I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 103 Broken self-esteem, Ishikawa’s whereabouts remain a mystery (1st update)

Shin Ishikawa!

In the coaching position.

Huacun looked at each other as if he were a monster.

You know, Kamishiro's [Phantom Style] was a move she developed based on the opponent's strong sense of balance.

Apart from Shonan, apart from Kamijo, not even Minister Kajimoto could do this.


The opponent actually responded with the same trick in just a few balls.

Could it be said that the other party also has similar tricks?

Or is this person really a temporary imitator?

If it is the former, it means that Ishikawa's talent is indeed extraordinary. And if it's the latter, that would be too scary!




On the court.

Ishikawa tapped the tennis ball.

His eyes fell on the divine city opposite, which looked like it was facing a formidable enemy, and he smiled and said, Why, are you so nervous when facing your own unique skills?


Shen Cheng's face changed slightly.


He concentrated and his eyes became sharp.

Since the opponent provoked him in this way, he would face it head-on and crack the [Phantom Style] to show the opponent.


At this time.

Ishikawa throws the tennis ball up.

And Shen Cheng was watching his every move.

From throwing the ball to swinging the racket, from swinging the racket to hitting the ball, he could see every detail of the action clearly.


Kamishiro's eyes flashed: This time it was a topspin ball, and the landing point was very deep, so he wanted to knock my racket away again!

After thinking about this clearly, a cold light overflowed from his eyes.

This first-year Hyokui really tried every means to make him look embarrassed!

In this case, I won't be polite.

As his thoughts turned, Kamishiro quickly ran towards the tennis ball. After catching up, he raised his racket and made a swinging motion.



The moment the ball and racket come into contact.

Shen Cheng knew that he was wrong, and his prediction and actual results were completely wrong!

Not only is this ball not heavy at all, it is also a bit exaggeratedly light. Moreover, the topspin ball that was originally shot turned into backspin after landing.


Kamisheng's ball hit the blocking net directly.


When the referee spoke, Kamishiro's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

Damn boy, how dare you tease me.

He gripped the racket tightly, and the muscles in his cheeks twitched uncontrollably.




Ishikawa is still tapping the tennis ball lightly.

His rhythm is slow, his face is smiling, and Shen Cheng looks like he is in a different parallel world.

Okay, so strong!

The players from Jojo Shonan looked at Ishikawa with eyes full of awe.

In the duel between the two just now, Kamisheng not only failed to score a single point, but was actually suppressed by the other side.


Minister Kajimoto frowned.


Chengcheng Shonan lost, and their record was a bit disastrous. However, as a minister, he does not want the team to lose the game without even winning a single victory.

The city of God is their greatest hope.

But now it seems that even their trump card has no chance of winning.


It's not like there's no chance at all.

At least for now, Shencheng has not yet shown its true capabilities. And that kind of ability is strictly prohibited by Hua Village.

Even Kajimoto himself didn't want that ability to be used.


At this moment, Ishikawa, who was holding the tennis ball in his hand, said with a smile: I think, since you are the most perfect work of this Huacun coach, your strength must be more than this. Or, the so-called perfection is only Is it just her bragging about it?


As soon as these words came out.

Kamishiro's eyes changed instantly.

The sharpness in his eyes turned into a ferocious look. Like a man-eating beast, his eyes were fixed on Ishikawa.


Seeing this scene, Qian was quite surprised and said: This divine city seems to have some tricks up its sleeve!

have no idea.

Liu helplessly shook his head.

Although he is a first-rate statistics master, Kamisheng's game statistics are too few. It doesn't even have a phantom style of play, let alone a hidden, deeper trump card.


After a pause, Liu narrowed his eyes and said, I'm afraid this Ice Emperor's first year is going to suffer a lot!

He could tell that the other party was deliberately irritating Shen Cheng. Its purpose may be to obtain information about the divine city.


It may also be caused by the other person's own bad taste.

But no matter what it is, judging from Kamishiro's current reaction, he is indeed angered by this first-year Ice Emperor.

Whatever happened next seemed normal to him.

In fact, Liu had a hunch that this Ice Emperor boy might have to pay the price for his rude words.


After hearing his friend's comment, Qian shook his head slightly, but did not refute it. In his opinion, no matter what happens later, there will never be an option for Ishikawa to suffer.

Because the opponent is a terrifying player who can completely suppress even the serious Fuji!


At this time.

Ishikawa serves.



Kamishiro, who was standing at the bottom line, suddenly crossed his hands in front of him.

That, that is?!

Before anyone else could react, the members of Chengcheng Shonan's team members all changed their expressions as if they had seen something terrifying.


Huacun let out a low drink.


Shen Cheng, who was in over his head, didn't listen to her at all. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. After seeing clearly the tennis ball bouncing off the ground, he quickly changed his movements, raised his racket and pointed it at the tennis ball.


Explosions and excitement.

A pale yellow trace that was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye suddenly shot out.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball landed in front of Ishikawa.

tsk tsk

on the ground.

The tennis ball spins fiercely, like a devouring beast, showing its ferocious fangs.


The tennis ball bounced up, made a sharp arc, and was about to hit Ishikawa's face.

So that's it.

Seeing clearly the changes in the spin of the tennis ball, a flash of understanding flashed in Ishikawa's eyes: It's a faster, more powerful off-spin ball. Coupled with his phantom style of play, it's really difficult for ordinary players to see through it.

In the original work (TV original).

Kamijo who used this move indeed once beat the protagonist Echizen so hard that he couldn't even lift his head and was covered in injuries.


At this time, Kamishiro met Ishikawa.

With just one glance, he could see through all the changes in the opponent's tricks.

This kid is finished!

And off the field.

After seeing the change in Ishikawa's expression, Shonan Shonan's team members, especially the twins, showed playful smiles.

In their opinion, the other party did not realize what kind of opponent they were facing.

You know, within Josei Shonan, this ball is so dangerous that it is listed as a forbidden move by coach Hanamun!

Shin Ishikawa

In the coaching position.

Huacun also frowned slightly.

She originally thought that Ishikawa might be able to detect something strange. If you can't fight back, you can at least dodge in advance.

But I didn't expect it.

The other party was so negligent.

Am I asking too much of you?

Huacun felt a little complicated.

On the one hand, she is optimistic about Ishikawa's talent and wants to recruit him and transform it into a more perfect work than Kamishiro.

On the other hand, Ishikawa's mistakes also reflected the excellence of Kamishiro. This further proves that Huacun’s own training level is very excellent.


And just when she was in a complicated mood and thinking.

The tennis ball that suddenly shot up hit Ishikawa's head directly.


too fast!

This sharp off-spin ball was so fast that many of Ice Emperor's team members did not react. In the eyes of Kamijo, including other Jojo Shonan players, this ball will definitely hit Ishikawa.


To this.

Ishikawa just smiled slightly.

Seeing the tennis ball about to hit his face, he was still holding the racket in his hand, feeling the tension from the string.


He turned his wrist slightly and tilted the racket.

Just hear a bang.

The extremely powerful goal played by Shencheng was blocked just like that.


Seeing this, everyone in Chengcheng Shonan was shocked.

Including Kamishiro himself, everyone was completely stunned. He thought about many possibilities, including the possibility that the opponent could dodge his tearing power attack (deep power).


He never expected it.

The opponent actually cracked his most powerful killing move so easily.


So much so.

When the tennis ball passed between Kamishiro's legs, he didn't even react.


Hyotei Ishikawa, 3-0!

What a terrible person!

Outside the barbed wire, seeing Ishikawa cracking Kamishiro's killer move so easily, a strong fear flashed in Liu's eyes: His insight, skills, including wrist strength, are all very strong. He even has a grasp of people's hearts. It’s even more daunting!”

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, just listen to other people's descriptions. Liu himself might not believe that there really is such a terrible first grade.

In contrast.

Even Yukimura, who took charge of the Rikkai Tennis Club two years ago, is completely inferior to him.

No, impossible!!!

At this time.

Shen Cheng seemed to be greatly stimulated.

After exchanging positions and serving rights, he gave a low shout and crossed his hands in front of him.



Fiercely, he unleashed his ultimate move again, the powerful tearing attack!


To this.

Ishikawa just smiled faintly: It seems that you like to play this trick of using tennis balls as weapons. Coincidentally, I happen to have some experience in this aspect.

Tap! !

The words fell.

He quickly caught up with the tennis ball, and then swung out the racket in his hand like a sword.

Draw your sword and cut your heart!


next moment.

Kamijo, who didn't see the trajectory of the tennis ball at all, was directly hit in the arm by the tennis ball. The sharp wind of the ball tore a gash in the clothes on his shoulder, and the severe scratching pain made him gasp uncontrollably.

Okay, what a quick reply!

The faces of Chengcheng Shonan's team members all changed.

Huacun clenched his fists subconsciously.

Outside the stadium, Liu had a strong look of fear in his eyes.

too fast!

He was unable to catch the opponent's moves at all!

Liu thought secretly in his heart: I'm afraid this speed of shooting is already comparable to that of Genichiro, right?

Come again!

The injured Shen Cheng roared angrily and launched another attack.


His powerful tearing attack poses no threat to Ishikawa at all. The latter only used 50% of the power of [Drawing Sword and Heart Turn], but he hit it again and again.

The sharp wind of the ball continuously tore Kamishiro's clothes apart.

Through clothes.

Revealing the blood-red traces.

The injured Kamishiro, like an enraged beast, attacked Ishikawa even more crazily.


he does not know.

The more ferocious his murderous intent, the more terrifying the opponent's counterattack will be.



The game entered the twelfth minute.

Ishikawa's off-spin ball, under the horrified gaze of everyone, penetrated Kamishiro's racket and accurately hit his abdomen.



The ace player of Shonan Chengcheng was choked by the strong feeling of suffocation and his face turned pale. His body fell uncontrollably and he half-knelt on the ground.

competition is over.

Seeing this, the referee shouted loudly: Hyotei Academy Ishikawa Shin wins, the score is 6-0!

ice King!

ice King!

ice King!




In an instant.

The huge stadium erupted with enthusiastic cheers from the Ice King support group. They shouted Ishikawa's name vigorously, and everyone's face was filled with respect and joy.

Is this person really a first-year Hyokui?

Seeing this situation, Liu was shocked.

Atobe is probably the only one among the Hyōtei to receive such treatment, right? And now, there is actually another Ishikawa?


How did this first-year student gain the support of so many Ice Emperor players in just three and a half months?

in addition.

The strength shown by the opponent has indeed reached the national level. This made Liu feel nervous for no reason.


At this time, Huacun stood up and walked towards the sacred city on the court.

No, don't come over.

However, the other party felt like he was enjoying some kind of stimulation, and he suddenly screamed.

I, I am not a perfect work, I have flaws, I am not a truly perfect work, ah!!!


Kamisheng suddenly screamed and ran out of the stadium under the shocked eyes of everyone.


Hanacun's expression changed, and he finally looked at the only three remaining team members: Yanghei, please be the instructor on the field for the time being. I will go find Reiji first.


Tanaka Yohei nodded heavily: Leave it to me.

Go, teacher.

Minister Kajimoto also nodded heavily: In the last game, I won't embarrass Josei Shonan!


He took off his coat to get ready to play.

Then I'll leave it to you all.

Huacun nodded repeatedly and then chased out of the stadium.

Supervision, Minister Atobe.

Ishikawa, who exited the stadium, looked at the time and said to Sakaki Taro and Atobe, I have other things to do, so I'll leave for a while.


He put on his tennis bag and left.


Seeing Ishikawa's leaving figure, Xiangri, Taki and others looked at each other in confusion.

They don't understand.

Ishikawa now actually has to solve the trouble he caused during the game? Doesn't he know that if he goes there by himself, it will cause even more misunderstandings?


Only Sakakitaro and Atobe narrowed their eyes.

Because the opponent had already greeted them both before the game started. The departure after this game was definitely not because of the players from Jojo Shonan.

Intuition told Atobe.

This guy must be hiding something from them!

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