I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1545: She seems to have ignored her husband

Mo Yesi was stunned, his throat rolled twice, and a low smile came out: "Afraid, I'm afraid. You are right. To avoid Mo's bankruptcy in the future, I have to treat you well."

"Hello for all your life, spoil you."

"Can't you let Mo's bankruptcy in my hands, then I will become the sinner of the Mo family."

Qiao Mianmian said seriously, and the man got serious.

In fact, both of them are joking.

Qiao Mianmian couldn't help but laugh out: "You just know. Now I have some brothers and brothers. If you are not good to me, I will let them beat you up."

"That might disappoint you."


"What you said will never happen." Mo Yesi hugged her little wife in her arms, lowered her head and gently kissed her forehead, her voice was warm, "Mianmian, I will love you for life. You are my life Baby. If one day I fail you, I will definitely not be able to end this life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Mianmian covered his mouth.

She bit her lip and glared at him: "Okay, suddenly said what these are doing. Nothing can end, I want you to be well in your life."

The man chuckled and took her little hand away and put it on his beautiful face: "A man who lives up to his wife should have no end in life. If you don’t do anything bad, you’re not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I’m not afraid to swear, you are afraid what."

"Then you can't talk nonsense." Qiao Mianmian squeezed on his face. "Anyway, I'm not allowed to say such things again. I don't like to listen."

"Well, obey, wife."

Qiao Mianmian lay on his chest and heard his heartbeat be gentle and powerful.

The sound of her heartbeat beating like a hypnotic spell at that moment, and listening to it, her eyelids were a bit heavy.

"Mo Yesi, I'm so sleepy." Qiao Mianmian yawned, covering his lips, and said lazily, "I want to sleep."

"Well, go to sleep." Knowing that she would get up early tomorrow, Mo Yesi had some ideas, but still wanted her to sleep well.

He moved his body, held her sideways, and raised his arms upwards so that she could sleep more comfortably.

With the other hand, gently cover the top of her hair in a posture like protecting her in her arms: "Have a good dream, baby."

Qiao Mianmian yawned again, rubbed in his arms, and said softly, "Then... good night."

"good night."


The next day, Qiao Mianmian flew back to F City.

Shooting continues.

Xue Shiya overcame all the follow-up signing fees for the first signing advertisement. When Qiao Mianmian received the money, he found that it was much higher than the signing contract.

She called to ask Linda what was going on.

"Because the mask you endorse is selling very well, and it is out of stock now, Xue Shiya said that the extra money is a bonus. I also told the company that the bonus would not be drawn, all send you."

"Although I know you are not short of money now, but..."

"Sister Xie, I'm short of money now." Qiao Mianmian didn't wait for Linda to finish, and said first, "No one would think that money is too much. So if there is any suitable endorsement, you can help me all next. I I really don’t mind that every day’s schedule is full. I especially like this fulfilling life.”

Linda: "..."

After Qiao Mianmian finished speaking, she realized that she seemed to have overlooked something.

After thinking about it, I remembered it.

She seemed to ignore her husband.

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