I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1581: Dare to stand in front of us

She remained polite before, because boss Huang was disgusting, but she didn't provoke her, and she didn't want to offend anyone casually.

But now she has nothing to worry about.

Her face sank and her voice froze: "Boss Huang, please let go. I said that, I have no interest in staying here."

"Miss Qiao, you don't give me a face."

Behind Boss Huang came a man’s voice, sneering and said, “Boss Huang keeps you, that’s worthy of you. Other women want this kind of treatment yet, what are you doing with this. What’s wrong, I think I’m a bit handsome , What the arrogant did he put on?

"Not interested in staying here, what do you think you are?"

"Yeah, I don't know how to lift it." Another man said, "Boss Huang gave you a face and kept you in a good tone. You still don't give your face so much. Are you taking Boss Huang seriously? A little The drama, dare to stand in front of us."

"Women are like this, the more you give Joe the face."

Boss Huang came out to play with friends.

Hearing the words of the men behind him, he suddenly lost face.

In the matter of women, he never encountered any discomfort.

Women who want it can be easily obtained.

But now, Qiao Mianmian not only rejected him, but also rejected him in front of a group of friends, making him laughed at by his friends, which made him angry and angry.

He felt lost in face, and his anger suddenly rushed to the top of his head, flushing away only a few points of reason.

He squeezed Qiao Mianmian's wrist, his face swelled red, and he said fiercely: "Damn it, shame your face. Tell me well that you still have her mother put on me. You have to force Lao Tzu to be rough, so you are willing to obey? "

"What kind of stuff are you thinking, I really think I'm asking for your opinion?"

"I tell you, whether you are willing to stay or not, if I don't let you go, you are not allowed to leave!"

After talking, Boss Huang called his thug and said fiercely; "Go to the door to watch, and don't allow her to go out."

The two thugs immediately walked out of the box, standing on the left and right, and then closed the door.

Boss Huang grabbed Qiao Mianmian's arm and dragged inwards: "Come here and drink two glasses of wine with Lao Tzu."

Others saw this scene and clapped one after another: "Boss Huang is powerful."

"Boss Huang is macho."

"It should have been this way. What kind of face does this kind of dress-up look give her?

"Little girl, you still have fun. Do you know the identity of Boss Huang, accompany him, do you still need to worry in the circle. What kind of resources do you want, it is not Boss Huang's words. I advise you Still obedient, don’t make everyone unhappy."

"You let me go!" Qiao Mianmian lowered his face, shook Boss Huang's hand away, turned around and walked towards the door.

Boss Huang was thrown away by her and became more and more angry.

He seemed to hear friends behind him laughing at him.

Seeing that Qiao Mianmian had come to the door, he was furious and rushed over to try to catch her again.

Qiao Mianmian flashed away and watched Boss Huang pounce at her. In anxiety, he bent over and picked up a wine bottle on the coffee table and smashed toward Boss Huang.


The bottle was in the middle of Boss Huang's forehead, and he saw Boss Huang's forehead cracked, and blood ran down his forehead.

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