Chapter 108: Inviting Su Changqing to a banquet, the princess is happy, her chance has come!

At this moment, including many supreme beings, the entire Jiuxuantian people stared blankly at the supreme ranking on the sky curtain at the same time.

Until the ranking was announced at this moment, everyone felt a heavy breath filling the sky and the earth!

It seems that this is a sign before the great struggle begins!


A violent roar sounded above the sky. On the Supreme List, every name of the Supreme was shining, showing its extraordinaryness!

And those on the list were the best among the top combat forces of Jiuxuantian!

As for the top positions, the more terrifying the people on the list were!

Especially the top three, there was almost no need to guess, most people could be sure that the three were at least in the Supreme Great Perfection Realm, and the next step was to be able to impact the Quasi-Emperor!

"Could they... really come back to the Nine Profound Heavens?!"

"The Immortal Old Man? Didn’t the elders in the Holy Land say that he had already fallen? Although the Heaven Burial Cemetery still exists today, it has been forgotten by many people. The Immortal Old Man is now the number one on the Supreme List, which proves that he is not dead. Could he still be in the Heaven Burial Cemetery! ?"

"Chaos Realm... There has long been no trace of such a powerful force in Jiuxuantian, and they are still staying in Jiuxuantian!!!"


Everyone was quite nervous, and they were also afraid that the strong people on the Supreme List would show their prowess again!

Once they competed for the ranking like the Tianjiao List, Jiuxuantian would really have no way to remain calm!

Fortunately... although countless people were shocked and afraid, with the end of the Supreme List, the imagined thing did not happen!

This also made the entire Jiuxuantian force breathe a sigh of relief.


At this time, among the people of Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Wen Ze and the other strong men of Beiming looked at the Supreme List with solemn eyes.

They knew very well that when troubled times came, everyone would be in danger!

Even the top forces were likely to face the risk of destruction!

For example, the Undead Demon Clan was completely destroyed in the battle with the Dayu Divine Dynasty due to the intervention of the Daoyi Holy Clan!

However, under the heavy emotions of the crowd,

Xia Qingxuan's mind was constantly exploding after seeing the top three announced!

"This is exactly the same as what Su Changqing said in his diary!! '~!"

She was shocked and looked at Su Changqing in the distance in disbelief.

This guy could clearly remember which forces the top three were and what they were called!

As for those supreme ones, she was not very familiar with them.

One thing is certain, that is, the top three mentioned by Su Changqing may be expected to have a certain influence in the future, or have done something.

Otherwise, how could Su Changqing remember it so clearly?

As for what happened,

Xia Qingxuan had no way of knowing, and she also wanted Su Changqing to reveal it in his diary.


She let out a long sigh, feeling that things were developing exactly as Su Changqing had said.

She just didn't know what could be changed afterwards?

Or, in other words, what were the things Su Changqing wanted to change?


The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty were filled with exclamations. They couldn't stop.

His Majesty the Human Emperor was not on the list. This was undoubtedly something they couldn't accept for a while.

However... the terrifying existence on the Supreme List made them not know how to refute it.

Su Youwei naturally didn't agree with it before, but now her resistance was not so strong.

"Su Changqing……"

She looked at the top three names on the Supreme List, her scalp tingled and her heartbeat accelerated.

Su Changqing, there was nothing wrong with what he wrote in his diary.

The top three were indeed announced as he said!

This man... everything written in his diary was true!

And he also knew about the terrifying existence that he had never heard of in all these years!

Being ranked in the top three means the top combat power of Jiuxuantian!

After taking a deep breath, (for a great novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Youwei looked at Su Changqing with a strong look in her eyes!

"Su Changqing is really amazing. Since he remembers everything from his previous life, can he really change everything as he wants?"

The look in her eyes became more and more intense, and at this moment she completely believed in Su Changqing.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with the diary or this person.

The most important thing is that he had saved the Dayu Dynasty before!

Otherwise... it would be the Dayu Dynasty that was destroyed!

It would be really good to be with such a man.

When Su Youwei thought of this, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Is this why I was attracted to Su Changqing in his previous life?"

"No wonder, no wonder he said that people would cling to him, humph, so outstanding, how could they not cling to him?"

She muttered in her heart, and now she has accepted the identity that Su Changqing described in his diary before.

After all, which girl doesn't admire the strong?

And Su Changqing himself is not only outstanding, but also experienced so much last time. As a reborn person, people are moved by what he has experienced.

Looking at Su Changqing now, Su Youwei is more and more fascinated.

"How about I go back with Su Changqing?"

She muttered to herself, but quickly shook her head.

With Ling Qianxue and the witch in Daoyi Holy Sect, she might be bullied if she went there.

It would be great if she could keep Su Changqing for a while.……


After the shock, many forces that came to watch informed each other and left one after another.

Because they knew that there was no need to stay in the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

What's more, this matter had nothing to do with them.

In the Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Wen Ze clasped his fists towards the Daoyi Saint Lord and Su Qingyun in the void, then turned and left.

At this time,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Su Changqing, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

But she didn't stay for too long, and she followed and left.

I hope that next time they meet, I won't fall too far behind Su Changqing.

Seeing everyone leave,

Su Qingyun also came back to his senses from the previous shock, laughed loudly, and said:".Black Crow, give the order to arrange a celebration banquet!"

"I want to thank Saint Lord Daoyi and friend Su!"

He laughed heartily, in a very good mood.

The destruction of the dead demon clan made the Dayu Divine Dynasty no longer a threat!

After giving the order,

Su Qingyun smiled and looked at Saint Lord Daoyi in front of him, inviting him:"Friend Kong, I wonder if you can stay for a few days. I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would be in danger this time.……"

"I still have something to do, so there is no need for you to thank me."

The Daoyi Saint Master seemed uninterested in this, and spoke lightly, glanced at Su Changqing, and then disappeared.

Su Qingyun felt a little embarrassed when he saw this, and looked down at Su Changqing below.

Seeing this,

Su Changqing pondered for a moment, then chuckled and said,"Then I'll have to trouble the Dayu Emperor!"

He was not in a hurry to leave, but planned to attend the celebration banquet on behalf of the Daoyi Saint Sect and stay in the Dayu Divine Dynasty for some time.


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