Everything is correct one by one!

I don't know about that. If you want to know, Qin, you need to check it out yourself.

Regarding Qin's guess, Lisa shrugged her shoulders and expressed in an ambiguous tone that she was not sure whether the other party was Mond's belief all along.

That person's current name is Wendy, and she is very popular in Mondstadt now.

I'll keep an eye on it.

Qin nodded very solemnly, saying that he would definitely inquire about this information personally.

Thinking about it, not long after receiving the news from Albedo, a bard came to Mondstadt who completely matched the information.

It would be a ghost if she didn't pay attention.

Not to mention that the other party is very likely to be Barbatos, the wind god that Mondstadt has always believed in.



Wendy, who was drinking at Angel Gift, sneezed unexpectedly, stretched out his hand to rub his itchy nose, looked around with some confusion and then muttered something in a low voice.

Strange, why do I feel like someone is talking about me all the time?

Forget it, why are you thinking so much?

The next second Wendy shouted loudly to the bartender Charles:

Bring me another bottle of dandelion wine!

Soon Charles came to Wendy with a bottle of dandelion wine. He put down the wine glass and asked a little uneasily:

Sir, are you really an adult? If Boss Diluc finds out that I sell alcohol to minors, I will be scolded.

Okay, okay, Mr. Charles, I'm really an adult, I'm just young.


Han Xiao didn't pay too much attention to what happened in Mondstadt. Anyway, it was Mondstadt's business. He, a Liyue Seven Star, didn't need to worry about other countries.

The reason why he revealed so much information to Abedo was just to dispel the idea of ​​returning to Mondstadt.

Even though there are cement roads now that have shortened the travel time a lot, it still takes several days to go back and forth.

Han Xiao didn't want to waste Abedo's precious time on the journey. It was better to let him continue his research.

As the news of electric vehicles gradually spread through Liyue Daily, more businessmen have come to Guili City recently.

Launching more models earlier will also bring more benefits to Guili City.

As for what Han Xiao himself is doing, he is searching in the chat group for extraordinary systems that have been recorded so far.

Ripples, martial arts, magic, domineering, etc., as long as the abilities of the world where the group members are located have been included in the chat group.

And soon he also saw an introduction to the Shuhai system.

[Sea of ​​Trees System (Super Singular-Multiple): The ability system evolved from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum based on the expression of entropy increase and the principle of maximum entropy generation, and has evolved unique ways of use in each world. ]

It's similar to what Guixiao said. The evaluation is quite high.

Looking at the description of abilities evolved from the big world view of the universe where Teyvat was located in the chat group, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and then felt a little pity.

The Shuhai system actually touches on diversity. From a certain perspective, the upper limit of ability is indeed quite high.

The only pity is that there are too many pitfalls in the power of the Shuhai system.

It would be great if there were no pitfalls.

Chapter 142 I want them all!

After reading the introduction of the world view of all members in the chat group, Han Xiao was slightly disappointed.

Because the current power system of the world where everyone in the group can touch the single to multiple worlds is Xingyue, World of Warcraft, Jojo and the world of the sea of ​​​​trees where I am.

The remaining ones have their hips stretched out a bit.

Among them, Xingyue's magic system is the most difficult to master, as it requires qualifications and a lot of resources.

Jojo and World of Warcraft are better.

There are six basic energies in World of Warcraft, and there are many systems that have been handed down. It is easier to lift.

As for jojo, it depends on luck. Opening a substitute is like opening a blind box.

After discovering that there was no particularly satisfactory power system, Han Xiao started chatting with her friends in the group.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: You are quite picky, isn't your magic power delicious?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: The fragrance is quite fragrant. Although we don't have power compatibility issues, the magic power needs to be converted with vitality. Now I am confused as to how ordinary people can get so much vitality.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: After learning magic before, I found that I stayed in Dr. Vegapunk's laboratory all day and had no chance to fight. On the contrary, ripples and national arts had a greater effect on me, tears in my eyes.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I am still continuing the Chinese martial arts system, and am preparing to accumulate points to become a great Xianxia boss.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Jixiao, Yuanxiao and us are different. Except for Yuanxiao and Youxiao, the rest of us have mastered the power system of this world before joining the group.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I'm different from Yuan Xiao, okay? I have one goal, which is to live longer so that I can have more time to play cards.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Damn you retarded, why do you poker guys think about playing cards every day, and don't even play poker when looking for escort girls?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Good guy, I'm reprinting a classic of Xingyue's famous painting, and I'm scolding myself?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: What Xingxiao said is actually quite right. We basically mastered the power system of our own world before joining the group, so when choosing power, we mainly match it with the power of our own world.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao is different. Apart from practicing the basic martial arts and ripples, he has never touched the rest of the routes since he joined the group.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Is this wave of difficulty in choosing?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I just want to find a system that has both a universal upper limit and a high limit. Is there anything wrong with that?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: You are right to think so, but such a world requires too many tag points.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: So Yuanxiao's current state is very simple to describe, but thinking too much will make you confused.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Yes, if you ask me, you will stick to the Jukai System. As long as you can withstand the erosion of Honkai, even if you have a chat group, you are still afraid that the car will not overturn the Honkai consciousness.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: By the way, the Sea of ​​Trees system obeys the laws of physics to a certain extent, and its versatility cannot be said.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Hai Xiao's words are true. The physical constants of our brothers' worlds are basically the same.

Seeing her friends in the group complaining about her indecisiveness, Han Xiao couldn't help but curl her lips.

The friends in the group had basically mastered a certain degree of power before joining the group, but before he joined the group, he was just an ordinary person. There was a Heavenly Law Maintainer above him who was always watching, so there were not many powers to choose from.

Otherwise, why did he put so much effort into creating a monkey version of the Eye of God in the first place? It was because he was afraid that he would be trapped before he could grow up.

That is to say, it is now suspected that the maintainer of heavenly principles is about to die, and the shackles of the world have been loosened, so he has the opportunity to choose the power system of another world.

This kind of opportunity is rare, so Han Xiao naturally plans to carefully select a good power system to practice.

The group was still lively. Haixiao and the others began to compete across worlds after Hanxiao's dive. Everyone in the group started to stack boxes crazily for their own world.

Even Ip Man has stacked from national martial arts to fairy magic and then to ancient times, and is currently folding towards infinite diversity.

The other people played harder and began to stack infinite boxes with infinite powers.

How childish.

Seeing the stacking of boxes in the group getting more and more outrageous, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, with disgust in her eyes.

He shouldn't count on these idiots, he should find a suitable power system by himself.

Han Xiao opened the chat group's member search function, invested all the 100,000 points she had saved over the past half year, and chose three tags that looked quite metaphysical.

[Power system suitable for group members], [High potential limit], [Compatible].

As for why Han Xiao has so many points, it's thanks to the recycling function of the chat group.

Whenever he and Abedo developed some useless props, they would ask the chat group to recycle a copy. Over time, they would accumulate a lot of points.

After choosing the label, Han Xiao soon heard an announcement from the chat group.

[Searching for worlds tagged 'power system suitable for group members', 'high potential limit', 'compatible'...]

At the same time, the battle strength game in the chat group was also interrupted by a system announcement, and everyone began to look forward to what kind of world Han Xiao's blind box could create.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: In Moji Mute's library, Yuanxiao actually spent a lot of money!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Hmph, only children make choices, I choose to take them all!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Applause, applause, it turns out that Yuanxiao is the biggest gambling monster in our group.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I dare to bet on such a metaphysical label, so don't stop me from kneeling down first.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I can't compare, I can't compare. I save points just to choose a specific world.

This search took a little longer than the last time, about an hour, and the eagerly waiting group members finally heard the notification sound from the chat group.

[The world is too strong and I am too weak to join the group chat]

Hey, what kind of world is this?

Han Xiao couldn't help but frown when he saw the new member's nickname, because he couldn't tell any information about the other person's world from this nickname.

Logically speaking, there is a certain relationship between the nickname and the world the member is in, but the only information that can be obtained from the nickname of the new member is that the other person's world is very strong.

Could it be that I failed to open the box?

Looking at the nicknames of the new members, Han Xiao felt a bad premonition in her heart.

Is the hundreds of thousands of points he finally saved going to waste?

Chapter 143 The day Han Xiao takes off

Just when Han Xiao felt bad, new members also appeared in the group.

[The world is too strong and I am too weak]: Hey guys, my golden finger is finally here. I didn't expect it to be a chat group, and I didn't expect that all the group members would be myself!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Another new member I discovered myself. I am here to criticize someone by name.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Gan, what do you think of me? You pull me out and whip me every time.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: As for, very important, after all, you are the only one in the group who is dead.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Speaking of which world the newcomer comes from, this nickname makes me a little confused.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Yes, yes, the newlyweds should report themselves quickly. I want to see if I won the Lantern Festival bet.

[The world is too strong and I am too weak]: To be honest, I really don't know how to abbreviate it. After all, my world is not easy to describe.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Ah, could it be that The World of Newcomers is a work we haven't seen before?

[The world is too strong and I am too weak]: That's right. I probably traveled through a Western fantasy world where combat power has collapsed. Forget it, I'll change my nickname first.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Just use it first, and change it later if it crashes.

Western fantasy world?

Taking advantage of the opportunity for group friends to educate newcomers on the rules of the chat group, Han Xiao also began to think about what kind of world the other party would be like.

I hope the power system of the other party's world can suit him.

It didn't take long for newcomers from the Western Fantasy World to understand the general function of the chat group.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Sure enough, the chat group loves me. I... No, we may all rise up.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Hey, are you serious about this newcomer?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: It seems that the newcomer is very confident. I am looking forward to it now.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I think Yuanxiao is the most excited one.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: While we are anxiously waiting, the newcomer will quickly introduce your world background.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: No problem. To put it simply, the world I live in is the intersection center of the multiverse.

[Trajectory]: Wait, you started so high?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Don't interrupt yet to let the newcomer finish.

The first sentence he met the newcomer revealed that the world he was in was a multiverse. Han Xiao quickly spoke to stop others from changing the topic.

Fortunately, others also knew that Han Xiao must be very concerned about the newcomer's world, so they all remained silent.

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