I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 922: Internet has memory

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"As a gift, I accept it."

Taking off the mask on his face, Jiro Kotomine looked at the girl in front of him seriously: "I'm here today, it's just a routine ward round. By the way, I'll tell you that the treatment plan has not yet been determined, so I need to wait a bit."

"Doctor Yanfeng, you..."

"It is my duty as a doctor to do my best to treat every patient."

After saying that, he turned and left the ward without hesitation.


Returning to the office and closing the door, Kotomine Jiro left the mask and the stack of reports scattered on the ground.

"Tsk, big tengu...hahahaha..."

Then, he leaned against the door feebly, covered his face with his hands, and slowly fell to the ground...

"Even if this kind of ghost really exists, there is no way to cure cancer, right?"

Crystal teardrops overflowed from between the fingers and fell to the ground.

"What am I doing……"

The red big tengu mask that fell on the paper was staring at this fragile man with a smile that was not a smile.

"When I chose oncology as a major called 'desperate'... I was already mentally prepared..."

"But, anyone can...why...it's her...why!"

"I really want to eat..."

"Eat... her pancreas..."

On the paper report beside the mask, lines of small characters such as "recurrence after pancreatic tumor resection", "malignant", "systemic metastasis", "surgery not recommended" gradually turned into blurred ink stains under the smudge of tears. .



"Why, I always feel like a lot of people are talking about me, could it be the juicers from the 'Ryukyu Izakaya'? Yes, that night, I seem to have promised to continue to spend money the next day, but I was kidnapped by the paper in the morning..."

Upstairs in the Mitsui Akagi Apartment, Sousuke Araki, who was leaning on the balcony, sneezed violently in the cool morning breeze.

"What should I do, Lu Dou, those websites have already taken the video of the live broadcast just now, so I can't watch it back at all."

Wiping the droplets off the screen, his blue-veined fingers slid back and forth on the phone reluctantly.

"Don't waste your efforts, this kind of 'prohibited live broadcast' video was taken off the shelves immediately and replaced with a rumor-defying video. It's just a taste of the turtle... Isn't that the same thing that happened with the 'mysterious breathing incident in the background of the game' some time ago... "

Standing side by side with him, Hou Hai Lu Dou, who was shivering in the slightly cold morning wind, was putting the "Laptop for the Internet" on the windowsill and beating quickly.

"However, no matter how much you try to hide it, the Internet has a memory... Oh, these guys on the forum are so fast, they've already uploaded the replay video!"

Soon, Houhai Ludou downloaded the playback video of the "underworld live broadcast" through a hacker forum.

"Tsk tsk, the content of this live broadcast is nothing new and lackluster, but now the top hackers of the dark web are all talking about... Aum Shinrikyo can actually 'kidnap' the entire network for live broadcast at the same time, and even intercepted it. The signal of all TV stations and outdoor large screens is not something that can be done with 'technology' alone..."

"Is it impossible, if you change your job as a 'cult hacker', can you still master any 'supernatural' hacking methods? If I… no, I’d better study the code myself instead of swallowing that weird stuff…”

Shaking his head to put a dangerous idea behind him, he opened the video editing software and analyzed the video frame by frame.

"Four one, when it comes to checking numbers, resources, videos, etc., you are still the best! How is it, did you find anything?"

On the side, Sousuke Araki, who was reading fruitless pages, hurriedly put his head together.

"Where is it so fast... The background and clothes are all black, and the mask is also scribbled, so I can't see any useful details for the time being."

Houhai Ludou shook his head and said that he didn't find anything for the time being: "However, from the good overall live broadcast effect, they should have used professional equipment such as cameras, spotlights, and radios, and are well prepared..."

"Suddenly doing this kind of inexplicable 'terrorist live broadcast', announcing the establishment of the kingdom of God, this must be the 'large-scale sacrificial event' that Sangoro said..."

Araki Sosuke leaned back on the balcony railing, took a cigarette irritably, and stared at the wisps of smoke rising up, blending with the blue sky and white clouds.

"To engage in such a big battle and completely declare war on the government, these guys will never just let it go."

With his knowledge of Aum Shinrikyo, it is impossible for this group of murderous cults to spend so much trouble just to make people laugh in the early morning.

Intuition tells him that something must happen...

Or, something has happened.

"Mr. Araki and Houhai-kun, are you still studying the live broadcast? Let's have breakfast first, you will have the strength to eat when you are full... Ah, even on the balcony, please try not to smoke as much as possible."

Just when the two were at a loss in the cloud and smoke, Hanyu Mai and Kotori Yumayumi walked in from the apartment door with a few lunch boxes.

"Hum hum hum, since the Aum Shinrikyo dares to openly challenge the official organization, it is naturally fully prepared. Let you dry it into bacon, and stare through the screen, you can't see anything..."

Putting the big and small dishes in the lunch box on the table with Yuma Yumori, Hanyu Mai looked at the duo who could only blow air on the balcony because the signal was blocked in the house.

Thanks to Moto Oida's timely reminder, the four of them were naturally "fortunate" to watch the farce-like "hell-style" live broadcast of Aum Shinrikyo on the balcony through a smooth 5G signal.

After that, after thinking about it to no avail, Kotori Yumayumi simply took Hanyu Mai to go downstairs to prepare breakfast and change her mind~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, I rely on takeaways and convenience stores to make a living on weekdays. A certain "life idiot" sister and brother who moved in in a hurry, naturally, it is impossible to use the kitchen in the apartment.

"Don't be rude, Sister Hanyu..."

Sitting back at the low table, Sousuke Araki couldn't wait to put eggs and soy sauce on the hot rice, and then took the natto, his strong forearms turned into afterimages and stirred: "You have a chest with Qiu He... No, he looks confident, he must have thought of something, right?!"

It is said that natto, which is "tasteful after being stirred 1000 times", turned into a sticky and unknown liquid with "100% completion" in an instant under his terrifying and skilled hand speed.

"Yes, a genius like me, I was already helping Xiaoniao You cook (beat) cook (pack) breakfast, and integrated all the information I had... Kacha Kacha!"

Hanyu Mai, who was sitting opposite, covered her face and sneered as she stuffed a piece of grilled fish that was golden brown and fragrant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

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