I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1369: Do you think i'm willing to worry

Mrs. Bai smiled and reached out to give Qiao Mianmian her hair. She looked at Mrs. Ink in disbelief and said slowly, "Mianmian is the little girl I was looking for. A few days ago, various chances coincided, we The mother and daughter finally got to know each other."

Mrs. Mo opened her eyes in shock.

"Mianmian is my daughter. She married your son, and we are naturally in-laws. When Mianmian was married to Ye Si, we didn't know that she was Xiao Qi, so we also missed many things."

"When they do the wedding, I must make up for her."

"This, how is this possible." Mrs. Mo is undoubtedly the most shocked and unbelievable one among all.

Her most dissatisfied is Qiao Mianmian's family.

But now, Qiao Mianmian suddenly became the daughter of the Bai family, suddenly had a good family background?

To be right, the Bai family is a more suitable family than the Shen family.

Even the former Shen family is not as good as the Bai family.

Mrs. Bai asked: "Where does Mrs. Mo think it is impossible? Or does Mrs. Mo think that our Bai family will make fun of such things?"

Mrs. Mo did not speak. She looked at Qiao Mianmian with amazement, and she seemed unable to accept the matter.

Mrs. Bai did not say much.

Some words, click to stop.

No matter how Mrs. Mo had treated Qiao Mianmian before, now that Qiao Mianmian has the maiden family of Bai, she can no longer be like before.

And all that Mrs. Bai did, she just didn't want her daughter to be wronged in the Mo family.


The banquet is over.

on the way home.

Qiao Mianmian was a little sleepy and fell asleep on Mo Yesi's shoulder in the car before he got home.

When she got out of the car, she hadn't awakened yet.

Mo Yesi saw her sleeping so sweetly, she couldn't bear to wake her up, and took her back to the bedroom.

the other side.

After the guests have dispersed.

Mrs. Mo looked at the gloomy old lady on the opposite side and cried out carefully: "Mom."

The old lady froze her face and said coldly, "I don't think you should call my mother anymore."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Where did I make your old man angry?" Mrs. Mo asked, knowingly.

She didn't say this. It was okay. As soon as the words fell, she saw the old lady's face getting colder.

"Where are you mad at me, you don't count? Shangguan Wenpei, did you say everything I said to you before? Or is it that my wife has no weight in your heart, so I If you don’t care, don’t you listen?"

"Moo" in Mrs. Mo's heart, he was busy: "How come. Mom, did you misunderstand me. I really don't know where to make you angry."

"Did I tell you more than once that you shouldn't intervene in the two children? But what did you do tonight? Shi Xiu is already thirty years old, and he will finally find a girlfriend Not only do you not be happy as a mother, you don’t want to be nice to other girls, but you also show your face to others when you meet for the first time. If you scare people away, just wait for your son to fight A bachelor for a lifetime."

"Mom." Speaking of this, Mrs. Mo's lips were pursed, and her face was not very good-looking. "What kind of conditions can you repair? What kind of woman can't be found. How could he hit the bachelor for a lifetime."

"I don't want to take care of their affairs, but if they do something that will make me worry less, do you think I'm willing to worry about it?

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