I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 923: Do not add entities if not necessary

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"Sister Hanyu, it's time like this, don't give up... I haven't had such an orthodox Japanese breakfast for a long time, I'm going to start it!"

Araki Sosuke also picked up his chopsticks and attacked the food on the table with tears in his eyes: "Wow, such a delicate cooking technique, and the right combination of ingredients... Mako's cooking skills are really not covered! "

"Uuuuu, I've been eating prison meals recently, or 'Fugitive Train Bento', I've almost forgotten the taste of normal food..."

"I haven't come back for many days, and there are not many ingredients in the refrigerator, so I just made some."

The little bird Yumayumi who got the "like" had a reddish earlobe, and ate the rice in small bites.

"Damn, I've already started eating, and I've been simmering all night without realizing it, and I'm the one who needs to supplement the calories the most..."

He ruthlessly abandoned the spare laptop on the balcony, and the grumbling Atsumi Ludou also squeezed into Araki Sosuke and sat down: "I'm going to start it!"

Miso soup, fried fish, rice, natto, pickled side dishes, tamagoyaki...

Freshly prepared from the kitchen of the Akagi Shrine downstairs and packed while it is still hot, it is a traditional Japanese breakfast with a wide variety of options.

After this sleepless night, the four of them sat around the small table and enjoyed the simple and classic delicacy and rare silence.

"Unlike some people who live by instinct, Jiro Kotomine, a 'high-quality human male' who was willing to quit his diamond job and suddenly ran to become the leader of some cult, must have a clear and achievable goal... "

After drinking a whole bowl of hot miso soup, Mai Hanyu jumped onto the sofa like a cat and lay on the pillow: "No matter what his ultimate goal is, with the strength and strength that Aum Shinri will show. Tentacles, if you want to establish the so-called 'Kingdom of God' and overthrow the existing government, you can use various methods such as assassination, fostering agents, and sudden coup d'etat..."

Under the dim morning light, she subconsciously stretched out her delicate body, revealing her moving figure violently.

"...No matter which method is used, it is more effective than the uncredible 'webcast' just now, exposing the facts of 'supernatural' existence, and painstakingly appealing to the people to join his 'kingdom of God'."

Sufficient supply of sugar makes her brain active again.

"If it's not necessary, don't increase the entity... Kotomine Jiro, a highly intelligent person with clear logic, careful thinking, and ruthlessness, will never do superfluous things."

"According to what you mean, old lady, there must be some clear purpose or benefit that makes him have to do this inexplicable live broadcast on the whole network?"

"However, even if someone is idiot enough to believe his words, just like those politicians, celebrities and wealthy businessmen who have made public appearances, they give up their life and career and openly join the Aum Truth Society..."

After vaguely grasping the key, Houhai Ludou stopped his chopsticks and said thoughtfully: "The official has already noticed it, and will definitely use high-pressure policies to prevent this 'kingdom of God' from being established anyway."

"Yes, what we can think of, Kotomine Jiro is naturally very clear. Therefore, from the beginning, his purpose was not at all on the surface of the live broadcast content..."

"Moreover, when it comes to the content of this live broadcast, it is quite similar to the 'trailer video' released by a guy who calls himself 'IBM700' on the eve of the Obon Festival."

Curled up with her slender legs, Hanyu Mai grabbed the "action report" on the table next to her, turned to one of the pages and read it softly: "Or bring blood and rain and leave a bad name...or be grateful for the gold and silver ...or appear before people, and win world-famous...or give extraordinary power, lead to bow down and worship..."

Her eyes gradually became blurred because of high-speed thinking.

"Assuming that what the mixed bathing technician who calls himself 'Amaterasu's maiden noble' is true... Some things I couldn't figure out before now have reasonable explanations..."

"Either IBM700 or Kotomine Jiro, their seemingly 'meaningless' high-profile behavior is completely in line with the logic of 'belief war'!"

"War of Faith..."

"Eight million gods, ghosts and gods, they are just a bunch of deceitful people who have touched that level and grabbed the beliefs of the world."

Reminiscing about this word, the words of Amaterasu's widowhood can't help but echo in Sosuke Araki's mind.

"No, just relying on this weird 'live broadcast' and the support of public figures, it is impossible to harvest and control 'belief'... Only those who have this qualification can only truly enter the field of 'God'."

When it comes to the topic of "belief", Birdie Yumayumi also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he didn't even realize that there were grains of rice hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"If Aum Shinrikyo will fight for 'belief', who is the 'god' behind them?"

Growing up in a shrine since childhood, she knows all too well that "belief" is not something that can be grabbed arbitrarily by mastering powerful power, power, fame and money.

Although the worship of people as gods is such a thing, the Japanese imperial family and the powerful people of all dynasties have not done less.

And those who are enshrined are often the deceased people who were famous in that era.

"No matter who is behind them, after planting the 'seed' in the hearts of the people through live broadcast, Aum Shinri will soon open the trousers to 'water' and help this seed break out of the ground and grow into a towering tree! "

Awakened by the words of Yuma Yumiya, Hanyu Mai's eyes flashed a sudden look.

"Speaking of the research topic of 'grabbing beliefs'... Assume that things like 'belief', like hidden energy fields, electromagnetic waves, and radio signals, are energy fields with different frequencies..."

"So ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When the energy field of the same 'frequency' is gathered to a certain level and transmitted to the 'receiver', it is transformed into some powerful energy because of 'quantitative change leads to qualitative change'?"

Soon, this comprehension was replaced by a frenzy called "science".

"However, what is the 'qualification' to 'receive' this kind of energy, or what is the 'formula'... If these conditions are deciphered, does it mean that everyone can transcend the level of gods and become 'gods'?"

"Wahhahahaha, could it be that the era where everyone is a **** is about to start in the hands of this genius?"

Instead of continuing to discuss the original topic, she sat at the desk excitedly and typed a series of formulas of unknown meaning on the computer.

"Hiccup... Hey, in a sense, I think the old lady is more scary than a cult..."

Watching Hanyu Mai, who was immersed in the "world of science", couldn't extricate himself from it, Atsumi Luto came to the balcony with hiccups and continued to analyze the live video.

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