I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 128 Opening a mansion! Holy Weapon Leifeng Tower!

The Qi around his body converged, and the boiling Qi and blood around Li Hao gradually calmed down. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling that there was power hidden in his body that could tear everything apart.

He had just experienced this feeling not long ago, and when he broke through the four phenomena, he had this illusion.

"The Eight-nine Mysterious Skills are indeed extraordinary..." Li Hao murmured secretly, and the sound of violent bones erupted from his body. His body was slowly growing, and his cheeks were even more twisted and twitching.

In the end, he turned into a completely unfamiliar strong man. This change was not a simple disguise.

Instead, it has fundamentally changed the direction of his bones. Just looking at it with the naked eye, no matter how high the realm is, it is difficult to see the problem. Unless you use special magical powers, you can see some clues.

This is just a fragment of the chapter he got from Tie Nanjun, with a small magical power attached.

His body strengthened again, and even though he had reached the Four Symbols Realm, he still felt a transformation like a leap.

After regaining his original appearance, he walked out of the room, opened the door, and several pairs of eyes, large and small, stared at him.

Jiang Chen, Lin Fei, Qi Wuji, and even Tie Nanjun were also there...

Li Hao was not surprised, because he could feel the atmosphere of the outside world in the room.

"What are you doing in Brother Qi's room?" Jiang Chen spoke first, with a look and suspicion in his eyes: "We felt the surging energy and blood, and didn't know what you were doing, so we didn't go in to disturb you."

"You have just broken through the Four Symbols Realm. What you should do now is to completely master this power and stop practicing hastily." Jiang Chen seemed to be telling him, but everyone present could hear the sourness in his words.

"I was studying a magical power just now..." Li Hao said a few perfunctory words and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei laughed twice: "I was so excited when I heard that Brother Li had taken over as the head of the department. I rushed over immediately to express my condolences."

"Li Sishou must never forget my brother in the future. If I am arrested for being domineering on the street and robbing civilian girls, I will ask Li Sishou to say hello to me."

"Well, prepare some Spirit Source Crystals. Even if you go to assassinate the prince, I can fish them out for you." Li Hao said solemnly after hearing this.

A few people were stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly. Qi Wuji invited a few people in, then made some spiritual tea and sat across from each other.

"Brother Li, your cultivation speed is too fast. I originally wanted to wait for the injury to heal before I can spar with you, but it seems that I can't spar with you now." Tie Nanjun said with a bit of complaint. What he needed was an even match. Fight instead of being abused one-sidedly.

Li Hao has entered the Four Symbols Realm and completely crushed him. Naturally, he has no interest in fighting the opponent.

"You can go find Monk Jin Chan. He has special magical powers, so he can fight with you." Li Hao pointed out a clear path for him.

Tie Nanjun thought for a moment, "It seems to be true. The Arhat I fought with before seemed to have the same strength as me. It felt like he was fighting against himself."

With the target in mind, Tie Nanjun suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Li, I heard from Tu Jie and the others that His Highness the Prince seems to want to be the leader of something like this, but if you snatch him away, he will definitely be very unhappy."

The prince also wants to be the chief minister?

The other people who were drinking tea were stunned when they heard this. Lin Fei reacted quickly and asked tentatively: "You mean, the Seventeenth Prince also covets the position of the head of the Junfa Division."

"It seems..." Tie Nanjun scratched his head and said uncertainly.

Lin Fei was speechless, too lazy to pay attention to this big man, and instead said: "This matter is not a secret. Yang Ting'an from the Junfa Department has been very close to the Seventeenth Prince recently, and it was he who sent Rou Yue."

"Your Majesty has already told me..." Li Hao was not surprised and his tone was calm.

Lin Fei said "Yeah". Since Li Hao has taken over this position, it is impossible for him to know nothing about what is going on behind the scenes.

He thought: "Although you have become the new head of the Junfa Division, the Junfa Division is a behemoth. It is not that easy for you to completely control him."

"I understand..." Li Hao nodded and did not discuss the matter in depth. Instead, he chuckled and said, "The prince rewarded me with the mansion in Huaiyuan. I plan to hold a celebration when the mansion is opened to congratulate me." Become the leader."

"Tsk...you are trying to make a big fortune." Lin Fei could see Li Hao's plan at a glance: "However, as the sun and moon change the sky, those three religions and nine schools in the city should also see the land above their heads. A new day.”

"However, there is something I want Brother Lin to do." Li Hao suddenly said.

Lin Fei immediately stood up and bowed: "Director Li, please give me your instructions."

Li Hao couldn't help but was speechless, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'd better change to someone else. I can't bear your big gift."

"Alas... alas... alas..." Lin Fei suddenly laughed and said, "Just a joke, just a joke, tell me something."

Li Hao then said: "When I opened the mansion, the gifts sent by those people must be all kinds, and I am too lazy to find someone to deal with them one by one. Please help me let the wind out, and say that I will only accept the Spiritual Source Crystal. "

"Only the Spiritual Source Crystals..." Lin Fei was a little surprised, but many people could find out that Li Hao had extremely strong demand for the Spiritual Source Crystals.

Some people even speculated that this was closely related to his rapid leap in cultivation, or that it might be some kind of strange magical power.

"Okay, leave this matter to me." Lin Fei nodded.

"Is there something wrong with King Zhenbei's eyes? He actually asked you to be the chief minister. He is really not afraid that his Zhenbei City will be hollowed out." Jiang Chen muttered.

After a few people chatted for a while, Li Hao left and went to Huaiyuan's mansion.

This mansion is almost only one step away from the palace. It is grand and majestic. There are two stone beasts carved in stone in front of the door. Just taking a look at them will give you a feeling of chills all over your body.

The Chilin Army is now guarding the place. Although Huaiyuan claimed to be missing, anyone with a discerning eye knows what happened. The mansion is sealed and no one is confused.

The Chilin Army had already received the order to get out of the way, opened the door, and watched Li Hao step inside. As Huaiyuan's mansion, this place was very luxurious.

The stream surrounds the entire courtyard, and there are several white fish dragons swimming in it, like dragons that have been shrunk countless times, and the fish's whiskers are pale gold.

Just these few ichthyosaurs are of extraordinary value, not to mention the plants that can be seen everywhere exuding hazy light and fragrance.

"General Lin?"

Li Hao made a sound in astonishment. He walked into the mansion and within two steps, he saw General Lin holding a spear and wearing armor.

"Are you back from Fuyang City?"

General Lin turned his head, nodded slowly, with complicated eyes, and said with a smile: "Well, not long after I came back, you gave me a big surprise."

There was only some mess left in Fuyang City. He waited until the people from Zhenbeicheng arrived and then left Fuyang City.

As soon as he returned to Zhenbeicheng, he received some news that shocked him.

After seeing Li Hao again, combined with the previous news, he suddenly felt as if he was in another world, but in fact, it had only been a few days.

"Please..." Li Hao reached out and asked General Lin to go to the lobby to reminisce about old times, but General Lin waved his hand and said, "I'm here to give you something. Your Majesty is still waiting for me. I won't stay here for a long time."

"Something?" Li Hao was a little confused, then saw General Lin take out a beautifully made Qiankun bag and handed it to him: "This is your Majesty's reward, 10 million Spiritual Source Crystals."

Li Hao was a little surprised and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that His Majesty would actually reward me with something."

General Lin cupped his hands and said: "Although His Majesty is in the imperial capital of the Central Region, he has always dominated the world. Nothing can escape his eyes. At your age, it is really amazing to step into the Four Elephants, and the reward is not surprising."

General Lin acted vigorously and resolutely, and came here to deliver rewards. Now that the goal has been achieved, he did not stay longer and left the mansion.

Li Hao was the only one left in the mansion. He threw the Qiankun bag in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

Adding these 10 million Spiritual Source Crystals, he now has 12 million Spiritual Source Crystals in his hand. Even with reflection, he can evolve a six-layer earth-level world.

However, he is not in a hurry to evolve. He still has some secrets in his hand that he plundered from the previous evolutionary world and has not yet digested them.

He had the Spirit Source Crystal in his hand and had nothing to do now. He started charging it without hesitation.

He only used about one-third of the many secrets he brought back last time before entering the Four Symbol Realm.

Among the remaining secret books, there is only one magical power that is not too eye-catching--

[The mighty Tianlong (cheats): The back contains a Tianlong, which can help kill the enemy]

This is Fahai's magical power that presses the bottom of the box, and it was something Li Hao managed to steal from Jinshan Temple.

It took about five million spiritual source crystals to fully charge all the remaining secret books.

He immediately chose to fuse, and his body changed again, but he has now completed the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques.

Most of the magical powers that were fused this time were swallowed up by Wanfa Yanwu. With his current physical strength, he didn't feel much, but the enhancement was also enhanced.

A mysterious light mirror appeared behind him, and when it reflected the spiritual light in front of Li Hao's eyes, he saw two faintly swimming golden heavenly dragons on his smooth back, which was quite mysterious.

"Interesting..." Li Hao thought for a moment and then put on his clothes.

Just after breaking through the Four Symbol Realm, he took another small step forward. Although he was still far away from setting foot in the Middle Realm, Li Hao was in a good mood.

The Spiritual Source Crystal in his hand has shrunk significantly again, and Li Hao is not in a hurry. When the day of opening the mansion comes, he can still make a lot of money, and it will not be too late to use it to reflect evolution.

In the Northern Wasteland, somewhere, a giant bronze gate that almost connects the sky and the sky stands between the sky and the earth. Amidst the clouds, many armored soldiers with solemn expressions can be seen flying around the entire giant bronze gate.

They are conducting an inspection, but because the Gate of Hell is too huge, they want to conduct a complete inspection, which will take a lot of time.

Under the door, there was a group of fully armed soldiers, with flashing eyes and anxious expressions. The leader was a general like an iron tower, wearing bright gold armor.

"You have all followed Prince Xu Yao and seen this giant bronze gate." He spoke, and while pacing, he was also observing the soldiers.

"You should know that this giant gate has brought great changes to the Northern Territory. His Majesty lowered his gaze, and the King of Zhenbei was also angry."

"I hope you can figure out what happened." The golden-armored general said in a high-pitched voice: "You carry the hopes of many people in the north. His Majesty is watching you, and the King of Zhenbei is also watching you!"

As he narrated, the hesitant eyes of the soldiers gradually became firmer, and they shouted in unison, their voices reaching into the sky——

"I will not give up even if I die!"

"Very good..." The general nodded with satisfaction, turned around and ordered: "Send the things to them."

Some soldiers came out, holding the Qiankun bag, and took out talismans one by one and handed them to these soldiers.

"This is a magical talisman carefully developed by Qin Tianjian. Each talisman can burst out the power of the Four Symbols Realm."

"The armor you are wearing is called the Rikishi Dao Armor. It is integrated with your companions. All the power will be divided into many parts and borne by you all."

The golden-armored general did not shy away, and said with extremely sharp eyes: "If any of you can come back alive, what awaits you will be a meteoric rise!"

If this group of soldiers can come, their family affairs have been arranged long ago, so that they have no worries.

Now this general has given them another hope. Although it is extremely slim, it is like a fire burning in their hearts.

Come back alive!

Everyone who had already had the will to die suddenly had the light of life in their eyes.

"Go..." The golden-armored general waved his hand, and the many soldiers in the queue looked resolute and headed towards the giant bronze door.

They were like insignificant ants, slowly approaching the majestic gate that occupied their field of vision, and the simple and heavy breath hit their faces.

As they gradually approached the gate of hell, the eyes of the golden-armored general became sharper.

This is the first batch of pathfinders. It is not yet certain whether they can enter the gate of hell. There are many people waiting for news about him.

The soldiers at the forefront had already arrived at the gate of hell. A sense of desolation and desolation surged in his heart. He slowly raised his hand and placed it on the nearby door.

A little cold... The feeling of touch subconsciously appeared in his mind, but the next moment his figure disappeared here.

Subsequently, the soldiers in the rear also disappeared one after another in front of the ghost gate.

The golden-armored general slowly loosened his clenched fists and shouted in a deep voice: "Commander, go and report, the plan is successful!"

In the afternoon, it is time to eat. For most people in Zhenbeicheng, some meals containing spiritual energy are still the best choice to supplement their daily consumption.

Although high-level practitioners can eat Xia Qi, the essence contained in some special foods is very beneficial to the body, even equivalent to a day's practice.

Zhen Gourmet House, a place famous for its delicious food in Zhenbei City, occupies a vast area. The food they make is not only extremely delicious, but also very beneficial to cultivation.

"What?" The purple-robed shop owner frowned slightly and looked at the steward in front of him: "Li Sishou only accepts Lingyuan Crystal as a gift?"

"That's right..." The gray-haired steward nodded and said, "It's the wind that came from Lin Fei's mouth. This Li Sishou has entered Huaiyuan's mansion. He will open the mansion soon and invite all the major forces in Zhenbei City. …”

"He wants to make a big fortune..." The shop owner was not surprised, but he was confused: "However, as long as the Lingyuan Crystal..."

He shook his head, but before he finished speaking, the old steward lowered his head and lowered his eyebrows, and added: "The food looks a bit ugly."

"Be careful what you say!" The boss frowned and scolded him: "He is the head of the Junfa Division now, so he still needs to be treated with courtesy."

The old steward nodded hurriedly, with a look of fear on his face: "I was negligent."

The shop owner said a few words without being too harsh, and instead said: "Prepare the Spiritual Source Crystal so that I can take it with me."

"Are you going to attend?" The old steward was a little surprised: "There is news in the city that the conflict between the prince and the prince will probably be brought to light. You go to Li Hao's opening ceremony..."

"Isn't it inappropriate?"

"It would be inappropriate if I didn't go." The boss shook his head: "The matter between the prince and the prince has nothing to do with us. When the chief minister takes office, this is etiquette. We are open-minded."

"On the contrary, the more hesitant and hesitant you are, the more you will be remembered."

"I understand, how many gifts do I need to prepare?" the old steward asked.

The shop owner thought about it: "In the past, I always gave away items worth about 500,000 Spiritual Source Crystals. This time, I will give away 500,000 Spiritual Source Crystals directly, and others will not be able to find fault."

The celebration of the opening of a house is not a big one, it is just an attitude. Even if you really want to give a big gift, you will not choose it at this time.

However, he is considered prestigious in Zhenbei City, so he must be polite.

The old steward took the order and went down to prepare. Similar conversations took place among various civil forces in Zhenbeicheng.

Two days later, in front of Huaiyuan... no... Li Hao's mansion, there was a bustle of people, and various exotic beasts and vehicles came speeding towards him.

After approaching, the driver slowed down again and stopped in front of the mansion honestly.

The door is open, and there are two large gilded characters on the plaque - Li Mansion

Under the plaque, Wan Ren was wearing a long robe with a faint smile on his face. There were two jade cases on the side. Jiang Chen and Qi Wuji were seated separately and took the Qiankun bags one by one from the hands of the visitors.

After quickly counting the numbers with a secret method, he recorded them on the jade slip in his hand.

"He is really good at summoning people..." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

This kind of gift-receiving task is quite sensitive and must be done by someone you trust.

"Master Liu, you are here, please come inside..." Wan Ren smiled a little brighter on his face and greeted the person in front of him, Master Zhenxiang, whose size is almost the same as that of Runchun Garden.

It can be regarded as one of the several giants in Zhenbei City.

"Commander Wan..." Fangzhu Liu's eyes were strange, and he immediately changed his words: "I will call him Wan Guanjia now."

"You're welcome, please come in..." Although Wan Ren smiled, it was mostly out of politeness and etiquette, not flattery at all, and he was well-founded in his advances and retreats, neither humble nor overbearing.

When Master Liu entered the mansion, a maid led him into the courtyard, where tables and chairs had already been placed. He was no stranger to all kinds of exotic delicacies and exotic fruits.

Because this is custom-made from their home.

Wan Ren greeted guests at the door. After taking action in the Jingwei Division that day, he approached Li Hao. After clarifying the general situation, Li Hao asked him to temporarily handle various matters in the mansion.

Although he now holds a high position in Zhenbei City, he actually doesn't understand the general distribution of power in Zhenbei City.

Wan Ren has been working in the Jingwei Department for a long time and is quite familiar with this kind of thing.

The Chilin Army personally guarded the place and dredged the streets, attracting many unrelated people to watch.

Big figures in the city came one after another, and they were all familiar with each other or had some conflicts with each other, but at a moment like today, they all smiled on the surface.

"Tsk, I heard that there was some dispute between the Craftsman's Pavilion and the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion some time ago. Someone copied the master blacksmith's sword and sold it to the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion, causing the master blacksmith to scold the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion for being blind..."

"As a result, you can see that the master blacksmith and the master of the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion are actually joking."

The onlookers were talking a lot, talking about some market gossip, and they all enjoyed it.

"Don't you even look at whose mansion this is? Chief Li is at the top of his game. Who dares to cause trouble for him at this juncture?" Someone said loudly, speaking highly of Li Hao.

In the mansion, Li Hao was already in the courtyard, wearing a white jade python robe, his long hair tied up, his sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, his eyes shining brightly.

Everyone who saw him couldn't help but secretly praise him, what a young man!

"Director Li, congratulations..." An old man came over with a smile, the wrinkles on his face were piled up so hard that he couldn't even see clearly.

Lin Fei next to him sent a message: "Integrity - the master of the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion, next to him is Mrs. She... huh? She should not be qualified to attend a banquet of this level..."

"I understand, this is brought by Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion specifically because of you."

"Master Lian, I have admired you for a long time..." Li Hao said a few words of greeting, then looked to the side: "Mrs. She, long time no see."

"Do you still remember me?" Madam She's eyes sparkled with surprise, and her flowing cloud gauze skirt outlined her figure even more gracefully.

"Of course I remember. When I went to Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion to sell things, you raised the price for me." Li Hao said with a smile.

Lian Zheng smiled and said nothing. This was the value of Mrs. She, which made Li Hao's impression of Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion much better.

Madam She's eyes flashed, and he knew that the young man in front of him had become a big shot that was out of his reach.

In fact, the reason why the old pavilion master brought her here specifically was because she had been in contact with Li Hao before.

With guests arriving in droves, it was impossible for Li Hao to only talk to the people in Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion.

Everyone who came smiled warmly, as if they were happy for Li Hao from the bottom of their hearts.

And Li Hao was also very happy, because everyone he met represented a generous gift from him.

The benefits of being the chief executive have just been revealed.

"Huh?" Li Hao circulated among the crowd and soon saw two unexpected people.

"Master?" He came over, and it was Kasyapa and Jinchan who came. They were incompatible with the guests around them, and even caused a burst of speculation.

"The people from the Buddhist sect are here anyway. Li Sishou severely humiliated them outside the city. Are they here to regain their reputation?"

"After seeing the excitement, I thought we could really be harmonious today." Of course, the person who said this did not say it openly, but secretly communicated with his friends.

"Son of Buddha!" ​​Kassapa howled, which startled Li Hao. He saw this master Kassapa, staring at Li Hao with fiery eyes: "Son of Buddha, come with us back to the Western Region, where is Your home!"


What the hell?

Li Hao was confused for a while. The old monk wouldn't have been fooled by him that day.

"Jin Chan didn't know that in the presence of the real Buddha, he offended many people that day, but he still hopes to see Hai Han." Jin Chan also spoke with a respectful attitude.

This scene not only confused Li Hao, but also shocked everyone around him.

"Are they here to apologize!?"

"I seem to remember that Li Sishou had the upper hand that day."

They were puzzled that Li Hao was not frustrated at all that day, but that the two monks were very angry, but today they actually came to apologize.

"That's it..." An old man looked stunned and smiled without saying a word.

"You can't afford to die, tell me, what do you know!" Someone was waiting impatiently next to him, and he was also an old-looking guy.

Those who can come here today have some power and status in Zhenbei City, and basically no one is young.

After whetting everyone's appetite, the old man said in a leisurely manner: "Didn't you listen to what the old monk said? He called Li Sishou the Buddha, which made it clear that he regarded him as one of his own."

"In this way, the one who defeats them becomes one of our own, so why do you care?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood and couldn't help but cursed: "You are indeed a shameless bald donkey, so shameless!"

Li Hao looked weird. Is this really the reason? He felt it should be more than that.

He secretly sent a message to Lin Fei and asked: "Did you sell the news of Tathagata to Buddhism?"

"No..." Lin Fei shook his head: "You are already a Purple Jade guest, and Tianji Pavilion will not sell any information about you to the outside world."

"However, in Fuyang City, many of the people who witnessed that incident may have been other people."

Li Hao frowned slightly, thinking of the elder of Ming Yue Mountain who attacked him first but failed to find him.

He believed that it was because he claimed to invite the Tathagata to take up his body at that time, so these Buddhist practitioners thought that he was related to the Tathagata.

Li Hao did not directly deny it, but smiled and said: "Master, please sit down, I have other guests to greet."

Li Haoshi left suddenly, and Kasyapa's face became a little anxious.

Not long ago, Ksitigarbha Buddha suddenly sent news that Li Hao might be the reincarnation of the real Buddha and that he must be brought back to the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Kasyapa had deep faith in Ksitigarbha Buddha, so he came.

But now they are in Zhenbei City. If Li Hao refuses, he cannot take action directly, otherwise he is likely to be suppressed.

We can only wait until today's banquet is over before talking to him. I believe that as long as the true Buddha awakens to his wisdom, he will naturally understand everything.

The courtyard was buzzing with people, and the sound of people drinking and drinking could be heard all the time. At the same time, they were looking around to see who hadn't come today.

Seeing Li Hao walking towards the main seat, everyone's voices couldn't help but calm down.

Just as Li Hao was about to speak, he heard a shocking shout from outside the mansion: "Get out of the way!"


Along with the roar, a black shadow shot from outside the door. With a clang, the black shadow fell to the ground, making a dull impact.

Everyone couldn't help but follow the sound, their eyes flickered and gradually became incomprehensible.

It was a pitch-black coffin, which seemed to be made of black iron. It exuded an extremely yin aura and dyed the surrounding jade bricks black.

On a festive day, if you bring a coffin and a coffin, you don't have to think twice to know that the person who comes is not a good person.

Immediately, a majestic figure walked in, with a fierce face and stern eyes.

Seeing this person, even though everyone present was a prominent figure in the city, they couldn't help but feel their breath stagnant and their hearts trembled.


The next moment, the man knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "Sir, please forgive me. I didn't want to bother you today, but this black coffin is weird and it's really difficult for my subordinates to control it. Please take action!"

"Sir..." Wan Ren hurried over, looking shocked and angry: "This person..."

Li Hao raised his hand, and Wan Ren immediately shut up, stopped talking, and slowly stepped aside.

This person is very powerful and cannot be stopped by Wan Ren.

"Yang Ting'an, deputy chief of the Junfa Department, is at the peak of the Four Elephants. It is said that he will step into Tongyou at any time."

"I have a normal relationship with Huaiyuan. I was born in the Red Lin Army, and my military exploits were gained with each blow." Lin Fei secretly transmitted the message.

Li Hao's eyes flashed slightly, he was Yang Ting'an, the guy who was hooking up with Prince Ming'an.

The scene was very quiet, except for the black coffin that kept clanging.

"Secretary Yang, get up and talk." Li Hao said calmly.

"I don't dare..." Yang Ting'an said in a cold voice: "It is already a sin to disturb the Chief Secretary today, how dare I get up."

He was forcing Li Hao to take action.

"Hey, I just noticed that the Junfa Division is the first to open its office? Why didn't anyone from the Junfa Division come?" A middle-aged man suddenly spoke, wearing rich clothes. Although his tone was surprised, his eyes were calm.

Apparently he hadn't just noticed.

"Yang Ting'an looks rough, but his mind is very delicate..." Several old guys communicated secretly.

Yang Ting'an interrupted with urgent matters, and his attitude was very low, making it difficult for people to find fault.

And his idea was very simple, that is, to frustrate Li Hao's spirit.

It’s true that you, Li Hao, are a genius, but if you want to be the leader, you can’t just be a genius.

It doesn't take much thought to know that the contents in the coffin must be extraordinary.

But now that Li Hao has the authority to mobilize the Zhenbei Formation, there will definitely be no problems.

But in that case, it can be confirmed that Li Hao is just a pawn in the hands of King Zhenbei, and everything can only be solved by King Zhenbei.

At that time, Jun Fa Si will despise him even more and will no longer be able to obey his orders.

Li Hao has been the chief of the department for several days, but he has not even gone to the Junfa Division. He also knows that the people in the Junfa Division may not be willing to obey his orders.

He also wanted to see how many people from the Junfa Division would come today, but he didn't expect that there would be none.

"This is a difficult problem... Whether he can establish authority will determine whether he can control the Junfa Division. If not, he will become a puppet." Someone's eyes changed, with the intention of watching a show.

"Since Yang Ting'an chose to take action, I'm afraid he has made sufficient preparations. But if he loses control, has he thought about what to do?" Fangzhu Liu was confused.

"Who knows, he may be extremely angry and didn't expect this."

Li Hao also understands this. As the level of the evolutionary world increases, all kinds of consumption will be huge.

Junfa Division is an important place for him to make extra money, and there is no room for failure.


There was an undercurrent surging in the field, and the black coffin was not idle.


The heavy coffin lid was lifted off, and in an instant, a terrifying evil aura filled the air, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. Even though everyone present was a high-level practitioner, they still felt a deep chill.

The blood all over his body seemed to be condensed, and a cold air enveloped him, as if he was in an extremely cold environment, and his torso and blood were frozen.

A withered arm rested on the edge of the coffin, and the withered body slowly sat up, like charcoal, and the human shape could be vaguely discerned.

"What is this stuff?"

"Why haven't you seen it before?"

Everyone was talking a lot and frowning. Based on their knowledge, there were very few things that they couldn't identify.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen in the corner looked at this thing in confusion. Why did he feel like he was having heart palpitations?

"Ho..." He exhaled a breath of yin, twisted his neck, and made a coughing sound. There were no eyeballs in his dark eyes. He looked at Li Hao, and he didn't know how to lock the enemy.


The black coffin trembled, and among the people present there were many practitioners of the Four Symbols Realm, and they had even gone very far in the Four Symbols Realm.

But none of them saw clearly the movement trajectory of this black shadow.


The next moment, this black shadow appeared in front of Li Hao. His withered hands shattered his protective aura, pinched Li Hao's neck directly, and lifted him high!

"What a terrifying speed. It's at least in the middle of the Four Symbols, or even stronger." Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Yang Ting'an was too cruel. He wasn't afraid of this mummy, so he lost control and killed Li Hao directly!?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. As the level of cultivation improved, the gap between the small levels became wider and wider. It was not so easy to cross.

"Li Hao!" Lin Fei's expression changed, and a flash of anxiety flashed across his face. He knew that Li Hao could call the Zhenbei Formation.

But he was afraid that the enemy was too strong and would not give Li Hao time to react.

Wan Ren looked anxious, but he was powerless and could only watch this scene.

Jiang Chen was in a very wrong state, his eyes were dim and he was swaying, as if he would fall asleep at any moment.

"Don't hurt the Buddha!" ​​Master Kasyapa shouted loudly and was about to take action.

"Master!" Yang Ting'an, who was half-kneeling on the ground, disappeared and stood in front of Kasyapa. His eyes were dark: "The enemy has restrained Chief Li now, so it's better not to act rashly."

Kasyapa frowned and did not want to talk to this person. However, a wisp of Qi escaped from Yang Ting'an, which immediately made Kasyapa feel like he was facing a formidable enemy and his pupils shrank.

"Tongyou Realm!?" Master Liu lost his voice and looked at Yang Ting'an.

"When did Yang Sishou break through?" Others were also surprised.

Lin Fei was surprised and murmured in a low voice: "No wonder he hasn't shown up recently. It turns out he is making a breakthrough."

"It's a pity that it's too late. If he breaks through earlier than Li Hao, no one can compete with him for the position of leader, but now it's a foregone conclusion, so he is so angry."

No wonder he dared to cause trouble. With the strength of Tongyou Realm and the seventeenth prince as his backer, he was indeed not afraid of anything.

"Who gave you the courage to act arrogantly in front of me!" Li Hao's eyes were indifferent, and his body was filled with surging energy and blood, like gold and iron.

Although the mummy in front of him seemed to be strangling his throat, it was actually difficult to move forward.

He could clearly feel the coldness and coldness coming from the mummy.

He stretched out his hand and opened the palm of the mummy little by little. The terrifying physical strength made everyone stunned.

Yang Ting'an's expression suddenly sank. Looking at the scene before him, this mummy was strange. It did not appear in Zhenbei City. His physical strength was amazing, but he couldn't beat Li Hao?

The mummy roared loudly, and another arm came out.


The palms of both sides touched each other, and the ground continued to make crisp cracking sounds, and cracks spread and traveled.

Li Hao mobilized the power of the Zhenbei Formation to surround the surrounding area, but this only prevented the battle wave from spreading and causing other damage.


The aura around Li Hao became more powerful, and he activated various fighting states. Two dazzling dragons flew out from his back and directly blasted the mummy away.

The mummy fell to the ground and let out a wailing sound. The withered body gradually filled up, and the cold air on the body became more and more terrifying.

Can you still transform?

Li Hao snorted coldly, flicked his fingers and shot out a stream of light, flying into the sky.

Then, a golden stream of light fell from the sky like a shooting star, causing a roaring sound.

"What is that?" Everyone looked slightly stunned. It was not until the stream of light got closer and closer that they could see clearly that it was actually a tower!


The small tower fell, raising a rolling wave and suppressing the mummy directly under the tower.

After the dust cleared, everyone could see clearly that this small tower looked like it was made of gold, exuding a frightening aura.

"Holy Soldier!?" The Master Blacksmith's skin was red, and he did not seem to be a human race. He stared closely at this small tower. Three words were engraved on the tower - Leifeng Tower!

Yes, this is the tower that suppressed Bai Suzhen.

Li Hao directly moved it back, and among the advanced rewards after the end of the evolutionary world, he chose [Golden Attunement], and it was this Leifeng Pagoda that was enlightened.

He directly turned it into a holy weapon, a weapon that surpassed treasures and was so powerful!

Yang Ting'an immediately sneered: "The chief minister is indeed highly regarded by the prince, and he even has holy soldiers."

His words were full of sarcasm.

Li Hao turned around, looked at him, and scolded: "Yang Ting'an, as the head of the Junfa Division, you passed away with such evil swagger. What if it affects the people in the city!?"

"What does the chief want to do with me?" Yang Ting'an looked at Li Hao with an arrogant attitude.

Li Hao raised his hand, and green-gold chains crisscrossed the void. His target was not a mummy, his target was Yang Ting'an.

He has no interest in following other people's plans, he has his own ideas!

"Zhenbei Formation?" Yang Ting'an sneered. The Zhenbei Formation was indeed extraordinary, but it was obviously impossible to use it to cross the gap between Four Symbols and Tongyou.

After all, Li Hao's body could not support him to suppress himself.

The lapis lazuli chain fell, like a dragon, heading towards Yang Ting'an.

Yang Ting'an's body is tall and straight, and the green gold chains are crisscrossed, but it is difficult to shake its body.

"The gap is too big. With the strength of the peak of the Four Symbols Realm, Chief Xing can check and balance Ji Silin with the help of Zhenbei Formation, but Sishou Li has only entered the Four Symbols Realm not long ago..." Some people shook their heads and were not optimistic.

Li Hao also felt the pressure brought to him by calling the Zhenbei Formation.

Li Hao's eyes flashed, and an illusory figure appeared behind him, turning into streams of light and integrating into his body, improving his own strength.

In an instant, the aura on his body surged again, and formation patterns appeared. Yang Ting'an's expression suddenly changed, and he was a little unbelievable.

How could he explode to such an extent! ?

Li Hao once again mobilized the Zhenbei Formation. Green-gold chains stretched across the sky, and formation patterns emerged. This made the people outside the mansion pale in horror, wondering what was happening in the mansion.

Yang Ting'an had bulging veins on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot, and his breath was surging, but he was tightly suppressed within this square inch, making it difficult to react.

Li Hao is not Xing Mengdao, but Yang Ting'an is not Ji Silin either!


Yang Ting'an's knees hit the floor hard, and the jade cracked, which made everyone present tremble suddenly!

He held his head high, his neck flushed, and he clenched his teeth. The terrifying power in the square inch made the void slightly distort.

"In recognition of your past achievements, I won't do anything else. Just reflect and reflect here." Li Hao's eyes were cold and he turned around suddenly. With his robes fluttering, he had already taken his seat.

Picking up the dragon-carved jade cup, the jade pulp in the cup rippled. He looked around and said loudly: "Everyone is frightened. I am here to apologize to you."

He raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Everyone was shocked and said in unison: "Li Sishou's words are serious..."

Then he hurriedly raised his glass and drank.

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