I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1370: Everything is for their good

I have already asked someone who is surnamed Jiang, do you know what her family is like? "

"Even if her family situation is normal, I would not be so repulsive. But she was born in a family whose parents are gamblers, and she has a younger brother who was caught in the bureau several times for theft. Such a family, How do you accept me?"

"The son I cultivated, even if I didn't find the right person, can't I find one like this? You can't just talk about your girlfriend because of Shi Xiuken. "

"I'd rather Shi Xiu continue to be alone, rather than want him to find one like this."

"Anyway, I will never agree with Shi Xiu and the girl named Jiang."

"Do you disagree?" The old lady sneered. "Shangguan Diploma, do you think your two sons will listen to you? If you don't agree, they can rely on you and find someone to satisfy you?"

"I advise you that since you can't change some things, you might as well change your mindset and try to accept it slowly."

"Otherwise, in the end, you won't be able to catch anything. Both you and the **** are now like this, haven't you wondered yet."

"You have to make your two daughters have trouble with you, are you satisfied?"

"I don't think you are a person with a clueless mind, why did you have a slack in this matter. Yes, I am not satisfied with Jiang's origin, but we are all satisfied, are the two children satisfied? "

Mrs. Mo's lips closed for a moment, and her attitude remained firm: "In any case, I will not let my son marry this kind of woman home. Mom, don't persuade me, my son is born, you can see I can’t see if I drive it."

"Si Xiu is the one who wants to do important things in the future. If he is selected, do you think the girl's surname Jiang's family background is suitable to be a woman around him? Even if Shi Xiu doesn't find someone who is right with our Mo family, it can't be too much Bad. Mom, don’t worry about this thing anymore, I know what to do."

The old lady looked at her stubborn look, and sneered repeatedly: "Okay, I don't care anymore. I don't want to say anything about you in the future, even when you regret it, don't ask me to cry."

"I won't regret it," Madam Mo stubbornly said, "Everything I do is for their good, even if they don't understand me now, they will one day understand."

"Finally speaking, what you care about is the family history. But things are impermanent. When you first wanted to match As and Shen Rou, you just felt that the Shen family and the Mo family matched. But what happens to the Shen family now? Do you want As to marry the daughter of the Shen family?"

"You are against Mianmian, and you think her family is too ordinary. But now she has become the pearl of the Bai family, but the one who is the most close to As. Even if you are satisfied now, you have hurt the family. Harmony. Family and everything are good. Nothing is more important to me than family harmony. Think about it for yourself. This is the last time I say these things to you."

After the old lady finished speaking, she was helped to leave.

Mrs. Mo remained in place, her complexion unknown.

She was still thinking about what the old lady said.

Previously, her favorite daughter-in-law was Shen Rou.

Shen Rou grew up looking at her. The two know each other well and their family backgrounds match. There is no woman more suitable for her son than Shen Rou.

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