Chapter 42: I know you very well. Let's fight side by side!

Under the gaze of countless people,

Su Changqing shook his head helplessly, then slowly rose into the air and landed on the platform.

"You go first."

His tone was easygoing, and his eyes were full of doting.

Seeing this,

Xia Yilin frowned. Why did he feel like his father was looking at him?

""Pah, pah, pah!"

He shook his head hastily, and then an astonishing saintly aura burst out of his body, and he said in a low voice:"Don't look down on me. In this battle, I will definitely replace you as the sixth place on the Tianjiao list and walk out my invincible road!"

After that, he flew into the air, and a glowing spear with astonishing fairy spirit stabbed out in his hand!

In an instant, a strong wind blew at the scene, and the void roared!

There was also endless lightning blooming at the tip of the spear, carrying a breath of destruction!

In the crowd, an old man couldn't help but exclaimed:"The Thunder Meteorite Spear, back then... back then... the Lord of the North Sea relied on this fairy weapon to stand invincible in the Xiantai realm, and traveled all over the world. Countless people in the Xiantai realm died under this spear!!!"

"No wonder!!"

"Oh my god, then... Su Changqing will definitely lose! ?"

Countless people changed color when they heard it, and remembered the legend about the Lord of the North Sea in Zhongzhou, and they all cried out in shock! At this moment, with the appearance of the Thunder Meteorite Immortal Spear, the sky exploded and thousands of thunders roared!

The terrifying pressure was even more radiated from the Thunder Meteorite Immortal Spear, making most people pale and trembling!

Especially with the infusion of Xia Yilin's spiritual power, the Thunder Meteorite Immortal Spear hummed, and the shocking thunder with a breath of destruction raged around!

Seeing this scene,

Su Changqing's eyes flickered slightly, but his expression was as calm as ever

"Still the same."

He put his hands behind his back and chuckled.

Xia Yilin felt puzzled, but did not think much about it and attacked with all his strength.


He shot through with one shot, the void exploded, and the temple shook!

The bright lightning was so dazzling that it was impossible to open your eyes!

But the roars and the violent vibrations at the scene frightened everyone at the scene!

However, after a moment, when they opened their eyes and saw the situation in the dojo, everyone's eyes widened!


They gasped in a breath of cold air, and there was a dead silence.

They saw...

Su Changqing standing on the tip of the Thunder Meteorite Spear without any damage, and the whistling wind made his white robe rustle.

Seeing Su Changqing still with a gentle smile on his face,

Xia Yilin blinked, with a look of disbelief


He gritted his teeth and raised his hand upwards!


Su Changqing just stepped slightly and landed steadily.


Xia Yilin was even more annoyed and urged the Thunder Meteorite Spear in his hand to kill again!

""Hide, I'll let you hide!!!"

He roared, swung the Thunder Meteorite Spear, and once again condensed the destructive offensive!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The terrifying roar was endless, and the huge dojo was suddenly covered with endless thunder and turned into thunder!

Every attack made the temple tremble!

The offensive launched by the Thunder Meteorite Spear made the scalp of the saints burst and their hearts beat wildly!

Too overbearing!!!

Especially the amazing destructive aura, which made most people pale, fearing that innocent people would be affected!

Under Xia Yilin's monstrous offensive that almost demolished the entire temple,

Su Changqing did not take action, and even easily dodged the attacks that made the saints change their faces.

But at this moment,

Xia Qingxuan's eyes gradually widened, and he took a breath of cold air.

"Su Changqing...he……"

Her body trembled slightly, and her mouth suddenly became dry.

In the midst of her brother's domineering offensive, the other party actually strolled leisurely and avoided and resolved all of them! Su Changqing actually knew her brother's moves like the back of his hand, as if he knew everything clearly!

It showed the meaning of letting the storms rage, I am at ease!

But... isn't this the first time they met? ? ?

After a moment,

Xia Qingxuan's chest rose and fell, and she stared at Su Changqing's figure.

"How could this happen?!"

She was already sure that this was not a coincidence!!!

It was that Su Changqing really knew the moves his brother was going to use, and knew how to resolve it!!

Not only Xia Qingxuan, but everyone present saw that Su Changqing had no intention of taking action, and they all mastered Xia Yilin's various moves!


Instantly, there was an uproar at the scene!

On the broken platform,

Xia Yilin became more and more anxious, and everyone was dumbfounded!


He looked at Su Changqing who was still intact, and suddenly a hundred thousand whys emerged in his mind?

What happened? ? ?

This guy actually dodged all his attacks.

Even... the Starry Sky Immortal Gun Technique that he used, which only his father knew in the entire Jiuxuantian, was completely dissolved!

Why on earth is this? ? ?

Numb, completely numb!

Just when Xia Yilin came to his senses and tried to make another move...

Su Changqing smiled slightly and said lightly:"That's it."

When the Thunder Meteorite Gun came with a thunder that seemed to destroy everything, he flashed and came behind Xia Yilin with a flashing afterimage, and slapped him.


Xia Yilin opened his eyes wide, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

He only felt a sharp pain in his back, and he rolled dozens of times on the dojo before he stopped.

Suddenly, he grimaced in pain.

How could this happen? ? ?

Su Changqing didn't make a move before, not because he was afraid, but because he didn't want to hurt himself! ?


He lost after a slight move?

How embarrassing...

How can I continue my invincibility?

Even if he was unwilling to accept it, he knew that he couldn't beat Su Changqing!

Being beaten in front of so many people, he was almost eating mud, so he might as well find a hole to crawl into.

At this time,

Xia Yilin suddenly screamed, spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, not only the others were confused, but Xia Qingxuan couldn't help but cover his forehead.

Su Changqing walked to Xia Yilin's side, shook his head, and smiled,"It's too fake, stop pretending."

""Get up, Tiedan."

Xia Yilin, who had been trying to pretend, heard this and his mouth twitched.

""Huh! ? How do you know my nickname???"

But when he heard the title behind Su Changqing, he stood up suddenly, his face full of shock!

This was the nickname his father gave him because he was too naughty and stubborn when he was a child.

But how did an outsider like Daoyi Shengzi know it!?

Su Changqing looked at Xia Yilin in a daze, with a nostalgic look on his face. He couldn’t help but whispered:"Tiedan, you don’t know yet……"

"We... have fought and shed blood in the battle of the heavens."

"At that time, no matter how many enemies there were, we fought every battle with all our might, and repelled the attacks of the enemies of the heavens again and again."

…… ps:

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