Chapter 55: Exactly the same as in the diary, the Saint is jealous, the Son of God is mine?

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining a ray of true dragon energy. There are no more restrictions when practicing the true dragon technique, and you can gain many benefits from practicing!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 top-grade spirit stones!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the character fragment - Dark Emperor Duan De fragment x 3. Collecting 6 fragments can fully unlock Duan De. The current fragment is 4.】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Demon Abyss Sword. This sword is forged from the soul of an ancient demon and contains endless demonic energy. Although it is not an imperial weapon, it is comparable to an imperial weapon. With one sword, demons will come to the world! 】

Waves of voices rang in his mind.

After hearing the reward this time, Su Changqing's eyes flashed with brilliance!

"The aura of a true dragon!?"

He was overjoyed. Due to the domineering nature of the True Dragon Technique, it was not easy to practice it!

Although he had the Qianyuan Dragon Soul Pill before, there were still some obstacles in practicing it.

But once he had the aura of a true dragon, he would no longer have to worry about the difficulties of practicing the True Dragon Technique!

In addition, there are currently four fragments of Duan De!

That is, if he gets two more, he can unlock Duan De!

Thinking of this interesting character,

Su Changqing couldn't help but look forward to it, and a fat figure appeared in his mind.

"Not bad, not bad. As for the Demonic Sword……"

He had no idea about spirit stones, and he didn't lack them at all.

But the rewards from the system were randomly distributed, and he had no control over them.

But among the rewards this time, there was actually a sword called Moyuan, especially since this sword was made from the soul of an ancient demon!

And it was comparable to an imperial weapon!

This was undoubtedly a good thing for him.

Especially since Murong Dieyi was a witch, wouldn't it be great if she could use this sword to do something?

Now just thinking about it, Su Changqing had a fabricated content in his mind.

""Get it now!"

He didn't hesitate any more!

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's rewards began to materialize!

The other rewards were stored in the storage space!

At this time,

Su Changqing was absorbing the true dragon's energy!


Before he could prepare himself, a violent breath rushed into his body!

In an instant, he felt a tearing pain all over his body!

Especially in his dantian, it was like a prairie fire was burning, and the burning sensation spread all over his body!

At this moment,

Su Changqing's body trembled slightly, but he felt pain and happiness!

""The spirit of the real dragon... With the help of this, I don't believe that I can't practice the real dragon magic!"

He muttered in his heart, with a smile on his face.

Beside him,

Murong Dieyi also calmed down his inner emotions and his expression returned to normal.


Just as she came back to her senses, she also noticed the changes in Su Changqing next to her! He was emitting waves of terrifying aura that made people's scalps numb!


While Murong Dieyi was surprised,

Su Changqing had already completely accepted the true dragon's aura, and now it was constantly traveling in his body.

"Next, it is to refine and merge into one!"

He did not hesitate and immediately began to merge the violent true dragon energy in his body!

However, the fusion process was quite smooth and there were no accidents.

But just after the fusion,

Su Changqing's eyes widened and his breathing became rapid!


He was a little bit unbelievable and took a deep breath.

Due to the fusion of the true dragon's energy, his cultivation suddenly skyrocketed!

In an instant,


Intense roars continued to emanate from his body!

And the aura on his body also emanated uncontrollably, rushing straight into the sky!

As the sky and earth changed color,

Su Changqing's body trembled violently, and his cultivation level broke through to the fourth level of the Saint in one fell swoop!

"Still skyrocketing! ?"

After he reacted, he was overjoyed.

He immediately concentrated on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and impacted a higher realm!

In an instant, the surrounding void continued to roar, deafening!

Above the sky, dark clouds rolled!

The thunder pool appeared!

The heaven and earth trembled, and the rapid increase in Su Changqing's cultivation made Murong Dieyi next to him change his expression!

"This... this! ? ?"

She originally wanted to muster up the courage to find a topic, but was suddenly startled by Su Changqing's sudden increase in cultivation.

It seemed that there was only a roar between heaven and earth!

It was at this moment... the fifth level of the saint!!!

After Su Changqing's cultivation broke through again, the ground trembled, and the surrounding mountains shook and collapsed under the terrifying aura!


He let out a long breath, and a shadow of a real dragon flashed in his eyes!

Especially the aura on his body, which seemed extremely domineering!

The aura was so strong that the heaven and earth were trembling in the howling wind!


After a moment,

Murong Dieyi looked at Su Changqing in shock and asked in disbelief:" broke through!?"


Su Changqing suppressed his breath and nodded.

After receiving the answer,

Murong Dieyi's mind was buzzing and his face turned even paler.

"You... have you always been so perverted! ?"

She almost lost her voice when asking. This could no longer be described as a breakthrough!

Because in just a moment,

Su Changqing's cultivation level went from the third level of the Saint to the fifth level of the Human Emperor!!

Is there such a breakthrough?

He is simply a monster among monsters!

Seeing Murong Dieyi's astonishment,

Su Changqing was quite satisfied, but his expression softened. He immediately struck while the iron was hot and started to write the fourth diary.

【I broke through two small realms in a row, but that was it. My heart seemed to never be the same again after that failure.……】

【Maybe it seems unusual to Dieyi, but to me, the development of things is different from what I expected.……】

【If this continues, can I really stay out of what will happen in the future like I am now?】

【Forget it. It's rare to be with Dieyi. It's better not to think about this matter.】


【How can I explain this to Dieyi? She doesn’t know what’s going on in the future.���road!】

【This time of rebirth, Dieyi’s weapon...the Demonic Abyss Sword, is still preserved!】

【Should I give this weapon, which has gone through the battle of collapse and the battle of the heavens with her, to her? 】

As the diary was updated,

Murong Dieyi's diary copy was also synchronized.


She looked at Su Changqing, who had a complicated expression in front of her, and her heart was moved.

From the diary, she seemed to feel that Su Changqing's state of mind seemed to have changed.

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that the man in front of her was a little different.

But as she looked down,

Murong Dieyi's pupils shrank slightly. Her weapon? ? ?

"What's going on! ?"

She was quite shocked. Her future weapon was on Su Changqing?


No way!?

After reading the diary, her mind went blank and she felt absurd!

After a moment,

Murong Dieyi took a deep breath and looked at Su Changqing in front of her.

"how so……"

Could it be that weapons can also be reborn! ?

But think about it, since Su Changqing can resist to the end in the future, his strength will naturally not be weak!

If you want to do it, it doesn't seem difficult!

According to what was written in the diary, could it be that Su Changqing wants to give his future weapons to himself?


Without waiting for Murong Dieyi to speak,

Su Changqing seemed to be hesitating. After a moment, he chuckled and said,"Let's go." After he finished speaking, he continued to return to Daoyi Shengzong.

It would definitely be too abrupt to take out the weapons at this time.

I'll find a chance after returning to the sect.

Seeing that Su Changqing did not give the weapons to himself,

Murong Dieyi's eyes flickered slightly, and then he followed behind.

"Don't know how to tell me?"

She blinked, not tangled too much.

What's the difference between putting it with Su Changqing and putting it with me?

After all, he will be my man in the future!

When I think of this...

Murong Dieyi's face gets hot again, and her eyes sparkle

"This feeling is really good."

She muttered to herself, and felt an unprecedented sense of ease.

In the past, she was either practicing or practicing.

But now, she wanted to relax. Being with Su Changqing made her feel comfortable even if she didn't do anything.

In addition, she wanted to know more about the future.


A few days later,

Su Changqing brought Murong Dieyi back to Daoyi Holy Sect.

At this moment, countless disciples of the sect had already been waiting outside the holy land.

""Welcome to the Holy Son!!!"

Everyone spoke loudly, their eyes full of excitement!

Because this time, the Holy Son went out and showed amazing strength at the ceremony, killing Xiang Yuan!

Moreover, he soared directly from the sixth place on the Tianjiao List to the third place!

This is the supreme honor for both them and the sect!

But soon, all the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong looked at each other, their eyes sizing up Murong Dieyi beside Su Changqing

"This is……?"

"The Holy Son brought someone back? ? This person... is she from the Demon Sect?!"

"The aura of this person is very strong, could it be, could it be that she is the witch of the Demon Sect! ?"

They felt the devilish aura emanating from Murong Dieyi, and their faces suddenly changed.

How could the Holy Son bring the woman of the Demon Sect back?

Amidst everyone's speculation,

Ling Qianxue's figure came quickly, stopped in front of Su Changqing, and said softly:"Qianxue welcomes Brother."

She bowed slightly, and then looked at Murong Dieyi next to her.

This shameless woman actually followed Brother back!

Su Changqing nodded and chuckled,"Junior Sister……"

""Senior brother, who is she?"

Ling Qianxue pretended not to know and asked.

Upon hearing this,

Murong Dieyi narrowed his eyes slightly and also looked at Ling Qianxue.

"Is this the Saint of Daoyi Saint Sect?"

She suddenly felt a sense of crisis. This person seemed to be good in every aspect! At this moment,

Ling Qianxue and Murong Dieyi were looking at each other with hostility in their eyes.

Especially the aura on their bodies, it was even more like a competition invisibly!

If there was no one around, they might have already fought!

Seeing this,

Su Changqing smiled in his heart, and naturally knew why

"Junior sister, this is Murong Dieyi, the witch of the Demon Sect"

"This is my junior sister, also the Saint of Daoyi Saint Sect, Ling Qianxue."

He did not show any expression on his face as he introduced the identities of the two girls to each other.

However, he also knew that they could not really have too much malice towards each other.

Of course,

Su Changqing already had a solution to this, otherwise he would not have brought Murong Dieyi back.

"As long as I solve it in advance, there will be no Lin Fan in the future.……"

He sneered in his heart, thinking about making up a diary with this.

Because in the original work,

Murong Dieyi is a member of the Demon Sect. Although the Demon Sect technique she practices is very strong, it will affect herself.

Although the demonic energy in her body is very strong, it will accumulate over time and then erupt completely, causing her to go astray and produce a powerful demon in her heart!

In the original work, five years after the end of the Southern Region Ceremony.

As the male protagonist, Lin Fan happened to meet Murong Dieyi who had a demon in her heart, so...

Under the brain-dead plot arranged by the author, the grandfather in Lin Fan's ring took action to help Murong Dieyi resolve the demonic energy that still accumulated in her body and produced chaos.

It was also because of this that

Lin Fan gained Murong Dieyi's trust, and since then he has made Murong Dieyi a thug many times to deal with enemies one by one.

Such a disgusting plot makes people uncomfortable even if they think about it now. Now, of course, I will not let this happen, but I must get there first and solve this hidden danger in advance, so that Murong Dieyi will believe the content of the diary more wholeheartedly!

So, without thinking too much, Su Changqing began to make up the fourth diary!

【It seems that there is a lot of hostility between Junior Sister and Dieyi.】

【However, I really can't let you meet so early.……】

【If I don't bring Dieyi back, I don't know when we will meet again.】

【In the previous life, which was the fifth year after the ceremony, Dieyi could not control the evil spirit in his body during his training. After it erupted completely, he would develop a powerful inner demon!】

【It was at that time that Lin Fan, due to his great opportunity, with the help of the mysterious old man, Die Yi's inner demon was removed, but because of this, she mistakenly believed in Lin Fan.】

【It was precisely because of this that Dieyi was simple-minded and was used by Lin Fan, who used her to eliminate enemies one by one and made many enemies. In the end... when the Demon Sect was destroyed, she was hunted down by many forces and fell into a helpless escape.】

【In this life, I must not let Dieyi face this kind of helplessness. I brought her back just to take this opportunity to eliminate the hidden dangers in her body.……】

After he made up the diary, in order to go deeper, he looked at Murong Dieyi from time to time, full of worry.

It was at this time that the copy of Ling Qianxue and Murong Dieyi's diary appeared again.

"Huh! ?"

They didn't know that each other had a copy of the diary, so they stopped staring at each other and quickly checked the contents of the diary.

Soon, after seeing the contents of the diary, Ling Qianxue felt relieved.

"It seems that it is not what I thought. The relationship between Senior Brother and the Witch has not reached that stage yet.……"

She suddenly felt a little ashamed that she had been so confused that she almost had a fight with Murong Dieyi.

However, after knowing the whole story, she didn't get too hung up on it.

There was nothing to say at the moment, and she was no longer so opposed to the witch's arrival.

And even if she wanted to object, it seemed that she didn't have the status to do so at the moment?!


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