Goodbye Hanxiao!

Hu Tao held the expressionless Zhongli with one hand and said goodbye to Han Xiao with a bright face.

Chihuyan·Hanxiao’s former residence.

After returning home, Han Xiao first controlled Yan Xing to clean the inside and outside with a broom, then walked to the chair and sat down, opening the chat group:

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I was blackmailed by Hu Tao today, and I'm very unhappy.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Oh, who makes you always think about having sex for nothing!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: That's right, you can't learn from Zhongli, it's not good.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Isn't this just to return to Licheng? You guys don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, so you can save a fortune.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: The money is spent. Five million per month can buy a principal plus the Dinghaishen Needle. This business is not a loss.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Indeed, at least you have a Martial God as your last back-up in Guili City. Think about it, you will make a profit, okay?

While Han Xiao and herself in the group were teasing each other, Dadalia, who had just returned to the Northland Bank, called his subordinates and asked them to quickly get more people to sneak into Guili City to find out the news.

Send more people to Guili City. I need to know more detailed information about Han Xiao.

Thinking of Han Xiao with the Eye of God hanging on his waist, Dadalia had a stern expression on his face.

This mistake seemed too fatal to him.

If he hadn't happened to meet Han Xiao today, he would have easily been caught off guard if he actually faced off.

Yes, Sir.

Remember, this kind of mistake will never happen again.

After receiving the order, the subordinates nodded repeatedly, fearing that they would make Dadalia angry if they said the wrong thing.

After everyone left, Dadalia's originally stern face suddenly gained a trace of amusement.

He suddenly felt that this was not bad.

Hanxiao, interesting guy.

Dadalia took out the dagger from her waist and played with it casually, muttering Han Xiao's name.

I originally thought that Han Xiao was just a brainiac, but now it seems that the other party can also become the target of my competition.

What an unexpected surprise.

The next few days.

Han Xiao first went back to the Han family's old house for two days, then went shopping with Yun Jin several times in Liyue Port, and finally became familiar with Qixing at the meeting.

After finishing most of the affairs, he set foot on the convoy returning to the city.


This road hasn't been repaired yet.

Sitting on the carriage, feeling the bumps that couldn't stop at all, Han Xiao lifted up the curtain hanging on the window and looked outside, only to see that the road outside was still made of rammed earth.

Because Guili City is still under construction, cement production cannot keep up with consumption.

Secretary Xu Wan, who also returned to Liyue with Han Xiao, quickly gave an answer.

Although Yunhan and his family are producing cement day and night, the demand for cement in Guilicheng is really too great.

If you want to renovate the road between Liyue Port and Guili City, you may have to wait until Guili City is completely completed.

What do you think about cement in Mondstadt?

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

Xu Wan took out a document from the small bag on her waist and handed it to Han Xiao.

Because of the sharing of recipes, Captain Qin of the Knights of the West Wind once proposed to us the idea of ​​purchasing slag.

We can't satisfy ourselves with just cement, so we declined for the time being.

Let's do this. Let the Yunhan family expand the number of workers they recruit, and first build the roads leading to Shimen and the trade roads at Liyue Port.

Han Xiao thought about it and decided to expand the production scale of the cement factory.

After all, once the roads on both sides are built, the efficiency will definitely increase greatly, and the tax revenue of Guili City will gradually increase.

As for the journey from Shimen to Mondstadt, Mondstadt can completely repair it themselves.


After several days of travel, Han Xiao and others finally returned to Guili City.

But as soon as he walked into Kuixing Tower the next day, his secretary brought him some unpleasant news.

You said that a large number of Zhidong people came to Guili City recently?

Yes, Master Hanxiao, they all come in in the name of businessmen.

Hearing what the secretary said, Han Xiao couldn't help but click her tongue.

Businessman, hahaha.

I'm afraid it's not that businessmen only account for a small part of this group of people, and the rest are spies sent by fools.

His hands are really fast.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao asked directly:

Are you ready for the household registration system that I asked you to prepare before?

Lawyer Yan Fei has finished it.

Let Qian Yanjun go broadcast it, and by the way, let the outsiders bring their identity documents to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.

Although Han Xiao knew very well that doing so could not completely cut off the hands stretched out by the Fools, but at least it could restrain them.

Moreover, the bank over Ningguang is about to open, so that Dada duck will be very busy by then.

Speaking of which, last time I asked Mandrill to help me keep an eye on the situation of the fools in Guiliyuan, but I don’t know if the other party has found out.

When she came to her office, she closed the door and shouted directly into the air:

Senior Mandrill


A gust of wind sounded in Han Xiao's ears, and Mandrill's figure appeared.

What's up?

Senior Mandrill, what happened when I asked you to pay attention to the fools before?

While Han Xiao asked Mandrill, she used her pocket to cover up and pretended to take out a bottle of Holy Light Essence from her pocket and handed it to Mandrill.

The fools who returned to Liyuan some time ago have gradually evacuated back to Liyue Port. I don't know if they went to other places.

Reaching out to take the Holy Light Essence handed over by Han Xiao, Mandrill also told what he had learned about the past few days while returning to the original land.

Chapter 78: Open the door and check the temporary residence permit!

The next day, after finishing the work at hand, Han Xiao came to the alchemy workshop.

As soon as he opened the door, Albedo came up to him.

Hanxiao, we don't have enough materials.

what material.

All the materials are in short supply, but the most lacking ones are the materials from Inazuma's side. They can't even be purchased.

“I can’t even buy it, what’s going on?”

You didn't get the message?

You know I just came back, how could you possibly know.

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to have never heard anything about this, Abedo continued:

I heard bad news from the Inazuma merchant when I went to buy materials a few days ago.

It seems that Dao's wife has issued a national lockdown order.

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Inazuma's side has already begun to lock down the country. Doesn't that mean that the Eye Hunting Order is coming?

For a moment, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

Dadalia came to Liyue, and Dao's wife began to lock down the country. All this indicates that the plot is about to begin, and the continent of Teyvat will begin to become dangerous.

There was not much time left for him to prepare.

After making up her mind to improve her strength as soon as possible, Han Xiao opened her mouth and said to Albedo:

Albedo, I will find a way to deal with the materials.

After making a promise to Albedo, Han Xiao walked to her workbench and started today's research.

It is too dangerous to use too much power from the outside world. What can be used now is the Eye of Everything that is basically localized to Teyvat.

There was only one year left before the next immortal invitation ceremony, so he had to make the puppets with the remaining elements as soon as possible.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Because of Han Xiao's order, the residents of Guili City have completed the population registration, and the foreign businessmen have also applied for their temporary residence permits at the office set up in Kuixing Tower.

As for some people whose identities are not clear, they have become the focus of Qianyanjun.

Captain Popov, Qianyan Army's investigation is getting tighter and tighter now, what should we do?

In a house in Guili City, several secretive members of the Fools were discussing countermeasures.

I asked you to send a message to the young master, did you do it?

The letter has been sent.

That's good. Let's be careful these days. In my letter, I asked the young master to prepare a real business identity for us.

As long as we have an identity, we won't be afraid of being investigated.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and immediately the members of the Fool in the room heard the voice they least wanted to hear:

Open the door, check your temporary residence permit!

In the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao lowered her head while conducting her own research while listening to secretary Xu Wan's report to her.

Good fellow, have you found a few more unidentified businessmen from the Winter Kingdom?

Yes, Lord Hanxiao, we have found more than fifty unidentified Zhidong merchants so far. I have asked other Zhidong merchants who have opened stores in Guili City, but I don't know any of them.

Send them to the young master at Beiguo Bank in Liyue Port. If he asks, he will tell you that Guilicheng needs proof of identity to apply for a temporary residence permit. Don't send these people without proof of identity.

This...I understand.

At first, Xu Wan was ready to explain to Han Xiao that doing so might cause the other party's displeasure, but seeing that Han Xiao was too lazy to even raise her head, she had no choice but to comply.

After Xu Wan left, Han Xiao stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Abedo in front of the workbench on the other side:

Albedo, you will be free later.

What's wrong?

Come with me to the secret realm.

Hearing that Han Xiao planned to go to the secret realm, Abedo was a little curious as to why Han Xiao suddenly had such an idea.

Why do you want to get up and go to the secret realm?

After studying it for so long, I have to try it out in practice.

Han Xiao pointed to the rock star she placed beside the workbench, and then motioned to Abedo to take a look at the second doll that was about to be completed on the stand.

It was a beautiful doll with dark red hair and dark rose-red eyes, and was wearing a red and white miko costume.

As a master alchemist, Abedo quickly analyzed that the materials used in this new doll were also quite expensive.

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