I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 171 Ming'an: Everything is under control

Zhenbeicheng, in the palace

Prince Ming'an came quickly, his face was radiant, and before he was known, his laughter had already spread into the palace.


King Zhenbei raised his head and waved away the general who reported the news, with an obvious smile on his face.

"Listening to His Highness's laughter, I must have learned everything that happened at the gate of hell." King Zhenbei waved his hand and his seat flew over.

Prince Ming'an fluttered out his sleeves and grinned widely: "Li Sishou, it's really me, Daxia Humerus, the unparalleled genius!"

"He was able to defeat such a huge Yinsi alone, but the loss to me, Daxia, was almost negligible."

Prince Ming'an's excitement was palpable.

Just now, he received the news from Guimen Pass. After learning the final result, he came non-stop to share his joy with King Zhenbei.

King Zhenbei was a little surprised. Although this matter was indeed worthy of happiness, Prince Ming'an's rude behavior surprised him.

"Li Sishou...it's so...easy to use..." He suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The reason why he was excited was, on the one hand, because Li Hao defeated Yin Si, and on the other hand, it was also because Li Hao himself gained nothing in the end.

If Li Hao simply defeated Yin Si, then he would naturally not be so excited.

And if you get the other party's inheritance from Yin Si, you will finally pick the fruit of Yin Si, and let everything Yin Si does become Li Hao's wedding dress.

Even if Prince Ming'an is excited, he will feel as if he has eaten a red fire mosquito and feel uncomfortable.

But the current result hit his mind just right.

The Yin Division was destroyed, the Gate of Hell disappeared, and the chaos in the North subsided.

And in this battle, no one is the real winner.

Li Hao used all his cards, but in the end he just defeated Yin Si and made the ghost gate disappear.

In other words, he made a wedding dress for Prince Ming'an instead.

He came to the north just for the Gate of Hell, and after experiencing a series of twists and turns, the Gate of Hell has become a thorny problem.

Especially when the Yinsi surfaced and the six-eared macaque killed Helu, it was simply a hot potato.

But after his "godly hand" led Li Hao through the Bianhuahua to the gate of hell, all these problems were solved.

He even achieved an almost perfect processing result, just like picking millet from the fire. Only when there was no one around could he even dare to slightly fantasize about such a dreamlike result.

How could he not be excited? Not excited?

This was one of the few plans that he had the upper hand after arriving in the North.

"It was a wise decision to lead Li Hao to the gate of hell." Prince Ming'an praised his choice all the way here.

However, King Zhenbei was a little unhappy when he heard what Prince Ming'an said: "Your Highness, Chief Li has gone through a lot of hardships to eliminate obstacles and troubles for me in Daxia. Is your wording inappropriate?"

Prince Ming'an still subconsciously regarded Li Hao as a tool.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Ming'an nodded repeatedly: "I was too happy, I made a mistake, I made a mistake..."

"Uncle Wang is really a wise man. He is able to discover talents like Li Sishou. His eyesight is outstanding!"

His unstinting praise made King Zhenbei a little confused.

Ming'an's excitement was not fake, but King Zhenbei didn't think that Prince Ming'an would be happy for Li Hao.

He frowned slightly, thinking about some of the information he had obtained from Guimenguan during this period, and suddenly thought deeply, and said in a cold voice: "Is Your Highness proud of the flower of the other side?"

Ming'an's expression froze slightly, then calmed down. Soon after Li Hao arrived at Guimen Pass, he pointed out that Hanana Biannan had fabricated it. King Zhenbei was not surprised when he learned about it.

Prince Ming'an was not embarrassed and said with a smile: "Uncle Wang, don't be angry. It was an expedient measure at that time."

"However, judging from the current results, it is good. The trouble in the north has been eliminated, and Uncle Wang is at peace in his heart."

"Don't worry, when Li Sishou comes back, I will apologize to him in person."

King Zhenbei had calmed down and was not deceived by Prince Ming'an's appearance. He clearly understood the reason why Prince Ming'an had given in repeatedly.

It's just that Li Hao brought him more benefits this time.

Judging from the current situation, the matter of the ghost gate is a perfect solution and is in line with Daxia's interests.

Not only was it a great victory, but there was no third party who benefited except Daxia.

"I will report it to Your Majesty and ask him for credit." King Zhenbei said calmly.

"Please, you must invite!" Prince Ming'an said righteously, "If a person like Li Sishou does his best and doesn't get the reward he deserves, wouldn't it make other people feel cold?"

Everyone can see Li Hao's achievements clearly, and His Excellency Yang Shen is even present. No one can erase it, and he has no such intention.

No matter how hard you try for Li Hao, you can't escape his "divine hand" of knowing people and making good use of them.

King Zhenbei felt a faint depression in his heart and punched the cotton.

Prince Ming'an naturally saw it clearly and sneered in his heart. Princes like them had more than one way to suppress their enemies.

Wouldn't it be more fun to use the other party's strength to complete your own plan?

Just when the two of them were at odds with each other, Liezhou came in a hurry.

"Your Highness..." he called softly, and Prince Ming'an had the upper hand at the moment, feeling the helpless dissatisfaction coming from King Zhenbei.

I have never felt so comfortable in my heart. This is the result of being suppressed for too long after coming to the north, and then fighting back.

Prince Ming'an waved his hands immediately after hearing this, "Didn't you see that I am sharing the joy with Uncle Wang?"

"Your Highness..." Lie Zhou glanced at the King of Zhenbei, but there was no message. He whispered: "There is news from the Central Region..."

"Oh?" Prince Ming'an and King Zhenbei looked slightly moved.

Although the formations are connected and news can be conveyed quickly, such important news must have a reaction time.

They have only just received the news. There is a clear order from Zhongyu?

"What should I say?" Prince Ming'an narrowed his eyes.

"I only have one sentence for now..." Lie Zhou paused: "Your Majesty wants to see Li Hao..."

"Meet Li Hao..." Prince Ming'an was stunned, but he was not too surprised. Such a big thing happened, and Li Hao burst out with extraordinary power this time. It was normal for Emperor Xia to want to see Li Hao.

"I understand, go and reply now, and I will take him back." Prince Ming'an said matter-of-factly.

Liezhou nodded and was about to leave when he heard King Zhenbei say: "Wait, don't reply to the Central Territory yet..."

Prince Ming'an frowned: "Why?"

"Li Hao will follow you to the Central Region if you don't see him..." King Zhenbei shook his head.

"Your Majesty wants to see him, why doesn't he go?" Prince Ming'an said subconsciously.

"Why does he want to go?" King Zhenbei asked back: "He has no shortage of cultivation resources in the north. He has made great progress all the way, and now he has entered the quiet world. What is he doing in the central region?"

"There are mixed dragons and snakes there. Why go there if you don't have to?"

"This..." Prince Ming'an hesitated, it was a great honor to be summoned by Emperor Xia.

However, he also thought that he could not judge Li Hao based on common sense.

"If he doesn't want to leave Daxia, he must obey orders." He just used this rhetoric.

King Zhenbei smiled: "If he doesn't want to go, there are many reasons to refute it. He has just experienced a war and is in seclusion for several months or even a year or two. It is normal."

Prince Ming'an immediately snorted coldly: "The Central Territory is not a den of monsters, so why worry about it? His Majesty may just want to reward him in person for his great achievements. Why are you so scrupulous? Are you still afraid that Your Majesty will harm him?"

"Your Highness, there is no need to be too harsh. The Central Territory is indeed not a den of monsters, but it is not a good place either."

King Zhenbei shook his head: "Your Highness is not ignorant of his character, and it cannot be suppressed by a few big hats."

"Therefore, I advise His Highness not to reply to the Central Territory so early, so as not to make a fuss look ugly."

He reminded Prince Ming'an that he was also thinking about Li Hao. After all, Lord Yang Shen was still in the north.

Now that Prince Ming'an has given a guarantee, the situation will become deadlocked and neither side will be able to end it.

Prince Ming'an's good mood suddenly dropped by half, he couldn't help but frown, and he no longer wanted to talk to King Zhenbei.

But he didn't let Liezhou go and report back.

Walking out of the palace, he was also thinking as he walked, although the Bianhua flower matter turned out well.

But another unhealable gap has been added between him and Li Hao.

What King Zhenbei said makes sense. Li Hao may not go to the Central Region.

However, his father had spoken for Emperor Xia. If he couldn't do it, wouldn't he be too incompetent?

As he walked, he paused, then turned around and headed to another palace.

Broken Yuxuan, Rouyue hurriedly walked to the front hall, the spiritual energy fluctuations on her body had not dissipated, and she was obviously practicing.

"Your Highness, why are you here all of a sudden?" Rou Yue said softly as her thoughts were racing.

"The matter at the gate of hell has come to an end..." Prince Ming'an said, Rou Yue's expression paused slightly.

"Li Hao killed everyone, destroyed the underworld, and the ghost gate disappeared without a trace..." Prince Ming'an briefly summarized.

Rou Yue's beautiful face moved, and a look of shock flashed across her eyes. Was the Yins destroyed?

When she was with Prince Ming'an, she didn't know anything about the Yin Division. It was a secretive force with many methods.

Not long ago, they attacked Guimen Pass, but were barely repulsed. This time, they were all destroyed.

"Li Hao...he is really a talent..." Prince Ming'an sighed: "It's a pity...it's a pity..."

After saying that, he glanced at Rou Yue and said: "You asked me to lead Li Hao to the gate of hell. It is indeed a strange move. It's a good one."

"It is my duty to share your Highness's worries." Rou Yue forced out a smile, and she could see the pride hidden in Prince Ming'an's eyes.

Haha... Rouyue sneered in her heart, this idiot prince might think so.

The progress of the matter is under his control, attracting Li Hao to the gate of hell and letting him deal with the trouble for himself.

After being defeated so many times, I finally gained the upper hand, and I felt naturally proud of myself.

If he knew that everything was planned by Li Hao, the look on his face would be so wonderful.

As for the pie painted by Prince Ming'an, she didn't take it to heart.

Her identity, her achievements, etc. are all just a cloud.

However, Prince Ming'an didn't say anything and just sat there with no intention of leaving. Rou Yue immediately reacted.

There is something wrong with this guy... No wonder he came here to tell me the news about his death.

She asked in a low voice: "I wonder if your highness has anything else to do?"

"There is indeed something..." Prince Ming'an was not polite: "My father wants to meet Li Hao, but King Zhenbei said that Li Hao may not be willing to go to the Central Region, so I want to ask if you have any ideas."

Several times before, Rou Yue hit the mark and brought good profits, which made him value Rou Yue's suggestions.

"This..." Rou Yue pondered, and then started talking nonsense: "What King Zhenbei said is right, but Li Hao cannot handle it with common sense..."

Then, he sorted out his thoughts in his mind and said: "However, I can't say anything about this now..."

"Li Hao's status has undergone completely different changes every time he leaves, which is bound to affect his mentality..."

"If you look at him with the same eyes as before, your judgment may be wrong. It's better to wait until he comes back and ask me again."

Rouyue didn't know what Li Hao was thinking right now.

She had to talk to the other person.

If Li Hao wanted to go, she would pretend to make some deductions. If he didn't want to go, she would have an excuse.

Prince Ming'an thought thoughtfully: "What you said makes some sense, so let's wait until he comes."


In the main camp of Guimenguan, in front of Master Kassapa, there is a shadow of the Buddha with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. There are twelve golden lotuses under the seat.

"It seems that the twists and turns in the northern region are no less than those in the western region..." After listening to Kassapa's narration, Ksitigarbha Buddha couldn't help but sigh with clasped hands.

"There is a gate of hell in the north. The Three Life Stone can best reflect the power of the past life. On the surface, it seems that the level of strength is not high, but once the Three Life Stone is used to activate the power of the past life, it will be completely different."

"Yes..." Kasyapa agreed: "Li Hao is so mysterious that even Daxia can't figure out his identity."

He originally wanted to describe Li Hao's mystery in detail, such as the ability to cultivate the Blood Buddha Dharmakaya in three or four days, the extremely fast cultivation speed, and some other strange things, but in the end it was condensed into the word "mysterious" .

"He is indeed mysterious, perhaps related to the underworld..." Ksitigarbha Buddha speculated: "Only people who are extremely familiar with reincarnation can draw on the power of other reincarnated gods."

"The underworld god of the underworld?" Kasyapa hesitated: "If that's the case, do you think it's possible for him to control the underworld? People in Daxia think it's impossible for him to do it because all the materials have been destroyed."

"I originally thought it was impossible. If he is a certain underworld god, he may not be prepared."

"Impossible." Ksitigarbha Buddha's attitude was also resolute: "You don't understand. I have said before that Yinsi's idea is too simple. Controlling the underworld and reshaping reincarnation cannot be achieved with just a few materials."

"The most important thing is heaven and earth. This world is too weak."

Kassapa seemed to understand, but Ksitigarbha Buddha couldn't explain it too clearly, so he turned around and said: "Don't worry about the matter at the gate of hell anymore. The result now is the best. There is another thing you need to do."

"Find the six-eared macaque and exchange it for some fragments of the Three Life Stones from him."

"Three life stone fragments?" Kasyapa's expression paused slightly.

"The fragments of the Three Life Stones previously existed on the bodies of the Yinsi and the Six-Eared Macaques." Ksitigarbha Buddha said in a deep voice:

"But now that the Yin Division has been destroyed, everything has been destroyed by the judge. Only the six-eared macaque still has fragments of the Three Life Stones."

"I can agree to a condition for him in exchange for some fragments of the Sansheng Stone."

After Kassapa heard this, he was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I will obey the Buddha's decree."


Half an hour later, a banquet was held in Princess Zhanqing's hall.

Defeating Yinsi and disappearing from the gate of hell. Although it is not the best result, Daxia has not lost anything and is worth celebrating.

In addition, the arrival of the Yang God is both a celebration and a welcome.

The jade cases were arranged in two rows, with crystal clear spiritual fruits placed on them. Behind Li Hao, a group of people were sitting in the dark, it was Yuan He and others.

Sitting on the center seat was Yang Shen, while Princess Zhanqing sat opposite Li Hao.

The palace is vast and the seats are full at this moment, even Master Kassapa is there, smiling.

Although there were no dancers to add to the fun, the atmosphere was quite lively.

Everyone was drinking wine and complimenting Li Hao for his great power and intoxicating spirit. If he didn't take the initiative to use his spiritual power to resolve it, some people's eyes were a little dazed.

"Bang!" Someone patted the jade case and pointed at Li Hao and said: "Li Sishou, your name is like thunder, but I always thought it was a rumor, especially the incident in Jiuyin Mountain, which is really weird."

"Even with Tianji Pavilion's endorsement, I, Lao Zhang, would still be skeptical, but during this period of time, I am convinced of you. Even in the Central Region, I have never seen a genius like you."

You pounded the table so loudly, I thought you were going to get mad. Li Hao cursed secretly and chuckled: "General Zhang is serious. I have many things to learn from my seniors."

This person is the head of Princess Zhanqing's bodyguard, and he has met him several times before.

"Haha..." Zhang Yu laughed: "He is gentle and humble, unlike the group of disciples from the aristocratic families in the Central Region, who all have their eyes high."

"It's not me who talks too much..." Zhang Yu's rough face turned red.

"Your Highness, the princess, has a peerless beauty, and she is the apple of His Majesty's eye..."

Originally, other people in the palace were still talking and laughing.

But as his words came out, the surrounding gradually became quiet, "If you ask me, you might as well follow the example of King Yulin and marry His Highness the Princess. Maybe you can also be crowned king with a different surname and it will be a good story."

As soon as these words were spoken, even the low noises around him disappeared.

They all looked at Zhang Yu blankly.

Li Hao's eyes changed, and he was a little surprised. Is it allowed for a guard leader to talk about marrying a princess?

Wasn't it Princess Zhanqing's instigation?

He looked at Princess Zhanqing silently. Not only him, but many people in the audience also realized that they all fell in love with Princess Zhanqing.

Obviously this level was also thought of.

Princess Zhanqing was as cold as ice, her eyes seemed to have condensed into a lake of ice, and her tone was cold: "Zhang Yu, you are so tired of living, yet you dare to discuss my marriage."

With this tough attitude, she rejected everyone's speculations.

"Your Highness, forgive me..." Zhang Yu hurriedly knelt down on the ground. Although he was apologizing, there was no trace of panic on his face, and he was obviously relying on himself.

This performance made everyone more sure that there was someone behind Zhang Yu, but judging from Princess Zhanqing's behavior, it seemed that it was not her.

"Zhan Qing, don't be too angry. I think what this little kid said makes sense. Li Hao is a rare husband, and you can't find one even in the Central Region." Yang Shen spoke, and the whole audience gathered in an instant. Their eyes moved away at the same time the next moment.

I understand, His Excellency Yang Shen’s instructions.

At this time, everyone's eyes changed again. This little guard leader could be said to be drunk and talking nonsense.

But if Yang Shen has this idea, it may not necessarily be the case.

"How about it? If you two are willing, I will inform Your Majesty when I get back." Yang Shen said again, with a warm smile on his face.

There were waves in Zhan Qing's eyes, Yang Shen's status was very important, he was not joking.

If he agrees now, he can really convince His Majesty.

Everyone was thoughtful, although it seemed a bit nonsense, but if you think about it carefully, it seemed to be quite good.

Daxia's only worry about Li Hao is that he doesn't trust him very much. With this bond, many hidden dangers have been eliminated.

And Li Hao is definitely worthy of Princess Zhanqing. If he marries her...

Hey, thinking about it this way, there seems to be nothing outstanding about Princess Zhanqing, except for her status as a princess.

How do you feel, Princess Zhanqing has reached such a high level...

An idea came to everyone's mind that surprised them all. If it were others, they would definitely not have such an idea.

But when it comes to Li Hao, I always feel that Princess Zhanqing is not worthy of her.

Li Hao had a strange expression on his face. Why did a nice banquet suddenly turn into a forced marriage?

He has no interest in becoming a son-in-law. In that case, wouldn't Daxia be able to boss him around at will? There will be little benefit and a lot of trouble.

Behind him, young faces appeared, their eyes communicating wildly.

Zhan Qing and Li Hao didn't speak for the first time. They had a lot on their minds and a lot of worries.

If you refuse in person, it will make the other party look ugly, and it is very likely to cause resentment, but if you agree, it will not be what the two of you want.

But if you don't speak anymore, it will become the default.

The two of them brainstormed wildly, thinking of how to refuse without losing dignity.

"I like women..." Princess Zhanqing suddenly spoke, her tone was calm, but it surprised everyone.

The corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched slightly, which was expected but not reasonable.

"I like women..." Yang Shen frowned slightly and said regretfully, "That would be such a pity..."

It doesn't matter whether he likes women or not. What matters is that Zhan Qing doesn't want to. Getting married is nothing like a shackle for a high-level practitioner.

Yang Shen was just giving it a try. If Li Hao was willing, he would naturally have the princess, but since he didn't want to, he had no choice but to give up.

His reaction was unusual, and everyone was just a little surprised at first. Some people even reacted indifferently, as if they had known about it for a long time.

Falling in love with a woman is not a big deal. After all, this is the Immortal Dynasty and there are practitioners everywhere.

After some people live a long life and cannot make any progress in their practice, they will try their best to try other new things.

"Sishou Li is surrounded by many women of exquisite temperament and figure. It's better to share some of them with me." Princess Zhanqing suddenly smiled, like an iceberg melting, looking forward to the glory, and her eyes swept over the Hongque couple. people.


Li Hao was speechless, wasn't he forced into marriage? Why are you robbing women again?

The sudden change caught him off guard.

"Your Highness, please don't make any jokes." He shook his head.

The young cheeks behind him were stunned, and Hongque's eyes flickered. No wonder he felt strange in Princess Zhanqing's eyes after meeting her several times.

If she hadn't had the exquisite heart with seven orifices, she wouldn't have been able to discover it.

Yang Shen's eyebrows twitched, and he understood that this was Princess Zhanqing expressing her dissatisfaction, using this method to protest against his not discussing the matter with her in advance.

After all, it is too indecent for a princess to ask for a woman.

"Okay, okay, how decent is it..." He waved his hands, and everyone agreed, and the banquet continued in a weird atmosphere.


At the same time, on a mountain peak that was unknown how far away from here, the yin energy gathered here, forming thick clouds covering the sky.

"Your corpse-raising lineage has been worshiping me for generations, and you have eliminated so many dangers with me, but now you are so ungrateful and want to take over my body!"

A huge and complicated formation is engraved on the ground.

In the center, a figure was sealed with black chains. The muscles were rotten and there were even a few holes on the cheeks.

At this moment, it let out a deep roar, which was not only ferocious, but also caused the sound of chains rattling.

Taoist Beiling's face was solemn, and he pinched out a series of mysterious runes and integrated them into the figure's body.

"You can't succeed. When I wake up next time, I will bite your throat out and let your apprentice watch the master die in his own mouth."

"No one can save you, no one!"

The sound continued like thunder, and finally became calm.

Jiang Chen's rotting body gradually returned to normal, slowly waking up, and then the black chains around his body gradually disappeared.

Then Beiling Taoist staggered and fell to the ground, his breath weak.

Jiang Chen hurriedly stepped forward and supported Taoist Beiling: "Master, are you okay?"

Taoist Beiling reluctantly stood up and sighed: "I'm fine, but I didn't expect that he would be so strong."

"I can't even use the Withered Ghost Secret Formation to destroy his soul..."

"It's okay..." Jiang Chen shook his head: "As long as you're fine."

"Alas..." Taoist Beiling's eyes were cloudy: "Back then, you were seriously injured and dying, so I had no choice but to pull out your soul and put it into his body."

"You have the opportunity to combine with his body."

"I just thought that when your soul becomes stronger, I will wipe out the sleeping soul in this body and let it become your new body."

"I underestimated him too much." Beiling Taoist sighed repeatedly. "It was also bad luck. The Yin Qi in the world suddenly surged, which made him wake up early. Otherwise, there would be some possibility of success."

Jiang Chen forced a smile and said: "Thank you for your trouble. I can feel it. He is getting stronger day by day. You should find a way to kill me, otherwise he will definitely not let you go."

Taoist Beiling looked at his young disciple, his cloudy eyes gradually became firm, "There is still a way."

"Since I can't destroy his soul, I will find a way to seal his soul. However, your souls are entangled together. I have never seen this situation before."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, "Master, you haven't even seen it, so how can you find the sealing formation?"

"Look for someone to help..." Beiling Taoist said in a deep voice: "Elder Ao from Daxia, I met him once or twice last time in Jiuyin Mountain. This man comes from a family of formations, and his attainments are no worse than mine."

"Let Li Hao help with the matchmaking."

"He... seems to be from Prince Ming'an, and he doesn't get along well with Li Hao." Jiang Chen shook his head, thinking that the chance of success was low.

"It's not a life-and-death feud. I'm willing to pay the reward and have to give it a try." Beiling Taoist gritted his yellow teeth.

Jiang Chen's lips twitched, but his eyes were calm and did not arouse any hope. No one knew the other person in his body better than him.

But in the end he didn't speak, thinking about another thing.

With Li Hao's methods, it should be easier to kill me.


"Cangnan, where are you going?"

Daxia's soldiers lined up in a long line and returned to Zhenbei City in an orderly manner. Outside the array, several young figures shouted.

Cang Nan stopped, turned around and looked around, wondering: "Yunfei, Yunzhi, why haven't you left yet?"

"We don't know where we are going. Your Majesty asked us to travel around the world, but for a while we didn't know where we were going." Yunfei smiled bitterly.

"Yes, Senior Sister Qi is too cold and won't let anyone accompany her, and Senior Brother Yuan is too scary. He said he would fight all the way back to Linglong Pavilion..."

"Some people want to go home for a visit, but we have been adopted by the sect since we were children, and now we don't know where to go."

"In that case, why not come home with me? It's been a long time since we were imprisoned, and I don't know how my family is doing." Cang Nan invited, smiling like a fool.

"That's very good..." A smile appeared on the faces of several people, and the long sword flew out from their sleeves, stepped on the sword spine, and soon disappeared between heaven and earth.

In the world of Yujian, their state of mind is completely different from when they came.

"Your Highness, Li Hao has expelled almost all the people around him. They are from the sect and they seemed to have entered the gate of hell. Do you want to capture them and question them?"

In the sky, Zhang Yu asked Princess Zhanqing beside him.

"Since they have been spread out, it is normal for one or two to die. It should not attract attention."

Princess Zhanqing shook her head indifferently: "Since they have been thrown out by Li Hao, it means that no useful information can be obtained from them."

"The Underworld has been preparing for the Hell Gate for so long. Li Hao has nothing and cannot gain anything. There is no need to be overly cautious, so he offended Li Hao."

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded and heard Princess Zhanqing say coldly: "You can get away from me after you go back."

Zhang Yu was slightly stunned, but he had already expected this result and responded calmly: "I understand."


Not long after, six Pegasus pulled a luxurious palace through the sky, roaring continuously and pulling out a stream of light behind them.

Due to the previous battle, the teleportation array near Guimen Pass had been completely destroyed. In desperation, everyone wanted to return to Zhenbei City and had to use the old method.

Although Li Hao has not arrived at Zhenbeicheng yet, he has already learned some news from Princess Zhanqing.

"Your Majesty...want to see me?" Li Hao was not too surprised, but felt that it was natural.

There was such a big commotion in the north. If Emperor Xia hadn't responded yet, he would have muttered.

Princess Zhanqing nodded and stood by the window, the depths of her pupils reflecting the undulating sea of ​​clouds, "My brother, you want me to test your tone."

He wants to cooperate with Da Xia, and Emperor Xia will definitely want to meet him, as well as other things in the world.

We must go to the Central Territory, but if we rush to go there by ourselves, the process and results, as well as the benefits obtained, are completely different from those of others.

Prince Ming'an is an old acquaintance, and he likes to share Emperor Xia's worries. If he doesn't cheat him, wouldn't it be a shame for the friendship between the two of them.

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