Chapter 4: Princess Dayu and the Witch are shocked. Is this the future? At this moment,

Su Youwei felt dizzy. Was she hallucinating?

"It can actually be opened! ?"

But before she could recover from her shock, the diary copy opened automatically!

The contents inside were presented to her without reservation!

【I was reborn... back in time……】

【Darkness... endless darkness……】

As she continued to read the content,

Su Youwei's cute face turned pale and she stepped back

"What on earth is written in this diary?"

"Su Changqing was reborn? Ten thousand years later... he was one of the last people to resist darkness and terror! ?"

"Is the world sea really that terrifying? A wave can turn into a world?!"

When she saw the content above, her heart was already in turmoil! She didn't know where the diary came from, but now she saw such shocking news!

Su Changqing revealed the future!?

The future Jiuxuantian will be destroyed because of the terrifying coming of darkness!?

Not only that, all the heavens and worlds will be bloodbathed??!

After seeing these contents,

Su Youwei couldn't hold back the shock and curiosity in her heart, and continued to read on!

【Darkness is raging...lives are suffering...the heavens are collapsing……】

【The darkness filled with blood and fire descended upon all races in the world. The source of darkness in the sea of heaven...……】

【Until the last drop of blood shed... but still failed……】

The more she read, the more shocked she was, and her face turned even paler!

Even if she only looked at the words on the copy of the diary, she could feel the invisible and monstrous horror in it, which was horrifying!

Especially in the content, she seemed to be in endless darkness!

The diary describes the future! ?

It describes...

Su Changqing and the mysterious Huang, the ruthless man, Ye Tiandi and others jointly resisted the dark turmoil!

Even though they spanned time and combined the future, the past, and the present into one, they still failed to quell the turmoil! ?

In the future... such a shocking event will happen! ?

The heavens and the worlds have fallen?!

What is going on? ? ?

Beyond the Jiuxuantian, there are countless planes, and there are even more terrifying existences! ?

What on earth did Su Changqing experience?

Could the diary of this guy from Daoyi Shengzong be true! ?

After recovering from the shock,

Su Youwei breathed rapidly, and her big eyes were full of shock as she looked at the copy of the diary in front of her.

"No wonder... No wonder Daoyi Shengzong would have such a monster like him. I didn’t expect... He was actually reborn!!!"

"And in the future, will there be such a terrifying dark turmoil? Even... all living things will be destroyed and everything will return to darkness! ?"

Her heart was shaking wildly, and now it was once again in turmoil!

What was the reason for this?

What on earth did Su Changqing go through?

How did the future... go to destruction!?

That guy, the only remaining resistance among all the races in the heavens, was so strong, but he still lost???


At the same time, in the Dark Sea, located in the center of the entire sea, standing in the void!

Inside the sect, on the Holy Maiden Peak of the Demon Sect,

Murong Dieyi was staring at the maid in front of her.

"Didn't you see what's in front of you! ?"

She said in a hurried tone, her peerless face was full of disbelief.

Especially her fiery body, which was also trembling slightly.

Hearing this, the maid was confused and stared at the stunning beauty in front of her.

"Saint... Saint... I... I really didn’t see anything!"

"You...what's wrong with you!?"

She was so anxious that she almost cried. This was the third time the Saint asked.

What was in front of her?

Did the Saint go astray due to her cultivation?

After hearing the maid's answer again,

Murong Dieyi's purple eyes were full of shock.

"Su Changqing? How did I get a copy of his diary?"

After she asked the maid to leave, she was very upset!

What on earth was going on?

Originally, this diary appeared and even sank into the center of her eyebrows, and now it can appear on its own!

As for Su Changqing, even though Murong Dieyi rarely went out, she heard many times from the elders or disciples of the sect about him.

"The Holy Son of Daoyi Sect...his diary……"

She took a deep breath, totally confused as to what was going on.

And this diary copy was marked as hers!

Could it be because of Su Changqing?


Su Changqing didn't know that he had a copy of the diary! ?

After taking a deep breath,

Murong Dieyi regained her composure, extremely cold.

"I want to see what the diary says.……"

Her purple eyes flickered slightly, and then she flipped her hand and opened the diary!

Then, she was stunned when she saw the first sentence.


Su Changqing... experienced rebirth!?

In fact... for Su Changqing, this was ten thousand years ago!?

Rebirth from ten thousand years later to now?!

Murong Dieyi really didn't expect the contents of the diary to start so shockingly!

"What happened!? That guy... was reborn from the future!?"

Her heartbeat quickened, and she was shocked!

A guy who was reborn after ten thousand years, it was incredible to think about it!

Reading down the diary... all the lives were destroyed!

The world ushered in the darkest moment...

The sea of worlds... The Dark Supreme!?

The contents recorded above all made Murong Dieyi's scalp tingle, and her cold and beautiful face was moved!

" this talking about the future!?"

"Jiuxuantian is so small, even... a wave in the boundary sea is the same as Jiuxuantian! ?"

She looked dazed, her eyes full of confusion!

Jiuxuantian is really that small?

Even... there is the so-called boundary sea, just a wave is a world?

Oh my God!!!

At this moment...

Murong Dieyi breathed quickly, and checked the following content with shock!

"Dark turmoil? The world collapses and falls into endless darkness! ?"

"In this great battle, all living beings... died?!"

"Su Changqing... participated in the dark turmoil, and even though he and other powerful people from various races tried their best, they were unable to quell the turmoil, and even everyone... died! ?"

After seeing the latest content of the diary, she was completely shocked! What

Su Changqing wrote in the diary was what would happen in the future!?

And this guy's future, he experienced such a terrifying dark turmoil!?

How could this be??

At this time, Murong Dieyi's eyes were full of shock, and her heart could not calm down!

"This... is this true!?"

"Su Changqing experienced the dark turmoil, and after failing... was reborn?"

She thought about it and couldn't believe it!

If this is true, even if she is reborn, won't she have to go through it again!?

She saw the future through the diary copy?

In this regard...

Although Murong Dieyi was shocked, she also had many doubts.

"How is it possible!!"

Her eyes flashed with a strange purple light, and she couldn't help but doubt.

But if it was fake, why could she feel the almost suffocating horror from the content of the diary, and the unwillingness and helplessness of Su Changqing?

The future... is really like this!?


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