I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 132 Emperor's Liquid [Blood Demon Treasure Box]

Li Hao himself is a dove occupying a magpie's nest, so he is naturally more sensitive to this kind of resurrection from the dead.

Combining various clues, he believed that Rou Yue should have been snatched away.

It is very likely that they are people from Mingyue Mountain.

However, even if the body was taken, it was not impossible to identify. Didn't Prince Ming'an find out?

He thought about it, but finally frowned slowly.

No, Prince Ming'an only cares about the body. Even if he knew it was taken away, he probably wouldn't care too much, as long as it can be controlled by him.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party's methods are so superb that Prince Ming'an didn't find out.

Li Hao expressed his guess, and Lin Fei said thoughtfully: "It is indeed possible. I will ask the cabinet to investigate in detail later."

Tianji Pavilion will naturally not do anything for Li Hao, but for a person of the level of the Seventeenth Prince, they also want to know as much as possible about what is happening around them and sell it at a price.

"It would be fun to seize the body. I don't know if some bad old man from Mingyue Mountain did it. We will see if the prince responds." Jiang Chen gloated.

Lin Fei was speechless, shook his head and looked at Li Hao: "By the way, Tianji Pavilion collected a piece of news not long ago that a large tomb is about to be born thirteen thousand miles north of Zhenbei City."

"I know this. Your Majesty told us not long ago. It may attract many casual cultivators, so we should pay attention to the situation in Zhenbei City recently." Li Hao said casually.

But Jiang Chen became interested: "Which dynasty, what scale, and what kind of cultivation did the tomb owner have during his lifetime?"

Lin Feixian glanced at him and said, "That's exactly what I want to say. The area around the big tomb has been wrapped in Yin Qi, and a thousand-mile radius has become a forbidden area."

"It is said that there is emperor fluid in this tomb."

Li Hao didn't react when he heard this, but Jiang Chen suddenly jumped up from his chair: "Emperor Liujian!?"

"real or fake!?"

"How can it be!"

"You can't even figure out the basic conditions of that big tomb, but you actually know that there is Emperor Ooze in it?"

He asked several questions in succession, which showed his inner shock.

"Emperor's Liquid..." Li Hao had heard of this thing, but he didn't know much about it, because it was something that the demons admired, and it wasn't widely spread among the human race.

It is rumored that this object can purify the blood of a demon body and greatly increase its strength.

"That's the problem..." Lin Fei did not refute Jiang Chen's doubts, but instead said with deep understanding:

"About three days ago, a stray Pegasus entered the tomb by chance. When it came out of the tomb, it had wings on its back and thunder on its feet. It looked like a thunder horse."

"Some casual cultivators captured this Pegasus, refined it with real fire, and extracted a wisp of Emperor's Odor. The news spread, and the entire Northern Territory exploded."

"How do you know so clearly? You are not the Pegasus, are you?" Jiang Chen pondered and asked suspiciously.

Lin Fei: "..."

"I also feel something strange. Is someone spreading this news deliberately?" Li Hao guessed.

"We also speculate that this is the case, but other forces and most casual cultivators don't care. They have become red-eyed and are coming towards this tomb." Lin Fei sighed.

"Originally, this large tomb attracted at most 30% to 40% of the casual cultivators in the north, but now I'm afraid it has reached 60% to 70%."

Loose cultivators do not rely on other forces and are extremely short of cultivation resources. As long as they encounter an opportunity, they will try their best to fight for it.

Not to mention the casual cultivators, forces of a slightly larger scale are probably ready to move. Even if some people know that there is something fishy, ​​they can't bear the turmoil around them and are forced by the general trend.

"That's not a monster's tomb, no...who kind of monster builds his own tomb..." Jiang Chen muttered: "How could there be emperor ooze? There must be a big problem here. I don't know which evil person is stirring up trouble. "

"Isn't the Emperor's Liquid a sacred object of the demon clan? Is it also useful for humans?" Li Hao didn't know much about it, so he humbly asked for advice.

"No...Emperor Ooze is essentially just an extremely pure divine substance. How can it be possible to distinguish between humans and monsters..." Jiang Chen shook his head:

"However, it is indeed not so precious to us humans, because the greatest function of Emperor's Liquid Serum is to purify blood, but most of the bloodlines among us humans are ordinary."

"But even if it is simply used as a precious cultivation resource, the benefits it brings are extremely huge. Just taking a little bit and dissolving it in the spiritual liquid can lay an excellent foundation for future generations to practice."

He explained, and Li Hao suddenly nodded slowly, but Lin Fei added: "It is not useless to our human race. There are some special physiques that will become more powerful after absorbing the emperor's fluid."

"And recently, many people in the North have awakened their innate supernatural powers and their bodies have undergone changes. The Emperor's Ooze may also be useful to those people, which is why it caused such a big commotion."

When Jiang Chen mentioned this matter, he became sour again. He couldn't help but grind his teeth and said, "Damn God, so many people have awakened their innate supernatural powers. Why can't there be one more of me?"

"Haha..." Lin Fei couldn't help but feel happy. He couldn't practice. In other words, he had cut off the root of his troubles and didn't care about it.

He said: "Since the appearance of Guimenguan, the number of people who have awakened their innate supernatural powers has increased sharply."

"There are many practitioners in their prime, or young people, who have raised the strength of our younger generation in the north several steps higher."

"This is a troubled time. It is said that the top officials in the cabinet have the idea to restart the power rankings."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and just when he was about to speak, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Li Hao aside. He had his head lowered from just now, looking deep in thought, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Imperial ooze can strengthen special physiques.

Li Hao has been thinking about this problem in his mind, and he thought of his holy body.

Ever since he set foot in the Four Symbol Realm, he found that the increase brought by the holy body state to him was far less than before.

In the distribution of his strength, the Holy Body no longer occupies the main blessing.

This is also normal. After all, the Holy Body has not been greatly enhanced, but his own strength has been continuously growing.

However, he has this bottomless pit of Wanjie Zhi, and it is almost difficult to use the training resources he has received for other purposes.

If he could obtain this emperor's ooze, it might be possible to transform his holy body.

However, this matter should not be rushed. The revelation of the emperor's fluid in the tomb is full of weirdness. Who knows what conspiracy is behind it.

"What have you been thinking about? You haven't spoken a word." Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm wondering, if the Emperor's Liquid Serum has an effect on those innate magical powers, the people who spread the news might just want to gather these people together and catch them all." Li Hao raised his head and spoke in a silky and natural tone.

Jiang Chen didn't know much about the true situation of those who had awakened their innate supernatural powers, but he and Lin Fei knew that Shiling had been hunting these people.

"You mean, Shiling?" Lin Fei instantly understood what Li Hao meant and frowned: "When you say that, it is indeed possible."

"The situation will then be chaotic and Shiling will be fishing in troubled waters. There is a lot to be done."

Jiang Chen didn't know why, but he said: "You mean to say that the emperor's fluid flow is fake?"

"No..." Li Hao shook his head: "If it is false, it will not cause such a big storm. If my guess is good, there will be other evidence to confirm this matter and push the matter to another climax."

Lin Fei was convinced. Jiang Chen was confused when he heard that the information levels between him and the two of them were not equal, but he did not ask any more questions and turned to Lin Fei:

"You, Tianji Pavilion, are so shameless. Things like strength lists have no other effect except creating evildoers."

Lin Fei glanced sideways at him: "No matter how shameless you are, there is no more shamelessness than a tomb robber."

Jiang Chen was suffocated, groaning and speechless. Li Hao became interested and asked Lin Fei about the strength list.

"It's based on performance. In fact, the pavilion has been collecting this information from the side over the years. But it has not been compiled into a list." Lin Fei explained, and said cryptically: "You also know that people who awaken their innate supernatural powers are very special."

Li Hao's heart moved slightly. These fragments of immortals and gods must fight each other, but it is impossible for Lin Fei to know about this, but that is not necessarily the case for Tianji Pavilion.

Tianji Pavilion may be thinking, you all have to fight with each other anyway, and it doesn’t matter whether I make the list or not, why not let me make a profit.

Of course, it is also possible that he is deliberately adding fuel to the flames.


Deep in the palace hall, this is a side hall, but it is heavily guarded day and night.

Prince Ming'an stood in the palace. Opposite him was a charming woman with a red dress that fell to the floor, and her appearance was stunning.

But facing such a woman, Prince Ming'an's eyes were very calm and he said:

"You guessed it right. Yang Ting'an's heart is uncertain. A few days ago he presented an amber spirit bead. I thought it was something he had accumulated over the years. It turned out that it was bought by the treasurer of the Junfa Department."

"He used my influence to suppress this matter. Although it was also to deal with Li Hao, I was very unhappy."

Rou Yue chuckled twice: "Your Highness, Yang Ting'an is a wild wolf. In order to make himself stronger, he will do anything at all costs. Power, friendship and family are just tools for him to rise to power."

"I warned you before, but you seem to be very confident in your judgment."

Prince Ming'an was not angry because of Rou Yue's ridicule. Instead, he stared at Rou Yue with admiration: "You are very smart, but I don't need smart people anymore. I just need you to practice honestly."

"Your Highness..." Rouyue took two steps slowly and whispered: "You are in need at all times. The people below are afraid of you and may not remind you in time."

Prince Ming'an looked at her and said noncommittally, "Why do you want to do something for me?"

"I need a way out..."

"I will protect your life..." Prince Ming'an frowned, but was interrupted by Rou Yue: "No, Your Highness... I want to show value in your eyes, not just because of my physique, so that it will last long."

Prepare your retreat...

Ming'an looked at Rou Yue: "One last question, why do you hate Li Hao? He should have nothing to do with you."

Rouyue smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness, this is a secret. Do you have to pursue it?"

"Li Hao is also your enemy now."

Prince Ming'an stared at her quietly and said slowly: "From today on, you can leave this side hall, but you must be under guard. If anything goes wrong, I will take back your privileges."

"Rou Yue understands..." She lowered her head.

"In addition, Li Hao and I just have different positions and cannot be called enemies. One day, he may still be my subject, worship me and respect me..." Prince Ming'an said again, his voice getting lower and lower, but his eyes But it's getting hotter and hotter.

"Farewell, Your Highness..." Rou Yue looked at the leaving figure of Prince Ming An, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Sacrificing Yang Ting'an finally gave her this opportunity, Rou Yue's beautiful eyes glowed with evil light.

Yang Ting'an was in a good situation. As the top general of the Seventeenth Prince in the Zhenbeicheng system, there was absolutely no need to drag Prince Ming'an down.

He burned his good impression in Prince Ming'an's heart.

The reason for doing this was to pave the way for her and prove that the Seventeenth Prince was wrong and everyone under him was wrong as well.

Only Rou Yue saw through it and warned her in advance.

In this way, Prince Ming'an will definitely look at her with admiration.

This kind of prince who has a talent collecting habit doesn't mind giving Rou Yue a chance.

What Rou Yue wants is this opportunity. Although Yang Ting'an has good strength and status.

But he is still essentially the seventeenth prince's dog and cannot affect his decision, but Rouyue is different.

"This is just the beginning..." Rouyue suppressed her smile.

She knew that her every move was being watched by Prince Ming'an's people.

She was not a smart person. She could guess what Yang Ting'an did only because she knew the answer in advance.

But now, Yang Ting'an can no longer help her, and Mingyue Mountain is useless.

Therefore, if she wants to go further, she needs to find other help.

Her ambition was so great that just thinking about it made her tremble and her face flush.

And for this ambition, she must take every step.

The open and covert fight between the Seventeenth Prince and the King of Zhenbei is an excellent opportunity. Once she leaves the North and returns to the Central Region, she will be useless.

In the Northern Territory, she had to reach a very high position, and she also needed someone to explain things to her so that Prince Ming'an could realize that she was "so wise that she was almost a demon."

She had already planned this candidate - "Li Hao"

She murmured in her heart, and in order to prevent Prince Ming'an from suspecting, she had already started to lay the groundwork, making him think that she and Li Hao had a grudge, a big grudge!

Three days later, in the practice room of the mansion, Li Hao looked at Wan Jie Zhi -

[Youquan is coming. Disciple Dan Chenzi is ordered to go down the mountain to expel the mortals, but is entangled by Youquan. Following the order of Taoist Baimei, you go to Panlong Valley to defend against the enemy. Youquan is powerful, what do you choose? 】

[Fish in troubled waters to avoid casualties]

[Fight to the death to show your true colors]

[Rebirth from disaster]

Shushan... Li Hao looked at the fonts that appeared on the Chronicle of All Worlds and understood that the world that evolved this time had indeed jumped to a big level.

He pondered for a moment, and finally focused on the last item. After all, it was a new function, and he had to figure out how to use it.

[The situation is dangerous. You make a decisive decision and immediately provoke Old Demon Youquan, calling him an incompetent old dog... You share the pressure with your fellow disciples, and all your fellow disciples respect you very much.

But Youquan was furious and wanted to destroy you. Taoist Baimei took action in time and struggled with him. 】

[Get reward--Blood Demon Box: Infuse energy to manifest it]

[Blood Demon Treasure Box]?

Li Hao couldn't help but be surprised. In the past, he didn't necessarily get many special rewards in the evolutionary world, but he didn't expect that he would get them this time.

However, this [Calamity Transformation] is also outrageous. It directly provokes Youquan. Fortunately, Baimei is present, otherwise if he fails, he will suffer a big loss.

Coincidentally, Prince Ming'an sent him nearly ten million Spiritual Source Crystals yesterday, which was the so-called Yang Ting'an's share.

After pouring nearly four million Spirit Source Crystals into it, a blood jade-like box appeared in front of him, its entire body crystal clear.

After opening it, a streak of blood-colored light shot out of it and merged into his body.

In an instant, he felt a surge of energy and blood, and the blood was entangled with some special power within his body.


The gloomy and evil energy exploded, and blood mist filled the air. Li Hao was like a blood demon, and his eyes were filled with blood.

"Interesting..." Li Hao realized that this stream of light merged with his cave-heaven realm magical power "Meteor Dragon" and became even more evil and powerful.

In this state, one's own energy and blood are constantly burned, and at the same time, it also brings more powerful strength blessings, which is equivalent to an upgrade.

This [Disaster Transformation] is indeed good, but it is easy to lose blood in vain.

A few days later, there was a long queue outside Zhenbei City, but something was different today.

Because today was the day when many sects from the northern border settled in Zhenbeicheng. There were no loud gongs and drums and red flags waving in the sky, but only rows of soldiers wearing hard-wearing armor.

Their eyes are determined, they look straight ahead, and they will tear their enemies into pieces with just one command.

Zhenbei City has four walls. Each of the three divisions is responsible for one wall. The Chilin Army is led by General Lin and is also responsible for one wall.

This is not only to prevent these sects from causing any riots, but also because recently a large number of casual cultivators have gathered in Zhenbei City, and there are also many large and small forces.

Just the number of evil cultivators blocked at the city gate and the confiscated prohibited items increased by several multiples, not to mention those who sneaked into the city through various methods.

The Junfa Division has also been very busy recently. There have been five or six times more incidents of evil cultivators hurting people in the city than usual, and the Jingwei Division has not enough manpower.

When many practitioners set foot in Zhenbei City for the first time, they don't understand many of the rules. They use forceful excuses or even get into violent fights when they break the rules.

In this case, on a day when many sects are stationed, there will be many people in the city watching the excitement, so it is very likely that there will be some emergencies.

Li Hao is in charge of the northern city wall. The Junfa Department has taken over the entire area. There are several times more soldiers than usual at all city gates, and the censorship measures are extremely strict.

The jade mirror on the city gate can identify evil spirits and blood. Once it is illuminated, it will be suppressed immediately to determine whether it is an evil cultivator.

However, this is not a panacea. There are always some people who can fish in troubled waters and avoid scrutiny.

Li Hao stood on the city gate tower, where tables and various spiritual fruit delicacies were set up. He looked down at the almost invisible line of people below, and Chu Sui was waiting next to him.

As for Yang Ting'an, they were on another city gate tower in the distance. The two of them could see each other clearly, but they were too lazy to talk to each other.

"Purple and gold Buddha bowl, the people from the Buddha Tulong Temple are here..." Chu Sui suddenly spoke, and there was a purple stream of light in the distance. It was a huge upside-down alms bowl, with a group of bald monks standing on it.

Buddha Dragon Temple is one of the few Buddhist cultivating forces in the north. It is said that the great monk who opened the temple also came from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau.

They landed not far outside the city wall, and there were special officials in Zhenbei City to greet them.

The residence of Fu Tu Long Temple was a small temple. Li Hao watched the group of people talking for a while and then walked towards the temple.

Li Hao looked at it twice and then lost interest. He closed his eyes and rested his mind. Not long after, a shout rang in his ears.

"Brother Li, Brother Li..." Lin Fei climbed up the city wall, but was stopped not far away by the people from the Junfa Division, who prohibited him from getting closer and could only shout.

Li Hao waved his hand and he was let go.

"Why are you here? Are you watching the fun?" Li Hao asked casually.

"There's news about that big tomb..." Lin Fei glanced at the surrounding facilities, then took out a fiery red fruit and gnawed it. It was full of juice and bursting with fire.

"Tell me about it..." Li Hao was slightly shaken. Since the Emperor's Liquid might be able to strengthen the Holy Body, he asked Lin Fei to help him pay attention.

"I really made you guess. The evidence of Emperor Zheng's leaking blood did indeed happen."

"Three more thieves ran out of the tomb. It is said that they had things brought from the tomb." Lin Fei ate in his mouth and said:

"One of them was captured by Master Longhu. It is said that they saw a golden lake in the tomb, and its characteristics were very similar to the emperor's liquid."

"They also said that they brought something out of the tomb, but it was taken by the two remaining thieves. They should be heading into the city now."

Hearing this, Li Hao did not speak, his eyes flashed.

"Now, the matter of the emperor's liquid is almost certain." Lin Fei sighed: "Although there are people behind it, the emperor's liquid in the tomb cannot be faked."

"How do you know those two people came to Zhenbeicheng?" Li Hao asked.

"Most of the northern border is looking for them, and it's not like they haven't had contact with people in the past. With all kinds of strange secrets and magical powers, it's only a matter of time before we find them." Lin Fei explained:

"And if they want to be safe, hiding in Zhenbei City is a good choice."

"The premise is that they can sneak in." Li Hao added.

"Don't underestimate the two of them..." Lin Fei shook his head: "Their names are the three thieves of Stealing Shadow. The three of them are in the Four Symbol Realm and specialize in the art of concealment. Although they are not as good as the Beiling Taoist, they can make a name for themselves. It’s also anything but ordinary.”

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape safely from that tomb."

"It's really not a big problem to sneak into Zhenbeicheng..." Zhenbeicheng is too big and it's impossible to really do everything in detail. It's not difficult to sneak in as long as you are smart.

"This matter is not a big deal..." Lin Fei shook his head and continued: "However, if it is confirmed that the emperor's liquid is true, the monsters in the north may also take action after hearing the news, and the situation will be even more chaotic."

The benefits of Imperial Liquid Serum to humans are second to none. It can be considered a great enhancement to monsters and cannot be missed.

Li Hao couldn't help but frown when he heard this. If he wanted to get the Emperor's Liquid, the difficulty would be even higher.

If you go to fight for it alone, you will probably face hellish difficulty.

Unless you call to Zhenbeicheng and go forward in a mighty manner.

He thought about the possibility of this matter, but then he whispered a few instructions to Chu Sui, and then he saw Chu Sui leave with fists in his hands, got off the city wall, and hurried into the city.


"It's been a troubled year, it's been a troubled year..." Zixiao stood by the window, looking at Zhenbei City getting closer and closer, with a complicated expression.

"Elder, why do you say this?" Qi Wulin couldn't help but said after hearing the words, the aura on her body was unstable, it seemed that she had made a breakthrough, and her aura was sharp and sharp.

"I don't know what will happen when I come to Zhenbeicheng again." Zi Xiao was disappointed. The last time he came, he encountered a tribe attacking the city and the sect meeting ended hastily.

The northern border has been stable for many years, but since the death of the dragon, various things have happened frequently.

This made him very uncomfortable and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Elder Zixiao couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, okay, these things have nothing to do with you, but when you get to Zhenbei City, you will meet many people with old grudges, so don't be impulsive."

"Yes, we understand." The disciples obeyed the order and said respectfully.

"I can see that Li Hao again..." Qi Sansi muttered, his hair was messy. Next to him stood Yuan Feng, his eyes were glowing with aura, his aura was not ordinary, he was already in the cave heaven realm.

And the aura is stable, obviously not just a breakthrough.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became a little quiet again, and Zi Xiao couldn't help but think of that stunning young man.

"I'm afraid he is already at the Dragon Transformation Realm..." Zi Xiao sighed: "As a dragon-transformation object, he already looks down upon his peers."

These sects live in the Northern Wasteland and rarely come to Zhenbei City, so they have relatively little information about Zhenbei City.

Coupled with the fact that the seventeenth prince was assassinated some time ago, which caused a stir, the sects like them were so anxious that they had no energy to pay attention to other things.

Qi Wulin was silent. This was almost certain. It had been some time since the sect conference, and it was impossible for Li Hao to stand still.

Yuan Feng's eyes flickered, Brother Li, I'm here again, you made me look up to you last time.

This time... Although I was still looking up, the angle of my head was not so exaggerated.

"Boy Yuan, as long as I lead the way for you, it will be a matter of time to catch up with him." A voice sounded in his ears, and Yuan Feng remained silent.

Although he has always been highly vigilant about the other consciousness in his body, he cannot refuse some of the benefits offered by the other party.

Otherwise, his cultivation would not have progressed so quickly.

"Don't be so discouraged. In every era, there are always some dazzling people who will leave others far behind." Seeing the disciples looking decadent again, Zi Xiao could not help but comfort him:

"But they are not always brave and forge ahead. There are many examples where they end up stuck at a certain bottleneck and cannot make any progress."

Then, he took himself as an example: "One of my peers was like this. I had just transformed from the mortal world, and he entered the cave heaven realm, which completely suppressed me by a big realm."

"But now, I am already at the high level of Four Elephants, and he is only at the peak."

The gray eyes of many young disciples slowly lit up.

"The road to spiritual practice will never be smooth sailing. Li Hao is a good person, but don't be discouraged."

Zi Xiao looked like someone who had come before, instilling chicken soup for the soul, trying to save these disciples from the decadent mentality caused by recalling the big devil.

"And compared to the genius of the Central Region, this person is not considered the best. Every mountain is as high as the other. Just be yourself."

There was a comment in his tone, looking at it from a higher level, still treating Li Hao as a junior.

The Dragon Transformation Realm is a realm with a long span. He stayed in the Dragon Transformation Realm for more than ten years. Of course, this included the time spent searching for something to open up the Four Symbols Realm.

Even if Li Hao's cultivation speed is fast, he still has to train hard in the Dragon Transformation Realm for a period of time, and he is even further away from the Four Symbols High Realm.

"I've been taught..." Qi Wulin nodded, his cold face returned to calm, and a fire of unwillingness to admit defeat ignited in his heart.


On the shuttle, Jiang Heng's eyes were equally complex. Compared to Zi Xiao, his mind was sharper and he could feel better that there might be a deeper secret hidden in this visit.

But he didn't know where he fell...

Forget it, if we want to die together, let's do the things in front of us first, Jiang Heng dismissed the thoughts in his mind.

He also gave a few instructions, asking his disciples to restrain their minds and not to argue with others. After all, this is not a sect and they must be careful in everything.

"Besides, Hongque...you..." Jiang Heng looked at the girl not far away, her expression was indifferent and cold.

Since I left Hongque from Zhenbeicheng last time, I feel like I have become a different person. I am addicted to spiritual practice and hardly interact with others.

And with the blessing of the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, Hong Que's cultivation level has also improved rapidly through concentrated practice, and he has almost caught up with Yuan He.

Although the senior officials of the sect were happy to see this happen, Jiang Heng always felt that this matter had something to do with that Li Hao. However, Hongque did not want to explain the reason, and they had no way to pursue it.

"I understand, I won't provoke him..." Hong Que's tone was cold, while Runyu and Yun Ruo were holding their breath and concentrating.

Jiang Heng hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head. Yuan He glanced at Yun Ruo, and the sect's discord had indeed emerged.

Hongque must have discovered that Li Hao was hooking up with Yun Ruo, so there is nothing more sad than death.

He thought about it, and grinned unconsciously. Finally, he reacted after being reminded by others, calmed down his expression, and said: "No one is perfect. Brother Li is also a human being. Some problems are normal. Hongque, don't be too embarrassed." Take it to heart.”

Hongque: "..."

Glancing over with indifferent eyes, Hongque was too lazy to pay attention to this mentally ill senior brother.

As he talked, he started talking to himself: "This time, I want to have a good talk with Brother Li. I didn't say goodbye well last time..."

Jiang Heng was speechless. Why did he encounter all the sick disciples?

However, he also said: "Yuanhe, you have awakened your innate magical power, your cultivation has improved greatly, you have entered the Dragon Transformation Realm, you have come from behind, and you have become the top of the younger generation."

"Although he uses the Dragon Ball of Creation to transform into a dragon, you still have a chance to fight him."

"Why fight him?" Yuan He wondered: "It's not a sect conference, there is no reward at all."

"Famous...famous..." Jiang Heng hated the fact that iron cannot become steel: "If you..."

Just as he was talking, the room shook. Jiang Heng looked solemn and said, "We're here, follow me down."

The disciples followed him off the shuttle, and the officials of Zhenbeicheng were already waiting to lead them to the station.

The group of people bumped into Liuli Pure Land. The two elders were old friends and they immediately started laughing and chatting.


On the top of the city, a man who looked like an iron tower appeared at some point. It was Lord Tie Nan. He scratched his head and said, "Brother Li, you called me here because you want to use my raised eyebrows to look at the people below? "

"That's right..." Li Hao nodded: "There are two guys with evil intentions who intend to approach Zhenbeicheng. See if you can find them out."

"You let him see it?" Lin Fei was a little doubtful: "The other party is in the Four Symbols Realm and is famous for his concealment skills. Can you tell if he raises his brows and raises his eyes?"

Lin Fei was simply confused, and Tie Nanjun suddenly felt unhappy: "Who are you looking down on? I can still find clues to the four-image realm's concealment method even if I can't see through it."

His words made Lin Fei change his color. These ordinary words were enough to prove the power of his raised eyebrows.

Li Hao was quite confident in it, after all, it was Erlang Shen's eyes.

And it's not like letting him see through it directly, just finding out what's wrong.

Tie Nanjun stood on the top of the city, immediately opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes, looking down at the crowd below. Spiritual energy surged around his body, and blood was poured into him. He didn't hold back at all, and he obviously wanted to hit Lin Fei in the face.

Below, in the middle of the crowd, there were two tall body-refining cultivators, wearing armor, with strong Qi and blood.

They look honest and honest, but they are communicating secretly.

"Brother, I'm a little scared." The man on the left had a hint of fear in his eyes.

The elder brother on the right scolded: "What are you afraid of? This is not the first time we have sneaked into Zhenbei City. Stay safe."

"But the defense has never been so tight like this every time. The Third Division and the Chilin Army are each responsible for a city wall. If we are discovered, we will not be able to escape."

The eldest brother sneered: "Don't worry, I already investigated clearly when I came here. The person in charge of the northern city wall is the Jun Fa Division..."

"Jun Fa Si? Huai Yuan! Brother, if you are seeking death, don't take me with you..." Fear flashed in the second brother's eyes.

"Go away, Huaiyuan has long been in the past. Now the head of the Junfa Division is a guy named Li Hao. This person's cultivation speed is jaw-dropping... Now he has taken over the Junfa Division and has won the favor of the King of Zhenbei." The eldest brother explained.

"Wouldn't that be more terrifying..."

The eldest brother angrily rebuked: "Idiot, he is indeed very scary compared to his peers, but regardless of his age, after all, he has just entered the Four Symbols Realm. He is too young, lacks experience, and his strength cannot keep up."

"Although we are not good at fighting, we can use our strength to suppress others. Even if we are discovered, we will not have no chance of escaping."

"And this kind of person must be arrogant and don't take the people of the world seriously. Our chances of getting through are very high."

At this point, he sighed again: "Although I say this, this person is really scary. At this age, he has entered the Four Elephants. From now on..."

"Brother..." The second brother interrupted the eldest brother's conversation and murmured: "Is the guy you are talking about wearing a white jade python robe?"

"How do you know?" The elder brother was slightly stunned.

The second brother raised his hand and pointed, and said in a trembling voice: "He has already flown over!"

I saw a streak of light passing over the city, causing everyone below to look up.

The second brother didn't need to remind him. The eldest brother was frightened, but he forced himself to calm down and said: "Hold on, he may not be heading towards us..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw a big foot falling from the sky and heading towards the two of them.

"Fuck!" The eldest brother was shocked, and the two hurriedly moved away.

The cultivators around him noticed something was wrong and hurriedly backed away with skillful movements.

"Originally I was just trying my luck, but I didn't expect to meet you two." Li Hao was quite surprised. He brought Tie Nanjun here just to treat him as a dead horse.

After all, Zhenbei City has four walls. Even if these two people come to Zhenbei City, they may not pass by this wall.

"How did you discover us!?" The eldest brother asked in a deep voice. The three thieves were famous for their stealth skills, and they had sneaked into Zhenbei City not once or twice.

And this time he specially picked a soft persimmon to pinch, but why was he discovered! ?

"Too much nonsense, I'll talk to you later when I catch you." Li Hao didn't talk nonsense. He stretched out his big hand, and headed directly towards his elder brother with energy and blood surging.

"Run!" The elder brother gritted his teeth. Although his strength surpassed Li Hao, he believed that now was not the time to fight.

Zhenbeicheng is right in front of them, and when the opponent's support arrives, they will only die.

The two of them cooperated tacitly and went in two directions instantly, so Li Hao could only chase one person.

A stream of light shot out from Li Hao's sleeves and robe, swelled in the wind, and instantly turned into a giant tower. The golden light was like a sea, heading towards the person with a slightly weaker breath, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

The tyrannical aura made everyone around him tremble and retreat.

As for him, he was chasing the person with a slightly stronger aura. Without the control of the holy soldiers, it was hard to say whether he could suppress the opponent, so he picked a weaker one and let Leifeng Pagoda deal with it.

"what happened?"

"I don't know... are you chasing evil cultivators?"

"Who was that young man just now? His aura was so terrifying, and his energy and blood were so strong..."

Everyone was talking a lot, looking at Li Hao's disappearing back.


There was a roar in the distance, and the eldest brother's pupils shrank, that was the holy soldier!

The second brother is probably in danger, his eyes are bloodshot, and the aura behind him is chasing after him.

Damn it, if you weren't at home, I would torture you to death!

You must not get entangled with him, otherwise you will definitely die as soon as the opponent's support arrives.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he moved directly sideways, heading towards the place where several powerful auras gathered.

"Hey...what's going on there?" Zi Xiao and Jiang Heng were reminiscing about the past when they suddenly noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy coming from not far away.

"Someone is probably causing trouble. Don't worry about it. Someone will handle it." People from Zhenbeicheng explained.

"Here we come!" Zi Xiao's face changed slightly: "The two Four Elephants realms have good auras. All disciples should protect themselves!"

Jiang Heng's face also darkened, his sleeves rolled up, and he was ready for battle.

They don't mind helping Zhenbeicheng. After all, they will have to hang out here for a while, and it would be great to form a good relationship.

The black shadow collided and headed towards the disciples, obviously wanting to create chaos so that they could have a chance to escape.

"How dare you!" Zi Xiao was shocked.

"Presumptuous!" A young scolding voice vaguely made Zi Xiao feel familiar.

After the black shadow, a figure like a god and demon descended. Behind it was a vague light golden shadow, which was already somewhat scattered and integrated into the body in front, causing its aura to surge!


The giant red-gold fist hit his head, and the eldest brother's eyes narrowed slightly, md, you really think I'm easy to bully! ?

He stopped, ready to teach the guy behind him a lesson!

Black mist surrounded him, condensing into an arc, and a black light appeared in his hand.

However, the next moment, a circle of blood mist suddenly burst out around this person, burning with blood flames.

It was so eerie and eerie that it was difficult to describe, and only two bright eyes could be seen, but the aura of the other party, which was far beyond the level of its peers, actually surged again!

How can this be! ?

He was shocked, feeling unimaginable force falling, the arc shield cracking, and the sound of bones shattering.


His whole body was directly smashed into the ground, spiritual waves rolled, the ground roared, cracked open, and went in all directions.

The disciples exclaimed and barely managed to steady themselves. Zi Xiao and Jiang Heng joined forces to barely contain the spread of the aftermath.

Everyone looked at the scene in amazement, the spiritual energy was swirling, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

"Everyone is shocked..."

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, and Li Hao walked out with his body as limp as a dead dog, meeting everyone's stunned gazes.

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