I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 170: Enlighten the Yin God, the next way

All the middle and low-level monks in Daxia retreated, but Yuan He and others not only did not stay away, but moved closer to the gate of hell.

"Why hasn't Li Sishou come out yet?" The worry and anxiety on everyone's faces could not be concealed.

As time went by, the silent ghost gate made them feel more and more uneasy.

They were helpless, and Li Hao not only saved them, but also prevented them from taking risks in the gate of hell.

It is undoubtedly a spiritual support for this group of disciples who have been betrayed by their masters. The worry and uneasiness now are not fake, but the sincere hope that Li Hao will be safe.

At this moment, Huaiyuan also frowned. At first, he thought that Li Hao had even defeated the Yinsi, so it would be easy to deal with the ghost gate.

However, he is a little unsure now. After all, no one knows what is behind the ghost gate.

What if there is really any danger?

When a stone hits the lake, there are still some ripples. Why is there no movement at all at the gate of hell?

He was thinking subconsciously and couldn't help but feel restless.

"Master Huai, didn't you say that nothing will happen to Chief Li?" Cang Nan couldn't help but ask Huaiyuan again.

Huaiyuan was not a good-tempered person to begin with, and now he felt very uneasy. Hearing this, he couldn't help but become even more irritable:

"I don't know everything. If you are really worried about him, just go in and see for yourself."

There is no need to mention the dangers and weirdness of this hell gate. Huaiyuan said this just to shut up the mouths of these brats.

They were chattering next to them. Huaiyuan was in a bad mood and was very upset.

"Yes..." Cang Nan slapped his forehead: "We can still enter the gate of hell."

He seemed to suddenly remember and said, "Then let me go in and take a look first."

As he said this, he actually walked towards the gate of hell.

“Senior Brother Cangnan, I’m going too!”

"I am coming too!"

Then, a series of voices sounded from behind, and the group of people rushed to go there, with no fear or anxiety in their eyes.

Huaiyuan was a little dazed. The scene in front of him was really beyond his expectation. He stopped Cangnan and couldn't help but frowned and asked: "Are you going to the Gate of Hell? Aren't you afraid?"

He remembered that when this group of people talked about the gate of hell before, they still looked terrified, but now they were not afraid at all.

"Yeah...why am I not scared anymore?" Cang Nan reacted blankly and scratched his head: "I don't know, I just want to find out how Li Sishou is doing now."

This is an emotion that is difficult to describe. Anyway, Cang Nan feels that there is definitely no danger where Li Sishou is.

Huaiyuan's eyes suddenly became complicated. It was not difficult for him to understand Cang Nan's emotion. It could even be said that he understood it deeply.

When he was young and followed King Zhenbei to fight in the north, he also felt this way about King Zhenbei.

The place where King Zhenbei is is safe. As long as he thinks of King Zhenbei, he will be surrounded by a sense of security.

This is what happens when you respect the other person as a god.

It's a pity...things and people have changed...

Yuan He summed up this sentiment more rationally: "If the Lord is fine, even if we enter the hell gate, there will be no problem. If something happens to him, we may not be safe if we stay outside."

"Yes...that's right..." Cang Nan nodded and muttered: "I don't trust those people in Daxia."

While speaking, he took steps again and walked towards the gate of hell.

And the moment he came into contact with the gate of hell, his figure disappeared.

After a long time... without any reaction, another disciple stepped out and entered the gate of hell, one after another, without any hesitation or hesitation.

Soon, there were only three figures left in the outside world, Huai Yuan, Yuan Feng, and Hongque.

Hongque caressed the Gate of Ghosts. Last time she was at the Dragon Burial Ground, she had not touched the Gate of Ghosts, so she could not enter it.

However, her eyes were sharp and firm, she was no longer the weak girl, she had her own thoughts in her heart.

"You want to go in too?" As soon as Yuan Feng took a step forward, Taishi's voice sounded in his ears, reminding:

"You have to think clearly, no one knows what is going on inside."

"That's it for the others. Li Hao has saved their lives. They regard Li Hao as a pillar of faith and follow him. It's understandable. But you are different from them..."

"Yes..." Yuan Feng nodded: "I am indeed different from them."

As he spoke, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "They still have a way out, I don't even have a way out."

Taishi was silent, he knew what Yuan Feng was talking about.

Even if the others don't enter the gate of hell, judging from the current situation, Daxia may not do anything to them.

But Yuan Feng is different. He has Taishi in his body. If something goes wrong with Li Hao and no one can suppress Taishi, then Yuan Feng will be the first victim.

Taishi didn't promise anything, because he knew that there was no trust between the two.

As Yuan Feng walked step by step, he couldn't help but recall the scenes from the first time he met Li Hao to now.

The two once cooperated to surround and kill enemies and were wary of each other. Looking back now, it can be regarded as an "interesting story".

He can be regarded as a seeker, with a firm mind, but his fortune is either good or bad. When he met Taishi...

After thinking about it, there was some determination in his eyes: "Brother Li, I bet you will be fine this time..."

Touching the gate of hell, his consciousness became trance-like. When his eyes became clear again, he was already on a gray-white land.

The land is endless, the sky is gray, and the feeling of vastness and desolation is overwhelming.

"Hey, Brother Yuan, you actually came in. It's beyond my expectation." A strange and familiar voice came from behind, and Yuan Feng turned to look.

It was a figure wearing a black and white crown, with nine black dragons embroidered on the white cloak. He seemed to be the master of this world, making people want to bow down.

"Li Hao..." Yuan Feng's pupils shrank, and then a smile appeared on his lips. Sure enough...

Immediately, Taishi's horrified voice sounded in his ears: "How...how is it possible? How could he...become the master of this underworld..."

"Didn't the things get destroyed by the great judge?"

Li Hao raised his hand and twitched slightly, an illusory talisman appeared on the surface of Yuan Feng's body, and a vague soul twisted in it.


The talisman was shattered, and Taishi's soul was pulled out by Li Hao. It looked very blurry, which proved that his current strength was indistinguishable.

Yuan Feng felt his body suddenly relax, and he felt much more relaxed.

No one wants to have another person inside him, an old man, who is always watching him when he eats, drinks, or even sleeps.

In this underworld, it is easy for Li Hao to play with the soul as the master.

"Li... Li Sishou..." Taishi felt horrified. In his soul state, he could feel the majesty of the other party, as if he was the center of the world.

It was through this indescribable majesty that he determined that Li Hao had taken control of this underworld, otherwise there would be no such majesty.

Yuan He and others stood behind Li Hao, and their original fear had turned into excitement.

"Since you've come in too, let's come together." Li Hao said to Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng was still a little confused, but he heard Li Hao say: "Next, I will "consecrate" you, but I prefer to call it transformation."

"I will transform you into underworld gods, which will completely change your path of cultivation."

"From now on, your main task is to suppress ghosts and send them to reincarnation. At the same time, your strength will gradually increase in the process."

"Then I will be promoted and have the opportunity to become the bull-headed horse-faced man who has appeared on the battlefield before, black and white."

"Your body will also become different from ordinary people. Even if the body dies, as long as the soul is immortal, there will be a chance to be reshaped."

Li Hao stopped because the excitement on everyone's faces had turned into confusion.

Obviously, it takes some time to receive this information.

Becoming an underworld god?

Sending ghosts to reincarnation?

Or even become a bull-headed horse-faced person, black and white and impermanent?

If the soul is immortal, the body can be reshaped?

Everyone was in a dream. They were all disciples who had grown up in a large sect and were not stupid people.

After the previous battle, I now have some understanding of the underworld.

It was immediately clear that this was an unimaginable benefit that had fallen on them.

According to their original qualifications, even if they have enough resources to support them, most of them will stop at the Four Symbols Realm at most, with no hope of reaching the secluded world.

But the black and white and impermanent bull-headed and horse-faced horses that appeared on the battlefield impressed them deeply with their strength and majesty.

Yuan Feng clenched his fists and slowly exhaled, his mind agitated.

This is probably the greatest opportunity in his life.

When they accepted it almost, Li Hao continued: "But it is not without its disadvantages. If you become the underworld gods, you will not be able to reproduce, and life and death depend on my thoughts."

"At the same time, in order to avoid the leakage of relevant information about me in the early stage, once someone searches for your soul or leaks all this, it will collapse immediately."


Before he finished speaking, Cang Nan said excitedly: "Li Sishou, stop talking, hurry up, I can't wait, I want to go back and slap you in the face, I want to regret giving up my sect!"

Yuan He glanced at him coldly, and Cang Nan suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his high mood faded.

Only then did he realize that he had been too excited and interrupted the leader's speech.

Li Hao didn't pay attention. Looking around, no one refused, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"In that case, let's start..." he said, but saw a soft lotus arm raised, Yun Ruo whispered: "Master... Lord, what should I do with Senior Sister Hongque... It's not that she doesn't want to come in, but she can't." Come…"

Yun Ruo didn't dare to look at the majestic Li Hao. The "bad guy" who once played tricks on her has now become blurry and invisible. She occasionally feels a little sour in her heart, but it is hidden deep in her heart.

Runyu sighed helplessly and tugged at his junior sister. Do you still need to care about Hongque?

"Don't worry, I know..." Li Hao nodded, then raised his hand, and dozens of black light pillars fell from the sky, covering everyone present.

Complex runes swirled around them, wrapping them into large cocoons.

"What a group of lucky children..." Si Chen sighed silently.

Becoming a Yin God is, in a sense, equivalent to becoming part of the rules of heaven and earth.

The future is limitless, and this is something that they have tried their best but failed to achieve.

Of course, what Li Hao has enlightened so far can only be regarded as the lowest level Yin soldiers, maybe not even the Yin soldiers.

"Good luck?" Li Hao shook his head: "They deserve this."

Li Hao actually had an indifferent attitude towards this group of people before, and he didn't have the time or effort to cultivate this group of people.

But this group of little guys have passed several tests inexplicably.

In addition, the underworld is full of waste and is waiting for development. Everything is still in its infancy. We are in need of some social animals. This group of people is perfect.

"Yes..." Si Chen nodded, deeply convinced.

What is the most important thing when looking for subordinates?

Qualifications? wisdom? No, it's loyalty.

If the Yin Division is loyal enough to the Grand Judge, then the Grand Judge will not have to clean up those powerful people in the Immortal Fire Realm.

Over time, Yinsi will grow into a terrifying force, and it will be easy to deal with this situation.

But it was because of different ideas that the Grand Judge had to clean up those fairy fire realms, drink and peck, and make up his own mind.

Taishi was filled with envy when he saw it, and it was the first time he looked at the body he had chosen. Although his qualifications were not very good, he did have merits in other aspects.

He also wanted to become a Yin God, so that he could not only reshape his body, but also have a bright future. Unfortunately, he knew that Li Hao would not give him this opportunity.

"By the way...what were we talking about just now, the method of peeling off the Yuanling fragments..." He looked at Si Chen.

"Well, the way to peel off the Yuanling fragments is to use the Sansheng Stone fragments as the main material, and then supplement it with some other secret techniques." Si Chen nodded and continued without discussing conditions: "According to some ancient records of the Yin Division, the reincarnations of these immortal gods, This is not a regular reincarnation.”

"Otherwise, there shouldn't be things like Yuanling fragments that are independent of Yuanshen. However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find Yuanling fragments. Only through the Three Life Stones can they be reflected."

Previously, the reason why the palace masters of the Yin Division could transform into bull-headed and horse-faced creatures was because of the fragments of Yuanling they extracted from other places.

"I am willing to create a method for you to peel off the Yuanling fragments." Si Chen said piously.

Li Hao nodded. He was not too eager to peel off the Yuanling fragments. He didn't have any magical powers that he wanted too much for the time being.

The three heads and six arms are pretty good, but it’s a pity that the relevant reincarnation is temporarily unavailable.

At this time, in the big cocoon where Yuan He was, suddenly there were thunderous waves, arcs of light shooting out, and an illusory god general appeared vaguely, holding a thunder arc.

"It turned out to be the reincarnation of a certain immortal god from the Lei Department..." Li Hao thought thoughtfully. He had heard before that Yuanhe was also a reincarnated immortal god, but he didn't know who it was.

Its transformation into a Yin Shen involves changes in the level of the Yuan Shen, allowing fragments of the Yuan Spirit to manifest and resist this change.

"Since you resist, then come out..." Li Hao snapped his fingers and shot out a Yuan Seizing Pearl, which he had intercepted from Qi Linjun before.

Thunder light overflowed, and the Yuanling fragment was pulled out, flashing with azure light.

Then, Li Hao took out another black nail, which he got from King Chu Jiang. With this object and the power of the Fengdu Great Seal, the opponent could transform into a bull's head.

"My Lord..." Si Chen's identity changed very quickly. He saw Li Hao's plan and reminded: "The fusion of Yuanling fragments the day after tomorrow will damage the Yuanshen of the fused person. We have tried it before."

"It is precisely because it cannot be fused that we use the "Soul-Sealing Nail" in conjunction with the Fengdu Great Seal to temporarily transform into a Yin God."

"I know..." Li Hao nodded. He felt it when he merged with Sun Wukong's Yuanling fragment.

That is the erosion of some incomplete memories, which can easily destroy the soul.

However, the Coffin Sutra could handle this problem at that time, and the current Fengdu Great Seal can also handle it, and can even trigger it actively.

The white jade-like Fengdu Seal appeared, and then wisps of black energy appeared on the nail in Li Hao's hand, and finally an illusory bull's head was pulled out.

With a flick of his finger, the bull's head shot towards the big cocoon where Yuan He was. The big black cocoon trembled for a while and soon returned to calm.

As for the Yuan Seizing Pearl in his hand, Li Hao thought for a moment and simply handed it to the Wanfa Holy Body.

After being purified by the Fengdu Great Seal, Li Hao fused the Yuanling fragment. Thick blue lightning arcs surged on the surface of his body, and soon returned to calm.

His body was slightly strengthened, but not significantly.

Currently, there are two known ways to use Yuanling fragments. The first is to use the Three Life Stones to stir up the power of past lives.

However, the specific amount of strength that can be stimulated depends on the power contained in the Yuanling fragments, and this will cause the Yuanling fragments to wear out, which is equivalent to a short-term burst.

This is what Si Chen told him.

Another way is to swallow other Yuanling fragments step by step, and then practice slowly. In this process, the Yuanling fragments continue to affect the reincarnated body.

What it brings is a permanent improvement in strength, but the speed is relatively slow, which is also related to the strength of the Yuanling fragments contained in it.

This also means that the stronger the previous life, the faster the reincarnation body can practice.

"This is really an era of competition, the competition is who has the bigger dick..." Li Hao muttered to himself.

Taishi remained silent and listened silently, because he was lagging behind in too much information and it was not his turn to be courteous.

"Lord, even if you transform these Yin gods, the number is still too small..." Si Chen said: "It is impossible to support this underworld."

"I know." Li Hao certainly understood this problem: "Their targets are those powerful ghosts..."

"In this world, the largest number are ordinary practitioners who have died. If you really try to enlighten each of the Yin gods to send them to reincarnation, the gain outweighs the loss."

Fulfilling the responsibilities of heaven and earth and strengthening the underworld can greatly enhance the power Li Hao can call upon in the underworld, which can be regarded as a trump card.

It's just that the power of the underworld is almost non-existent now. Li Hao only performed a simple transformation on Yuan He and others, without improving their strength, and let them remove the liver by themselves.

But their number was limited, and they were only a drop in the bucket. They allowed Li Hao to understand more about the operating rules of the underworld.

The most important thing is those ordinary practitioners, but there are too many of them and they cannot be guided normally, so they certainly cannot use conventional methods.

"It's best to let them come to your door and reincarnate yourself." Li Hao's eyes flickered.

"Do you want to cooperate with Daxia?" Si Chen was keenly aware of the hidden meaning in Li Hao's words.

"Yes..." Li Hao did not deny it: "In this world, Daxia controls the largest number of middle and low-level practitioners. I want to cooperate with them."

"Then you have to think long term about this matter. You can't come directly to the door with your carriage and horses, otherwise Daxia may not agree," Si Chen reminded carefully.

Li Haoshen believed that Daxia was not an individual, but a complex of wills, and it did not even change according to Emperor Xia's will.

If Li Hao really wants to show off his plans and come directly to seek cooperation, he will most likely encounter a series of problems. Daxia needs to figure out what are the benefits and disadvantages of doing so to Daxia.

If it is found that the benefit to Li Hao is greater, there may be other additional conditions, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"What do you think?" Li Hao asked.

"It's best to let Daxia take the initiative to seek cooperation with you." Si Chen said.

"How to do it?" Li Hao looked at Si Chen.

"There is an opportunity right now. You may not know that the impact of the Gate of Hell on this world is beyond imagination." Si Chen explained:

"The number of ghosts born in the entire world has increased many times, and as the previously leaked Yin Qi spreads and the world continues to change, this situation will continue to happen."

"And this happened in a very short period of time. It has no impact on some sect forces, tribes or secret organizations. But Daxia is different. Their people are more than hundreds of millions."

"I must be troubled by these ghosts now."

Li Hao nodded thoughtfully: "At this time, Daxia happens to know that I have a way to reduce the breeding of ghosts, so he will definitely find me."

"Exactly, but you'd better not expose the identity of the Lord of the Underworld, otherwise we don't know what Daxia's senior officials will think." Si Chen reminded again.

This is a question of whether to test human nature. Daxia has no intention of getting involved in the underworld.

Li Hao had no intention of testing human nature, nor did he want to reveal his identity as the Lord of the Underworld. He could hide it as long as he could.

"I almost have an idea..." Li Hao had a general idea in his mind.

At the same time, Yin Shen's transformation was coming to an end, and figures fell to the ground one by one.

There was a bit of surprise in their eyes. Although their bodies were still their own, they could feel some indescribable changes.

Especially Yuanhe, he was very confused, why did he feel that his body had become several degrees stronger.

"Yuanhe... The former Thunder God in your body refused to transform into a Yin God, so I changed it to a bull head for you..." Li Hao said casually.

This thing can be changed if you want?

Yuan He was a little unable to react, but he still said: "Thank you, Lord..."

"Ouch..." A gray vortex appeared on Cang Nan's hand.

Through this gray vortex, he can send souls whose strength is not stronger than his own to reincarnation.

It looks like an inconspicuous magical power.

Because the underworld is still too rough, there are no judges, six realms of reincarnation, Naihe Bridge, or three life stones, so they will be sent to you directly.

Everyone was getting familiar with their own power, while Li Hao was thinking about what to do next.

Hmm... I already have an idea on how to fulfill the responsibilities of reincarnation.

It’s time for the Wanjie Zhi to undergo a new evolution. We have to find the Lingyuan Crystal. It shouldn’t be a big problem...

Tsk... there are other things about the fragments of heaven and earth, his eyes flickered.

"This matter is not my own business..."

The fragments of heaven and earth collided, and matters related to the entire world, whether it was the Great Xia Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, the sects, tribes, or even demons, could not stay away from the matter.

He won't be stupid enough to carry it on his own.


outside world

"So, the great judge destroyed all the materials at the last moment, and Li Hao only got the Fengdu Great Seal?"

Yang Shen learned more details of the battle and overturned his previous prediction of the outcome. Li Hao entered the gate of hell, not to take over the underworld.

"That's right..." Elder Ao nodded: "We all see this matter clearly. He destroyed the powerful Judge's Pen and did not leave it to Li Hao."

"If he only has the Great Seal of Fengdu, then he probably won't be able to do what Yin Si wants to do, and he won't be able to control the gates of hell." Yang Shen's face softened a lot.

Yang Shen didn't want to see Yin Si succeed, but he also didn't want the Gate of Hell to fall into Li Hao's hands.

Li Hao's origin is mysterious. At present, although he has no harm to Daxia, it is partly because the other party has not developed yet and needs to be protected by Daxia.

Everyone gained nothing in this battle, which was the best result for Daxia.

When Xuanyang saw this, he couldn't help but frown. Yang Shen's attitude... made him a little uncomfortable.

But if you think about it, you can understand that Daxia needs to consider the overall situation.

After all, Li Hao was not a direct descendant of Daxia.

"However, Li Hao's achievements this time cannot be denied. I will report it to Your Majesty." Yang Shen saw the different expressions on everyone's faces and said again.

There is no contradiction between not wanting Li Hao to control the gates of hell and rewarding Li Hao.

"Rewards based on merit...that's how it should be." Princess Zhanqing nodded.

"It's a pity... that the six-eared macaque escaped and was unable to suppress him." Yang Shen sighed again,

"He is a big disaster. After this time, he will definitely not trust Daxia again, and I am afraid he will even crazily retaliate against Daxia."

"A mere demon can turn the world upside down." Xuanyang frowned: "At most, he can only briefly burst out the power of the Return to Truth Realm, but Mr. Yang Shen, you are the real Return to Truth Realm."

"With you in charge of the northern border, he can't change the world."

"I can't stay in the north forever..." Yang Shen shook his head and said in a solemn tone: "The situation in Daxia is far more serious than you think."

"The Buddhist disasters brought by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, the disasters brought by the mountains, rivers and gods from the southern border, and the disasters brought by the ghosts from the northern border are all great troubles for Daxia."

Hearing this, everyone was a little confused, especially Princess Zhanqing. She had been working on the ghost gate and didn't know much about what happened in other places.

Yang Shen explained: "Although Ksitigarbha Buddha has gathered many Buddhist sects in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, from time to time there will be people near the Western Region who receive the attention of the Buddha's light, become Buddhas on the spot, and make great wishes to save the people of a city, causing disasters."

"Near the southern Xinjiang, some ancient mountains, rivers, and even land have given birth to spiritual wisdom. They can exert tyrannical power in an area and kill nearby creatures without explanation, and it is difficult to communicate with them."

"As for the Northern Territory, it goes without saying that ghosts are everywhere. These three different disasters have a tendency to spread towards the Central Territory."

Hearing what he said, everyone also felt that it was difficult. Every disaster required a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with.

The atmosphere was very heavy. Everyone grew up in Daxia and had a strong sense of belonging to Daxia. They subconsciously looked for a solution, but fell into despair after a moment.

This is no longer something they can handle or even understand.

It is not surprising that the spirits of plants and trees give rise to wisdom.

But how can mountains, rivers, or even a piece of land give birth to spiritual intelligence?

During the silence, a messenger hurriedly came to report: "My lords, the gate of hell has suddenly disappeared."

"The Gate of Hell has disappeared?" Yang Shen was startled and asked, "What about Li Hao?"

"Director Li and his men appeared out of thin air at the place where Guimenguan disappeared." The messenger continued.

Hearing this, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and did not notice what the messenger said about "appearing with his men."

When Yuanhe and others entered Guimen Pass, although they were observed, their subordinates did not report it and it was not considered urgent information.

Yang Shen stood up first and strode outside, followed closely by everyone.

In a moment, they arrived at the place where Guimen Pass originally stood.

The originally majestic Guimen Pass has completely disappeared. It is not hidden under the formation, but has truly disappeared.

There are still some traces left on the gray-black ground, and there are ravines everywhere.

Li Hao, Yuan He and others stood not far away, while Hong Que and Yun Ruo whispered something.

Everyone was a high-level practitioner, and they could hear it clearly, and it was nothing more than the excitement and joy of meeting again.

Huaiyuan looked complicated and stood there, wondering what he was thinking.

And Li Hao came up to meet the burly Yang Shen, cupping his hands and smiling: "Senior Yang Shen..."

He had already learned about the arrival of Yang Shen from Yuan He and others.

"Li Sishou is so polite. If it weren't for you this time, our Daxia would have suffered heavy losses. You are actually my minister of Daxia. If His Majesty hears about it, he will definitely be very happy." Yang Shen said with emotion.

Li Hao also solemnly said: "This is what I should do. Your Majesty often teaches me to do my best and contribute to Daxia. I will always keep it in mind."

Yang Shen was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect such shameless words to come out of Li Hao's mouth so smoothly.

Elder Ao secretly curled his lips, Li Hao, this guy, spoke very beautifully, it is said that even the King of Zhenbei could make him happy.

Yang Shen didn't pay too much attention and asked: "I wonder if Chief Li knows how this ghost gate can suddenly disappear."

When he asked, his eyes were fixed on Li Hao, trying to get some clues from the other person's face.

Li Hao shook his head and said calmly: "I don't know either. At that time, I used the remaining power in my body to clean up all the ghosts in the ghost gate."

"I thought to myself, no matter what, we can't let them go to the outside world and cause harm to Daxia."

Everyone was listening carefully at first, but when they heard these words, even Princess Zhanqing's cheeks couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Then, the Fengdu seals I collected merged into one, and I don't know what happened. The whole space roared, and the ghost gate disappeared when I came out."

"That's it..." Yang Shen was thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "Is that Fengdu seal still on you?"

"Here..." Li Hao's expression was as usual, and a large black mark appeared on his hand, which looked very ordinary.

Yang Shen's eyes were on the big seal of Fengdu. Li Hao spread his hands but didn't take them back.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little quiet.

"Li Sishou should put it away. This thing is extraordinary. Don't show it to others casually." Yang Shen raised his head and spoke calmly.

"This thing is indeed extraordinary..." Li Hao nodded and sighed: "If it weren't for its help, I would have been hard-pressed to exterminate the ghosts in the ghost gate."


Yang Shen's face paused slightly, "How do you say this?"

"This..." Li Hao hesitated slightly and said vaguely: "I can't tell clearly. I'm a little weak, so I'd better leave here first."

Seeing that he was unwilling to say anything, Yang Shen became even more curious, but now was not the time to ask questions, so he could only keep it in his mind silently.

I think all the bosses have noticed that the updates in the past two days have lost 2,000 words. This is a "surprise" I silently gave to all the bosses, hehe...

Well, actually it’s 10,000 words per day, I really can’t hold on, not a drop is gone, I’m drained, let me rest, thank you bosses for your support, I love you.

Ahem...that's it for now, let's count the votes...

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