

Li Hao frowned. He didn't quite understand it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly had a clear understanding.

Don't they want the ability to reincarnate?

These wild gods of heaven and earth are not orthodox, and it is not impossible to stuff something else into their bodies.

They have the responsibility to ensure that the weather in the area they control is smooth and the living beings are prosperous. They have the ability to send dead living beings to reincarnation, which is naturally a kind of them.

It is even said that they can make up for a very important point, which is the reincarnation of creatures of other races.

Daxia's Soul-Suppressing Division is currently dominated by humans and various alien races that can communicate with humans.

But for other living beings, the Soul-Suppressing Division is no longer able to take care of them, and these gods can just make up for it.

Interesting... There is such a linkage, Li Hao was secretly surprised.

"If you want to gain my divine power, you must serve me as your master. Is it possible?" Li Hao looked around and wanted to conduct this experiment.

Many gods knelt on the ground one after another, "naturally obeying the orders of God."

Although they are gods born from heaven and earth, the respect between them is far deeper than that of other creatures.

"Okay..." Li Hao nodded, and then looked at Taoist Beiling. The old Taoist understood and knew that the next step was Li Hao's secret.

He immediately pulled Jiang Chen and Gui Lao, who was staring with his head out, to leave here temporarily and took this opportunity to pick up Ming An and others.

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Mr. Turtle smacked his lips, really curious in his heart.

The clouds and mist started to swirl around, and the Fengdu seal appeared in Li Hao's hand, and all the gods felt the rich majesty.

Then, wisps of gray light fell into their bodies. They looked unchanged, but their facial features seemed to be more solid.

And Li Hao also had a vague feeling that he could withdraw the reincarnation ability of these gods at any time.

Even though they are not yet able to control their life and death, as they send more and more souls to reincarnation, they become more consistent with the authority of reincarnation.

By then, he will almost be able to do it.

"Thank God!" From them, you can feel the clear joy and excitement.

Like Yin gods, they can also obtain rewards from heaven and earth in the process of performing their duties.

You can also absorb incense to make yourself stronger and control a larger area.

"Becoming a king in troubled times..." Li Hao muttered.

If it were in those ancient times of immortals and gods where the pattern was set, it would be almost even more difficult for a land or an immortal to become stronger.

That will only be possible when heaven and earth are reset.

After settling this matter, Li Hao gave them a few more words, probably not to deliberately kill living beings and send them to reincarnation.

This is contrary to their own responsibilities to heaven and earth, and I don’t know what the consequences will be.

After settling this matter, Ming'an and others had also arrived. Seeing the prostrate and respectful gods gathered around Li Hao, claiming to be gods, everyone was stunned again.

Ming'an almost instantly thought of the disaster of gods plaguing the entire southern Xinjiang. If every god worshiped Li Hao like this, wouldn't it be prosperous?

It's a pity that Li Hao is not under his control, so he can only fantasize about it.

Everyone has gathered at the teleportation formation. It is not big and cannot even teleport everyone at once.

"The cave house closest to Zhenna City is only about two or three days away from me, according to Xiao Bei's journey." Mr. Gui introduced. Having lived for a long time and mastering the secret technique of cultivating spirits, he is more than a cunning rabbit in three caves.

"If we build a cave house any closer, it will most likely be discovered by Zhennancheng spies."

"Just go here. After arriving, please ask Senior Beiling to take us to Zhenna City quickly. We will be safe when we arrive at Zhenna City."

Ming'an couldn't wait to say that he had had enough of hiding in Tibet. As a prince, he had never suffered such injustice.

"No, you can't go here." Li Hao's voice came. He had just gone to the cave before Gui Lao to get his Heaven and Earth Spirit Vine and Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

Everyone made a way. He was the absolute leader in the team. Ming'an was puzzled, "If you don't go here, where are you going?"

If he had the initiative taken away before, he would definitely be a little unhappy, but now he is used to it.

"Is there any further away?" Li Hao asked.

"Yes, there is another cave, about eleven or two days away from Zhenna City." Gui Lao responded, what he said was based on the speed of Taoist Beiling.

"Just go there." Li Hao said. Only then did Ming'an react and hesitated: "Are you afraid of being ambushed?"

"That's right." Li Hao nodded and rubbed his chin, "We have revealed our thoughts by going to Yunmeng City. That place is a gathering place for casual cultivators and is not connected to any official city in Daxia."

"Since we don't plan to leave Southern Xinjiang, the only place we can go is Zhennancheng."

"Xuntian can easily guess this. It is impossible not to arrange methods and not consider their hidden methods. Just the existence of the six-eared macaques, within a certain distance, we have nothing to hide."

After Ming An heard this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat. If he thought about it carefully, he might not have thought of it, but this period of time made him anxious and difficult to maintain a normal mind.

Now that the dawn is so close, it is inevitable that we will not think carefully.

"Then why don't you stay further away?" After reacting, he shrank back again.

"It's not necessary. Their energy is also limited, so they must focus on the area near Zhenna City. The farther away they are, the less they can take care of it." Li Hao explained, and others also agreed.

Then, Li Hao suddenly asked, "Mr. Gui, are there any large cities near the place you went to?"

"Of course, my caves are basically near large cities. Otherwise, why go to the barren mountains and wild ridges?" Gui Lao responded, "Jingnan City is nearby, and it is one of the more prosperous cities in southern Xinjiang."

"That's good." Li Hao nodded, seeming to have a plan in mind.

Ming'an left with a group of people first, and Li Hao also took a group of people.

When Gui Lao stamped his feet and was about to step into the teleportation formation, he suddenly blew out a wisp of white smoke from his mouth, which flowed into the noses of the pilgrims who were temporarily stunned by Jiang Chen.

Then, the teleportation array was activated, and the group of people disappeared here.

"The God is gone." Zongshan Mountain God seemed to notice something.

Then, in Guilao's cave, rocks surged and quickly filled in from all directions, erasing all traces.

With a stick of incense, the pilgrim who had fainted on the ground stood up.

They looked at each other, wondering why they were lying on the ground. They exchanged words for a while without getting an answer. They glanced at the closed mountain temple and wandered down the mountain.

Most of a day later, several streams of light fell in front of the mountain temple, and the leader was none other than Ning Yao.

"Sir, it is here that there was a magnificent and chaotic aura rising into the sky not long ago." Someone next to him reported.

Ning Yao looked around, but there was no trace of any battle. He raised his head and glanced at the mountain temple, with a sneer on his lips. They saw a group of wild gods who didn't know what they were talking about.

"Have you found any information?" he asked.

"No, we searched the souls of several pilgrims and found nothing. It seemed that there was a gathering of gods. They couldn't bear the pressure and fell into a coma." His subordinates reported.

"Where is the god of this place? Get out!" Ning Yao shouted.

Suddenly, the rocks roared, the ground squirmed, and a giant built of rocks emerged from the ground and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Let me ask you, has anything abnormal happened here before?" Ning Yao finished.

"Why should I answer you?" the mountain god said coldly.

"If you don't answer, you will die." Ning Yao looked indifferent, raised his hand, and easily suppressed the mountain god.

Given his strength, killing a god would have no consequences.

However, the next moment, the surrounding heaven and earth roared, and gods of mountains and rivers emerged from every corner, staring at them coldly.

Ning Yao frowned immediately. It was okay to kill one god, but he didn't want to kill so many gods.

Not only would there be no benefit in killing him, but he would also get into trouble.

He felt tricky.

"Sir, forget it, it's probably not Li Hao and the others. Since we have been targeted in this way, they should be the same. There is no need to waste time with these idiots." The subordinates made timely suggestions to solve the boss's problems and avoid the boss's embarrassment. .

Ning Yao also felt that what he said made sense. These gods of mountains and rivers had a very indifferent attitude towards intruders.

Although they will be afraid of them due to their strength, they will not look down upon them either.

He snorted coldly, abandoned the mountain god, and took his men to the sky, hanging high in the sky, looking down at the earth below, with the strong wind flowing past his ears.

"Is Zhenna City ready?" he asked.

"It's ready. Master Clairvoyance and Master Shunfeng'er are in place. Master Six-eared Macaque has also arrived. Everyone entering and leaving Zhenna City will be checked clearly. If something is wrong, we will take action immediately." He responded,

"However, we haven't completed the search for the encirclement here yet."

"They probably haven't escaped to Zhennan City yet."

"No, you don't understand." Ning Yao shook his head. The scene of the priest turning into ashes before his eyes was still clearly visible, which frightened him.

The death of the priest caused an uproar within Xuntian, which also led to a subtle change in some people's attitude towards Li Hao.

They believe that they don't have to fight to the death with each other. Essentially, they just want to obtain the Conferred God Platform, and the other party does not know the existence of the Conferred God Platform.

Just find a way to get the box containing the Dragon Gold Stone.

Some people sneered at this. The priests were all dead, but they were Xun Tian's living fossils. The black soul array collapsed, causing Xun Tian to suffer heavy losses.

The contradiction between the two is irreconcilable.

And more importantly, all fools know that there must be a secret in asking for the iron box.

His attitude is ambiguous, but no matter what, the importance he attaches to Li Hao has been elevated to an unprecedented level.

With the opponent's methods, there is no guarantee that they will not be able to leave the encirclement.

No matter what, the Conferred God Platform involves their most core plan and there is no room for error.


"King Zhennan, damn it! We thought too much of him before, he must have colluded with Xuntian!"

"Close all teleportation arrays leading to Zhennan City. What does he want to do? Make it clear that he will force us to fight Xuntian!"

In Guilao's cave, Ming'an was extremely angry and jumped in anger. Just now he asked Elder Ao to contact King Zhennan again through Daxia.

They tried to get King Zhennan to take his people out of the city to meet them, and with the addition of Beiling Taoists, their side would be very powerful.

But King Zhennan's reply was very annoying. He first asked for their specific location.

Of course Ming'an would not give it to him, but instead designated a location for King Zhennan to go to.

Then the King of Zhennan was no longer happy, saying that he was afraid of being ambushed and refused to go out of the city to respond.

But he also said that as long as they came near Zhennancheng, their safety would be guaranteed no matter how much they paid.

Naturally, Ming'an didn't believe this nonsense, so he was angry.

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Li Hao's reaction was very calm. "From a standpoint, we are all his enemies, and Xuntian is also his enemy. Enemies are fighting with their enemies, so why would he interfere?"

"Maybe he is still thinking about the mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind."

"Daxia was hurt by people like this. If Xuntian really overthrew Daxia, people like King Zhennan would be the driving force!" Ming'an said righteously, but if he were to think in his shoes, he would probably do the same thing. The same decision as King Zhennan.

Everyone is happy to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight.

Ming'an cursed for a while, and Li Hao said, "You guys stay in Guilao's cave for now, and I'll go out and check the situation."

"I'll go with you." Taoist Beiling stood up and said.

"No need." Li Hao shook his head. Under certain circumstances, Taoist Beiling was also a burden to him, and only he could get out of it.

There is no time to care about others.

"Deploy the formation, don't take it lightly." Li Hao warned, and left the cave.

He held a jade slip in his hand, which reflected the mountains and rivers of southern Xinjiang.

"Hmm... There are a total of sixteen rivers flowing out from near Zhennan City. There is only one near me. I hope this river gave birth to the river god." Li Hao muttered to himself, escaped into the sky, and headed for his destination.

The light passed by, and a day and night passed in the blink of an eye. When the sun rose, Li Hao landed on the river beach.

The river is surging, winding, and extremely fast. It is about ten feet wide. Compared with several other large rivers, this small river is not well developed. It is called Xuanlong River.

There is a special fish species in the Gaiin River, called Black Dragon Fish. The fish's meat is as tender as jade, melts in your mouth, and is so tender and fresh that it gets its name.

On the river in the distance, there are some cultivators driving spiritual boats, and some aged black dragon fish are not only delicious, but also a great tonic for the monks.

He stepped into the river bed alone, letting the waves hit him, and said in a low voice, containing inexplicable majesty, "River God, are you here?"

The sound was not loud, but it was faintly blended into the rushing river.

Li Hao couldn't tell whether a god was born in this area. After a while, the river still didn't respond until he was about to leave.

Something strange happened to the surrounding river, with wisps of clear water coming upstream. Half of the figure stretched out from the river, forming a human face, filled with uncertainty and fear.

The spiritual wisdom of this river god is much higher than that of the gods in Zongshan.

"God?" He said with a temptation. Not far away, some monks noticed something was wrong here. The surrounding water rippled and smoke appeared.

"You seem to be unsure." Li Hao looked at him.

"You are the highest living god I have ever seen." He said with confusion in his words, "You are not those ancient immortals, you are a pure living god."

"Ancient Immortals?" Li Hao said, "Those reincarnated immortals?"

"Yes, they use special methods to carry their own power, but they are not recognized by the world." He responded.

In other words, even if the reincarnated Jade Emperor is in front of him, he is strong, but these gods will not admit it.

Li Hao gained another piece of knowledge and was thoughtful.

"I wonder why God has called me here?" he asked cautiously.

Li Hao could probably feel that his strength should also be in the Netherworld Realm.

"Your body came from a high mountain near Zhenna City. Have you noticed anything unusual recently?" Li Hao asked. The River God's body stretches for a long time. They are the best spies to find out the information.

"When the higher gods ask, the little gods naturally dare not not reply." He organized his speech and said: "There are some powerful monks who are searching for something near Zhennan City day and night."

"There is a pair of eyes that scan the earth day and night, but I did not disturb them, so they ignored me." He responded sincerely.

Sure enough...he knew that Xuntian must have laid a dragnet near Zhenna City, just waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Scanning Da Di's eyes, he immediately thought of clairvoyance. Since there is clairvoyance, Xuntian must also have Shunfeng Ears.

In addition to the six-eared macaque, there may be other means. As long as they are within a certain range, no matter what they do or say, they will be seen at a glance.

River God continued: "They should be people from Xuntian. These people have many ancient immortals in their hands. They have killed many gods in this world and are very powerful."

"Do you know Xuntian?" Li Hao was surprised.

"Of course, Shenting has warned many times that it is best not to conflict with Xuntian." River God nodded.

"The Divine Court..." Li Hao thought about it and suddenly asked, "Who in the Divine Court speaks with the most authority?"

The gods in Zongshan are not very intelligent, but the river god in front of them is different.

From his mouth, we should be able to get more information about the Divine Court, and perhaps we can use them as help.

"Lancang River God..." the River God said, with reverence in his eyes, "He taught us many magical powers."

The longest river in the southern border of Lancang River originates from Taiyue Mountain and almost runs across the entire Nanjiang River.

Speaking of Lancang River, Li Hao thought of Taiyue Mountain and asked, "Is there a mountain god in Taiyue Mountain?"

Taiyue Mountain is the highest and most majestic mountain in Southern Xinjiang. Before the mountain god was born, many people regarded it as the pillar of Southern Xinjiang and worshiped him.

If a mountain god were born, his strength would be extremely terrifying.

"No..." The River God shook his head, his eyes obscure. Although there was no such thing, it was already being gestated.

This is the highest secret of the Divine Court, and even in the face of such a superior god, it is impossible for him to tell it.

Li Hao nodded, it was enough to get this information from the mouth of the river god.

The river god sent him off respectfully. Although he hesitated to speak in the end, he remained silent after all.

"This river god is indeed smarter. He should have sensed the breath of reincarnation, but he didn't speak, unlike Zongshan's group." Li Hao looked back and naturally had no intention of speaking actively.

If you really want to conquer these gods, you still have to start from the Divine Court. Conquering a few small Kalami will have no effect.

He returned the same way and came to Jingnan City.

Now that it is confirmed, Zhennan City is surrounded by a dragnet. If he plunges into it, a war will probably begin immediately.

But in fact, there was no need for him to rush in. He was rushing to Zhenna City, just to have a layer of amulet.

"I don't mind. It would be better to hang around for a while and give me time to break through to the Immortal Fire Realm." Li Hao muttered to himself and had already landed at the top of the city, lining up and waiting to enter the city.

Time is in his favor. The Immortal Fire Realm that is about to break through and the evolution of Wanjie Zhi are all on his side as time goes by.

The only thing that needs to be scrupulous is Xuntian's unknown background. Among those reincarnated immortals, in addition to clairvoyance and wind-eared ears, there are also many immortals with strange magical powers.

It's not impossible to find them directly, but what he can do now is to take precautions to avoid being confused when others come to his door.

But in a short time, they left the encirclement and came to Guilao's cave, which was not very dangerous.

"Tsk, the trouble is that the energy is running out. If we can't speed up the world, the evolution speed will be much slower."

"Before we can break through to the Immortal Fire Realm, we still have to practice and settle for a period of time. As the realm improves, this amount of precipitation cannot be ignored."

"It's best to find some way to shorten the training time."

Li Hao thought about it. The last time he cast the magic sword, he used ten yuan crystals. In addition, during this period, he had been burning energy and accelerating evolution, and he only had two and a half yuan crystals left on him.

"Look up." The city gate guard shouted, meticulously monitoring everyone entering the city.

Li Hao glanced at him, and the other party looked left and right. A ray of light fell from the spiritual light mirror hanging on the city gate. After confirming that there was no problem, he waved his hand and motioned for Li Hao to go in quickly.

"Well, let's go to a big restaurant first to determine the location of Tianji Pavilion."

The surrounding streets are bustling with people, the sapphire bricks are neat and uniform, the city is prosperous, the cries of spiritual fruits and strange objects are endless, and the monks are like ordinary people, mixing in the crowd.

"King Zhennan, it's not that simple if you want to stay out of the situation and watch the fight." Li Hao smiled. He was going to go to Tianji Pavilion to buy some information about King Zhennan to see if there was anything he could start with.

After arriving at the largest restaurant in the city and paying some Spiritual Source Crystals, he learned the location of Tianji Pavilion from a monk.

However, before walking out the door, I heard noise coming from the side.

"Nonsense, nonsense..." A monk waved his hands repeatedly, shaking his green robe, with a look of displeasure on his face, "Stop bragging, Xu Yuanxin is indeed good, but how could he destroy so many gods and still be "invincible", fart!"

"You don't know that the main one who takes action is the demon baby next to him."

Another monk retorted, with long and narrow cheeks and a fluttering goat beard, "What kind of demon baby? I have never heard of it. Xu Yuanxin is the eldest son of King Zhennan. He is now in the first stage of Netherworld. How is it impossible?"

"The first realm? The first realm is nothing. If you kill those gods of heaven and earth, you will be punished by heaven. Even the higher realms can't handle it. Those who take action are all demon infants." The monk in green robe sneered, with a solemn expression:

"You haven't seen it before. The demon baby is only half a man tall. When it goes crazy, it has three heads and six arms. It is surrounded by demon flames. It is said that it is a punishment from heaven for killing too many gods in the world."

Xu Yuanxin? Demon baby? Three heads and six arms? Li Hao stamped his feet and his eyes became dark.

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