I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1628: Let's get married

Xie Zewen is the elder brother who grew up next to her.

From elementary school to junior high school, both are in one school.

Later, when she went to high school in the city, she and Xie Zewen were no longer in a school.

For Xie Zewen, Jiang Luoli is still at ease.

The neighbor brother who grew up with him since childhood, what kind of person Xie Zewen is, Jiang Luo centrifuge still has a few.

She just didn't understand, why was Xie Zewen here?

After she was in a coma, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang sent her to somewhere.

Xie Zewen looked at her and hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "Luo Li, your parents gave you to me and let me take you away. This is S City, a beautiful and livable city, I ..."

"Brother Zewen." Jiang Luoli interrupted him with a frown. "My parents let you take me away, and then you promised them? And, what did you bring me here to do? What do they let you do?" Alright?"

Xie Zewen's eyes flickered, watching her silent for a while, and then whispered: "Luo Li, your parents told me that someone wanted to harm you. That human rights is very powerful, and the Jiang family can't compete. If I don't take you away , They won't let you go."

"The other party said, said..." Xie Zewen glanced at Jiang Luoli, and the expression on his face became a little uncomfortable. He supported him for a while, and then said, "If we get married, they won't be embarrassed anymore. is you."

Jiang Luoli's face suddenly changed: "Marry?"

"Yes, yeah." Xie Zewen raised his eyes and looked at her again, his fists clenched tightly, and said nervously, "Uncle and Aunt mean... Let's get married and settle in this city in the future."

"So I will let you take you away."

"Here, here will be our new home. Luoli, although I can't give you a rich and expensive life, but I will do my best to treat you well,"

Jiang Luo suddenly paled away from his face.

She took a deep breath and rolled over and got off the bed.

Her legs were still so soft that she almost did not stand when she got out of bed.

Seeing this, Xie Zewen immediately walked over to help her.

Jiang Luoli dodged his hand and put one hand on the wall next to it.

"Brother Zewen, are you kidding me? How can we get married." Jiang Luoli was amazed, angry and angry. "I don't know how my parents told you, but I didn't talk to you. Plan to get married."

"I'm still studying now, and I don't think about getting married."

"If you are under pressure, you have to promise such a ridiculous request, then I..."

"No, no one is forcing me!" Xie Zewen clenched his fists, and a trace of blush suddenly appeared on his white and delicate face. His eyes flashed Jiang Luoli, and then his eyes dropped, "Luo Li, actually, actually When my uncle and aunt told me about this, I was pleasantly surprised."

"I never thought that such a good thing would fall on me."

Jiang Luoli opened his eyes wide: "Brother Zewen, you..."

"Luo Li, actually, actually... I have loved you since I was a kid." Xie Zewen was very worried, but he still encouraged the courage, "It is my dream to be able to marry you and become your husband."

"So, I... I am voluntary."

"I heard from my uncle and aunt that the person who asked you to leave was a very powerful person.

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