I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 101 Victory in three battles, the powerful Ice Emperor (2nd update)



Hye Emperor, 1-0, exchange venues!

As Feng's four heavy serves fell, the Tanaka brothers were beaten numb.

Bing, is Ice King's double team so strong?

Off the field.

Kiriyama Daichi, who was nearly two meters tall and as big as a small mountain, had a look of awe clearly on his face.

You know, this is just Ice King's doubles 2, not the national-level pair.

If it were those two people, they would probably be even stronger!

Haohei, Yohei.

After losing a game first, Huacun also became nervous. She said in a deep voice: Buck up, the opponent's serve will only change four times. Seize the opportunity, gain an advantage, and open up the score.


The brothers nodded heavily.

They also know very well that they must go all out in the next game. If he loses another round, he will be completely invincible to the Ice Emperor.

At that time, the two of them will only become more passive.



After exchanging venues.

The burgundy-haired Tanaka Yohei looked back at his younger brother, who stood on the service line and nodded heavily.



Kohei Tanaka hits a quick serve.

“The ball speed is good.”

Shishido raised his eyebrows lightly, immediately raised his racket and hit it.


Seeing this, Tanaka Yohei smiled and said: The ball is not slow, Haohei, be careful not to catch up.

How can it be.

Kohei Tanaka at the baseline said with a smile: I can tell where this ball will land without even looking.

Can you tell where it falls without looking?

Ice Emperor's team members all frowned.

The players from Josei Shonan are too crazy. Are they really not afraid that their tongues will dodge if the wind gets strong?




The opponent actually caught up with Shishido's shot.



On Hyotei's side, Shishito and Feng were talking to each other, and their expressions became serious.


The opponent is not an ordinary person.

I'm afraid that the moment Shishido returned the ball, the opponent had already seen through the path of the ball.

Moreover, if Ishikawa had not lied to them just now, it was possible that the purple-haired guy in the frontcourt, after seeing through the ball, informed his twin brother through the ability of telepathy.

Think of this.

The two of them couldn't help but feel tense.


At this time.

The tennis ball was knocked over.

Shishido quickly moved over and caught up with the tennis ball. He spotted the space on the right side of his opponent and immediately whipped the tennis ball over.

Here we go again.

Tanaka Yohei smiled and said: This time it's a gap on the right side, and it's still the same fast-break ball speed just now. Don't be careless.

Don't worry, don't worry.

At the bottom line, Tanaka Kohei did not know when he had appeared in the area where the tennis ball landed.


He swung his bat quickly and caught Ho and Shishido off guard with the ball.



See this.

Everyone in Ice Emperor couldn't help but take a breath.

The opponent's actions are too fast!

Shishido, who is known for his fast attacks, not only failed to suppress his opponent, but was counterattacked into a weak position.

Even more exaggerated.

These two people were really just chatting, looking like they didn't take the game seriously at all, which made people feel strongly fearful.


Seeing this, Sakaki Taro, who was in the coach's position, also showed a surprised expression.

He knew Shishido's strength.

Since the first half of the last competition ended and he and Feng formed a regular doubles team, he has completely settled down.

The original irritability and arrogance are nowhere to be seen in him. Instead, there is a very rare sense of calmness and responsibility.


Unexpectedly, when Shishido took the initiative to attack, the opponent broke through the defense line?

Josei Shonan is worthy of being a competitive team in the Kanagawa area. Not to mention anything else, this terrifying insight alone is enough to make people fearful!


Like realizing something.

Sakaki Taro raised his eyebrows slightly.

I understand the abilities of these two people.


He turned his head and glanced at Ishikawa standing next to him. Sure enough, the opponent was smiling and watching the game on the court with interest.

Seeing this, Sakaki Taro, who confirmed his thoughts in his heart, couldn't help but shook his head slightly: Shido and Feng were deceived!


Like Renzu, he failed to expose Ishikawa's tricks.

On the contrary, he watched Shishido and Feng's response with great interest. I don’t know what kind of tactical arrangements these two people will make.


Another ball.

Shishido didn't even notice how the opponent saw through his shot and was already scored.

How on earth did they do it?

After losing two points in a row, Shishido felt fearful and at the same time felt strong curiosity: It's impossible for these two guys to see through my shots so easily while talking.

It's not that he doesn't think such people exist, after all, Ishikawa and Atobe can do it.

But the two guys in front of me definitely didn't reach that level!





Shishido went on the defensive.

The Tanaka brothers, whose plan succeeded, began a counterattack. Just like Huacun said, if they can accumulate a three-game advantage in four games.

No matter how powerful the opponent's serve is, there is no threat at all!



Nice goal.

After scoring again, the two brothers high-fived excitedly.


After losing three points in a row, Shishido was extremely nervous and alert. He said with an ugly face: How did these two guys do it? Could it be that they are really connected as Ishikawa said? ?”

Doesn't that mean that in a doubles match, these two guys are invincible?

Shishi, Shishido-senpai.

At this time, Feng, who had been observing from the side, said: I wonder if you have noticed that after switching to defense, the opponent's scoring effect slows down.


Shido narrowed his eyes: It's because the offensive ability of these two people is not strong enough. No, that's not right. The first two balls they hit made me unable to parry. Wait, can you tell me?

As if he thought of something, Shido's eyes became sharp.

These two people didn't see through my ball path. They just knew the location of the landing point and deliberately pretended to be chatting?

Do whatever comes to your mind.


After the opponent serves.

Feng hit the tennis ball over, while Shishito took advantage of the situation and went to the net, trying to reduce the range of his opponent's counterattack.

Are you online?

Seeing Shishido taking the initiative to step forward, the two brothers saw that the opportunity had come, and their faces suddenly showed joy.


Shishido shot back.

The two of them moved their ears slightly and captured the location of the tennis ball in an instant. Then, he quickly moved over and tried to attack Shishito's backhand position.

it is as expected.

After seeing the other party's reaction, Shido's eyes flashed.

The two people on the opposite side simply relied on their excellent hearing. On the surface, they pretended to chat calmly, but in fact, they accurately judged the landing point based on the sound of hitting the ball and the tennis ball landing.

damn it!

Thinking of this, Shishido's face suddenly turned red: I was actually fooled by these two guys!


Seeing the other party's reaction, the Tanaka brothers stopped pretending.

The two attacked at the same time, occupying the middle position. The preparation is to use a two-on-one approach to deal with Shishido first.


The angry Shido would naturally not be afraid of such a confrontation. He snorted and immediately launched an attack.

The Tanaka brothers are not ordinary people either.

The two of them attacked at the same time and launched a parallel formation. They were in sync with each other and suppressed Shishido for a while.

But it's a pity.

At this time, the latter is more powerful than the original.

Shishido broke out and used his super bouncing method to continuously attack the two brothers when he was close to the net.

at last.

With his own strength, he beat the Tanaka brothers into confusion.


Take a chance.

Shishido split the two defenses and hit a volley to score.


Isn't this too fierce?!

Seeing Shishido fighting one against two, but in turn scoring under the pressure of two people, the players of Josei Shonan were stunned.

“What a quick response online.”

Outside the barbed wire fence, Li Haida Liu squinted his eyes and said: He is completely different from the long-haired image last year.


Mikiya nodded slightly.

Not to mention last year, compared to half a month ago, Shido's strength has obviously improved. It can be seen that this person is very talented in front of the net.

Now, he is assigned to the doubles position.

As a pioneer in the first half, it actually fully activated Shishido's potential. In the future, I won't be surprised if Ice Emperor's doubles team becomes the top national team.


According to the specific information obtained by Miki, Hyotei's tennis club training and management are not led by Atobe and Sakaki Taro, but by the black-haired boy.

It is precisely because of this person's existence that all the Ice Emperor's shortcomings are being quickly improved.

Not surprisingly.

Qingxue and Hyokui should meet in the semi-finals. But there is only one week left before that time comes.

Think of this.

Gan couldn't help but feel the imminent pressure.




Next game.

With no worries at all, Shishido let his hands and feet play freely, and single-handedly suppressed the twin brothers on the opposite side.


The game reached sixteen minutes.

As Shishido's smash hit the ground, the referee also announced the score in time: The game is over, the combination of Hyotei Shishido and Feng wins, the score is 6-0!

Hoo ho ho

The exhausted Tanaka brothers looked at each other as if they were monsters.

And when they thought that the guy wearing a baseball cap across from them was actually just a player eliminated from Hyotei's singles lineup, both of them, including the other players from Jojo Shonan, felt tremendous pressure.

Then, the Doubles 1 match begins.

This time, Renzu and Xiangri are on the field. The latter is also the only one of the three main draftees who was eliminated after losing the competition, and is the only one to regain the qualification for the main draft.


Some people also speculated.

The reason why Sakaki Taro and Atobe placed Mukahi and Feng in the same group without the threat of other powerful players was because they valued their doubles abilities.

It’s just that no one has proof.

But now, Renzu and Xiangri are arranged in doubles, which seems to confirm this.

On the Shonan side of the city, Kiriyama Daichi and Ohta Sho were sent, a contrasting combination of one large and one small.

The two of them work well together.

The characteristics of both sides should be brought out as much as possible.

In the game.

He also broke through the defense of the two Ice Emperors and scored some points.

But it's a pity.

The overall strength of the two has only reached the Kanto Junior level (double). Faced with Renzu who is a little serious, and Mugahi who is full of firepower in order to prove that he is not a doubles player stuffed by the coach.

Chengcheng Shonan was quickly beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back.


Less than 12 minutes.

Hyokui won Doubles 1 with a score of 6-0.

Hoo ho ho

Ohta Sho and Kiriyama Daichi, who exited the stage, both seemed to stagger when walking.

Go and rest.

Huacun asked the two of them to leave with a headache, and his face looked a little unsightly.

Even though I know that Ice Emperor is very strong.

But she didn't expect that her team members didn't even get a single score.

Two games of 6-0, she was beaten to the point where she lost all confidence!




And this time.

Outside the stadium, the voices of the cheerleader JK girls rang out. Some of them held up signs of support, while others waved their flowers to cheer for idol Wakatohiro who was about to appear.


Seeing this smiling and confident orange-haired boy coming out of his own camp, Hua Cun felt a little more relieved in his eyes.

No matter what the final result of the game is.

At least.

This team member of hers can still remain calm and calm in the face of danger.

Next, the singles 3 match is about to begin.

Contestant Wakato Hiroshi of Jojosei Shonan Middle School vs. Aku Tsujin of Hyotei Academy.

Please both sides be prepared!

Come on Ruoren!

Come on Ruoren!

Come on Ruoren!

The JK girls raised their flowers and support signs and cheered loudly for their idols. Ruo Renhong pretended to be as cool as possible and walked into the court with a confident face.


And just then.

A figure walked out of the Ice Emperor's camp.

this person?

Ruo Renhong narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent: It's interesting. The skin is very white and the hairstyle is very flamboyant. However, the smoky makeup on the corners of the eyes is not done well, tsk tsk.

He thought so.

He walked forward with a smile, stood in front of the net, stretched out his hand towards the other party and said: Hello, my name is Ruo Renhong!


The other party ignored him at all.

good very good!

Ruo Renhong, who was left alone, felt a little more angry in his heart: How dare you ignore my existence like this? In the game later, I will make you realize how stupid your current actions are!


ten minutes later.

A figure crashed into the barbed wire fence like a kite with its string cut off.


If, if he is someone

Kill, kill someone!!!

Outside the stadium, the pig-like screams of those JK girls could be heard.

Bi, the game is over.

The referee sitting on the high chair swallowed unconsciously, and then announced: Hyokuei Akutsu wins, score 6-0!

When the referee finished speaking.

Looking at Ruo Renhong embedded in the barbed wire.

The huge stadium suddenly became silent.

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