I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1627: How could it be you

You should book your flight immediately and don't waste any more time. This matter is so settled, you don't have to talk about it. "

Assistant Xu: "..."

Sir, are you too selfish?

At this moment, Assistant Xu deeply felt what was the power of love.

You know, their minister is a person who thinks work is more important than anything.

Never, never because of anything affecting work,

In his mind, work is ranked first, and then others.

Even during his relationship with Jiang Luo, he did not affect his work because of his personal feelings.

This is the first time he has set aside his work.

So for Assistant Xu, it was a thing that surprised and surprised him.

He never thought that Jiang Luoli's position in Xiu Xiu's mind would be so important.

Assistant Xu knew very well that once it was Mo Shixiu's decision, he could not persuade him.

Although he did not agree with this approach, he could only obey the orders and immediately booked the latest flight.

At the same time, he began to formulate an emergency plan. If Mo Shixiu's schedule changes tomorrow, he can at least cope with it.

Don't hold the Buddha's feet temporarily.


When Jiang Luoli woke up from a coma, she was found lying on a strange bed.

The room is also strange.

Her head was a little groggy, and she lay in a trance on the bed for nearly a minute before slowly waking up.

The body is still a bit soft, so that it can't make much effort.

She struggled to sit up from the bed.

It took about another minute before I remembered what happened before the coma.

She was called by Father Jiang to go downstairs to eat.

Mother Jiang made a great dish, and she served her vegetables, poured water, and apologized to her.

Then again, she drank the glass of water that Ms. Jiang poured her...

Jiang Luo's face suddenly turned white for two minutes, and his heart seemed to be scratched with a sharp weapon.

She never thought that Jiang Jiang would do such a thing for her.

She thought that even if Jiang's mother Jiang was biased, she would be their daughter.

They will not do too much.

But now...

Looking at the unfamiliar furnishings in the room and the closed door, Jiang Luoli tickled his lips sarcastically. A heart seemed to be immersed in ice water, and it was cold from the inside out.

She still overestimated his parents,

She also overestimated her position in the hearts of her parents.

With a "squeak", the door opened.

Jiang Luoli grasped the bed sheet underneath, and looked at the door with precautions and fierce eyes.

After the door opened, a man walked in from the outside.

There was no light in the room, so Jiang Luoli could not see what the man looked like, but only a rough outline could be seen.

Looking at the figure, it is a tall man.

She bit her lip and looked at a vase on the bedside table next to her. She moved her hand slowly.


The room lit up at once.

The man turned on the light.

Jiang Luoli suddenly opened his eyes when he saw the man's appearance, and was surprised: "Brother Zewen, how could it be you."

Xie Zewen stopped and stood looking at her five or six meters away from her.

He looked at Jiang Luoli with complicated eyes. After a few seconds, he said, "Luoli, you, don't you know what happened?"

Jiang Luoli shook his head.

"Brother Zewen, where is this?" When seeing the person who came in was Xie Zewen, Jiang Luoli relaxed a lot, and was not so afraid.

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