Chapter 96: In my previous life, I also suppressed many supreme beings and fought against ten people alone?!

At this moment,

Xiang Jun's inner rage completely erupted, and he could no longer control it at all!

"Damn it, damn it!!!"

His chest was heaving violently, and the anger in his eyes seemed to be turning into substance!

The entire sky was shaking, emitting a terrifying high temperature!

The next moment, the Supreme Shadow appeared between heaven and earth!

Xiang Jun was truly without any reservation at this moment, and truly displayed the terrifying Supreme Power!


He almost didn't hesitate at all, his eyes were red, and his hands began to gesture various obscure movements!

However, the next second, the whole sky became extremely dark.

The monstrous demonic energy continued to permeate his body, almost turning the entire battlefield into a demonic domain!

A breath of destruction emanated from the Supreme Shadow!

Then, the shadow suddenly punched Daoyi Saint!

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth split, and the wind howled!

Seeing this scene, countless monks who were watching the battle were so scared that they quickly retreated hundreds of miles before stopping!

"" Hiss!!"

They all took a breath of cold air, and now they were about to usher in the final decisive battle!

Amidst countless gazes, the Saint Lord"550" had calm eyes, glanced at Su Changqing behind him, and said lightly:"It's none of your business. Next, I will make the decision for you."

After speaking, the supreme aura on his body was also fully revealed at this moment!

His black robe rustled, and he punched Xiang Jun's attack from a distance!


The deafening explosion made countless people's hearts tremble wildly, and their eardrums hurt!

The whole world was shaking!

It seemed... it couldn't withstand the terrifying power of the two supreme beings' full-strength attacks!

Seeing this scene,

Su Changqing couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was obvious that the Holy Lord had returned long ago, but he just didn't make a move!

""Damn old man, very bad!"

After he complained, he stepped aside.

At the moment, he didn't need to do anything.

As for the remaining people of the demon clan, there was no need for him to take action.

However, his harvest this time was quite fruitful.

Kill the immortal platform with one sword! After verifying his current strength, Su Changqing was naturally happy. Now he saw that the Holy Lord and the Supreme of the Demon Clan had already stepped into the void and kept fighting on the battlefield in the void above!

Hearing the roars,

Su Changqing was not worried that the Holy Lord Daoyi would not be the opponent of the Supreme of the Demon Clan. After all, Su Qingyun was still idle on the other side, so he might as well continue to make up a diary.

【It seems that there is still a big gap between a saint and the supreme being!】

【Perhaps for others, the Supreme is out of reach and even saints cannot face it, but for me... the Supreme is just this!】

【In the war of the heavens in the previous life, I was already the Supreme, and most of the enemies I faced were Supremes or even quasi-emperors, and even great emperors were not uncommon!】

【In that battle, I fought side by side with Dayu Human Emperor, Beiming Saint Lord and many other supreme beings of Jiuxuantian. Now, nearly half of the supreme beings of Jiuxuantian were my comrades-in-arms who fought against the enemies of the heavens together in the previous life!】

【However, that time has not come yet in this life, and many supreme beings have not yet revealed themselves. The time of the war among the heavens is really nostalgic!】

【If after the war of the heavens, Jiuxuantian was still intact and no many supreme beings had fallen, perhaps in the subsequent dark turmoil, Jiuxuantian would also be the top force in the alliance of the heavens. It's a pity that……】

【That's all……】

【In this life, I have a chance to start over, so... no matter whether it is the War of Collapse, the War of the Heavens, or the Dark Turmoil, it is still not too late to change some bad things, and maybe I will succeed in the end!】

【In the last life, it was just a little bit, just a little bit……】

After he made up the diary, he was looking forward to the subsequent development.

As long as everything can be changed imperceptibly, this is the top priority at the moment!

Without thinking about it any more,

Su Changqing took a deep breath and began to practice Qigong to heal his wounds.

"It's really too much of a stretch. Fortunately, I can block it.……"

He shook his head. He was injured when dealing with the shocking attack of the demon clan supreme.

It seems that his current strength is not enough. He still needs to become stronger by making up a diary!

Otherwise, it is impossible to let the Holy Lord be the thug every time, right?

That would be so embarrassing!


At this moment, on the battlefield of the void, every collision between Daoyi Saint Lord and Xiang Jun made the void more and more unbearable!

At the moment,

Xiang Jun was still extremely angry and furious!

""Kong Huai, you Daoyi Shengzong, damn it!!"

He shouted, gathering endless demonic energy between his raised hands, and every time he attacked, he was destroying the world!

Originally, the Undead Demon Clan just wanted to defeat the Dayu Divine Dynasty and gain a foothold in Zhongzhou!

But... the Undead Demon Clan had not yet troubled the Daoyi Shengzong, but was ruined by the Daoyi Shengzong!

The current situation is already very unfavorable for the demon clan!

But there is no way...

At the moment,

Xiang Jun had already lost his composure, and every time he attacked with all his strength, his eyes were filled with astonishing murderous intent!

"You have ruined my good deeds time and again. The battle between the Undead Demon Clan and the Daoyi Holy Sect will not end until one of them dies!!"

He slapped his palm again, and the void collapsed!

Daoyi Holy Lord,

Kong Huai looked at the almost crazy Xiang Jun, with divine light surging in his eyes

"Are we going to fight to the death? Then we have no choice but to... make the Undead Demon Clan disappear completely!"

He looked like a scholar, but his words were cold!

Xiang Jun stopped, his pupils shrank, and he became even more angry!

While the Undead Demon Clan was at war with the Dayu Divine Dynasty, the Daoyi Saint Lord in front of him arrived in the Western Desert to destroy the entire demon clan. It was obvious that he had already planned this!

But before he could make another move, a loud laugh came from another direction.

Su Qingyun stepped into the void and appeared beside Kong Huai.

"How can I be left out of such a task as destroying the immortal demon clan?"

"Fellow Daoist Kong, I still want to thank you Daoyi Shengzong for your help, especially Su Changqing, you really cultivated a monster that defies the heavens!"

He spoke happily and expressed his gratitude, and even praised Su Changqing.

In this war, Su Changqing also played a key role! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kong Huai just shook his head slightly when he heard this.

"No need to thank me, this... is what Changqing wanted to do."

He said lightly, and then attacked again!

Su Qingyun's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Su Changqing who was on the edge of the battlefield. After retracting his gaze, he also showed the intention to fight.

"Xiang Jun, this war should end!"

He no longer hesitated and attacked!

This time, the void battlefield was a shocking battlefield for the three supreme beings!

Xiang Jun saw Dayu Renhuang and Daoyi Shengzhu joining forces, and his angry face was solemn!

"What Su Changqing wants to do?!"

His heart trembled, and he stared at Su Changqing's figure below!

This is just the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect, but he has the ability to make Daoyi Saint Lord participate in the war between the Undead Demon Clan and Dayu Divine Dynasty for him!?

Everything is because of Su Changqing!?

Killed his own son...Su Changqing!!!

Seeing the two approaching,

Xiang Jun's heart was extremely complicated, and the desire to kill Su Changqing became stronger again, but now there is no chance!

"The Undead Demon Clan perished in my hands because of Su Changqing? No... No……"

He murmured���After hearing the sound, he also knew that facing two supreme beings alone, his chances of winning were almost zero!

But at this moment, he had no way out!

Once he escaped, the fate of the other tribesmen would inevitably be destroyed!

In this case...

Xiang Jun's eyes revealed a crazy look, and the aura on his body also showed signs of breaking through at this moment!

"Then we'll see if you have the ability to do it!"

He spoke hoarsely, and in an instant, the demonic energy in his body completely exploded!

Even the entire sky seemed to be affected at this moment, with constant roars. It was at this moment that the three supreme beings fought each other completely and launched a violent fight!

Every collision caused the world to fall!


Below the battlefield, the battle between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan was still going on!

However, when the demon clan saw that their leader Xiang Jun was about to face the combined forces of the two supreme beings, the Dayu Human Emperor and the Daoyi Saint Lord, their faces turned pale.

"Could it be that... the demon race is really going to be finished! ?"

"I can not be reconciled……"

Their morale has already fallen to the bottom, and they don't know how to find a chance to survive.

For the demon clan, it is already a life-or-death situation!

All this depends on whether the clan leader can successfully defeat the two supreme beings!!

Su Youwei is also on the battlefield, but now she is staring at the diary copy in front of her.

"Is the Supreme only this?"

"In the War of the Heavens, Su Changqing reached the supreme level of cultivation, which means... it was only a few hundred years?"

"All the supreme beings in Jiuxuantian will be Su Changqing’s comrades-in-arms?"

"No wonder……"

After she finished reading the diary, she took a deep breath.

2.8 She looked at Su Changqing who did not intervene any further, and her heartbeat quickened!

No wonder Su Changqing had resisted the attack of the demon clan supreme before!

As for the end of the dark turmoil... was it just a little bit away from success?

With these doubts,

Su Youwei couldn't help but look forward to what Jiuxuantian would become under Su Changqing's changes. Would she still be able to stand by Su Changqing when the dark turmoil came?

""I hope that in this life, you can achieve everything you want!"

She murmured in her heart, and her eyes flickered.

But soon, she put away her thoughts and continued to kill the demon monks!

The entire battlefield roared again, and the shouts of killing did not stop!

But countless people knew that this war had come to an end!

As for when it would end...

Their eyes were all looking at the three terrifying figures above the battlefield in the sky!

As long as they waited for the winner there, that would be the end of this war!


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