Chapter 259

Frostmourne was picked off by Jiang Liu, and as Frostmourne started, the sword body shone with a blue light.

Jiang Liu took a deep breath, and various coping styles flashed in his mind.

But he was denied one by one, saying that Po Tian himself was also a D-level professional. Facing this kind of S-level existence, he was really powerless.

“Boss, we cover your retreat. It’s too dangerous here.” Angeli stood in front of Jiang Liu with a solemn expression.

Angeli was right, the appearance of the S-class clogged beast had completely threatened the entire Qingshan line of defense.

Facing Angeli’s dissuasion, Jiang Liu hadn’t heard of it, the more he should not leave at this time.

In the headquarters, Hao Shuai turned his head and walked out quickly. Before he left, he did not forget to say to Lin Sheng: “I will go to the front line to support, and I will leave it to you here.”

There are not many S-level professionals on the front line at the moment, and there is only Zhao Changan besides Hao Shuai.

Before this, there were four S-level professionals on the front line, one of whom was also a former federal front line camp, but unfortunately lost his life in the war against the Red Scythe not long ago.

As for the other two, both of them belonged to the consortium. Now that the front line and the consortium are torn apart, these two S-level professionals will naturally be transferred away.

Lin Sheng looked at the back of Hao Shuai leaving, causing him to struggle inside.

In this tide of beasts, there were three S-class clones, but there were only two S-class clones on the front line.

Lin Sheng’s entanglement lies in this. The three S-class colonists have one more high-end combat power than the front line. If you want to win this war, you need to spend your life on the front line.

On the frontline battlefield, Jiang Liu stared at the Blizzard polar bear slowly approaching the EQ defense line in the distance.

Every step of the mountain-like body will cause the earth to shake like a mountain,

At the head of the Castle Peak Defense Line, countless professionals’ eyes widened because of this.

Can such a colony beast truly be defeated by them?

Countless people have the same thoughts in their hearts.

Jiang Liu took a deep breath, and he slowly stepped forward.

It is not pedantry, but responsibility.

He is the commander-in-chief of the front line. He can’t go, nor can he go. It is his responsibility to guard the front line, even if the final result is death.

“Safia, order the saturation bombing of the long-range force!” Jiang Liu ordered.


Safia moved quickly, Jiang Liu had just finished speaking, and the firepower devices that had been ready to go in the back roared.

Nearly a thousand missiles cut the sky again, and the orange tail flame swept across the sky in the afterglow of the sun.

Jiang Liu could see very clearly, and his heart was also gripped by a pair of invisible hands.

Will it succeed?

Under Jiang Liu’s concern, countless missiles successfully bombed the polar bears, and flames swept the snow-white fur of the polar bears.

Under the gaze of countless people, a roar overwhelmed the explosion and resounded across the sky!

The snowstorm centered on the blizzard polar bear suddenly stopped, and the world seemed to be surrendered to it.

Countless snowflakes are stagnant in the air. Blizzard Polar Bear is now the master of this world, snowflakes are its people, and its will is the will of this world.

The snow in the sky clings to the surface of its body, and the flame that swept away quickly extinguished like spring snow.


Jiang Liu’s throat was rolling, and Jiang Liu appeared to be more calm than the people next to him who subconsciously inhaled the air-conditioning, but at this moment, there was also a storm in his heart.

Is the strength of the S-rank colony beast so terrifying?

This fucking spanking, f*ck is outrageous!

Jiang Liu had seen Zhao Changan take a shot, and had also seen an S-rank garb beast in the 0860 dungeon. Jiang Liu also understood the strength of each other.

But what the Blizzard Polar Bear showed was not the strength that the S-Class should have.

In the distance, the Blizzard Polar Bear slowly approached the EQ defense line. This green mountain defense line that spans the entire land is more like a fence in front of the Blizzard Polar Bear.

“Jiang Liu! I’m here!”

Hao Shuai’s voice sounded in Jiang Liu’s ear. Jiang Liu turned his head subconsciously and saw that Hao Shuai was standing next to own. At this moment, Hao Shuai’s face was heavy, even as iron blue.

He looked at the Blizzard polar bear in the distance and muttered to himself: “This is an S-level? The head of the general staff is flooded, right? This is clearly an SS-level.”

Regardless of whether it is a colony beast or a professional, there will be a gutter-like difference for each level of A level up.

For humans, there have been almost no professionals above the SS level in the past 100 years, but fortunately, there has never been a breeding beast above the SS level in the past 100 years.

But now, on this front line, the strength of the Blizzard Polar Bear is definitely close to the SS level.

“Major General Hao, are you sure about it?” Jiang Liu asked slowly.

Hao Shuai rolled his eyes on the spot: “With a fart, you can’t see the strength of this guy.”

Hao Shuai continued: “Moreover, I have a rather bold guess now. I suspect that this beast tide was probably brought by the Red Scythe guys.”

There is nothing wrong with Hao Shuai’s guess, and Jiang Liu actually has this guess too.

But he has no evidence.

But this is not the time to discuss this matter.

“Commander, leave it to me.”

When Hao Shuai said this, he rolled up his sleeves by the way.

A little green gleam emerged, Jiang Liu seemed to see countless source codes flowing around Hao Shuai, The next moment, Hao Shuai’s figure disappeared instantly.

In the distance, the body of the Blizzard polar bear suddenly stopped, and the dark green mixed with pure black chains wrapped the Blizzard polar bears.


The roar of the Blizzard polar bear resounded through the sky, and Jiang Liu could clearly see that with the appearance of this layer of chains, the surface of the Blizzard polar bear’s body was once again scorched, and even the skin under the fur had been exposed.

Hao Shuai made it! And it seemed that it was not irresistible, Jiang Liu was happy in his heart.

But his excitement was soon dropped to the bottom by the other two cloned beasts that appeared immediately.

There was a cry like a clear spring, and above the sky, a Phoenix with a ketone body and blue and cold jade appeared in the line of sight.

Under her graceful posture, with every flapping of her wings, a little bit of ice crystals drifted away.

On the other side, a penguin the size of Xiaoshan with numerous bone spurs also appeared on the battlefield.

All three S-class colonists appeared!

Jiang Liudun felt very bitter. If these cloned beasts appeared one by one, there would still be a fight in this battle, but now, the three S-ranked cloned beasts appear together, and the battle seems to be taken from one to the other. It was doomed from the beginning.

How to do? Jiang Liu’s brain was running wildly.

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