I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1544: You must treat me well in the future

"Of course I didn't promise him. The gap of the Shen family is too large, even if the Mo family is willing to help, they have to invest a lot of money. And the money invested can not necessarily be earned."

"From a business perspective, there is no benefit in helping the Shen family."

"But haven't the Shen family and Mo family's friendship been always good. If you refuse to help, will they find their grandmother to talk?"

"Mo's president is me, not grandma." Mo Yesi smiled faintly, "even if grandma is willing to help them, the person who makes the final decision is me."

"Then you really don't help the Shen family?"

"Why, you want to plead for the Shen family?"

"...No." Qiao Mianmian didn't have such a Madonna. Shen Rou did those things to her, and she still pleaded with the Shen family.

"Grandpa Shen and Grandpa used to be good friends. The two had been on the same battlefield. The friendship between the two was also because they had been walking around for so many years. Since Grandpa's death, the exchange between the two has decreased a lot. "

"The Mo family is not obliged to help the Shen family. If they change to the same thing, the Shen family may not help the Mo family. Whether the Shen family can pass this level, they still look at themselves. According to the Shen's current business model, even this time It's hard not to die. If there is no major internal rectification, the same thing will happen later."

"Furthermore, your brother wholeheartedly wants the Shen family to suffer a little bit. If I go to help, your brother would have a great opinion of me."

"My brother?" Qiao Mianmian blinked, wondering with a small face, "What does this matter have to do with my brother?"

"Of course it does." Mo Yesi gently squeezed her nose. "Do you know why Shen's stock price suddenly fell so fast. If it was not because your brother moved, even if Shen's problem, It can also last a year or two."

"That drop in share price hurt Shen's vitality, and it couldn't hold up."

"You mean... My brother made Shen's stock price fall?" Qiao Mianmian was amazed, his face unbelievable.

"Well, he said he wanted to help you out, so that his sister could not be bullied."

"But what did he do?"

"This is really not an easy thing for others. But for your brother..." Mo Yesi smiled, "It should be quite simple."

Qiao Mianmian was dumbfounded again. Was her brother so powerful?

Seeing what she was thinking, Mo Yesi said, "Although your brother is a director, he is not only making movies. I thought he was only eighteen when he said that the stock market was a mess. "

"It was only because he was not interested in these, but instead liked filming that he chose to be a director."

Qiao Mianmian was stunned.

I did not expect that Bai Yusheng would have such a powerful past in addition to filming.

Unexpectedly, the Shen family suddenly had a problem and almost faced bankruptcy. It was Bai Yusheng.

After she listened to these things, at this moment, there was only one thought in her heart: her brother was so good.

"It seems that you must treat me well in the future." After a while, Qiao Mianmian expressed emotion.

Mo Yesi raised his eyebrows, his deep voice was magnetically charming, and his tail lightly said: "Huh?"

Qiao Mianmian looked at him and said seriously: "My brother is so powerful, if you don't treat me well, what will happen to him in the future. Are you afraid?"

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