I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1580: How dare you offend Bai Yusheng?

With a coveted gaze at Shang Huang boss, she frowned, holding back her disgust and turning her head to ask the waiter behind: "Who sent the red wine and fruit plate just now?"

"it's me."

Without waiting for the waiter to speak, Boss Huang replied: "I saw Miss Qiao just now, and I wanted to say hello to you in the past, but I was afraid that Tang would be a surprise. So I would say hello to Miss Qiao in that way."

"Since Miss Qiao is here, why not play with us here?"

Boss Huang was originally a vulgar person.

He talked to Qiao Mianmian now, pretending to be creaky, but giving a non-descript feeling.

Those who mixed with boss Huang often, and people who knew him saw this scene and felt very funny.

"MD, I'm about to laugh to death. It's the first time I have seen boss Huang picking up girls in this way. I don't know who learned it from this emphasis."

"It seems that this woman really looks into his eyes. This is the woman he just said? It is indeed very punctual, and no wonder that the masters of flowers such as Lao Huang are enchanted by her."

"Don't say, this girl is really punctual. I rarely see women who look so punctual. Gee, look at that face, that figure, and that snowy skin. I can imagine just looking at it , It must be fun to play with."

"You made me want to play."

"Don't even think about it, Lao Huang didn't say that this woman is related to Bai Yusheng? How dare you offend Bai Yusheng?"

"What's the relationship with Bai Yusheng, maybe Bai Yusheng has lost her life after playing for a few days. It's not a serious girlfriend, a drama, do you think Bai Yusheng can still marry her home? "

No matter how the woman in the box devalued Qiao Mianmian.

As soon as she appeared, all the men's eyes gathered on her, and her heart began to tickle.

She seemed to have little interest in the female companions beside her.

Qiao Mianmian had a very bad impression of boss Huang.

Knowing that the fruit plate and red wine were delivered by him, she planned to go back and let the waiter back, but although she hated boss Huang, she was polite and refused: "No, I came with my friend. Waiting for me, I have to go back."

Boss Huang has been thinking about her for so long, how could it be easy to let her go.

"Miss Qiao has come, let's sit down with us. You and your friend are two people, how boring. I'll call someone to call your friend over."

When he was finished, he said to the waiter on the side, "Go and call the lady who is in the bakery."

"no need."

Qiao Mianmian called out the waiter immediately: "My friends and I don't like too many people, and I don't like to play with unfamiliar people. Sorry, my friends are still waiting for me, I have to go. "

Qiao Mianmian finished, turned and walked out of the box.

Boss Huang was in a hurry.

He quickly hurried up and took Qiao Mianmian's arm to prevent her from leaving: "Miss Qiao, what anxiety, sit down and play for a while before you go too late. The people in our box are not jackals, tigers and leopards. After you, don’t be afraid."

Qiao Mianmian was disgusted instantly when he was pulled by Boss Huang. There was a sense of nausea that was touched by flies and cockroaches. She remembered what kind of person Nana told her that Boss Huang was, and the stomach was tumbling. , After a lot of nausea.

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