At least after the shackles of the world are opened, the maintainer of heavenly law may not have time to take care of what is happening on the continent of Teyvat. He will not have to be as careful as before to use some abilities that will not impact the Eye of God system.

Now that Han Xiao has mastered the Chinese martial arts and ripples proficiently, if he wants to continue to improve, he will have to rely on water grinding kung fu to practice.

Now that you have the physical fitness, all that's left is an extraordinary system with higher growth potential.

However, before deciding which system to choose as his main system in the future, Han Xiao still had something to do. He had to completely appease Abedo.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao went straight to Albedo's home, looked at the other person who was sitting at the table and looked at Mond's information and said:

Albedo, the dragon disaster in Mondstadt will be resolved soon.

how do you know?

Hearing Han Xiao's confident words, Albedo, who was checking Mondstadt's information, suddenly turned around, doubts in his eyes.

The stars in the sky have just changed.

Han Xiao did not reveal the news about the twins directly, but pointed to the sky and spoke in a Riddler tone.

The sky has changed. Does this have anything to do with Mondstadt's dragon disaster?

Abedo, who didn't know the specific situation, was full of doubts.

Chapter 140: Yaoshou, Captain Qin snatched Keli’s things

Looking at Han Xiao standing in front of him as the Riddler, Albedo didn't know what expression to use at this time.

For a while the stars in the sky changed, and for a while it was said that the dragon disaster in Mondstadt would soon be resolved.

Why are you saying things he doesn't understand?

Can you die if you speak well?

Abedo covered his forehead with one hand and thought rather feebly.

He felt more and more that if Han Xiao met Fischer, the two of them would get along very well.

After all, one of them spoke in an explosive way, while the other spoke in a Riddler-like tone and spoke some weird cryptic words.

Anyway, it’s just hard for people to understand.

Let's talk about business, Han Xiao.

Although Han Xiao spoke in a mysterious tone, Albedo knew that the other party would not lie to him about this matter, so Mondstadt's dragon disaster is expected to be solved soon.

As for who solved it and how it was solved, Abedo no longer intends to guess the hidden meaning of Han Xiao's words.

As long as the dragon disaster can be resolved.

Abedo, who was sure that the dragon disaster would be over soon, felt much better, and turned around to talk to Han Xiao about business.

I have sent the drawings of the ambulance to Zhenjun, and the first drafts of the remaining models have also been completed.

Look at what needs improvement.

As he spoke, Abedo pulled out the blueprint he designed from the Eye of God and handed it to Han Xiao.

It's so fast, okay!

Hearing that the other party had already completed the drawings of the ambulance and had also completed the first drafts of other models, Han Xiao couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration as he reached out to take the drawings.

Well... there is generally no problem, but as for the power source, I think it would be better to use the steam power from Fontaine.

After carefully reading the first draft of Abedo's design, Han Xiao gave his own opinions.

The remaining models were all engineering machines. He felt that using electricity alone might lead to insufficient power, so it would be safer to use steam power from Fontaine.

Is it steam powered?

After listening to Han Xiao's thoughts, Abedo lowered his head and pondered for a while and felt that the other party had considered it very carefully. It was more practical to use steam power on large engineering machines than electricity.

It seems that the news of the dragon disaster still affected my thinking.

Abedo sighed slightly. The recent news about the dragon disaster caused some flaws in his thinking. When selecting the power source, he subconsciously used the electricity he was most familiar with.

Okay, I'll change the drawing again.

After taking the first draft of the car model back from Han Xiao and putting it into the Eye of God, Abedo said he would modify the drawings based on the actual situation.

At the same time, he also secretly decided in his heart that after Han Xiao left, he would contact Captain Qin and let him pay attention to the people who suddenly appeared in Mondstadt recently.

Dulin's poisonous blood is not easy to solve.

Since Han Xiao said that the dragon disaster would be resolved soon, someone must have stepped forward to suppress or even purify the poisonous blood in Tevalin.

This kind of person is like a firefly in the dark night. Qin will definitely find him if he looks for him.


After Han Xiao left, Abedo quickly contacted Qin and told him all the news he had received.

You mean you learned from Han Xiao that the dragon disaster will be solved soon?

I understand. Pay more attention to Han Xiao and see if you can dig out any more information from him.

After hanging up the communication with Albedo, Qin turned her hand and placed the communication device on the corner of the table, and she fell into deep thought.

She had met Han Xiao before, and he left a good impression on her, not like a person who talked nonsense. Moreover, according to Abedo's judgment, Han Xiao might have a relatively close connection with the Rock King, and the source of the information was available.

But will such a person really appear?

Qin was a little unsure.

After learning that the Wind Demon Dragon's true identity was the Dragon of the East Wind, she specially invited Senior Diluc to join her in stopping Tvarin who was planning to attack Mondstadt in the suburbs outside the city, and arranged for Amber who was waiting in the distance to find an opportunity to attack Mondstadt. Tvarin shot an arrow into the lump in his neck.

What happened was pretty much what Qin expected. After she and Diluc held Tevarin down, Amber shot the lump in the opponent's neck with an arrow. The painful Tevarin finally chose to fly back to the Wind Dragon Ruins.

However, the splattered blood exuded a heart-stopping filth. As a last resort, Xia Qin and Diluc dug out the soil and blood and brought them back to Mondstadt for Lisa to examine.

Unfortunately, the news received was not satisfactory. Neither Lisa nor the West Wind Cathedral could do anything to deal with the poisonous blood.

Therefore, it is difficult for Qin to believe that someone in Han Xiao's mouth can solve Tevalin's problem. You must know that this is something that even Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind, cannot do.

Qin, you can take Abedo's opinion seriously.

Seeing that Qin seemed to be in doubt, Lisa, who was listening to the whole conversation, narrowed her eyes and showed an unpredictable smile on her face.

Lisa, what do you mean...

Hearing Lisa asking her to pay attention to Albedo's proposal, Qin couldn't help but raise her head and look at him.

I also understand astrology. Han Xiao is right. The stars in the sky have indeed changed before.

Lisa did not answer Qin's question directly, but answered with a smile like Han Xiao in the tone of the Riddler.

As a genius witch once in two hundred years praised by the Sumeru Order, she certainly has something to do with astrology.

At the same time, for some reason, Lisa knew some secret knowledge that Qin didn't understand.

Like this false sky above their heads...

Even you think so. It seems like it's true.

Seeing that her best friends had confirmed Han Xiao's words, Qin knew that someone who could really solve Tvarin's problem would come to Mondstadt.

After all, if others don't know about Lisa's magical strength and knowledge level, why doesn't she already know it?

I'm also very curious about which little cutie can solve those troublesome poisonous bloods.

Saying that, Lisa looked at the Dudu communication device placed on the corner of the table, and the conversation suddenly changed to tease Qin:

But Qin, is it really okay for you to 'rob' Keli's things so openly?

When I passed by the solitary room just now, I heard Xiao Keli secretly saying that Captain Qin was a bad person.

Well, I'm just borrowing it. Keli and I discussed it carefully.

Hearing Lisa teasing herself unabashedly, Qin also retorted with some embarrassment.

Ever since she used the communicator once, she valued this instrument that was very convenient for communication, so she specially borrowed the communicator from Keli after her last call with Albedo.

But the same goes for Keli. It was obviously borrowing, so how could she describe it as robbing.

Okay, okay! It's a loan.

Lisa looked at Qin who was full of embarrassment and couldn't help but let out a series of pleasant laughter.

Chapter 141: Involving the diverse tree sea system

But Qin, there are indeed some people in Mondstadt who deserve our attention recently.

After teasing Qin, Lisa got down to business.

Who is there?

Lisa's words are not surprising at all. Mondstadt's empty combat power has long been watched by the ill-intentioned Solstice Kingdom.

It's only normal that some people worth paying attention to appear.

The first is the Fools. Their diplomat has been replaced. This time it is the eighth lady among the executive officers.

The other party currently lives in the Goethe Hotel and never leaves the house. The specific purpose is still unclear.

Ms. Executive.

Hearing Lisa talk about the Fool Executives, Qin's face became a little gloomier.

The last executive to come to Mondstadt as a diplomat was the Doctor, and it was he who almost caused Mondstadt to suffer a big loss.

So Qin didn't dare to be careless about this new lady in the eighth seat.

Not to mention that the other party stayed in a hotel after arriving in Mondstadt and stayed at home all day long. No one knew what she was planning secretly.

anything else?

In addition to Inazuma, intelligence agents from other countries have discovered a lot recently. It seems that they are all here because of Tevarin's matter.

As long as there are no secrets involved, these people can just keep an eye on it secretly.

There were many intelligence agents from other countries coming to Mondstadt. Qin thought about it and decided not to worry about them as long as they did not involve secrets.

After all, it is a rule tacitly accepted by the top leaders of various countries to send intelligence personnel to each other privately. Even she has sent many people to other countries.

In addition to the above two groups of people, there is one person who is quite concerning.

After telling the information, Lisa suddenly seemed to think of something and looked at Qin with a mysterious face:

Marjorie, who came to borrow books from the library recently, told me that a particularly powerful bard came to Mondstadt Square.

What's so noteworthy about this?

Qin looked at Lisa with a mysterious smile on her face with some confusion. The most important thing in Mondstadt was bards. Why did she feel that Lisa was more interested in this bard than the previous two groups of people.

Don't worry, just listen to me first and you will know.

Lisa quickly signaled Qin not to jump to conclusions so early, and the smile on her face only grew stronger.

You know, this bard has very strong business skills. Of course, what makes people more concerned is that he claims to be a man but wears white stockings.

Although stockings are almost becoming exclusive to women now, stockings were only worn by men in Mondstadt a long time ago.

And this bard is an out-and-out drunkard. The money he earns every day is used to buy wine at Angel's Gift.

As she said that, Lisa looked at Qin, whose face slowly became stiff, and still kept saying:

But he never goes to the Mao Tail Tavern, and he even goes out of his way to avoid it.

Logically speaking, how can a drunkard come to Mondstadt and not go to the Cat's Tail Tavern where the talented bartender Diona works?

Unless he's allergic to cats...

Qin couldn't help but complete Lisa's unfinished words, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.


Well, what's wrong?

Do you think this bard is the one Albedo mentioned?

Thinking of learning from Abedo that Liyue's Yanwang Emperor used Han Xiao's words to comment on Fengshen, an old friend, a bold guess slowly emerged in Qin's mind.

Could this new bard be Lord Barbatos, the wind god who has not appeared in Mondstadt for a long time?

After all, Bai Si has good singing skills, loves to drink and is allergic to cats.

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