Chapter 109: Strange behavior, how did they know each other before? The emperor is confused!

After getting Su Changqing's consent,

Su Qingyun's original embarrassment was relieved, and he came to Su Changqing with a smile.

"Su Xiaoyou, I……"

He was about to say something when he suddenly saw a beautiful figure rushing towards Su Changqing.

Seeing this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was stunned.

Because... that beautiful figure was the little loli Su Youwei

""Brother Changqing, you are so awesome!"

She had been thinking about how to keep Su Changqing here, and now her father just happened to help her.

At this moment, she no longer looked like the queen who had fought with the Undead Demon Clan before. She blinked her bright eyes and hugged Su Changqing's arm.

After seeing so many diary contents, and Su Changqing's intervention in this war, he finally helped the Dayu Dynasty to destroy the Undead Demon Clan.

In addition, he had helped her awaken the power of the Divine Phoenix in her body before.

The man in front of her was undoubtedly very attractive, making people unable to help but stick to him.

Anyway, Su Changqing was her man in the last life, and now he was reborn. In this life, she might as well take the initiative.

At this time,

Su Changqing looked at Su Youwei, who was almost hanging on his body, and felt the softness coming from his hands, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

【Princess Su Youwei of Dayu Dynasty - Trust value: 120! 】

He was surprised that although she looked like a lolita, he didn't expect her figure to be so amazing. Before he thought much, he saw the update of Su Youwei's trust value.

At present, it has reached the level of extreme trust.

So that's it!

However, compared with the other three diary copy holders

, Su Youwei's performance surprised him a little.

Too proactive.

Isn't this a victory? The soldiers of Dayu Dynasty looked at each other in bewilderment after seeing this scene.


They gasped as if they had seen something incredible.

Because before this, the princess had never had contact with other members of the opposite sex.

And because she had always stayed in the palace, she was very strong and was the most favored by the emperor.

Now she actually took the initiative to approach Su Changqing and even had physical contact...

Oh my God!!

Su Qingyun saw her daughter like this, then looked at Su Changqing and hurriedly said,"What are you doing, kid? Let go!""

"I don’t, Brother Changqing saved the Dayu Dynasty and he is so powerful, I like him!"

Su Youwei hugged Su Changqing's arm tighter, looking reluctant to let go.

Su Qingyun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, he didn't expect his daughter to be so direct.

Looking at Su Changqing again, he had a headache and said helplessly:"Please forgive me, Su Xiaoyou, this girl is just like this."

Su Changqing shook his head and smiled faintly.

Seeing this,

Su Qingyun glared at Su Youwei who was staring at Su Changqing, and then turned back.

But suddenly,

"I'm used to it, this girl is still the same……"

A very soft murmur came from behind.

Su Qingyun was stunned again, turned his head and looked at Su Changqing who had become a little dazed at some point, with nostalgia in his eyes.


He was confused. What did he mean?

Used to it?


Su Changqing had met his daughter before?

Could it be...

No way?

No wonder his daughter suddenly came up and hugged Su Changqing's arm. There was really a relationship between them that he had never discovered? ? ?

But he was the emperor after all. Su Qingyun frowned, but did not ask on the spot, but continued to return.

In the back,

Su Youwei also saw Su Changqing looking at her with nostalgia and shocking vicissitudes in his eyes, and she couldn't help but open her mouth.

"Brother Changqing……"

Being looked at like this, she felt shy for a moment and immediately let go of Su Changqing's hand.

Seeing this,

Su Changqing was proud in his heart, but a gentle smile appeared on his face. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In any case, Su Youwei's trust value has reached extreme trust.

So now, only Xia Qingxuan is left.

After her trust value reaches extreme trust, the diary will unlock new characters and allow new characters to have copies of the diary.

But who will it be?

Although everyone recognizes the characters in the original text, the system unlocks them randomly, and there is no way to know who it will be.

But no matter who it is, it is out of reach. But for me, it is only a matter of time to take them all down, and it is enough to just act.


After a while,

Su Changqing followed Su Qingyun to Dayu Imperial City. Seeing the cheering and excited Imperial City, he was quite surprised.

"Really luxurious……"

He could see that the imperial city was extremely lively, especially the imperial palace in the center, which exuded an aura of wealth and opulence everywhere.

The city walls were made of various spiritual stones and top-grade materials, which was a great investment.

On the streets, countless people of the Dayu Divine Dynasty had excited smiles on their faces, and their eyes were full of gratitude when they looked at Su Changqing!

"Thank you, Holy Son Daoyi!"

"Holy Son Daoyi is our savior!!!"

"No. 1 on the Tianjiao Ranking, Daoyi Saint Son is truly unique among the younger generation of Jiuxuantian, he is so outstanding!!"


There were many girls in the crowd sending their eyes.

A peerless genius like Su Changqing was the dream lover of countless girls.

In response to the gratitude of the people of Dayu,

Su Changqing nodded modestly, without any arrogance.

Seeing this,

Su Qingyun's eyes revealed admiration, and he also said with a smile:"My dear Su, they are right. This time, not only I, but the entire Dayu Dynasty should thank you very much."

"If it weren't for you, the Dayu Dynasty would have ceased to exist long ago."

He said with a smile, feeling a little scared.

Without the help of Su Changqing and Saint Daoyi, the Dayu Dynasty would have been destroyed by the Undead Demon Clan.

And the one who held the celebration banquet in the imperial city should also be the Undead Demon Clan.

Hearing this,

Su Changqing humbly shook his head again and chuckled,"The Human Emperor is too kind, this is just a small matter, not worth mentioning."

""Brother Changqing, this is not a small matter. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have lived to see you."

Su Youwei spoke frankly without waiting for Su Qingyun, who was surprised by Su Changqing's modesty, to say anything.

Upon hearing this,

Su Qingyun's mouth twitched, and he looked at his daughter, who seemed to have only Su Changqing in his eyes, with doubts.

""Have they really met?"

He muttered in his heart, but he felt something was wrong.

Hasn't his daughter been in the palace all the time? How could she have met Su Changqing?

The most puzzling thing is that this girl seems to be very familiar with Su Changqing, and even takes the initiative to get close to Su Changqing regardless of whether he is present or not.

Strange, really strange……


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