Chapter 252

Time was elusive, and years were merciless. When countless nano-robots gathered into a dark cloud, Jiang Liu finally woke up slowly. There were countless tiny milky white particles in his dark eyes.

These particles are intertwined and intertwined, resembling stars but looking like a galaxy hanging upside down.

Jiang Liu, who was completely awake, carefully sensed the changes in his body, his expression gradually changed from doubt to surprise!

For a long time, there have been several thresholds for the advancement of professionals, among which the promotion from E to D is the threshold.

Professionals who can’t cross may not be able to cross their lives, and can only be reduced to cannon fodder in the end, but if they can advance to a D-level professional, then they may rush all the way to an A-level professional, even if the hope is minimal.

Jiang Liu clenched his fists subconsciously, and a little silver-white lightning flashed.

For professionals in the mechanical genre, only after reaching the D-level can they be regarded as a real mechanic.

The reason is that after being promoted to a D-class mechanical master, one’s own source force will gradually be transformed into mechanical force. Compared with source force, mechanical force can make the mechanical master more comfortable with the weapons and equipment that he controls.

In addition, what really surprised Jiang Liu was the new talent he mastered after he was promoted to the master of mechanics.

Talent name: Mechanical Mastery

Talent introduction: Compared with other mechanical genre professionals, you have a smarter IQ and extraordinary talents. After awakening your mechanical power, your own mechanical power will be super increased, which is several times higher than others. The total amount of mechanical force.

After carefully learning about own talent, Jiang Liu was really overjoyed.

Although every time I get promoted, I get all kinds of booster or auxiliary talents, but the effects displayed by the superposition of several talents are also very terrifying!

As far as he is concerned, after all his own source power has been transformed into mechanical power, the total amount of mechanical power he currently possesses is probably comparable to the ** level or even the A level professional.

This is a very terrifying effect. In layman’s terms, the total amount of blue bars in other people’s homes is only 100. After putting a few big fireballs, you need to return to blue, but Jiang Liu can put dozens of them in one go. This f* How to fight ck.

After carefully feeling the changes in his body, Jiang Liu now put his attention to the factory.

At this time, boxes of nano-robots built in the factory were neatly placed together. These nano-robots were very small, and each box contained a large number of nano-robots.

Driven by Jiang Liu’s mind, the invisible mechanical force covered the entire factory, and he got the answer in an instant.

In the entire plant, there are now nearly 200 million nano-robots.

Jiang Liu thought about the 200 million nano-robots in his mind. If we calculate according to this number, we only need to use these nano-robots in the right place, and the success of resisting the animal tide will be greatly increased this time.

Looking at the torrent of black nano-robots in front of him, a sense of accomplishment emerged spontaneously, but Jiang Liu soon fell into contemplation.

What should I do with so many nano robots?

Jiang Liu admired Zhao Changan’s Nether Energy Space more and more. If he could also have Nether Energy Space, it would be more convenient…

Of course, the current Jiang Liu can only think about it. When he is promoted to an A-level professional, he will naturally have it.

After counting all the nano robots, Jiang Liu left the factory, and the sky full of nano robots automatically flew into the metal boxes already prepared under Jiang Liu’s control.

“Safia, all the boxes inside are sent to the forward positions, and two boxes are placed in each area.” Jiang Liu said in a deep voice.

“Received, the transport robot is heading to the second factory of the Light Weapons Center. It is expected to arrive in ten minutes, and the overall laying will be completed in six hours.”


Jiang Liu immediately walked out, and now he was getting closer and closer to the arrival of the beast tide, and he needed to go to the front-line headquarters to stare. Once there is a sudden accident, he can reflect it immediately.

When Jiang Liu returned to the front-line command post again, the whole command post was full of people, and the commissioners and commanders who came and went in a hurry.

And outside the headquarters, countless transport convoys are constantly heading to each other’s destinations like ants moving.

If the front line is a behemoth of war, then each person is a different cell that makes up this behemoth, and the combination of countless cells finally created this behemoth of the Federation.

Jiang Liu’s arrival quietly, but still attracted the attention of many people, his appearance immediately calmed and orderly the headquarters that was still panicked.

“Commander in chief, just received the latest news about the animal tide.” Lin Sheng quickly came to Jiang Liu’s side and whispered.

“You said.” Jiang Liu looked at the holographic screen in the distance.

The holographic screen radiating ice-cold light shows the defense deployment of the entire front line. With the passage of time, the picture on the holographic screen is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flags representing the various units are rapidly moving to each defense area. go ahead.

“Commander-in-chief, the overall speed of the animal tide has greatly increased, and it is expected that it will arrive at the front line in twelve hours. This is different from the time we expected and shortened by nearly four hours.” Lin Sheng said quickly.

Jiang Liu’s heart sank after hearing this. If the four hours were put in normal, it might not be too much, but this was in wartime, and every minute of delay might affect the final direction of the battle.

“What impact will it have on us?” Jiang Liu asked directly.

“In general, there will be no impact. All basic deployments have come to an end. However, our combatants may not have enough rest time.”

“How is the deployment of heavy weapons in various regions?” Jiang Liu asked again.

Compared with the deployment of personnel, Jiang Liu cares more about the deployment of heavy weapons. If you want to resist the animal tide, the erection of heavy weapons is indispensable. If there is a problem with the heavy weapons, the final result is that people have to fill it with human lives.

Lin Sheng directly included his own terminal, and the miniature holographic map appeared in front of the two of them.

“Commander-in-chief, all our heavy weapons deployments have been completed. The entire deployment can ensure that the entire front line is protected by heavy weapons firepower. In addition, we have specifically left three mobile troops to facilitate support in other areas.”


Lin Sheng’s meticulous planning made Jiang Liu’s originally hovering heart a little relieved. He slowly looked at the holographic screen. Right above the holographic screen, there was a group of scarlet irregular objects, which represented stool. It’s the beast wave coming this time!

Hope we can win this war, Jiang Liu said silently in his heart.

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