Chapter 41: It's all a lie, even my brother-in-law is a lie!

At the scene, amid the uproar of many people,

Xia Qingxuan was quite surprised to hear Su Changqing's confident words.

"Among his peers, he is the only one in the world, and there is no one who can surpass him?"

She was shocked in her heart, and was also shocked by this sentence.

The son of the Daoyi Saint Sect in front of her was so arrogant!

But... except for the exclamation, no one stood up to refute it!

From this point, it can be seen that these people are afraid of Su Changqing!

But think about it,

Su Changqing swept and suppressed the top five people on the original Tianjiao list with his own strength a few days ago!

With such strength, it seems that he is really qualified to say such words!

But... what about the top five on the list now?

When Xia Qingxuan thought of this, she couldn't help but think of the content of the diary she saw.

"Will this person and I go from being comrades-in-arms to being companions?……"

Her eyes flickered, and she was more confused.

Although she didn't want to believe it, Su Changqing looked at her with a look of nostalgia, and it didn't seem like he was pretending.

In the diary, he described everything in detail.

He even remembered when he met her and when they were together!

This man was reborn!

And now he is more mature than in his previous life.

That's right!

Xia Qingxuan thought about it and couldn't help but lose her mind when she looked at Su Changqing.

"He is tired……"

She also felt a deep sense of exhaustion from the latest update in her diary.

So what happened in the long time after she died to save him?

How terrible was the dark turmoil?

In the end, Su Changqing was defeated...

The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt and her mood became more unstable.

"How could I be affected by his diary?……"

After she came to her senses, her heartbeat accelerated.

Could it be that what Su Changqing said was true?

She couldn't accept it because it happened too suddenly?

In addition, the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong had no doubts and were full of confidence!

"This is our Holy Son!!!"

"Confident! Invincible! Like! It gives me goosebumps.……"

"Don't you even look at who that is? That's our Holy Son!"

They looked at Su Changqing, who was calm and composed, with extremely excited expressions and fanaticism in their eyes!

This is the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect!

Sixth on the Tianjiao List?

Just an empty title!

In terms of strength, why not compete for the first place!?

After all, the Holy Son suppressed five local Tianjiaos who were originally in the top five that day by himself!

Based on this, he is qualified to say so!

Seeing that the scene suddenly became boiling,

Xia Yilin was stunned for a moment, unable to react to what it meant.

"Third Elder, what is he talking about?"

"Young Master, what Su Changqing said is... no one among his peers can beat him."

An old man beside him took a deep look at Su Changqing and said with a chuckle.

Upon hearing this,

Xia Yilin's eyes widened and he immediately became angry. He shouted at Su Changqing fiercely:"Arrogant, absolutely arrogant!!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, right now, right now, I want to challenge you!!!"

At this moment,

Su Changqing looked at Xia Yilin who was gritting his teeth, smiled faintly, and continued to make up his diary.

【Haha... Xia Yilin is still as simple and straightforward as in his previous life.】

【I remember the first time I met my brother-in-law was in the first year of the Battle of the Heavens. I had fought a battle with Qingxuan. Just because we had a simple conversation, he became hostile to me and would fight with me whenever he disagreed.】

【By the way, this guy always likes to talk about how to be invincible.】

【Speaking of which, Xia Yilin is really a funny guy. Every time I defeat him, he still refuses to admit defeat. This unwillingness to admit defeat is really...……】

【Now that I think about it, I really miss it.】

【Although the time and place of our meeting have changed, he is still the same...】

【However, the ending will not change. How can a brother-in-law be defeated by his brother-in-law?

When he made up this story, he glanced at Xia Qingxuan.

They were all going to fool people anyway, so wouldn't it be a good thing for the two siblings to fool people together?

It was at this time that

Xia Qingxuan also saw the synchronization of the diary copy and saw the contents of the diary.


She was stunned for a moment. Su Changqing still had such a deep impression of his brother?

Moreover, he knew his brother's personality and his catchphrases?

What's going on? ? ? Could it be that the future Su Changqing mentioned was true? But where did the diary copy come from? Was it because of the other party's rebirth, or because his obsession in the future followed him back and turned into a copy?


Xia Qingxuan thought of this, she felt it was a bit absurd, but what Su Changqing said in the diary was not wrong.

"how come……"

She took a deep breath, wanting to know more accurately and confirm it.

Su Changqing noticed the flash of curiosity in Xia Qingxuan's beautiful eyes and continued to make up the diary.

【In fact, Yilin is not a bad kid. He has his own pursuits and wants to find his own way to invincibility.】

【But it was his unyielding spirit and strong character that led to his demise in the future battle of the heavens.……】

【One hundred years after the War of the Heavens began, Yilin was assigned to the Allied Forces under my command. Originally, I only asked him to lead the troops to guard the defense line. I also reminded him to return to the defense immediately if he couldn't hold on, but……】

【But I still underestimated his stubborn temper. Even when all his comrades were killed, he did not retreat a single step. As a result, he was surrounded and fought to the last moment, shedding his last drop of blood and dying together with the enemy!】

【He...died a hero, even in the face of death, he was not afraid at all!】

【It's my fault. I didn't expect things to turn out this way.】

【In this life, I hope this kid can mature as soon as possible and control his temper. 】

As the diary copy was synchronized,

Xia Qingxuan trembled after seeing the updated content.

"How could it be? Yilin, Wei Lai died in the battle?"


"Su Changqing... Is what Su Changqing said true or false? What he wrote in his diary doesn't seem to be false. All of this will happen in the future! ?"

She was breathing rapidly. She had just suppressed her thoughts, but now she was restless again.

At the same time, in the diary, she also felt Su Changqing's deep self-blame!

This... will it be like this in the future? ?

But suddenly,

""Su Changqing, come on, don't be a coward!"

A childish roar rang out at the scene.

Xia Qingxuan put away her thoughts and turned to look at Xia Yilin who had already walked to the stage.

At this moment, countless people looked at Su Changqing, with expectations and doubts in their eyes.

"Will he... accept the challenge?"

"I'm so excited to see the Holy Son of Daoyi take action!"

They were all watching eagerly, talking about it.

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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