Chapter 5: Trust value increased, the saint is his Taoist partner!

Daoyi Saint Sect.

Shengzi Peak, in the palace.

Su Changqing smiled, these fabricated diaries should be able to shock these female protagonists, right?

"I think their reactions should be very interesting."

Su Changqing chuckled.

Although the things he made up might be a little confusing and have some flaws.

But in his opinion, the fictional story is much better than the one in"Nine Mysterious Realms"!

However, at this moment,


【The host's diary is beginning to show results!】

【The three diary holders this time were all shaken by the diary and developed trust in it!】

【The current trust value generated by the diary holder is as follows……】

【Ling Qianxue, the Holy Maiden of Daoyi Holy Sect - Trust value: 50!】

【Princess Su Youwei of the Dayu Dynasty——Trust value: 30!】

【Murong Dieyi, the Saintess of the Youhai Demon Sect - Trust value: 30!】

【Note: The host can gain the trust of the diary holders by any means to obtain a higher trust value! 】

The system's voice sounded in Su Changqing's mind.

"Ling Qianxue is fifty, the other two are thirty……"

He muttered, and then felt delighted.

I originally thought there would be some setbacks, but unexpectedly, I got trust points right away! In this way, it’s not bad!

As for the fact that the princess of the Dayu Dynasty has a trust value of only thirty, this surprised Su Changqing.

In the original book, this is definitely a little loli!

But I didn’t expect that the trust value is just that low, almost half less than that of the Taoist Saint Ling Qianxue!

But... this is understandable. There is an extra copy of the diary, and I see the story I made up.

Normally, you shouldn’t get too much trust so quickly.

And the Demon Sect Saint Murong Dieyi... Su Changqing was not surprised by the thirty points of trust of this witch.

Instead, he smiled.

"This witch is as I expected. She is suspicious by nature and has a cold personality. It’s good to have thirty points."

He was quite satisfied with the trust value generated by the other party.

After all, in the original world story, this witch was the most amazing person in the Demon Sect in thousands of years!

Under her leadership, the Youhai Demon Sect reached an unprecedented peak!

It’s just that the other party has not fully grown up yet, and she will definitely achieve great things in the future!

If you can make the other party believe, it will be a good thing for you!

What surprised Su Changqing the most was the Saint Ling Qianxue, whose trust value reached fifty!

"If I remember correctly, this saint has always been in love with me and wants to catch up with me.……"

"It was not until the male protagonist arrived that the brainless author forcibly lowered the intelligence of the saint, causing the saint to break up with him and become the male protagonist's follower.……"

"But compared to the current situation, she is still more in love with me, and her trust value is higher, which is normal.……"

Su Changqing raised his lips and murmured.

However, he didn't care about the plot.

After all, he had traveled to the Son of the Villain, and things would definitely change later!

Taking advantage of the good trust he had gained now,

Su Changqing didn't dwell on it too much and continued to add to this diary.

【It’s’s all over, just treat it as a dream!】

【It’s better now. Ten thousand years ago, at this time, I was still the Holy Son of Daoyi Sect. This feeling... I haven’t felt it for a long time!】

【Now that nothing has happened, it's great, and it's time to relax……】

【I really hope that the dark turmoil will not come, so that I can live a real and comfortable life!】


On the other side, on the Holy Maiden Peak,

Ling Qianxue looked at the diary copy without the rest of the article and felt a little crazy!

"What's next? What's next?"

"Su Changqing... this guy was reborn and his memory was restored. He should know a lot of things about the future, right?"

"Daoyi Shengzong should also be destroyed in the future, right?"

She had come to her senses from the shock and was planning to see Su Changqing reveal more information.

But after waiting for a long time, the diary had not been updated.

This made her a little impatient.

At this time,

"Saint, you should go to the enlightenment place today.……"

The maid's voice came from outside.

Hearing this,

Ling Qianxue stared at the diary copy with her beautiful eyes, and shook her head without thinking:"I won't go today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

After this, the maid waiting outside was stunned for a moment, and some couldn't believe their ears.

"Not going???

She took a deep breath. What happened to the Saint?

Ever since her master became a Saint, there has been no day that she didn't go to the Enlightenment Field to practice.

No matter the wind or the rain, she would not go.

But today... not going???

Ling Qianxue didn't care at all. Her mind was full of the contents of the previous diary.

"Dark turmoil... The bounded sea of heaven... In the future, not only the Nine Profound Heavens, but all the heavens and worlds will be bloodied and reduced to nothingness.……"

The more she thought about it, the more shocked she became. She couldn't help but think about going to find Su Changqing!

If she just found this guy and asked him, maybe she could learn more, right?

But thinking about it carefully...

Ling Qianxue shook her head and took a deep breath.

"No, if I go to him like this, he will know that I can see the diary, and I don't know what will happen.……"

She muttered to herself and immediately gave up the idea.

Su Changqing was ruthless and his strength was above hers. He didn't talk much on weekdays, but once he took action, he was absolutely resolute and decisive!

He even had a physique that shocked the entire sect and was classified as top secret information, which has not been announced yet!

Going over to him to ask about the future... wouldn't work!

Just when Ling Qianxue was curious, the diary was updated again!

"This guy……"

As she looked at the updated content, Su Changqing's perfect appearance and the qualifications that countless geniuses admired emerged in her mind. The fact that he was able to hold on until the last moment before failing was enough to prove that his future achievements would be higher than hers! What about me?

What happened later?

Thinking of this,

Ling Qianxue felt a little dissatisfied. Didn't she hold on until the last moment of the dark turmoil?

But at this time, the diary copy was updated again, and she immediately put away her thoughts and started reading.

【Now, I have been reborn, and the sect is still the same sect as it was ten thousand years ago!】

【And I am also the only strongest saint son of Daoyi Saint Sect since its founding.……】

【Ling Qianxue should still be trying hard to catch up with me, right?】

【Now that I think about's quite interesting】

【This arrogant and cold-tempered saint will become my Taoist partner in the future……】

Ling Qianxue shuddered at Su Changqing's words that she was catching up with him, but she couldn't deny it.

"Su Changqing, wait, I...what! ? ?"

She gritted her teeth, but her beautiful eyes widened before she finished speaking!


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