I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 100 Ishikawa Shin, the most formative genius in Huacun’s eyes (1st update)

The radio voice fell.

The players from both sides, led by their respective coaches, entered the venue. After seeing the two hundred people blocked from the barbed wire fence, the two groups of Chengcheng Shonan's doubles breathed a sigh of relief.

Rao is so.

Feeling the Ice Emperor's support group that instantly filled the outside, everyone still felt oppressive in their hearts.

Don't be too nervous.

After entering the competition area, Hua Cun was sitting in the coach's position, with his long legs in black stockings stacked up, and he smiled confidently: The Ice Emperor's players are also human beings, and no matter how scary the support team is, they can't actually affect the quality of the competition venue. situation.


The four of them nodded in unison.

As for the other three, they seemed much more confident.


Seeing this, Huacun felt a little headache.

She studied kinesiology at the University of Tokyo for her undergraduate and master's degrees. After graduation, I came directly to Josei Shonan. Because of the scientific concepts I proposed, I introduced and absorbed the European and American ‘elite route’ plans.


Only in this way can we get strong support from the school.

But the time given to her was too short, only one year from September last year to now. For her, even a clever woman can't make a meal without rice.


Huacun is still very confident.

At least under her training, three pretty good 'works' appeared. At least this was beyond her passing mark.


Hwa Cun’s goal is definitely to produce more ‘works’ of better quality during his tenure as a tennis coach.

that person

Thinking of this, her eyes couldn't help but fall on the black-haired boy standing next to Atobe in the Hyotei camp: Is he really only 12 years old?

Next, the Doubles 2 match is about to begin.

The combination of Tanaka Yohei and Tanaka Kohei from Jojo Shonan Middle School versus the combination of Ryo Shishito and Houchotaro from Hyotei Academy!

Please prepare both players!


Outside the barbed wire fence, Inoue looked at the players on both sides of the court who were sorting out each other's equipment and checking the status. He nodded and said: The first round of the Kanto Competition is about to begin!


Shiba Saori also nodded heavily.

From Tokyo to the Kanto Competition, the overall strength of the players has completely improved to a new level. In this case, the requirements for journalists like them are also stricter.

Are the two twin brothers sent by Chengcheng Shonan this time?

Zhi looked over curiously.

On the side of Jojo Shonan, Hanamun is also telling the players who are about to play: The two Hyokui are very strong. Although they have only recently formed a doubles team, they have not yet lost a record.

in addition.

After a pause, Huacun said with a serious look: Among them, the second grader named Feng serves very fast.



The Tanaka brothers looked at each other.

Tanaka Yohei, the elder brother with purple-red bangs, couldn't help but smile and said: I understand, teacher.


But his younger brother, Tanaka Kohei, who wore a high blue ponytail, grinned: We will definitely win this game.

If the opponent is a combination of Renzu and Xiangri, they will have to worry about three points. But if it's this newly formed doubles team, that's completely unnecessary.

not to mention.

It's not like they have never encountered a national-level doubles team in the prefectural competition in Kanagawa.

Although the loss was a bit miserable, in the eyes of the Tanaka brothers, what kind of team is Renlihai University that your new Hyokui team can compete with?


The two of them walked into the court confidently.

The players from Jojo Shonan look very confident.

Renzu saw the purple-haired and blue-haired people entering the stadium, and was a little surprised: They are actually twins?

Two, what's wrong with the twins?

Feng heard Renzu's surprise and couldn't help turning his head to look over.

Twin brothers, one mother, two bodies of the same heart.

Ishikawa said solemnly: As far as I know, the tacit understanding between twin brothers is stronger than that of other doubles players. Many times, they often know each other's thoughts without communicating, and their cooperation is very powerful!

Is that so?

Feng's expression changed.

The two people in front of me are the top wise men among the Ice Emperors. They rate the twins' tag team so highly, which shows that their opponents are definitely not ordinary characters.

You two.

At this time, Shishido stepped forward: The game hasn't started yet, don't scare Chotaro. What's more, what about twin brothers? Tennis matches rely on more than just tacit understanding.


Renzu gave him a playful look: In other words, is it not good enough for you to admit that you have a tacit understanding with Chotaro?


Shido was stunned for a moment.

Just remind you guys.

At this time, Ishikawa spoke again: These two Tanaka brothers are actually third-year team members. In addition, they won two gold medals from the first doubles team of Rikkai University in the Kanagawa Prefecture competition. Game!


Hear the words.

Shishido's expression changed.

Li Hai Da!

A person's name, a tree's shadow, not to mention the number one doubles team in Rikkai University.

Shishido remembers it clearly.

Last year's Hyokui, their third-year senior, only scored one round of points in front of these two people.

Is the opponent actually so strong?

Shishido clenched his fists and looked at Feng. The two nodded solemnly and walked onto the court with serious expressions.

By the way, why didn't I notice that you seem to be getting more and more sinister?

When the two came on stage, Renzu looked over with a raised brow.

Dirty person? How is that possible?

Ishikawa shook his head and said, Everything I just said is true.


Renzu said playfully: What you said is indeed the truth, but you only said half of it. Not all twins have such a strong tacit understanding. In addition, the pair of Li Hai and Dai will meet each other starting from this year. No one will give up a game first.

Is there such a thing?

Ishikawa smiled, but did not explain.

Ninzu did not continue to expose it. In his opinion, Ishikawa's original intention was to make Shishito and Feng nervous and avoid underestimating the enemy. This was right.

Although Jojosei Shonan is not a strong team, if the team capsizes in this kind of team, Supervisor Sakaki Taro may not let them off easily.

The game begins, and one set determines the outcome.

After a while.

When the referee looked in the direction of Ice Emperor, he nodded to Feng and said: ice Emperor Feng serves, the game is over!




Bottom line.

Feng took out a tennis ball and started playing it gently.


Seeing this, Shiba Saori said in surprise: What is Hyokui playing at? Why did he arrange for Feng to serve in the first place?

She remembered the previous few times when this combination played, Fengdu served from behind. And this time, Jojo Shonan doesn't look like he is stronger than Aogakus and Yamabuki in the doubles?

Perhaps it's the Ice Emperor's new tactic.

Inoue said thoughtfully.

Is it coming?

Seeing Feng serve, the purple-haired Tanaka Yohei from Shonan's side smiled and said: They say his serve is very powerful, but I want to see how it compares to Kajimoto.

How old is he?

Tanaka Kohei in front couldn't help but shake his head: Kajimoto's serve only reached this level after the teacher hired a special yoga instructor to increase the flexibility of his arms. This second-year Hyokui, no matter how powerful he is, It’s definitely not as good as Kajimoto.”

When the two are talking.

The eyes of many people around him fell on Kajimoto, the tall and tall brown-haired minister of Shonan Jojosei and his calm eyes.


Wakatohiro, the orange-haired boy who is considered an idol by many girls, couldn't help but sigh: The minister's serve doesn't look like it was played by a junior high school student.


Next to him, Kamishiro Reiji, whose short hair looked like a gear, also nodded.

He is an arrogant and taciturn person who expressed his attitude like this, which shows that Kajimoto's serve is indeed extraordinary.

It's better to be careful.

At this time, Huacun, who was in the coach's position, shook his head and said: After all, the opponent is Ice Emperor's, so we can't be too serious!

But having said that.

In her heart, she is very satisfied with one of the masterpieces she created, 'Kajimoto Takahisa'.

In terms of serving speed, Kajimoto, at least among junior high school students, is unrivaled!


At this time.

Feng threw the tennis ball up.

While he was playing tennis, he also heard the conversations of the people around him. In his heart, he became even more wary of Chengcheng Shonan's strength.

In his eyes.

This is definitely a team not to be underestimated.


Even the first serve.

But Feng also exerted 12% of his concentration.


As thoughts swirled in his mind, Feng bent his knees and tightened his abdomen at the same time. His body's center of gravity suddenly lowered and his muscles tightened.


He stretched his body and locked his eyes on the tennis ball in mid-air.


After seeing the tennis ball reaching its highest point, Feng raised the racket in his hand, looking like a hawk staring at its prey.


With the last thought in his mind, he suddenly started up, swung the racket in a half-jump, and dunked hard towards the tennis ball in mid-air.


There was a loud bang.

The spectators around the court felt as if they saw a shell fired from the barrel, as if it was burning, and it hit the service line in front of Yohei Tanaka on the opposite side.


There was an explosion like a muffled thunder.

Tanaka Yohei, who originally had a relaxed look on his face, made a counterattack move. Looking at the pale yellow light that suddenly exploded in front of him, a smile instantly solidified on his face.


The tennis ball bounced and hit the barbed wire with ferocity.

the whole process.

He couldn't even react.


The referee spoke.

The expressions on the other members of Chengcheng Shonan's team suddenly became shocked.

This kind of serve?!

The short man in charge of doubles No. 1, Ohta Sho, who was wearing diamond-shaped goggles, opened his mouth subconsciously.

Kaji, Mr. Kajimoto.

Next to them, Wakatohiro and Kiriyama Daichi looked at Minister Kajimoto.


The other party's face at this time was also full of shock.

This kind of serve.

Kajimoto, who was originally very confident and believed that serving alone would make him invincible, now looked at Feng as if he had seen a ghost.

He, is he really a second grader?

Kajimoto was shocked.


Feeling the gaze of the team member next to him, he had to act calmly, nodded slightly and said: Well, it's not bad.


Wakatohiro, Kiriyama Daichi, and even Kamijo Reiji all had doubts on their faces.


Kajimoto's reaction made Feng's heart tremble slightly.

He had already shown 80% of his serving speed just now. Even so, could he only get a 'good' evaluation in the eyes of the opponent?

Sure enough, Ninzu-senpai and Ishikawa-kun are right. There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. I still can't sit in a well and look at the sky!

Figure this out.

Feng's eyes became sharp again.

wait wait wait.

On the opposite side, younger brother Tanaka Kohei, who was exchanging serves, saw the sharp look in Feng Yan's eyes, and his heart started to beat wildly.

One goal. into the soul!!!


responded to his.

It was Feng's heavy artillery serve that was close to 90% of his strength.


The heavy cannon was discharged.

The powerful serve suddenly landed in front of him. And he, like his brother, was completely unable to react.

How can it be?

Kajimoto, who was outside the court, held his hands in front of him and suddenly pinched his arms uncontrollably: The serve just now was not his full strength?!

This moment.

His own game has not yet begun.

Minister Cheng Cheng Shonan has already felt indescribable pressure.

Is the Ice Emperor actually so strong?

In the coaching position.

Huacun Aoi's expression became complicated.

She cultivated carefully and used scientific methods to increase the flexibility of Kajimoto's arms. Just now, the opponent's serve was allowed to break through to 190km/h.


This boy from the Ice Emperor did it easily?

Thinking about it again, such a person could not get the main singles position in Ice Emperor, Hua Cun was even more disgusted.

that person

Something seemed to come to mind.

She looked past Sakaki Taro and Atobe to the black-haired boy standing in front.

His name is Ishikawa Shin, right?

Looking at the young man with handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, Hua Cun's idea of ​​designing a work was suddenly released uncontrollably.

In her opinion.

This 12-year-old boy is like a piece of beautiful jade that has never been carved. If the rumors are true, then the other person may be the most malleable genius she has ever seen!

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