Chapter 258: Giant Bear

The faint blue body of the sword shone with a breathtaking light, and the body of the giant bird that had rushed towards the vehicle stopped abruptly.

When the giant bird moved again, its eyes were flashing blue for unknown time, and it began to attack the surrounding beasts frantically.

Jiang Liu, who was manipulating Frostmourne, easily controlled more than half of the cloned beasts present, and these cloned beasts fought back under Jiang Liu’s control.

In less than ten minutes, the convoy finally rushed out of the beast. The convoy was stunned by a car.

Angeli quietly breathed a sigh of relief when the vehicle rushed out of the encirclement of the colony beast, she glanced at the rearview mirror next to her with lingering fears.

At this time, the colony beast was still entangled with each other.

If it weren’t for Jiangliu, even if they could rush out, there would inevitably be some casualties.

At this moment, Angeli’s heart is more of a kind of inexplicable eagerness. When she first met Jiang Liu, the other party was still an F-class child.

But now, in less than half a year, Jiang Liu’s strength has reached D-level, and she herself is still E-level standing in place.

Looking at the rearview mirror, Angeli was a little lost, Jiang Liu interrupted her thoughts.

“What’s wrong? What are you looking at?”

Angeli quickly replied: “It’s okay, An Haoan, I just thought of something just now.”

Jiang Liu let out an “um”, and the car fell silent again.

Ten minutes later, the convoy stopped slowly. Jiang Liu didn’t wait for Angelie to open the door, but jumped out of the car.

Standing on the pitch-black ground covered with snow, Jiang Liu raised his head and looked into the distance.

At this moment, he is less than two kilometers away from Qingshan Academy, and he only needs to raise his head slightly to see the almost towering Qingshan defense line.

The line of defense stretched to the end of the line of sight, and the sound of fighting and explosions was coming from above.

Jiang Liu couldn’t help taking a deep breath. He raised his head and looked at the Qingshan Defense Line. On the towering city wall, there would occasionally be corpses falling from above.

The black and red blood has even dripped from the top of the city to the corner of the wall.

“Angelie, you take someone to guard below, and I can go up by myself.” Jiang Liu arranged.

What Jiang Liu thought of was very clear. With the help of nano-robots, he could be invincible when he went up alone.

But if he takes Angeli and others up there, he still needs to be distracted to take care of Angeli and others.

Jiang Liu’s idea is good, but Angelie doesn’t agree at all.

“Boss, we are your personal guards. We must protect you personally. Angely has a cold face and a serious tone.

Angelie never gave up on this point, looking at Angelie’s determined eyes, Jiang Liu had to choose to compromise.

“You can go up with me, but there is a requirement that everyone must be by my side, understand?”

Jiang Liu’s gaze fell not only on Angelie, but also on the guards behind Angelie.

These guards are all cultivated with a lot of money. Although the strength is not enough right now, it doesn’t mean that you will not be in the future.

If this were to die, Jiang Liu would die in distress.

Tucao returned to Tucao, Jiang Liu chose to take Angelie’s own guards onto the city wall.

As they approached the wall, the sound of killing and explosion became more and more obvious, accompanied by the roar of countless beasts. The stumps and broken arms were mixed with blood and fell from the city, and there were even people who fell from above while living the beasts.

Jiang Liu finally led someone to the top of the wall, and it was miserable as far as he could look.

There were a large number of colonies, and coupled with the presence of flying colonies, the city was almost occupied by colonies at this time.


Angeli immediately stood in front of Jiang Liu, her body tight, her eyes staring at her surroundings.

Jiang Liu took a deep breath, he did not take out Frostmourne, but directly stimulated his own mechanical power.

The invisible mechanical force spread out around Jiangliu, and the special metal storage boxes placed by Safia on all corners of the city wall were all activated, and thousands of nano-robots were activated!

These nanomachines dispersed immediately after activation, as if nothing had happened.

Under Jiang Liu’s control, these nanomachines flew into the bodies of countless colonies, and then began to wreak havoc on the bodies of these colonies.

Jiang Liu slowly clenched his fists, his own mechanical strength was rapidly declining at this moment, and he was about to be consumed.

“Blast!” Jiang Liu suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Along with Jiang Liu’s low shout, a scene of horror happened to Angely and many guards.

On the city wall, countless beasts that were trying to attack humans fell one after another like cutting wheat.

This scene not only stunned Angely and others, but also stunned everyone in the command center.

Lin Sheng looked at the holographic screen blankly, but his wide eyes proved that he was not at peace at the moment.

No one knows what method Jiang Liu used to kill so many cloned beasts instantly, but Jiang Liu, their current commander-in-chief once again saved the front line!

“Fuck! The commander’s hand is really awesome!”

“Our commander-in-chief is afraid that he is already S-rank, right?!”

“Major General Hao is also S-rank, but can Major General Hao directly kill so many cloned beasts at once! I think our commander in chief is now SS-rank.”

Hao Shuai was in the command room at the moment, and the whispers of these commissioners were clear to him.

After hearing that commissioner’s whisper bb, Hao Shuai’s face went dark.

On the Qingshan line of defense, Jiang Liu emptied the entire wall of the beasts in one fell swoop, and countless bloody soldiers looked at the place where Jiang Liu was.

That was their leader, who once again saved the people on the front lines.

People were cheering, but a roar that resounded across the sky stopped them abruptly.

Jiang Liu followed the voice and looked into the distance. Amidst the wind and snow, a huge bear slowly appeared in people’s sight.

This is a huge bear with a body almost like a hill. When its limbs are on the ground, its body is as high as the defense line of a green hill, and if it stands up, it may be taller.

Although the two sides are far apart, they can still feel the horror of this giant bear.

Jiang Liu’s throat rolled subconsciously.

This kind of colony beast, call him S-level? The group of people in the command center were afraid that their heads were not broken by the fart. How could they be S-class?

“Boss, what should I do now?” Angeli asked.

What to do, I choose cold salad, Jiang Liu complained again.

He wanted to run now, but Jiang Liu immediately left behind this idea when he first appeared.

The commander-in-chief of his front line, he ran away, what should the front line do?

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