Chapter 56: Xia Qingxuan: You are not allowed to say that about him, he is your future brother-in-law!

While Ling Qianxue was lost in thought,

Murong Dieyi was stunned when he saw the contents of the diary.

""Five years later, the demonic energy in my body has reached a point where it cannot be suppressed, and a demon in my heart has formed?"

She thought to herself, feeling surprised.

It turns out that

Su Changqing knows so much about her!

The demonic energy in her body is indeed increasing day by day. Because she has the blood of the ancient demon, it is much easier for her to practice any technique of the Demon Sect than for others!


Murong Dieyi has long known that if this continues, there will definitely be problems.

"He's been thinking about me.……"

She took a deep breath and felt happy.

Then can she always be with Su Changqing in the future?

Just thinking about it makes people nervous.

However, when she saw the following content, her expression suddenly turned cold!

In Su Changqing's memory of his previous life, she would be helped by that damn Lin Fan and used by him?

After reading the diary thoroughly,

Murong Dieyi felt disgusted and had a stronger killing intention!

"Lin Fan……"

She had already decided that the next time she saw Lin Fan, she would definitely kill him!

Such a scum!

When Su Changqing noticed the change in Murong Dieyi's expression, the corners of her mouth curved up, and she was secretly happy.

"Now the only one missing is the Saint of Bei Ming.……"

He muttered to himself, with confidence in his eyes.

Right now, the Bei Ming Saintess has the lowest trust value.

Next, he will naturally find an opportunity to take her down completely!


At the same time, in Zhongzhou, Beiming Holy Land.

This holy land is also one of the most prosperous in Jiuxuantian in the past 20,000 years. It has already shown signs of dominance.

It can be said that the only forces that can compete with it are Daoyi Holy Sect and other top forces. Other forces cannot even touch it.

And the Lord of Beiming was one of the peerless geniuses who was famous in Jiuxuantian more than 100,000 years ago!

In the holy land, on the enlightenment field.

Xia Qingxuan was still restless and recalled the scene of meeting Su Changqing in the South Region before, as well as the contents of the diary copy.

"If the future is as Su Changqing said, the peace of Jiuxuantian will not last long.……"

She thought to herself, her eyes full of complexities.

In the future, will she and Su Changqing really become close comrades who can trust each other's backs?

In that case, what will be the ending of the Beiming Holy Land?

And did all the people she cares about die in the war of the heavens?

As for the more distant and most terrifying dark turmoil, what exactly is it like? ? ?

At this time, the diary copy synchronized the contents of Su Changqing's diary.

After scanning the above contents,

Xia Qingxuan's eyes flickered and she took a deep breath.

"Maybe... I should put my doubts to rest."

"This Su Changqing is really affectionate and righteous.……"

She had dispelled some of her doubts, but she still didn't believe it completely.

The reason why she believed it was that she couldn't see any flaws in the diary.

What Su Changqing revealed was indeed happening!

But not all!

Because she hadn't learned about the things before the diary.

Beside her,

Xia Yilin looked at Xia Qingxuan's appearance and waved his hand.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?"


Xia Qingxuan replied calmly.

Seeing this,

Xia Yilin couldn't help but think of his defeat at the hands of Su Changqing some time ago, and hummed in dissatisfaction:"Sister, don't worry, I was not well prepared so I lost to Su Changqing!"

"And this guy is really weird. I don’t know how he could see through my moves. Otherwise, I would not have lost so badly!"

"In a few years, I will definitely be invincible, defeat Su Changqing, and make him beg for mercy!"

"Although this guy gave me a cultivation method suitable for me, I will defeat him!"

He said with a defiant look and a confident look.

Just when he was about to say something,

Xia Qingxuan felt a little unhappy for some reason.

"You are not allowed to say that!"

She slapped Xia Yilin on the forehead and glared at him.

But soon, her heartbeat quickened.

Why did she feel angry when she heard these words from her brother?

Xia Yilin felt pain and said with wide eyes:"Sister, why don't you let me say it? I am your brother, why are you siding with outsiders?"

"Sister, you wouldn't……"

"Shut up, wasn't it embarrassing enough that you lost to Su Changqing last time? Do you want to humiliate yourself and lose your father's face?"

Xia Qingxuan spoke quickly, pretending to be unhappy, but her heartbeat accelerated.

For some reason, she seemed to be really affected by Su Changqing's diary.

Xia Yilin was stunned when he heard this scolding.

"Ah, this……"

He looked incredulous, and was numb. I am your brother!

With the mentality of becoming a strong man, shouldn't you encourage me?



At the same time, at Daoyi Saint Sect, Shengzi Peak,

Su Changqing had returned to his huge palace and checked Xia Qingxuan's trust value.

【Bei Ming Holy Land Saint Xia Qingxuan - Trust Value: 80! 】

He looked at the trust value that had increased again and smiled with satisfaction.

After dealing with the witch's matter, he would start to make up a story, and it should be almost done.

Putting away his thoughts,

Su Changqing took out the Demon Abyss Sword from the storage space, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

""Good sword."

He looked at the long sword in his hand, which was pitch black, covered with patterns, and extremely sharp.

And at the junction of the sword body and the hilt, there was a red magic crystal inlaid.

It looked like the eyes of a demon god, as if looking into an endless abyss.

After it was done, a faint smile appeared on Su Changqing's face.

At this time,

Murong Dieyi came into the main hall with a somewhat unnatural look.

Because she knew what Su Changqing was going to do next.

When entering Daoyi Shengzong, the other party had already explained the hidden dangers of the demonic energy in his body.

This time, he came to solve this problem.

But before Su Changqing could speak,

Murong Dieyi felt that there was an astonishing demonic energy in this hall.

"That is……"

She looked in the direction of the breath, then her body trembled, and she pointed forward and asked.

Because, on the wall not far away, there was a black long sword emitting demonic energy.

And at the hilt, it seemed as if it was the eyes of a demon god, also looking at her!

Seeing this, Su Changqing immediately pretended to be reminiscing and whispered:"Moyuan, is its name"

"Demon Abyss? This... the thing in the diary, does Su Changqing really have it? This sword is my future weapon! ?"

She was shocked and thought it was unlikely.

But she didn't expect that the weapon mentioned by Su Changqing in the diary would really appear in front of her!


At this moment,

Murong Dieyi was even more shocked, staring blankly at Mo Yuan

"If everything in the future is true, then will there be no change in this life?"

She tried her best to control her inner emotions and glanced at Su Changqing, who was now full of nostalgia.

He should miss her very much when he met her last time, right?

For a moment,

Murong Dieyi's thoughts were confused and her heart was complicated.

But it was at this moment that (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Changqing put away the nostalgia on his face, looked at Murong Dieyi and chuckled,"Let's start"


Murong Dieyi nodded slightly after hearing this.

Su Changqing wanted to remove the hidden dangers in her body, which made her feel warmer than ever before.

As for whether she was worried about what Su Changqing would do, she didn't know.

Looking at Murong Dieyi sitting cross-legged,

Su Changqing was quite surprised. She didn't expect that the other party had no defense at all. This was a good thing. She had to strike while the iron was hot.

【In this life, I have met Dieyi ahead of time. Now it is my turn to remove the evil energy accumulated in her body and resolve this hidden danger!】

【In order to completely solve the hidden danger, a saint must forcibly open up the meridians in Dieyi's body, release the evil spirit in Dieyi's body that cannot be integrated with the spiritual power, and use himself as a furnace.】

【Although this method is dangerous and is likely to be attacked by the evil spirit, there is no other way at the moment. Dieyi is not someone else. She did so much for me in my last life. In this life, I will do my best to do something for her.……】

【Apart from Dieyi, if anything happens to Qianxue, Youwei, and Qingxuan, I can't just sit back and watch. 】

After he made up the diary, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he began to practice.

At this time,

Murong Dieyi was looking at the diary copy that suddenly appeared. Seeing the content on it, his body trembled.



Her eyes were full of shock and her breathing was rapid.

Su Changqing... wanted to draw the demonic energy that he could neither absorb nor integrate into his body! ?

You know, demonic energy is not something that everyone can absorb!

The most important thing is that he still has the blood of the ancient demon in his body. The Demon Lord once said that the demonic energy in his body far exceeds that of anyone else!

Once Su Changqing absorbs too much demonic energy, then... how to deal with the violent demonic energy?

If he is not careful, the meridians in his body may collapse!

In an instant,

Murong Dieyi panicked and was about to stand up and refuse Su Changqing's help in such a dangerous way!

"Don't move."

Before she could make any move, she felt a pair of warm hands pressing down on her shoulders, and heard Su Changqing's words.

Why... why was he so good to her! He even took the risk to help her in this way!

Without waiting for Murong Dieyi to refuse,

Su Changqing looked calm, practiced his skills, sat cross-legged, and placed his hands on Murong Dieyi's back.

"Don't resist, relax, it will be fine soon."

He spoke slowly, and a powerful spiritual power poured out from his palm!

Murong Dieyi's body trembled, and the demonic energy in her body seemed to sense the threat and surged violently!


She was breathing rapidly, her eyes were red, and a large amount of demonic energy was surging from her body, raging continuously!

The void was roaring, and the hall was shaking.

At this moment, she was not only moved, but also quite worried.

What should she do if Su Changqing had an accident?


On the other side, on the Holy Maiden Peak, even though Ling Qianxue knew the reason why Su Changqing brought the witch back, she still couldn't help but think about it.

"Why did Senior Brother let her live in Shengzi Peak? In this way, wouldn’t the witch have more time to be alone with Senior Brother! ?"

She murmured, her eyes fixed on Shengzi Peak.

However, at this time... the diary copy prompted an update.

After opening it to read,

Ling Qianxue's pupils shrank, and she almost lost her voice and said,"What! ? Senior Brother chose such a dangerous way for her!!!"

Her body trembled slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes!

Senior Brother is going to do this for the witch!

Damn it!

If Senior Brother has an accident, I will definitely not let the witch go!

After reading the diary,

Ling Qianxue felt a little warm in her heart. If it were me, would Senior Brother do the same?


Her eyes revealed tenderness, and she murmured.

But... there are so many girls around my senior brother!

I have been friends with him since childhood, why do so many girls want to compete with me?


I must get my senior brother back!

Just when Ling Qianxue made her decision,


A roar that resounded throughout the holy land came from the Holy Son Peak!

Then, rising into the sky was a terrifying demonic energy that directly enveloped the entire Holy Son Peak!

Seeing this astonishing scene,

Ling Qianxue's eyes revealed endless worry, and she said anxiously:"Brother……"

She knew what the evil spirit represented, not to mention pulling it into the conductor!

The danger here was nothing more than a life-and-death struggle between two saints!


At the same time, all the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect looked pale and exclaimed in shock at the terrifying demonic energy on Shengzi Peak.

And now,

Su Changqing was pulling the demonic energy in Murong Dieyi's body towards himself.


In order to make Murong Dieyi no longer doubt him, he pretended to be very tired and gasped for breath.

The amazing demonic energy was entering his body from his palm at a very fast speed.

In order to make it more realistic and look hard, his forehead was covered with sweat and his body was shaking slightly!

Murong Dieyi could feel Su Changqing's hand trembling on his back.

"Why you...why……"

Her eyes became redder, and tears flashed in them.

From childhood to adulthood, she didn't know who her parents were, and she had no relatives or friends. As for what it felt like to be cared for by others, she had never experienced it.

But now...

Murong Dieyi could feel it, and her heart was extremely warm. The strong disguise in her heart was also broken at this moment.

In addition to being moved, she was also worried.

The whole process lasted for nearly an hour!


Su Changqing's face was pale, and beads of sweat had already covered his forehead. His clothes were even wet.

"Dieyi, it's ok……"

He pretended to be weak and said softly,"The hidden danger in your body has been eradicated. From now on, you don't need to worry about the emergence of demons."

"I'm a little tired. You should stay at the Holy Son for the time being. I'll take you back whenever you want to go back."

After saying that, he slowly dragged his tired body away.

Of course, all this was pretended by Su Changqing.

Since he had read the original text, he knew how to solve it. The whole process was not difficult, but extremely simple.

The reason why it took so long was just to make it more consistent with the fabricated diary.

At the same time, it was also to make the witch not only completely believe in the diary, but also unconditionally believe in herself!


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