I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 104: High School Student Competition, Juzaburo Mori (2nd update)

Next, the singles match 1 is about to begin.

Josei Shonan Kajimoto Takahisa versus Hyotei Academy Atobe Keigo.

Please both sides be prepared.

Within the competition venue.

The showdown between Hyotei and Shōnan Jouchi finally came to a close, a one-on-one showdown.

Despite losing four games in a row, their elimination has been confirmed. In fact, it is impossible to even qualify for the national competition.


As the minister of Josei Shonan, Kajimoto still walked onto the court resolutely. This performance made many people secretly nod at him.


People's eyes still fell more on Atobe.

From the regional qualifiers to the first round of Kanto.

This is one of the few opportunities for the Ice Emperor's minister, Atobe Keigo, known as the Ice Emperor, to appear.

On and off the court.

Including people from other schools who came to probe for information, all their attention was focused on Atobe, observing his every move.

the other side.

Ishikawa left the tennis court, but did not leave directly. Instead, they passed a corner and walked a few hundred meters before entering another place where competition was taking place.

ice King!

Tachikai Dai!

“Green Mountain Green Mountain!!”

Come on in the hexagon!

As soon as he walked in, Ishikawa heard a lot of people talking.

But what is different from the place where we competed just now is that the people in this area look obviously more mature.

That's right.

This is where this year's high school student Kanto competition will be held. It's not that far away from the venue where junior high school students compete.




Inside the stadium.

There were young men in different uniforms competing.

And to be able to enter the Kanto level competition, these people are undoubtedly very powerful.

At least.

It is completely incomparable to junior high school students competing at the same level.

It is worth mentioning that.

The Kanto Tournament for high school students is different from that for junior high school students. The team competition was canceled and changed to individual competition.


Every high school student who can reach the Kanto level is very powerful in his own singles.

Among them are powerful players from various schools, and some are under the banner of xx club, and are obviously elite players trained by the club.

I can tell.

The competition among high school students is obviously more intense.



at this time.

In a certain stadium.

A fierce showdown is taking place.

Come on, Kurokawa!

Outside the stadium, a young man wearing a jacket with the words 'Hojo Middle School' on it shouted loudly: Yes, that's it, let's finish off the opponent in one go!

at this time.

The score on the court was astonishingly 3-0.

And the high school student named Kurokawa is tall and has bodybuilder-like muscles all over his body.

On the other hand, his short opponent wearing a baseball cap looked completely passive and was being beaten.

How to see.

The probability of the opponent winning is not very high.

As expected of Kurokawa!

After seeing the strong young man completely dominating the course of the game, someone said with emotion: As expected of a player from a tennis club, his strength is really extraordinary.


Hearing this, the young man wearing the jacket of Hojo Middle School snorted proudly and said: Of course, how can the club's elite players, people from ordinary universities, win? They are not at the same level at all!


At this time.

Kurokawa hit a powerful smash and once again took points from his opponent.


Hojo Middle School Kurokawa, 4-0!


See this.

Those from Hojo Middle School shouted excitedly.

Kurokawa, who had the absolute advantage, folded his hands and showed off his muscles to the surrounding audience, which attracted many women to scream and cheer.

It does look very strong, but it's a pity.

in the crowd.

A young man with purple curly hair carrying a tennis bag and wearing a yellow and black jacket secretly shook his head and said: This kind of pure power play may not work in the Kanto Competition.


He glanced at the people around him, and they seemed to be immersed in the rhythm that Kurokawa would definitely win, and he sighed secretly in his heart.

After leaving Rikkai University, it is indeed difficult to find people with whom we can share the same views.


Just when he was about to leave.

But a voice rang next to him: It's about to begin.

Start? Start with what?

Some people who were close looked at him in astonishment. When he discovered that it was a black-haired boy who was less than 1.7 meters tall, he couldn't help but frown and said: Hey, kid, this is the domain of high school students, not a junior high school student like you.

The black-haired boy seemed not to have heard anything. He turned to look at the purple-haired boy and said, The guy in the baseball cap is getting ready!

Are you kidding me?

Hearing this, those people from Hojo Middle School quit.

The leader sneered: Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. The current situation should be that the boss Kurokawa is ready to finish off his opponent in one go.


The black-haired boy smiled playfully.

Seeing his smile, others found it baffling, but the boy with purple curly hair understood what he meant.


And this time.

A serve hit the young man named Kurokawa at an astonishing speed. But he seemed to be sluggish, watching the tennis ball fly out and doing nothing.


Liar, liar, right?

Several members of the Hojo Middle School team who had been cheering for their boss were suddenly dumbfounded.

The man's expression changed, and he quickly explained: Boss Kurokawa must have not paid attention and was attacked by that man. Yes, that must be the case!


The black-haired boy smiled faintly.

And the boy with purple curly hair also showed a knowing smile.


next moment.

Another serve fell.

Kurokawa still stood there like a piece of wood, watching the tennis ball bounce past him.



Once was a coincidence.

But he scored directly twice in a row. Even the slowest person knew that the young man wearing a baseball cap had exerted his strength!

No, it's impossible!

On the court.

Kurokawa, a tall and burly young man with short hair, holds the racket tightly with both hands. He spread his legs and assumed a posture of being ready: I am an elite member of the club, and I hope to become a professional player within two years. How can I not even be able to catch the ball from a guy like you?



The opponent hit another ball.

Looking at the tennis ball that landed on the ground, Kurokawa just swallowed the harsh words on his lips.


Tick ​​tock!

A drop of cold sweat slid down from Kurokawa's forehead.

He knew that he had met a master. Moreover, he is still a top player.

As for outside the stadium.

The Hojo Middle School players who used to talk about Kurokawa and treat other players as nothing, now all have their mouths hanging open.

Their chief, Kurokawa, who is also an elite member of a tennis club in Tokyo, could not even touch the opponent's ball when facing an unknown player?


ten minutes later.

When the young man wearing a baseball cap hit a smash, the referee's voice sounded: The game is over, Qiuting Hongye wins, the score is 6-3!


The words fell.

The frightened Kurokawa knelt down on the court as if his strength had been drained.

Who the hell are you?


The young man named Qiu Ting put on his hat upside down and said calmly: Just an ordinary high school student.


He turned around and left the court.

Okay, so strong!

Qiuting Hongye? I've never heard of this name before. Which school is he from?

Maybe during the junior high school competition, the comprehensive strength of the school he attended was not strong enough and he failed to stand out.

Some people also thought of it speculatively.

As a single-player game, high school students’ games will indeed have some players who are not from famous teams in the previous junior high school student leagues.

So strong!

After the game, the boy with purple curly hair looked at Qiu Ting's leaving figure and said with emotion: This senior's strength is definitely more than what he shows!

That's right.

The black-haired boy also nodded and said: If I guessed correctly, his strength should be suppressed to about 60%.

Sixty percent?

Hearing this, the curly-haired boy said in surprise: Is it so exaggerated?

He originally thought that Qiu Ting's strength should be on par with him. As a result, the young man in front of him actually said that the other party only used 60% of his ability.

It's not an exaggeration.

The black-haired boy shook his head and said: The identity of this senior Qiuting is not that simple.


The curly-haired boy said in surprise: You know his identity, but I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mori Jusaburo, from Rikkai University Affiliated High School (Senior Division).

Shin Ishikawa.

The black-haired boy, Ishikawa, smiled and nodded, I am from Hyokui.


Maori said in surprise: If I remember correctly, your high school department seems to have a very powerful player, right?


Ishikawa nodded.

He looked at the straightforward Maoli in front of him and smiled secretly in his heart. Because according to the direction of the original work, the powerful Ice Emperor senior will soon become the opponent of the one in front of him.

By the way, Ishikawa-kun.

Maoli thought of the topic just now and asked curiously: You mean, you know the identity of the senior Qiuting?

It can't be considered as knowing.

Ishikawa thought for a moment, shook his head and said, I just heard from some seniors that there is a mysterious training base somewhere in Tokyo. If I guessed correctly, the senior Qiuting just now is a player from that place. .”

A mysterious base? A place like a tennis club?

Mauli nodded secretly.

In this case, it could explain why he had never heard of the name Qiuting Hongye before.

Then let's do this for now, Ishikawa-kun.

Mao Li nodded to Ishikawa: Nice to meet you. If we have a chance, we can have a good chat.

He is also a participating team member.

Moreover, it will be his game in a little while. Although he was very interested in Ishikawa, Mori did not dare to delay the game.


Ishikawa nodded and watched the other party leave.


This time he came to the high school competition field, in addition to wanting to see the high school competition. The most important target is this person.

To be more precise, it is the opponent's next opponent.

Think of this.

Ishikawa turned and left.

He wandered around the high school stadium, trying to find some figures who appeared in the original work.


At this moment, Ishikawa heard an impatient voice in the distance: Where is the homeless man from? He is in rags. Get out of here quickly. This is not the place for you to come.


He looked up.

I saw a blond young man with an airplane head yelling at a young man with light green short sleeves and short hair cut like a gear.

The former seems to be a high school student.

The latter was none other than Reiji Kamishiro, whose self-esteem was shattered by Ishikawa and escaped from the court.

High school student?

at this time.

Kamijo, who had a bad mentality, after being stimulated, raised his racket brazenly, pointed it at the blond airplane-headed young man in front of him and said, You guy... dare to play a game with me?!

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