Chapter 97: The heroine's shock and trust, the immortal demon race must be destroyed today!

At the same time, in the Beiming Holy Land, Xia Wenyuan looked at Su Changqing with a touch of regret in his eyes

"I didn't expect this kid to have such strength.……"

He muttered to himself, and glanced at the battlefield above the void. Right now

, the Great Feather Emperor and the Saint Daoyi are working together to deal with the leader of the Undead Demon Clan! They were about to take action before, but they didn't expect the Saint Daoyi to come!

Now that they want to help, they have missed the opportunity.

Beside them,

Xia Qingxuan was staring at the contents of Su Changqing's diary that had been updated before.

"In the battle of the heavens, fighting side by side with the Supreme of Jiuxuantian?"

"Even if darkness and turmoil……"

She looked at the contents of the diary copy, and her heartbeat quickened.

Because at the end, she saw the news revealed by Su Changqing...

In the previous life, the other party almost succeeded, just a little bit!

And as one of the people who resisted to the end, how terrifying was Su Changqing's strength?

No wonder he could face the enemy without changing his expression, even facing the attack of the Supreme, he did not suffer too much injury.


Xia Qingxuan believed more and more in Su Changqing's diary.

"It seems that all this is true!"

"Everything that Su Changqing revealed in his diary about the future will happen one by one.……"

She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes at Xia Wen Ze beside her. She had clearly asked her father to help before, but why did he have to wait until now?

Now that Saint Daoyi and Emperor Dayu have joined forces, it would be meaningless for Beiming Holy Land to go over and help.

Otherwise, she could fight side by side with Su Changqing in advance.

Maybe she could get to know him better this time.

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and her face became a little hot.

"Close comrades……"

She thought of what Su Changqing had mentioned in his diary, and her cheeks became even hotter.

No status, only the identity of comrades-in-arms...

Then this life can't be like what Su Changqing experienced last time.


Now, the fighting on the battlefield has not stopped!

However, the people of the demon clan are already at a disadvantage, and their numbers are constantly decreasing!

As their morale has been hit, they are no match for the core disciples of the Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Holy Sect!

Even the demon clan's immortal masters, only the last one is left struggling to hold on!

But he is facing three immortal masters of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, as well as Zhan Yan, who is Su Changqing's protector and also a senior immortal master!

This means that he has no chance of survival!

At the edge of the battlefield,

Su Changqing looked at the battlefield that was nearing its end, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It shouldn't take long, right?"

He looked up at the battlefield in the sky above and muttered.

If the Great Feather Emperor and the Holy Lord can't kill the leader of the demon clan, then the evening will probably be in vain.

Without thinking too much,

Su Changqing also knew that the diary was fabricated for a long time, so he checked the trust value of the diary copy holder.

【Ling Qianxue, the Holy Maiden of Daoyi Holy Sect - Trust value: 120!】

【The Demon Sect’s witch Murong Dieyi——Trust value: 120!】

【Princess Su Youwei of the Dayu Divine Dynasty——Trust value: 110!】

【Xia Qingxuan, the Holy Maiden of Beiming Holy Land - Trust Value: 115!

He looked at the trust values of each woman and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

It seems that it's almost there!

The trust values of the four people will all reach the level of extreme trust!

It seems that the gains from fabricating this incident are still great!

He can also gain the favor of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, especially the Dayu Emperor. For him, this fabricated incident is undoubtedly a success.

The number of fabrications has not been wasted.

Maybe he can use this opportunity to deter the other forces in Zhongzhou.

There is no doubt that the biggest winner is himself!

Without thinking too much about other things,

Su Changqing looked at the current battlefield situation. At present, there is no need for him to intervene.

"Undead Demon……"

He has now thought about their fate and knows what to do.

He made up the plot that was not in the original text.

He arranged it in any way that was beneficial.

The Undead Demon Clan was not a good bird. In the original text, after ending their seclusion, they slaughtered human monks for a period of time!

In the end, when they were about to arouse public anger, they had to stop.

So it was reasonable to destroy the Undead Demon Clan in advance.


Above the battlefield in the sky,


The battle between the three supreme masters caused the sky to darken and the earth to turn black, as if the end of the world had already arrived!

At this moment,

Xiang Jun, the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, gradually became weaker!

"The Undead Demon Clan must not be destroyed in my hands!!!"

He used the force to retreat, avoiding the attack from the Great Feather Emperor and the Saint Daoyi, and then roared!

The next second, all the demonic energy that filled this world rushed towards him crazily!

Xiang Jun was like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the demonic energy from all directions!

"The Undead Tribe……"

His voice was trembling, and he looked at the tribesmen who were still alive on the battlefield below, and spoke slowly.

After such a long war, the number of surviving members of the demon tribe is less than 10,000! They are gradually heading towards defeat!

But even so, this has caused serious losses to the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

Many of the core disciples of the Daoyi Holy Sect who came this time also died!

As Xiang Jun spoke, the Daoyi Holy Lord and the Dayu Human Emperor looked at each other and frowned.

"This is……"

They couldn't figure out what the other party was going to do, so they didn't act rashly.

Although they were both supreme, if Xiang Jun wanted to drag someone down with him at the risk of his life, he might put himself in danger. On the battlefield below, the members of the Undead Demon Clan all looked up at the sky after hearing Xiang Jun's call.

Even the last immortal strongman in the demon clan retreated to a safe distance and looked up at the sky.

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Holy Sect were also confused.

In the eyes of countless people,

Xiang Jun's face revealed a trace of reluctance, but there was no other way!

"You...are you willing to watch the Undead Demon Race perish like this?"


"Would you guys like to fight with me once?"


""Okay, okay, okay... Then, give me your life force and demon souls. It's time for a do-or-die battle!!"

Even though he couldn't bear it, Xiang Jun knew that he had to do it!

If he didn't take any measures, he might perish under the joint efforts of Emperor Dayu and Daoyi Holy Land!

By then, the members of the Undead Demon Clan would definitely not be spared! (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

It's better to... give it a try!

Even if it still can't change the outcome of the fall, Dayu and Daoyi will definitely pay a heavy price!!!

Hearing this, countless people were moved!

The chief of the demon clan wants those members of the Undead Demon Clan to sacrifice their lives!?

What is this... for!?

But before others could react, the last immortal strongman in the Undead Demon Clan laughed up to the sky.

""Chief, the next step is up to you!!!"

With a sad look on his face, he looked at Xiang Jun in the sky, his body trembling constantly.

The next second, his soul left his body, his life force was cut off, and he resolutely floated towards Xiang Jun!

Not only him, but also the members of the demon tribe did the same one after another!


The wind howled, their eyes became empty, their vitality dissipated, and their souls rose into the air!

The battlefield was supreme, but the living demon cultivators were all like this!

The scene was so big that countless people were moved!

At this time,

Xiang Jun's eyes were red and his expression was sad!

""The Undead Demon Clan has not been defeated yet!!!"

He roared, and used all his strength to activate his supreme cultivation!

The vortex centered on himself was constantly absorbing the souls of the demon clan members one by one!

Until all of them were absorbed, his aura suddenly surged!

In the blink of an eye, he broke through the sixth level of the supreme realm in one fell swoop!!!

It wasn't over yet,

Xiang Jun had a crazy smile on his face, and his aura was still surging!


He spoke in a low voice, his body seemed unable to bear it and trembled violently!

But even with the backlash, he was still forcibly improving his cultivation!

Even if blood was flowing out of his seven orifices, he did not stop!

Until a moment later,


A roar that completely annihilated the world was heard!

Xiang Jun's cultivation level broke through!

The seventh level of the Supreme Realm!!!

In an instant, countless people's scalps went numb!

"He...he was going to force a breakthrough, was he going to risk his life! ?"

"A supreme warrior is desperate……"

A large number of exclamations came from all directions, all of them saw Xiang Jun's actions! At the moment, Xiang Jun was the only one left in the

Undead Demon Clan! Seeing this, Dayu Renhuang and Daoyi Shengzhu looked solemn. They didn't expect the other party to do this and sacrifice all the tribesmen just for this short-lived moment! But the next second...070 Xiang Jun originally wanted to communicate with the demon clan's clan-suppressing magic weapon that had been passed down from generation to generation, but his expression changed.


"Is it a purple bead? I have already destroyed it."

Saint Daoyi saw the change in the other party's face and spoke lightly.

Upon hearing this,

Xiang Jun's pupils shrank, and then he fell into madness completely!

"Die, die!!!"

He immediately launched a crazy attack, and every time he attacked, there was only a roar between heaven and earth!

Under the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, he could no longer maintain his sanity.

That was the immortal demon pill left by the ancient demon king. Originally, taking it could absorb the power of the demon king and break through to the quasi-emperor realm!

He sacrificed his clansmen just to use his last trump card!

Before the demon clan was destroyed, let Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Holy Sect be buried with him!

But... he never thought that he would be discovered by the other party!

The immortal demon clan is really over!

Everything is over!


It lasted for almost half an hour, and finally, it came to an abrupt end!

Without the blessing of the demon pill of the ancient demon king, Xiang Jun failed to break through to a higher realm, and the end was already determined!

Now, his body is full of holes, his vitality is rapidly dissipating, and his soul is also collapsing!

Feeling that the end is approaching,

Xiang Jun just feels like this is just a dream, so unreal

"Su Changqing……"

His body lost support and fell straight down!

Before he fell completely, he used up his last bit of strength and looked at Su Changqing below.

The biggest reason for the destruction of the Undead Demon Clan was Su Changqing!

Noticing the smile on the corner of Su Changqing's calm face...

Xiang Jun's eyes widened suddenly, remembering that the demon clan wanted to migrate before, but finally chose Zhongzhou, and wanted to go to war with the Dayu Divine Dynasty.……

"How could it be him……"

He seemed to understand everything, but he could no longer speak. His life force was completely cut off!

With a roar, the ground shook.

The Undead Demon Clan was completely destroyed!!!


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