I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 129 Earth-level evolution, new functions, turbulent times, troubled times

Li Hao sat in the main seat with a golden sword, surrounded by compliments, such as "wise and powerful", "young genius", "a promising future" and so on.

Yang Ting'an was kneeling not far away. In fact, this scene did not last long, and Li Hao could not always mobilize the Zhenbei formation.

Not long after, with a roar, Yang Ting'an stood up suddenly with a fierce look in his eyes, which startled everyone.

But Li Hao just looked at him quietly, and Yang Ting'an couldn't really go on a killing spree.

Although King Zhenbei and Prince Ming'an have not shown up, they are definitely watching here secretly now.

So, without saying a word, he suddenly turned around and left here.

The atmosphere in the venue was cold for a moment, and then became more lively. Everyone looked at Li Hao with burning eyes.

Not only did he pass this level, but he also turned against the guest, severely humiliating Yang Ting'an.

Even with the help of the Zhenbei Formation, the gap in realm between the two people was difficult to bridge. As a result, Yang Ting'an came in a fierce manner and returned in a hurry and lonely.

There is no doubt that after today, this chief minister will definitely not be a puppet mascot in the Junfa Division.

Some people secretly lamented that Li Hao acted fiercely and counterattacked strongly in the face of such conspiracy and calculations, so he would definitely have more confrontations with Yang Ting'an in the future.

I don’t know if it will have a bad impact on them.

Even though there were all kinds of thoughts in his heart, on the surface he was still scrambling to say a few words to Li Hao.

The Leifeng Pagoda stood quietly in the courtyard, with violent banging noises heard from time to time. However, the mummy suppressed in it never escaped.

Wan Ren also breathed a sigh of relief. Since this incident did not cause a major disaster, he was relieved.

Then he turned around and prepared to walk towards the door to greet the late guests.

After taking only two steps, he turned back and saw Jiang Chen standing there with his head lowered. He couldn't help but ask: "Brother Jiang?"

It was okay not to ask. After asking, Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head, his dark eyes startled Wan Ren, and asked cautiously: "Are you...are you okay?"

"I'm fine, go and do your business." Jiang Chen's voice was low, and his state seemed a little strange.

But Wan Ren knew that many of Li Hao's friends were extraordinary and not ordinary monks. He looked at it with concern, then left without hesitation.

Jiang Chen walked towards the direction of Li Hao, his steps were erratic, and he easily passed through the crowd and came to Li Hao.

Li Hao didn't pay attention at first. After a casual glance, he was suddenly shocked. Damn it... why did Jiang Chen suddenly transform?

Who killed him?

After saying sorry to the people around him, he took Jiang Chen to a secluded place, wrapped his surroundings with spiritual power, and asked tentatively: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Yes, I am the one you think of." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Why did you come out suddenly? Is there any danger here, or did someone kill Jiang Chen?" Li Hao was slightly hesitant and looked around.

"No..." the other party responded: "I feel the breath of the same kind, and I am born the same kind. I need him."

"Same kind?" Li Hao was stunned, and then looked in the direction of Leifeng Pagoda.

The mummy under the Leifeng Tower was the only thing he could connect with zombies.

"That's right, it's what's inside the tower." The other party nodded and said in a faint voice, "Can you give me that body?"

He asked, and he could vaguely feel that this place was not simple. With his current strength, it might be difficult to snatch it away directly.

"This..." Li Hao showed a thoughtful look. It was useless for him to ask for the body. Since the general needed it, he didn't mind giving it to him.

But he also had a few questions to ask.

"Your Excellency, can you now control Jiang Chen's body at will?" Li Hao asked.

The other party was silent, he didn't want to answer this question, but this place was obviously the other party's territory.

And this kid seems to be very special. Last time he invited Tathagata to take care of him. If he is not satisfied, it may be difficult to take the things away.

"No, this time I felt that I was born the same kind, which was of great benefit to me, so I was able to wake up." He explained: "Don't worry, he and I are born as one and will not cause any harm to him."

"Born as one?" Li Hao's eyes flashed slightly. From these four words, he could completely deny what Taoist Beiling said.

However, he had long known that Taoist Beiling was deceiving Jiang Chen, so he asked directly: "Can you explain it in detail?"

"This person is my good friend. I don't want to see him practice life and make wedding clothes for others."

Li Hao's voice was not intense, but he had an attitude of his own.

This is Zhenbei City. Now that he has entered the Four Symbols, he can also use part of the power of the formation.

No matter if he is the ancestor of zombies or not, if he really dares to change the world, suppress him immediately!

It was obvious that the other party was hesitant. After a while, he shook his head and laughed: "Haha, this consciousness is lucky to have a friend like you."

"Forget it, I'll just tell you frankly."

"I am a corpse that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Beiling Corpse Raising Lineage." His words were astonishing. Li Hao was stunned for a moment in just one sentence.

The lineage of raising corpses?

A corpse passed down through generations?

He didn't wait for Li Hao to respond, and said: "I have been around for who knows how long. The Beiling bloodline has nourished my body for generations."

"Conscious bodies were born one after another above, and they use this body to walk in the world. Some are very powerful, and some are very weak."

"However, it is true that I only woke up in this generation."

Li Hao digested the news. Although he had known that this world was magical, he was really surprised that there was such an orthodoxy.

He added: "This generation is indeed somewhat special. The consciousness is not born by nature, but is poured into it by the corpse keepers of this generation."

Li Hao's mind moved slightly, and then he suddenly realized that part of what Beiling Taoist said should be true.

Jiang Chen's growth experiences should not be fabricated.

"Are you from an untraceable era?" Li Hao asked again. If this guy is really a general, he must know many secrets.

For example...the mystery of the fall of gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

"I'm not sure either. Many memories are incomplete and I need to regain my strength." He shook his head, not sure whether what he said was true or not.

Li Hao rubbed his chin and said without thinking for too long: "I understand..."

He moved his fingers, and the Leifeng Tower slowly rose, revealing a gap. Jiang Chen walked in without saying anything.

Along with the roar, Leifeng Tower fell again.

This so-called corpse-raising lineage should have many secrets, but Li Hao only needs to know a rough idea.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wan Ren hurried over, holding a jade slip in his hand. He came to Li Hao and whispered: "Sir, a boy sent it not long ago. The news mentioned on it is very important."

"Oh?" Li Hao heard this, took the jade slip, and mapped out a seal character -

"Qing Nang has left the palace and is now at Anqing Street. He will come to apologize!"

Qingnang came to plead guilty?

Li Hao's face suddenly darkened, and he instantly realized the profound meaning contained in it.

Qing Nang belongs to Prince Ming'an. In this situation, he came to plead guilty just because he wanted to hold him in mid-air.

First, Yang Ting'an came to provoke him, and then Qing Nang came to plead guilty. This set of combos was really deadly.

Wan Ren also knew the pros and cons, so he hurriedly came to report.

"Sir, what should I do?" He asked in a low voice, "If I don't send someone to stop him."

"Qingnang's cultivation level is not low. It is difficult for ordinary people to stop him. If any conflict breaks out, it will be even more troublesome." Li Hao thought about it. He was also surprised by this incident. He didn't expect Qingnang to be given up so easily.

"Furthermore, just based on this jade slip, we cannot be sure that the matter is true."

When Qing Nang came to recruit him that day, he thought he was an important retainer around Prince Ming'an.

But if it is true, it seems to be just mediocre, or it may mean that Prince An is too ruthless.

Boom! Boom!

There was a knocking sound from Leifeng Pagoda, which was different from the previous knocks. It was regular and low.

This is Jiang Chen coming out...

Li Hao raised his hand, and the Leifeng Tower turned into a golden stream of light and fell into his hands. Jiang Chen was the only one left under the tower, and the mummy had disappeared without a trace.

"Thank you..." He said to Li Hao. His condition seemed to be better and his breath became stronger.

"Your Majesty, I need your help with something." Li Hao suddenly said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen's expression changed a little. If you eat his corpse, you don't want me to do anything difficult, right?

"I would like to ask you to help me catch someone." Li Hao whispered, his voice gradually disappearing.

Jiang Chen left here with Wan Ren.

After watching the two people leave, he returned to the place where the banquet was held. Although everyone was arrogant and condescending among themselves.

But in fact, everyone is paying attention to what's going on here, guessing what's going on.

However, the conversations between Li Hao and several people were blocked with spiritual power, making it difficult for them to spy on them.

On the other side, Qingnang staggered and faltered.

"Hey, don't you have eyes? I've already covered my whole body with spiritual energy, and you still bump into me!?" Someone stared at Qingsang and scolded.

Qingnang didn't bother to pay attention at all, and went in a certain direction, his thoughts in his mind were very confusing.

"When he opened the mansion, he had the largest number of people in the mansion and the greatest momentum. It was the best time."

"You'd better burst into tears. The more wronged you are, the better..."

Prince Ming'an's people have already made arrangements for the plan, and they have already drawn up what kind of words will most arouse others' suspicion and suspicion.

"In the end we ended up like this..." He lamented in his heart.

He can also disobey Prince Ming'an's orders, but the final result waiting for him will be even more tragic than now.

He couldn't refuse, and his resentment towards Li Hao became even more intense.

"If you hadn't refused to recruit me, I wouldn't have ended up like this..."

"I came from a humble background. Since I have a chance to soar into the sky, why not seize it!?"

He still doesn't understand why Li Hao refused the prince's solicitation.

King Zhenbei was indeed very kind to him, but in terms of prospects, Prince Ming'an must have a brighter future.

"If a tree is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will blow it away. I don't believe that the King of Zhenbei is really protecting you!" He gritted his teeth secretly, and was bound to give Li Hao a painful blow at the moment when he was satisfied with his ambition.

He didn't know how Li Hao would react when he saw him kneeling in front of him.

surprise? Confuse? readily?

Maybe, after all, he is a member of Prince Ming'an. How can he not be excited if his status is subordinated to his majesty?

Maybe, some unwise words will be said at that time.

"You shouldn't be so ignorant..." Qingnang shook his head again. Although it felt good to think this way, Li Hao was not a fool.

At that time, I will probably kneel in front of him with a fearful expression, ask him to stand up, and then say that he represents Prince Ming'an and shouldn't be like this...

He could foresee the scene at that time, which was a normal response.

However, Yang Ting'an had already taken action to make Li Hao lose face. As soon as he came out like this, the momentum created by King Zhenbei for Li Hao was gone.



Before this idea fully emerged, he felt an unimaginable force coming from the back of his head, and then his vision went dark, and he felt a little dizzy.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the same place. The people nearby seemed to feel something and looked at the place where Qingsang had just disappeared in confusion.

"Did someone come there just now?"

"You're so fast. What kind of magical power did you use that I didn't even see clearly?"


"Master Li, don't send him far away..." Fangzhu Liu got into the car, and the smile on Li Hao's face gradually faded. The sky was already dark, and the banquet ended.

"It's really tiring to talk nonsense with these people..." Li Hao sighed.

"You can harvest nearly tens of millions of Spirit Source Crystals this time. There are so many people who want to pull it." Lin Fei next to him also looked sour.

"How many exactly?" Li Hao was slightly shaken and asked. This is the highlight. If it weren't for these things, he would be too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people.

"More than nine million, a total of 126 forces came." Lin Fei briefly stated: "Among them, the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion and Zhenxiufang gave the most, both five hundred thousand."

"Other forces are mixed."

"So many?" Wan Ren, who came over, couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this. This was just a celebration.

The total resources he has consumed so far in his cultivation probably amount to less than one million Spiritual Source Crystals.

"It's not much. When Huaiyuan took over as the head of Junfa Division, he should have collected treasures worth more than 20 million Spiritual Source Crystals." Lin Fei recalled, and said:

"It seems that there are still many people who have too many concerns and are afraid that they will be recorded after coming."

"As expected." Li Hao was not surprised. Although coming to congratulate him did not mean that he was on his side, there were also many people who thought too much and were unwilling to take risks.

"It's so..." Wan Ren hesitated, unable to describe it. It was obviously a great shock to him.

If you are a casual cultivator, even if you are in the Four Symbol Realm, you have to spend some time and effort to get so many Spiritual Source Crystals. It is not that easy.

Lin Fei glanced at him and said with a smile: "There are only three chiefs in the entire Zhenbei City. Their scope of influence does not cover the entire northern border, but they can also speak in many places."

"They only rotate once every tens, hundreds, or even hundreds of years. It's really not a lot to collect these things."

Counting what he had left in his hands before, he already had about 16 million Spiritual Source Crystals. In theory, he could evolve an earth-level eighth-level world.

There are still about four million spiritual source crystals before he can evolve into a heaven-level world.

However, I'm afraid it will take a while. After all, what should be wanted, what should be cut, and what should be rewarded have been experienced.

But he is not too eager to evolve into a heaven-level world.

Because he discovered during the last evolution that the higher the level of the evolved world, the stronger the strength. If he finally reflects in it, he may not be able to kill everyone and get good things.

Moreover, he had to keep some Spiritual Source Crystals for emergencies, so he actually needed more.

The earth-level world is enough for him now.

He quickly thought about it clearly. After counting the Spiritual Source Crystals, he returned to the room and started the evolution directly.

He had just received the Lingyuan Crystal, which was not yet warm, and he threw it all in. He only invested 14 million, evolving into the seventh level of the earth level, and left about 2 million in case of emergencies.

[During evolution, scene anchoring is successful]

[Earth-level evolution is enabled, special function--other transformation is activated freely, please select an identity

sect deacon

Idle monk]

Without knowing what world he was in, there was nothing to worry about when choosing his identity. Li Hao simply chose the first one.

[Special function-evolution entry: none]

【Evolution entry】?

Is this the newly acquired ability of Earth-level evolution?

Li Hao was a little surprised and a little puzzled. Looking at the gray words, he was already familiar with it. It was just a need for energy.

Just enough to save some for emergencies, he recharged his energy.

About one million spiritual source crystals were consumed, and the font really started to move.

[Evolution entry - Tiansha Lone Star: People around you will die for various reasons. The more people die, the richer the reward will be.



Li Hao was slightly stunned. It turns out that this form...

However, his eyes were fixed on the replaceable one. After all, it was a new function and he had to explore it.

Replacement also requires Lingyuan Crystal. Li Hao pinched his nose and threw in the remaining Lingyuan Crystal.

Along with the font blurred for a while--

[Evolution Entry--Calamity Metamorphosis: A newly enhanced calamity choice is more dangerous and the rewards are more generous.


Add a new choice?

Li Hao was a little surprised. Every time a new function was replaced, Lingyuan Crystal was consumed. It had already emptied him, and he was not replacing it.

However, the new features are still quite powerful and can influence the evolution and ultimately determine the rewards.

Wanjiezhi fell into silence, and Li Hao was also hollowed out.

After handling these matters, Li Hao came out of the room. Wan Ren was waiting outside, with two bald heads.

It is Kasyapa and Jinchan.

Wan Ren looked confused: "Sir, these two have been unwilling to leave..."

"It's okay, I'll take care of it..." Li Hao smiled lightly and said sideways: "You two, please come in and talk."

Kasyapa hesitated to speak, but finally followed Li Hao into the room.

"I heard Ksitigarbha Buddha say, have you ever borrowed the power of the Tathagata True Buddha?" Seeing that there were no other people around, Kasyapa also got straight to the point.

"Not bad..." Li Hao nodded and admitted frankly.

Kasyapa is very powerful, and he came to protect the golden cicada all the way to the Netherworld.

"In this case, you should follow us back to the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and Ksitigarbha Buddha will personally enlighten you to the wisdom of the past." Kasyapa said urgently.

"Master..." Li Hao shook his head and sighed: "I can't leave here yet."

"Why?" Kasyapa asked: "Is it King Zhenbei or Daxia who won't let you leave?"

"No..." Li Hao was mysterious and said leisurely: "Until hell is empty, I swear I will never become a Buddha!"

When Kasyapa heard this, he couldn't help but trembled and looked at Li Hao who looked sad.

He had heard this sentence from the mouth of Ksitigarbha Buddha, and it was precisely because of this sentence that they traveled thousands of miles to the north.

He didn't expect to hear these words again from the person in front of him.

This convinced him that Ksitigarbha Buddha said that this person must be the reincarnation of the supreme true Buddha.

Seeing that Kasyapa was so excited that he could not speak, Li Hao understood that he had made the right bet.

To deal with this kind of fanatical believer, you have to be specious and keep hinting.

"Do you also want to enter the gate of hell?" Kasyapa asked.

"Buddha said: It cannot be said." Li Hao is so profound that he neither admits nor denies it.

Kasyapa fell into deep thought, and after a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, you have such great ambitions, I will do my best to protect you!"

Jin Chan didn't know much about these things, so he was just as confused as when he listened to Ksitigarbha Buddha's lectures in the past. However, he still looked calm and followed the good path: "I am also willing to protect the Buddha's disciples."

When Li Hao saw this, he didn't say much, neither refused nor took responsibility.

He won't encounter any danger in Zhenbei City, but he won't mind if there are multiple bodyguards. This is why he is willing to talk nonsense with the other party.

Li Hao arranged for the two of them to stay in the mansion, and then followed Wan Ren to the dungeon.

Jiang Chen and the sealed green bag are here.

"You're finally here..." This guy glanced at Li Hao, but he hadn't returned his body yet.

"Trouble..." Li Hao nodded, and the other party waved his hand: "It's a trivial matter, raising a corpse, you should think about it carefully before deciding whether to tell him."

"I don't care, I'm just afraid that if he gets some stimulation, he will definitely seek death."

Li Hao was silent, but it was not impossible.

If Jiang Chen knew that his body was just an object that had been passed down for many years, he might not have convulsions.

With a roll of his eyelids, Jiang Chen's body fell straight forward. Before he landed, he opened his eyes again and jumped up suddenly.

He was a little confused and confused for a moment. He looked around and his expression changed. Finally, he looked at Li Hao and said, "Is he out?"

"Yeah" Li Hao nodded.

"It's really not a dream..." Jiang Chen murmured and wailed, "Did I really eat that mummy?"

Li Hao was silent.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's voice became even more stern: "Damn it, can you please stop using your mouth? I have a psychological shadow!"

He was dragged out by Wan Ren, leaving only Li Hao and Qingnang in the dungeon.

Li Hao's fingertips shot out a bolt of lightning, and Qing Nang's body trembled slightly as he woke up from his coma.

"Hiss—" He took a breath, and before even having time to observe his surroundings, he subconsciously reached out and touched the back of his head.

Sure enough, it was a bloody mess.

He is a practitioner of the Four Symbols Realm. If you want to knock him unconscious, the power you will unleash is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, there was a big hole in his head, which made him suffer from throbbing pain.

"Li Hao?" He raised his head and looked at Li Hao who was close at hand. After being stunned, he couldn't believe it: "Do you have an informant around His Royal Highness!?"

The dialogue seemed a bit out of context, but in fact, the first moment Qing Nang saw Li Hao, he completed the deduction of the situation in his mind.

The reason why he is here must be that Li Hao sent someone to secretly attack him.

Although he wanted to go to Li Hao's mansion and do something unfavorable to him, only a limited number of people knew about it.

And they are basically people close to Prince Ming'an.

Li Hao knew about this matter because someone tipped him off.

"Mr. Qingnang is also a smart man. In this case, we don't have to talk nonsense." Li Hao got straight to the point and asked directly: "When I fought with Tie Nanjun before, were you trying to trick me?"

"Ha..." Qingnang sneered: "No need to talk nonsense, if you dare to attack me, His Highness the Prince will not let you go."

"Yang Ting'an is just the beginning. Although you have become the leader, you are no different from a puppet."

His words were taken for granted, as if he had already acquiesced that Yang Ting'an's plan had been successful, Li Hao was disgraced, and no one was willing to listen to his orders.

"You are already an abandoned son, why are you still thinking about him?" Li Hao did not explain, but just said: "This is Zhenbei City, there is nothing he can't find out."

The King of Zhenbei has been operating here for many years. Even if people's hearts have been fluctuating recently, it is still easy to make the disappearance of Qingsang impossible to trace.

"Forget it, since you are loyal to Prince Ming'an, then I will send you on your way. It's a pity that no one can see your loyalty." Li Hao raised his hand and was about to take action. The last words fell lightly into the blue sky. Sac in the ear:

"Also, I forced Yang Ting'an to kneel in front of the mansion. It's hard to say who is the puppet."

The pupils of the blue sac are constricted, what? Yang Ting'an failed?

He was in the Nether Realm. Prince Ming'an's people had deduced that even if Li Hao used the power of Zhenbei Formation, he would not be able to suppress Yang Ting'an!

Without time to think too much, he subconsciously said: "Wait!"

Li Hao's big hand that was about to fall suddenly stopped and said indifferently: "You only have a chance to say a word."

Qingnang didn't know why he shouted to stop. It might be the instinctive reaction of a person who is afraid of death before death, and he subconsciously wants to delay the arrival of death.

It may also be because he was shocked by what Li Hao said and wanted to distinguish the truth from the lies.

His mind was tangled with thoughts. He had never thought of betraying Prince Ming'an because the price of betrayal was too high.

But in this three-acre area of ​​​​Zhenbeicheng, even if he died, Prince Ming'an might not be able to find anything.

So he didn't want to die so worthlessly and silently.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "There is someone around Your Highness who wants to harm you!"

"This news doesn't seem to be valuable. Don't everyone around him want to harm me?" Li Hao frowned.

"No..." Qingnang shook his head: "You are different. You have great potential. Let His Majesty pay attention and kill you directly. It is not within the scope of consideration."

"Besides, before you became the head of the Division of Justice, His Highness the Prince didn't care much about you."

"But there is one person who is very hostile to you."

Li Hao became interested. Prince Ming'an came from the Central Region, and he had never interacted with anyone around him.

After coming to Zhenbeicheng, I didn't have much dealings with the other party's people. At most, I just rubbed against the people from Jijixia Academy, which was not a big deal.

I really can’t think of anyone…

Wait... Li Hao was slightly stunned, next to Prince Ming'an. However, there is a person from the northern border - the oiran of Runchun Garden - Rou Yue.

"Rou Yue?" He asked tentatively, Qing Sang was slightly shocked. He didn't expect Li Hao to think of it so quickly, so he nodded and said, "Yes, it's her..."

"She has a special physique, but is free from worries. She can control it with the power of the soul but cannot break through Tongyou. If she wants her to be willing to make a wedding dress for His Highness, she must voluntarily practice."

"She made a condition to the prince."

"Kill me?" Li Hao asked.

"No, I will destroy you and then leave it to her." Qingnang's answer made Li Hao even more confused.

Lin Fei had told him about Rou Yue's information and that he was no match for him. Why did he have such hatred for him?

Rou Yue's conditions for him to take over as the head of the Junfa Department disrupted Prince Ming'an's plans, and perhaps he was a little unhappy because he refused to recruit him.

Driven by various factors, the scale in Prince Ming'an's heart gradually tilted.

As distracting thoughts arose, he recalled the jade slip he had sent during the day. The person who sent it was also entrusted by others, and there was no way to trace it.

If it was someone from the King of Zhenbei, he should be informed directly. There is no need to be so mysterious.

But again, if there is no one he knows well around Prince Ming'an, who will send him a message?

After thinking about it, Rouyue is still the only one. Could it be that the person who harmed him and helped him are both the same person?

Li Hao gathered his thoughts and asked, "What grudge does she have against me?"

This makes Qingnang a little confused. After provoking such a big enemy, Li Hao actually doesn't know anything?

"I don't know either. I have never had direct contact with her. Prince Ming'an placed her in the deep palace. There is no man around her." Qing Nang shook his head.

It seems that Prince Ming'an is also afraid that others will snatch the wedding dress before it is even woven.

"Very good, this is a good start." Li Hao also understood that Qing Nang should know nothing about this matter.

He did not continue the interrogation. When necessary, Qing Nang accepted the reality that he had betrayed him in order to squeeze out more information.

A soft moon appeared out of nowhere, which puzzled Li Hao. He really didn't know when he had offended the other party.

"Hmm... It seems that we can only go to Run Chun Yuan to see..." Li Hao thought about it, the only place Rou Yue had stayed in Zhenbei City was Run Chun Yuan.


On the other side of the palace, Prince Ming'an frowned and looked at the messenger below: "Mr. Qingnang, has he disappeared?"

"Yes..." The person reporting below was covered in sweat: "We were following Mr. Qingnang. Before we could see him clearly, he disappeared as if someone had taken him away by force."

"Forcibly kidnapped him?" Prince Ming'an frowned: "Is there anyone in Zhenbei City who dares to take action?"

"Perhaps the person who did it was someone from Zhenbeicheng." Someone spoke in an indifferent tone: "However, the kidnapping at this time must be because of a plea for punishment."

"Your Highness, it's time to check around you."

Prince Ming'an's eyes were slightly cold, and he had obviously discovered the key information hidden behind this matter.

However, he added: "But I am surrounded by absolute confidants brought by Zhongyu."

"It is inevitable that a confidant will not rebel. Even the adopted son of King Zhenbei has second thoughts." The man's tone was light, but Prince Ming'an nodded:

"What you said makes sense, Liezhou. It's up to you to take care of this matter."

"Understood." Lie Zhou looked calm.

Ming'an nodded and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that Yang Ting'an also failed."

"Both methods are useless and only make people laugh."

Liezhou also regretted, "This person is indeed extraordinary. It is a pity that this person does not want to follow His Highness, otherwise he will definitely become his right and left arm."

"This person is docile on the surface, but in reality he is unruly. I may not be able to treat him like King Zhenbei did." Ming An shook his head.

"But it's the same." Lie Zhou nodded. What these princes want is loyalty, absolute loyalty, otherwise they will not be reused.

Just like Tie Nanjun, he is obviously his person, but in essence he is not accepted.


The next morning, Li Hao wanted to go to Runchun Garden first, but news came from the palace and asked him to enter the palace. It seemed that there was something urgent.

By the time he arrived, senior officials from Zhenbeicheng had already arrived, including Xing Mengdao, Chief Wu, General Lin, Mr. Qiu, etc...

The guard who had led him to retreat, Wu Sishou was the first to speak, laughing loudly:

"Director Li, I wanted to go to the mansion to visit you yesterday, but in order to avoid arousing speculation from the people below, I held back my thoughts."

The heads of the three divisions have changed, and there will basically be no movement in the other two divisions.

The people didn't go and the money didn't arrive. Aren't you talking nonsense?

Li Hao complained, but also smiled on the surface: "Secretary Wu, you are polite, we are all our own people."

Xing Mengdao looked at him and said in a strong voice: "I heard that you took one of my subordinates to be a housekeeper?"

"Chief Xing should know the ins and outs of this matter." Li Hao did not answer directly.

Xing Mengdao did not continue the topic, but he also looked away. Everyone knew that he had embarrassed Yang Ting'an, and no one dared to look down on the chief executive.

After he sat down, King Zhenbei got straight to the point and said directly without any delay: "I have called you here for three things."

"First, our people have entered the gate of hell."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Wu Sishou immediately said: "Is there any news?"

"Not yet." King Zhenbei shook his head:

"But they have successfully verified what Li Sishou said, so everyone who has been in contact with the ghost gate must be strictly controlled in case of emergency."

Xing Mengdao was also very direct: "Our people are easy to handle. They are all soldiers and are basically in Zhenbei City. There is no big problem, but those from the sect are more troublesome."

"Most of the people who came into contact with the Ghost Gate at the Boneyard last time were the mainstays of those sects, and some were even the sons of the heads or elders."

"If we force them to surrender, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

King Zhenbei nodded: "I understand, so I want to talk about the second thing - the sect enters the city."

"The sect garrison outside the city has almost been built, and it's time for those sects to send people to move in."

Li Hao's heart moved slightly. It turned out that those sect stations still had this function.

It seems that King Zhenbei and Prince Ming'an had already thought about it from the beginning.

"But how can we be sure that the people who come are all people who have been in contact with the hell gate?" Xing Mengdao was puzzled.

"We will designate all the sects, and the people who come will be designated by us." King Zhenbei had a plan, and they had set many detailed rules from the beginning.

The sects that have been exposed to the ghost gate are only a small part of them, and all the sects are designated, which can greatly dispel all kinds of worries.

Being able to see some acquaintances again, Li Hao couldn't help but think wildly.

Brother Yuan, Brother Yuan, I wonder if your body has been taken away...

"As for the third thing, it was an unexpected incident." King Zhenbei turned around and said: "Less than ten thousand miles away from Zhenbei City, there is a big tomb that is about to be revealed. It has soaring yin energy and a lot of treasures."

"Yang Ting'an went to investigate and found a mummy from the Four Symbol Realm just outside. I'm afraid it was also affected by the Ghost Gate. I don't know what kind of changes have occurred."

Li Hao was a little surprised that the zombie came from here.

The range of ten thousand miles is not that far, and it is likely to have some impact on Zhenbei City, so the King of Zhenbei mentioned it.

"The emergence of the big tomb will inevitably cause a commotion. Many casual cultivators in the north will also gather here. The casual cultivators do not follow a certain pattern and hate being bound by rules."

"So, during this period, people from the sect will enter the city, and a large number of casual cultivators will come here, which will inevitably cause trouble. I hope that the three of you will help each other and not cause big trouble." King Zhenbei warned again.

"Understood." The three of them said in unison.

Immediately, everyone discussed some details, and it was not until noon that King Zhenbei let everyone leave.

"Wait, Li Hao, you stay..."

When everyone was about to leave, King Zhenbei said specifically, which made several people look at each other and think of what happened yesterday.

After everyone left, King Zhenbei looked at Li Hao and suddenly laughed and said, "You did a good job regarding Yang Ting'an. They wanted to dampen your spirit, but they made themselves lose their prestige."

"It's just a fluke. It all depends on the power of Zhenbei Formation." Li Hao said humbly.

"You, you..." King Zhenbei pointed at him, meaning, "It's not a good thing to be too humble. Sometimes, you should be more arrogant."

Hmm...is this a hint?

In this case, when I go to Junfa Division later, I can be even more crazy.

Li Hao looked strange and did not respond, but King Zhenbei changed his tone and asked: "Mr. Qingnang, who is under Prince Ming'an, did you do it?"

He seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Just now he praised his modesty, but now he was asking such an arrogant thing.

"It's me..." Li Hao admitted it without any hesitation.

It is not a good choice to deceive the King of Zhenbei in Zhenbei City.

And it’s the kind of behavior whose traces cannot be erased.

"Why?" King Zhenbei asked, without any harsh intention. He knew that Li Hao was not a reckless person, and there must be a reason for everything to happen.

"Prince Ming'an ordered him to go to my mansion to plead guilty." Li Hao briefly stated.

"Please forgive me..." King Zhenbei's face darkened slightly, and he immediately tasted the sinister intentions of Prince Ming'an's actions.

"When I received the news, there was not much time left, so I took action directly." Li Hao explained.

"Yes." King Zhenbei nodded: "It's understandable that you should follow the authority in urgent matters."

"Prince Ming'an asked me about this matter last night, and I sent him back. Don't worry, he can't find any traces."

He reassured Li Hao and showed that he would support him.

Then, he asked: "Do you have an informant around Prince Ming'an?"

"I was also confused about what was going on. At that time, I also wondered if it was a trap."

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, he said more: "Furthermore, according to Qing Nang, Rou Yue, who is next to Prince Ming An, seems to have a great hatred for me, but I don't know when I have offended her. "

"Rou Yue?" King Zhenbei was also a little surprised: "That oiran?"

"I ordered someone to check her out, and there is no way she has anything to do with you."

"I don't understand either." Li Hao was also very surprised. Rou Yue didn't deal with him because of the King of Zhenbei, but she just came to fuck him. There must be something wrong.

King Zhenbei said thoughtfully: "I will let people keep an eye on this matter."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Li Hao nodded. With a backer, he would naturally not do anything on his own.

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