Chapter 251 Epiphany

But Jiang Liu thought about it carefully, and he was actually not at a loss. In this lottery, the appearance of nano-robots has already made him pay back, which happens to be what the Federation needs now.

According to the information given in the furnace, the nanorobot itself is not afraid of severe cold, and can be used even in extreme cold weather, so it just happens to be used in this beast wave.

However, nano-robots are not completely free of shortcomings. Due to their size, this type of robot has low defense capabilities and is relatively easy to be destroyed.

But the cost of nanorobots is not expensive, because of its size, the cost of a single is extremely cheap.

Of course, this is for Jiang Liu. Equipment such as nanorobots often spend high research and development funds in their research and development process, which ultimately leads to a large increase in the price of goods.

But at Jiang Liu, he was able to obtain the corresponding drawings directly through the furnace. During this period, he saved not only time, but also helped Jiang Liu save a lot of money and costs.

Jiang Liu, who slowly opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and then he went to the Jiye factory non-stop.

He needs to build enough nano-robots before the arrival of the animal tide. The more devices that can be used not only in medical treatment but also in strategic killing, the more beneficial it will be to the frontline.

In the Jiye factory, the Jiye factory at this time is undergoing the third round of transformation.

Since Jiang Liu became the commander-in-chief of the front line, the speed of Jiye Factory has been developing by leaps and bounds.

The recruitment order issued by Zhao Changan not only recruited professionals who wanted to go to the front line in our capital, but also called on many technical personnel to join the front line.

The Extreme Night Consortium also took a ride on this. A large number of professionals who went to the front line were not only conscripted into the army, but also a group of personnel were sent to the Extreme Night Consortium.

With the addition of these people, the major factories that are desperately short of technology personnel can finally be fully saturated with work. All kinds of weapons and Mark Rabbit mechas are produced from various factories.

Although Jiang Liu’s arrival was silent, Martin quickly hurried over from the factory with people.

When Jiang Liu saw Martin again, he subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

Is this sour and beard-faced man in front of him really Martin? Jiang Liu looked carefully for a long time before he was sure that the scruffy man in front of him was indeed Martin.

Jiang Liu sniffed subconsciously.

“Martin, know you are busy, but you should also pay attention to rest and personal hygiene.” Jiang Liu reminded.

Martin scratched his head embarrassedly and explained: “Boss, I have been working overtime to provide supplies recently. I really don’t have time to rest, but it will be fine after this period of time.”

“Oh! Yes, boss, what do you have this time, I will help you arrange it!” Martin asked quickly.

Jiang Liu looked into the distance, and today’s Jiye Factory has expanded from five workshops to fifteen at the beginning, and the huge workshops are so quietly buckled on the ground, like giants lying horizontally.

“Stop a small arms production factory, and separate everyone around the factory, and prohibit anyone from approaching it for the next day.” Jiang Liu said quickly.

“Understood! I’m going to make arrangements!”

Although Martin didn’t know what Jiang Liu was going to do, he trusted Jiang Liu and Martin agreed without hesitation, and then turned his head and ran away.

Jiang Liu silently looked at Martin’s back and suddenly said, “Safia, do you think I’m too much.”

As an artificial intelligence, Safia actually has an own temper, and soon her voice rang in Jiang Liu’s ear.

“First of all, I need to determine whether you are asking me as the commander-in-chief or as a personal person.”

Jiang Liu rolled his eyes and said, “Why, are the answers different for different identities?”

“Of course, if you are the commander-in-chief, I will definitely answer too much. After all, you are the commander-in-chief!” Safia made a long voice in the last three words.

Jiang Liu rolled his eyes and said, “Then what if I want to ask questions as a private person?”

“The answer is of course very simple. After all, you are Jiang Papi. The Old Age has 996, and 007 does not seem excessive to you.”

Jiang Liu:? ? ? ? ?

Jiang Liu said that he didn’t understand why he became a peeler.

Jiang Liu had been interjecting with Safia for a long time here, and Martin ran over again in a hurry.

Martin, gasping for breath, looked a little tired. He ignored the sweat on his forehead and said: “Boss, the factory has arranged for you. The second light weapons factory has all the staff members who have cleared the scene urgently. You can use whatever you want, the boss. .”

“Okay, you can do your job first.” Jiang Liu looked at Martin who was sweating and said again: “After the animal tide is over, you should rest or rest. I will let you take a half-month holiday.”

Martin smiled at Jiang Liu again: “Boss, I’m going to work now!”

Martin said nothing, and left in a hurry.

Jiang Liu went to the second light weapons factory alone. Unlike other factories that roared, the second light weapons factory was quite quiet at the moment. Jiang Liu entered it quickly, and the second factory at this moment was full of the smell of metal.

Jiang Liu is a little obsessed with this taste. Since becoming a professional, Jiang Liu feels more and more that only metal can bring him enough sense of security.

He stood almost intoxicated in the middle of the factory building, and then, the majestic source force began to slowly flow, the entire factory began to be controlled by him, the metal raw materials were like rivers returning to the sea, and every piece of metal seemed to be given a soul.

These metals voluntarily jumped into the forging furnace and then changed their shape.

At this moment, Jiang Liu seemed to have entered a very strange state. The pure senses made him feel intoxicated. The whole factory seemed to be a part of his body. This feeling could not be described in words, but he felt quite comfortable.

Nano robots are rapidly taking shape, and Jiang Liu feels that his own source of power seems to be growing rapidly.

If Zhao Changan was here to curse shit after seeing this scene, Jiang Liu would fall into the epiphany that all professionals dream of.

The so-called state of enlightenment is that by some chance coincidence, the body and soul resonate with their own source power at the same time, and then resonate, allowing the enlightened person to enter a state of rapid improvement. The improvement here is not only the source power, but also includes Soul, this will also allow the Mental Energy of the Enlightened One to get

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