I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 131 Promise yourself? Dove occupying magpie's nest?

The other people present were no less surprised than Lin Fan.

Because Chu Sui made a lot of noise, everyone who had been watching the raid on Jubaofang had already focused their attention.

At this moment, they couldn't help but feel confused, the two characters "Si Shou" echoed in their minds.

The head of the Junfa Department seems to be Li Hao, right?

Unexpectedly, he was here. Li Hao's name was definitely a household name in Zhenbei City. Almost everyone knew about this dazzling big man.

However, this person's appearance is not the same as that of Chief Chief Li, but the art of changing appearance is common, and ordinary people can do it, let alone this Chief Chief.

Those young gentlemen are all stupid, I'll be good, we won't be so unlucky.

I just came out to watch the fun, how could I meet such a big shot, and why did I hide my face! ?

They hurriedly recalled, fearing that they had done something wrong in some places and made the chief executive unhappy.

The young man who first spoke to Bai Yu turned pale and his eyes were trembling.

There was a big gap between his father and Li Hao, and he was as different as clouds and mud.

Lin Fan's expression was stiff and his thoughts were almost at a standstill, but he knew that if he didn't do something now, he would probably end up miserable.

He forced himself to move, forced a smile on his face, and said tremblingly: "I don't know if Li Sishou is in front of you, but if there was anything offending just now, I hope you won't take it to heart."

To be fair, he didn't do anything excessive just now, his words were appropriate, he didn't use his power to overwhelm others, and he wasn't arrogant or domineering.

Even though he was a little unhappy at first, it was because the two ignored him, but he suppressed it in his heart and did not show it.

However, he has not had close contact with Chief Executive Li, so he wonders if he will be unhappy because of some details.

Li Hao shook his head. He had no intention of revealing his identity. He chatted with Bai Yu and prepared to take a casual look.

Unexpectedly, Chu Sui had amazing eyesight and recognized him directly.

"Get up..." Li Hao waved his hand, and Chu Sui and everyone in the Junfa Division behind him stood up.

As for Lin Fan, Li Hao looked at him and joked casually: "It doesn't matter, you didn't come up and slap me in the face, and you didn't point your nostrils in the air, so there's no need to be so nervous."

Although he didn't quite understand what Li Hao meant, his tone was gentle and didn't sound like he was lying. This made Lin Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and whispered:

"I was the one who was rude. I have long heard from Brother Lin that you are wise and powerful. I have never seen you. When I saw you today, it turned out to be what he said."

Brother Lin? Li Hao's eyes flashed and he quickly identified the people around him: "Lin Fei?"

"Exactly..." Lin Fei said: "General Lin Yunfei is my uncle."

"Tsk..." Li Hao couldn't help but chuckle. There were really second generations everywhere in Zhenbei City.

But Lin Fan is also interesting. He didn't reveal his identity just now, but only after he made it clear that he had no intention of pursuing the case, did he reveal his identity.

She probably couldn't figure out his temper and didn't dare to say anything, but he was quite smart.

"That's considered one of our own..." Li Hao said something casual and didn't care.

Practitioners have a long lifespan, and there are probably many who are related to General Lin.

"You're welcome..." Lin Fan responded hurriedly. At the same time, he got a few of his friends to get acquainted with each other and apologized again and again.

Li Hao said a few perfunctory words, then led Chu Sui and others to Jubaofang across the street. As for Bai Yu, he followed Li Hao with his head lowered and did not speak.

After he left, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and his back was already soaked, which was enough to prove the tension and uneasiness he felt just now.

"Fortunately, fortunately..." He murmured softly, leaning on the pillar.

"This Chief Li is quite easy to talk to." One person sighed.

Lin Fan's cheeks twitched slightly, that's because we didn't offend him just now, and we were very polite with our words, otherwise we don't know what would happen now.

Of course, he couldn't say these words, he just sighed:

"Fortunately, my father often taught me that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Zhenbei City. I must not be high-key. No matter who I am, I must be polite and courteous."

After that, he looked at the young man Bai Yu was talking to, shook his head and said, "Yulin, please don't mention your father again in the future, especially in this town in the north."

"Fortunately, you didn't mean any harm just now, otherwise we wouldn't be the only ones who would be unlucky."

The man seemed to be waking up from a dream, and nodded hurriedly when he heard the words, and was very scared.

"Director Li, well done!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"This Jubaofang is very harmful to people. I have long disliked him. You are the first person who dares to destroy him!"

"Yes, well done!"

As Li Hao walked out, cheers rang out from the crowd.

A member of the Jingwei Department responsible for maintaining order raised his eyebrows slightly. He was a little immature. Just as he was about to raise his hand to scold him, he was slapped on the head by a colleague next to him and whispered:

"Don't take me with you if you want to die!"

"They are using spiritual energy to enhance their voices. Their voices are as loud as drums, which is against the city's ban." The recruit Danzi muttered.

"Then you have to see who they are cheering for!" His older colleague glared at him fiercely: "They can't control it even if they use the Thunder Formation to support them."

"Master, he...he seems to be in charge, let's beg him..." The girl was squeezed into the crowd and pulled the sleeves of the master beside her, begging.

The middle-aged man's expression changed and he said: "Do you know what kind of person he is? The head of the Supreme Law Division. He is one person below ten thousand people in Zhenbei City. He holds the power of life and death for countless monks."

"How dare you provoke him!"

"If anything happens, not only your senior brother, but also you and me will be arrested!"

They were not from Zhenbeicheng. They traveled far and wide and had no time or energy to pay attention to other things. As for Li Hao's name, they could only say that they had heard of it occasionally.

"But he seems to be a good person..." The girl's eyes were filled with tears: "We can't just watch them, we should really take our senior brother away."

"Good people?" The middle-aged man said helplessly, "Big men like them can do countless things to the outside world."

"No one knows if he has any inexplicable taboos. If he touches them, he will die."

"I've seen too many things like this."

After that, he said with a sad expression: "I still have a few old friends in the city. I will go and beg them to see if they can think of some way."

"Oh, Yingwu, why don't you think carefully before doing anything!!"

Li Hao's expression was calm and did not cause any disturbance due to these cheers. He walked straight into the treasure gathering square.

The people in the square were all detained in the lobby and locked together with shackles. They looked panicked, not knowing what they would face next.

It wasn't until he entered the treasure gathering square that Chu Sui reported: "Sir, basically all the treasures in the treasure gathering square have been moved. When we arrived, there was only an empty shell left. Someone in the department should have informed the news in advance."

When he said this, he gritted his teeth, and the mountain-like Spirit Source Crystal turned into nothing in front of his eyes. How could he not be angry and wanted to swallow the person who had tipped him off alive?

Li Hao had expected it, but he still pretended to be "surprised" and said: "It's actually like this. It seems that Yang Ting'an's control over Junfa Division is far beyond my expectation."

If they didn't know how to move the treasure, I would have checked it myself.

Li Hao secretly cursed. He guessed that even if there was no transfer, there should not be a large number of Spirit Source Crystals and other treasures in the treasure gathering workshop.

It may take as short as every day, or as long as three to five days, and a liquidation will inevitably be done to avoid sudden inspections of Jubaofang and difficulty in transferring large amounts of resources.

Chu Sui heard this and hurriedly expressed his loyalty: "Don't worry, I will only follow your lead."

Coming to inspect Jubaofang has naturally put him on the opposite side of Yang Ting'an. All he can do is hug Li Hao's thigh tightly.

At this time, the busy members of the Junfa Division in Jubaofang realized that the head of their own division had come in person.

Immediately, people hurriedly came over to greet them, but they were all waved off by Li Hao and rushed off to work.

"Sweep out a quiet area. This girl and I have something to discuss." Li Hao ordered Chu Sui. He acted very quickly and immediately ordered someone to clear a box on the upper floor, and then personally guarded the door.

"Miss Bai Yu, it's quiet now, what were you going to say just now?" Li Hao sat down, looked at Bai Yu who was close at hand, and asked.

The white jade eyes reflected Li Hao, like a bright amber gemstone, crystal clear and moving. Her lips parted lightly and said: "Master Chief, I would like to ask you a favor. If you are willing, Bai Yu is willing to..."

At this point, her voice trembled slightly. After calming down for a moment, she continued: "I am willing to do whatever you want..."

She raised her head shyly, her eyelashes trembling slightly, with a confusing sense of beauty.

The lips are full and red, and the corners of the mouth are trembling slightly, biting the lower lip.

Li Hao's expression became strange. He looked Bai Yu up and down. He asked curiously: "Why do you think your body is of great value?"

When Bai Yu heard the words, he couldn't help but hesitated, and hurriedly added: "You don't know something, Bai Yu is still a virgin, and he has cultivated the Yin Sutra, which has wonderful... infinite uses."

Being a virgin, Li Hao knew that although it felt outrageous, Runchunyuan had King Zhenbei's stock after all. As long as the girl among them was really unwilling and could still bring in enough profits, no one could force them to work.

It is precisely because of this that white jade is so sought after, and what is not available will always cause turmoil...

What he was curious about was, what was this Yin-nourishing Scripture?

"Well... Miss Bai Yu, why don't you tell me first, what help do you need from me, it's worth paying such a high price for you." Li Hao did not agree directly, but asked.

Seeing that Li Hao did not question her about her dedication, but instead asked what kind of help she wanted from him, Bai Yu couldn't help but feel a little astonishment and loneliness in her eyes.

When Li Hao saw her, he asked her if he could sleep with her. She thought he was somewhat lecherous.

But now it was very calm, which made her a little worried about whether the next thing would be possible.

"To be honest, Mr. Chief, I would like to ask you to help me kill someone." Bai Yu's eyes revealed unforgettable hatred.

As expected... Li Hao was not surprised. He could probably guess that it was something similar.

"Who?" he asked.

"Yang Ting'an!" Bai Yu spit out three words!

"Huh?" Li Hao's eyes became wary. Isn't this girl just here to deliver a bomb?

Covet my body so much? She was afraid that I wouldn't sleep with her, so she sent it to her in such a roundabout way?

The conflict between him and Yang Ting'an was not only known to everyone in Zhenbei City, but people like Bai Yu who were relatively well-informed must have known about it.

In this case, she can keep silent and enjoy the success. Anyway, Li Hao will definitely face Yang Ting'an in the end.

That's not right... Li Hao denied his guess again.

Although Bai Yu is well-informed, he can only be regarded as well-informed.

In his opinion, the fight between Li Hao and Yang Ting'an was about fighting for power and profit, and they would not actually kill each other.

I'm afraid it was precisely because of this that she came to add fuel to the fire.

It was precisely because he had conflicts with Yang Ting'an that he dared to come to him.

If it were anyone else, it would be easy to just tell Bai Yu to get away. Maybe he would turn around and report it to Yang Ting'an.

And if you come to Li Hao, even if he doesn't agree, he won't betray you back.

"Yang Ting'an, he and I really don't get along..." Li Hao rubbed his chin.

"Yang Ting'an is a ruthless person. More than 20 years ago, my father and he worked in the Junfa Division, and they even had a good relationship with each other. However, at that time, both of them were qualified to compete for the position of division chief." Bai Yu narrated in a low voice:

"Master Si Shouhuai at that time was quite optimistic about my father. However, soon after, my father was found to be colluding with evil cultivators. He even resisted arrest and was killed by Yang Ting'an on the spot..."

"Stop..." Li Hao waved his hand. This was probably a relatively old-fashioned story with many hidden secrets.

Anyway, the final result was that Bai Yuji had a grudge against Yang Ting'an, and he held the grudge for so many years.

"Sir, if you can avenge Bai Yu, Bai Yu will work hard for you for the rest of his life..." Bai Yu pleaded.

Li Hao smiled, stood up, and looked down at the white jade that was already a bit pear-shaped, with a delicate neck and delicate collarbones.

He asked softly: "Still the same question, why do you think your body is worth the life of a strong man in the Nether Realm?"

Bai Yu looked up at him, opened her mouth slightly, but could not speak. Although Li Hao was smiling, his eyes were calm, as calm as the dead sea.

He didn't quite understand why this girl's brain circuit was so strange. His own body could change his life in the Netherworld?

Although the final outcome between him and Yang Ting'an is hard to say, if he really wants to kill him, the trouble will be huge.

"And..." Li Hao bowed slightly, their cheeks were extremely close, and whispered: "I am the head of the Junfa Division, even if I kill you here, what will be the consequences?"

Bai Yu's heart trembled, her pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but pull back, terrified.

She had misjudged her position from the very beginning. She did not come to negotiate with conditions, but a little white dove came to her door lightly.

"Ha..." Li Hao smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "I'll pretend that the conversation just happened didn't happen. Miss Baiyu, I have something to ask you. Of course, you don't have to answer it."

Bai Yu was silent for a moment, and finally sat down. Just as Li Hao said, she had no ability to resist.

"Excuse me, Bai Yu will tell you everything he knows." Her voice was soft.

"Are you familiar with Rou Yue?" Li Hao asked.

Bai Yu's face flashed, and she nodded and said: "We are both the oiran of Runchun Garden, so I am quite familiar with her."

"What do you think of her?" Li Hao's question was so confusing that Bai Yu didn't know how to answer it for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he still asked: "What specific aspect are you referring to?"

"There is no aspect..." Li Hao shook his head: "It's just a simple feeling."

Bai Yu didn't know what Li Hao's purpose was, but she didn't have exclusive information about Rou Yue, and she couldn't control Li Hao at all.

It is better to think carefully and sell a small favor to the other party.

"Well... Sister Rouyue is a very nice person. She doesn't fight or grab. When she first came here, she was bullied by other sisters..." Bai Yu recalled: "I said a few words for her at that time, and we became familiar with each other after going back and forth. ”

"She usually lives in seclusion and rarely interacts with other people until she is named the Courtesan and then becomes the Seventeenth Prince..."

Her tone was complicated, and it was obvious that in her understanding, Rou Yue had encountered great luck.

Even though she couldn't become the seventeenth prince's real pillow due to her identity, she could still be considered a phoenix by flying on a branch.

It seemed that she didn't know the real reason why Rou Yue was attracted to her.

"That's it? Are there any other abnormalities?" Li Hao frowned.

Of course, he also knew that Bai Yu's understanding was limited. Neither King Zhenbei nor Prince Ming'an found out the problem, let alone her.

"Abnormal?" Bai Yu felt something was wrong, lowered his head, looked hesitant, and whispered: "If you say this, there is indeed something strange to me."

"Oh?" Li Hao was a little surprised and asked: "Tell me about it..."

"After Rouyue left, the place where she lived would have to be divided among the other sisters. However, we still have some affection for each other, so I wanted to see if there was anything missing in the room and put it away for her."

Bai Yu took out an object from his arms. It was only as thick as a thumb and was so dry that it was almost impossible to tell what it was.

"My people found such a thing from her room. It doesn't match Sister Rouyue's style, so I feel a little strange."

Her words were brief, but in fact Bai Yu spent a lot of effort to figure out what this thing was.

I secretly found several master appraisers and sent people to several places in the city, but I didn't get any answers.

After Rouyue entered Runchun Garden, she had not received any guests, so it could not have been missed by the guests.

So Bai Yu felt strange.

Li Hao didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

He stretched out his hand, took the object from Bai Yu's hand, and rubbed it for a moment.

Its texture is rough and its shape is irregular, but there is a vague feeling that this thing is filled with evil spirits and it should not be anything serious.

Of course Li Hao couldn't recognize it, but he had other ways.

Throw this thing directly into the Sumeru space——

[Yin bone corpse: a corpse burned by the fire of hell]


Li Hao was slightly startled and couldn't help but look at the soft white jade palm. He remembered that the other party had been holding it in his hand for a while.

He also didn't expect that this thing was actually a corpse. He couldn't see any characteristics of a corpse from it, and I'm afraid most people would never think of it.

However, this also proves from the side that Rou Yue's identity is indeed not simple, but it is so hidden that even the people around Prince Ming'an cannot tell.

"I understand. I'll hold that thing first and ask someone to check it and see if they can identify it." Li said calmly.

Bai Yu nodded and didn't care. She had already looked for the famous appraisal master in the city, and Li Hao probably wouldn't gain anything.

However, she did not remind the other party to prevent Li Hao from thinking that he was being underestimated.

After the conversation, the two people came out of the room. Chu Sui looked straight and had no expression on his face, and followed the chief minister down again.

He was too lazy to continue staring here, and after a few words of warning, he was ready to leave. Chu Sui diligently sent Li Hao to the door.

Before they even stepped out of the door, a shadow suddenly broke out from the crowd. Before anyone could react, he knelt on the ground with a plop.

Chu Sui was startled. He was so focused on Li Hao that he didn't notice a dark figure jumping out from beside him.

"Who dares to be presumptuous!" He scolded: "Where are the idiots from the Jingwei Department!?"

"Sorry, sorry..." Several guards from the Jingwei Department pushed and walked out of the crowd, forcing smiles on their faces and apologizing again and again.

They were also confused. They didn't expect that someone would dare to provoke Jun Fa Si regardless of life or death.

"Yinglan!" The middle-aged man squeezed out from the crowd, smiled, and repeatedly cupped his hands, saying: "My lords, my lords, this is all a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding."

"Where are you from, old man? Why don't you take care of your juniors!" The people from the Jingwei Division scolded, and they were about to step forward and catch the two of them.

"Master Chief!" The figure on the ground looked up, and it turned out to be a young girl. She was crying so hard that her eyes were red and swollen.

"Wait..." Li Hao was speechless. He probably guessed what was going on and stopped the Jingweisi people.

As expected, the woman lamented: "Master Chief, my senior brother has a benevolent heart and often performs chivalrous acts in the north. There must be some misunderstanding today. Please look into it."

Li Hao raised his hand, and an invisible force dragged the girl up from the ground, and looked at Chu Sui: "Find out what's going on."

Chu Sui's heart skipped a beat. He looked around and found the member of the Junfa Department who was detaining the young man in white robes. He scolded: "Come here quickly and explain clearly."

"I...I..." At this time, the young man who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and whose consciousness seemed to be a little blurry, spoke: "The vicious gangsters, I will never give in..."

"Did you fight?" Li Hao asked.

"No, no..." The two members of the Junfa Department waved their hands hurriedly: "We found him from the secret cell of Jubaofang. He was already like this at that time. He should have been beaten by people in Jubaofang. of."

"Since he was found in a secret cell, why were he detained?" Chu Sui asked.

"The two of us wanted to see if he was alive. Unexpectedly, this man suddenly burst out in an attack. If I and I hadn't responded in time, I would have been killed by him." One person said in a low voice.

Well... Li Hao understood, it was a misunderstanding.

"Tsk... He was still acting chivalrous and righteous, and he was almost killed by Jubao Fang."

"Yeah, I thought this Zhenbei City was their wild place..."

"Oh, you can't say that. My heart is always good, but my brain is a little stupid. Even a person in the spirit-casting realm dares to jump around..."

The onlookers around were talking a lot, and they all roughly understood what was going on.

The middle-aged man's face was slumped, alas...it was all his fault that his teaching method was wrong, which led to the disciples' thinking being a little too simple.

"Okay, let me go..." Li Hao waved his hand and said.

"Yes..." The two men hurriedly unlocked the shackles, and the girl and the middle-aged man hurriedly helped the young man.

I don’t know what kind of torture this person suffered. Perhaps it was because the changes in the surrounding environment stimulated him. At this moment, he subconsciously shouted: "I will die without regrets, I will die without regrets!"

He stood straight, but his eyes were closed.

"Yingwu... Yingwu..." The middle-aged man hugged the young man and called him repeatedly, with tears streaming down his face.

Seeing this, the chatter in the crowd gradually weakened, and everyone looked at each other in confusion.

md, it seems that I was dazzled by some noble moral character, and I am embarrassed to laugh at you.

Li Hao's face was incomprehensible. He shot out a green light with a snap of his fingers and fell into this person's body.

Immediately, his injuries quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There are still some internal injuries. It should be fine after a few days of treatment," Li Hao said.

"Thank you, Sir, for your kindness. My master and disciple will never forget it." The middle-aged man thanked him hurriedly.

Li Hao shook his head and left here under Chu Sui's protection.

Bai Yu parted ways with them, and soon someone walked out of the crowd, bowed to Li Hao, and followed Bai Yu.

It was obviously the people from Runchunyuan. They couldn't possibly allow Bai Yu to run around at will.

Li Hao returned to the mansion, planning to ask the guys in his mansion if anyone knew about the Yin Bone Corpse.

Wan Ren was waiting for him in front of the door. When he saw him coming back, he quickly stepped forward and reported: "Sir, Prince Ming'an sent someone here and is waiting for you in the lobby now."

"Huh?" Li Hao was a little surprised. He had just captured Yang Yu and attacked Jubaofang, and then Prince Ming'an sent someone to come. So fast?

"This person's name is Lie Zhou. He is here alone and has a good atmosphere." Wan Ren introduced briefly.

Before he reached the hall, Li Hao saw that figure.

"Director Li, I have long admired your name..." The man came forward quickly with a smile on his face, showing his enthusiasm.

"Where is it..." The two of them exchanged pleasantries, both looking very enthusiastic, as if there was no gap.

"I wonder if my brother is here to convey His Highness's will?" Li Hao, tired of the pleasantries, simply asked directly.

"No way..." Lie Zhou waved his hands and said with a smile: "What is the decree? I have a favor, and I would like to ask the chief minister for help."

"Please say."

Liezhou gathered his robes, his expression calmed, and said, "Can you ask Li Sishou to let Yang Yu go?"

"Oh?" Li Haoden was surprised.

Isn't it true? Because of Yang Yu, the seventeenth prince ended up in person?

"Okay..." Li Hao nodded. Lie Zhou's expression paused slightly, but he calmed down in an instant.

But Li Hao kept staring at the other party and captured this scene.

This guy doesn't think I will let him go, so why come?

Li Hao didn't understand and muttered to himself.

"That's good..." Lie Zhou also felt that he was a little careless and agreed.

But Li Hao turned around and said: "However, you have to wait for me to find out something. He is involved in something."

"Is it the disappearance of the treasurer of the Junfa Department?" Although the tone sounded like a question, it was actually very firm.

"His Royal Highness is indeed well-informed. It only took a long time for this to happen." Li Hao said calmly.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to investigate this matter." Lie Zhouyi pointed out.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and finally understood what this guy's purpose was.

It was to prevent him from investigating the disappearance of the treasurer.

For Yang Ting'an?

Not so much...

That is Prince Ming'an.

Asking him to let Yang Yu go was just an excuse. The other party wanted to really hint at Li Hao.

The treasurer's things were definitely not taken by Prince Ming'an, but Yang Ting'an must have dragged Prince Ming'an on board the ship in order to trick him afterwards.

In this way, this matter cannot continue to be investigated and can only end in vain.

After all, stealing the treasurer's things is still very embarrassing for a prince.

If word got out, someone would definitely take the opportunity to add insult to injury, and the gain would outweigh the loss. Prince Ming'an didn't want to cause a big fuss.

However, Prince Ming'an probably didn't know at first that the things Yang Ting'an gave him came from the treasurer.

"You can't take away my ambition if you are strong..." Li Hao meant something incomprehensible.

You said I won’t investigate if you don’t want me to?

Prince Ming'an is already standing behind Yang Ting'an, I don't care if he is still shameless.

"This mansion is a good place..." Lie Zhou was not angry, but looked around and sighed:

"Director Li may not know that I have a good friend named Qingnang who mysteriously disappeared in Zhenbei City a few days ago. I have been unable to find him."

"He could be anywhere in this huge Zhenbei City, and he could even be right under my feet."

He stamped his feet and looked sighing.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows lightly, and the other party threatened him with a green bag, interesting...

The King of Zhenbei is supporting him. It would be strange if you could prove that the disappearance of the green sac was related to him.

Li Hao did not respond, but also sighed: "Everyone in Zhenbei City knows that I have a great need for Lingyuan Crystal, alas..."


Lie Zhou was also surprised. He didn't expect Li Hao to deal with them in this way.

"Give me Yang Ting'an's share..." Li Hao transmitted the message into the secret.

If he continues to investigate until the end, there is a high probability that it will end in vain, and the things will probably not be recovered anyway.

It's better to just focus on the benefits.

Seeing Li Hao's statement, Lie Zhou's eyes flashed with a glint, and he also sent a message: "Do you dare to accept our things?"

"Why not?"

Lie Zhou stared at Li Hao for a long time before responding: "We will give you Yang Ting'an's share."

"When things arrive, everything stops."

Li Hao replied immediately.

The two reached an agreement on this matter, and no one mentioned it again.

However, Liezhou pointed out something: "It is said that Chief Li is not rigid in his work and can often find new ways to achieve unexpected results. I just have something to ask you."

"Please tell me..." Li Hao didn't know what this guy was trying to imply.

"You also know that His Royal Highness is surrounded by many people, so it is inevitable that others will have their eyes and ears planted." Lie Zhou said in a worried tone:

"No, we just caught an undercover agent, but we don't know how to get him to speak. There is a restriction in this person's soul that cannot be unlocked for a while."

"I don't know if Chief Li has a way."

While Lie Zhou was talking, he also imitated Li Hao and stared at the other person, hoping to find a flash of shock, surprise or worry on the other person's face.

He knew that the reason why Qing Nang was arrested must be because someone close to His Royal Highness leaked the news.

So he hinted that a spy was caught just to see Li Hao's reaction.

If you can get extra benefits from this, that would be the best.

However, he was disappointed, Li Hao's face remained calm.

Because it took him a while to realize that Liezhou was hinting to him that "your people have been discovered by us."

He didn't have any ears or eyes around His Highness Prince Ming'an at all, so he naturally couldn't think of him at the first moment.

It must be because of the green bag. I suspect someone tipped him off. That's why I came to test him.

But Li Hao didn't even know who the person who tipped him off was.

"Hmm...Has Yuanshen searched?" Li Hao asked.

"No... there is a restriction in his soul, which cannot be unlocked for a while." Lie Zhou shook his head and answered like a snake oil.

"In that case, I have a way. Just tell the undercover that the person who sent him has given up on him, thus breaking through his psychological defense." Li Hao suggested with all his heart.

He didn't even know who that person was, and he believed that Prince Ming'an must not have been found either.

Otherwise, you will definitely know that people have nothing to do with him.

Are you so cold-blooded that you just gave up the undercover?

Liezhou was shocked and confused, but this guy had a way to be sure that the person he planted had not been found.

In other words... the person belongs to the King of Zhenbei, and he doesn't know anything at all?

But...he did receive a jade slip that day, and many people saw it.

"This is a good method, I understand." Lie Zhou said calmly and nodded.

The two chatted for a while longer before Lie Zhou left. Li Hao sent him to the door and watched him disappear into the crowd.

Yang Ting'an forced Prince Ming'an to marry him. Are you really not afraid that he will hold a grudge afterwards?

Li Hao was a little confused as to what Yang Ting'an wanted to do, to climb the big tree of Prince Ming'an. This method would obviously leave hidden dangers.

Li Hao didn't think about it for too long, so he asked Wan Ren to go find Lin Fei, and he returned home to find Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen has been a little depressed these past two days, and often retches. If he were not a man, but a corpse, Li Hao would have doubted whether he was pregnant.

"Have you ever heard of Yin Bone Corpse?" Li Hao threw something, but Jiang Chen didn't catch it. His face turned pale and he suddenly retched: "Don't... don't mention the word corpse to me."

Good guy, I don’t know how that guy absorbed that mummy and left such a big shadow on Jiang Chen.

"Look at this thing, do you know its origin?" Li Hao said speechlessly.

Jiang Chen calmed down for a while, then picked up the Yin Bone Corpse from the table, looked at it for a while, and said, "It looks like some kind of evil, but I've never seen it before."

"Don't look at me like that..." Jiang Chen said helplessly, "There are countless supernatural powers in this world. How can I possibly know everything despite my age?"

"Do you know about the fire of hell?" Li Hao asked again.

"I do know this. This kind of evil fire needs to be refined with thousands of dead bones. It can burn people's blood and form dead corpses... vomit..."

Before he finished speaking, his face turned pale again and he even trembled.

Li Hao was completely speechless and simply didn't ask any more questions. Not long after, Lin Fei came in a hurry and said:

"Li Sishou, you raided Jubaofang, it's really..."

"Okay, okay, don't do that, I have something to ask you." Li Hao interrupted: "Hellfire, who is practicing in the north?"

"Hellfire?" Lin Fei frowned: "This thing is made of withered bones and can burn people into mummies..."


"What's wrong with him?" Lin Fei looked at Jiang Chen with a look of disgust.

"It's okay, just keep talking." Li Hao answered for him.

"Many evil cultivators practice, and their power is indeed impressive." Lin Fei pondered: "It is difficult to have a goal."

Li Hao frowned slightly and threw out the penis-bone corpse as thick as a thumb: "Plus this one, it was burned by the fire of hell."

"This is caused by the fire of hell." Jiang Chen stared wide-eyed and shook his head: "Impossible, the fire of hell will only burn people into..."

"...If you want to refine a whole person like this, it is difficult to achieve it through the fire of hell."

This is determined by the Xumi space and cannot be false. Li Hao shook his head and said: "It must be the fire of hell."

"Is this the method of disintegrating hell?" Lin Fei hesitated.

"You said..." Li Hao's eyes were shining.

"The hellfire has something to do with you, coupled with this weird death, these factors combined, I can filter out a force." Lin Fei did not sell out, and said bluntly: "Mingyue Mountain. "

"Mingyue Mountain?" Li Hao was a little stunned.

"Although their mountain gate was broken, the actual loss was not big. This evil cultivator sect has absolutely no trust in its disciples." Lin Fei briefly stated:

"Various poisons, talismans, and spiritual restrictions are used in a superimposed manner. The most critical one is the method of disintegrating the underworld. This is their method of restricting the most potential geniuses."

"The specially refined hell fire entering the body will not only not damage the foundation but will bring great benefits. With practice, it will be completely integrated into their bodies."

"But as long as it is induced by a special method, the person will self-destruct and cannot resist. According to the records of Tianji Pavilion, there was a master who wanted to leave Mingyue Mountain and was killed by this method."

The evil nature of Mingyue Mountain is not purely about the upper level restricting the lower level, but rather there is a kind of mutual restriction, eventually forming a strange way of unity.

"It turns out to be Mingyue Mountain, so it's not surprising." Li Hao murmured. He indirectly caused the destruction of Mingyue Mountain. If Rou Yue was from Mingyue Mountain, it wouldn't be surprising to hold a grudge against him.

But the problem is, how can the people of Mingyue Mountain hide this from everyone.

If Prince Ming'an doesn't care because of Rou Yue's special physique, King Zhenbei will definitely find out, and Tianji Pavilion will also know.

"Can you tell me what happened specifically?" Lin Fei then asked.

Li Hao thought for a while, he had already told King Zhenbei about this matter, and simply said: "That Rouyue..."

He recounted it again, omitting some details and only giving a general outline.

"There is such a thing..." Lin Fei's eyes flickered and he said: "Actually, Tianji Pavilion did find out something strange about Rou Yue."

"Tell me and listen..." Li Hao became more energetic.

"At the very beginning, when such a figure appeared next to Prince Ming'an, Tianji Pavilion mobilized great strength to conduct a thorough investigation."

"Basically, there are no problems, but I heard something from an old woman in her mansion that I don't know is true or false." Lin Fei frowned and said:

"Not long before his father was found guilty of bribery, Rouyue fell into critical illness and almost died."

"I'm not sure it's here. The old maid said that she had close contact with Rouyu and wiped her body. Her body was as cold as a dead person, but she woke up again half a day later."

"She has a special physique, but the small family cannot recognize it. She has never practiced. She is equivalent to a mortal. She may have a convulsion or something, so it is impossible to determine whether it is true or false."

Suspected of being resurrected from the dead?

Li Hao frowned, all kinds of thoughts swirling around him, and four words came to his mind - occupy the magpie's nest!

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