There will be a chance.

Han Xiao smiled and gave the young master an ambiguous reply.

Then I'll just look forward to it.

Mr. Zhongli, Han Xiao, I'll take my leave today. I'll treat you to dinner when I have time.

After saying that, Dadalia took long strides and disappeared in front of the two people.

Mr. Zhongli, this guy is not a good person.

Looking at the direction in which Dadalia disappeared, Han Xiao said something pointedly.

It doesn't matter, I'm just here for the banquet today.

Zhongli didn't care about Dadalia's plans. Instead, he was more concerned about whether Han Xiao had something to do with him.

Little friend Hanxiao, are you looking for me today?

Oh yes, I almost forgot.

Upon hearing Zhongli's question, Han Xiao quickly reached out and patted her head, then took out a letter of appointment from her arms and handed it to him.

This is?

Looking at the large word appointment letter at the top of the document, Zhongli couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Han Xiao's sudden visit would mean nothing good.


After taking the letter of appointment and looking at it, Zhongli was suddenly stunned, and then he read it carefully under the light of the roadside.

You want me to be the principal?

Yes, I have found all the teachers, and they are all top talents.

I wonder what Mr. Zhongli's intentions are.

Chapter 76: Hu Xiaotao who eats and drinks everywhere

To be honest, Zhongli was extremely resistant when he first heard that Han Xiao wanted to add another job to him.

After all, he already holds multiple jobs now, and he still works for nothing without a salary.

These tasks meant that he even had several hours less time to drink tea and walk than before. If the contract hadn't been signed, he would have given it up.

So when he heard that Han Xiao still wanted him to work, Zhongli's first reaction was to refuse.

But when Zhongli's peripheral vision glanced at the title on the document handed over by Han Xiao, he subconsciously stared at the document.

Han Xiao's documents clearly stated that he wanted to build a public school in the open space next to the residential area in Guili City.

Residents who belong to Licheng can enter school to receive a four-year enlightenment education as long as they have children at home and are six years old.

The tuition fee is very low, almost free.

When the child is ten years old and has basically read and understood a little arithmetic, he or she can pay a certain amount of tuition to enroll in a three-year professional class.

In Teyvat, children as young as thirteen or fourteen can already be considered adults.

Therefore, through learning in professional classes, these children can use the skills they have learned to participate in the work of Guilicheng.

Of course, if your family is rich or you are particularly talented, you can also continue your studies.

Do you want to popularize education in Guili City?

Yes Mr. Zhongli.

Hearing Zhongli ask himself, Han Xiao answered seriously:

I can't interfere in Liyue Port, but Guilicheng will implement universal education.

If we want Liyue to remain prosperous for a long time, we will need talents every year.

You can't expect the Liyue people to grow wildly on their own every time. It's too unstable.

Hanxiao didn't say anything else.

That is because before Liyue had Zhongli, the Rock King, there was no problem even if the talent was lacking. Anyway, he was controlling the general direction of Liyue.

But isn't Zhongli planning to retire now?

And you see, Mr. Zhongli has taught countless talents for Liyue, and they will shine in their positions in the future.

Think about how prosperous Liyue will be by then?

This...based on universal rationality, this is indeed the case.

Zhongli pondered slightly, then agreed with Han Xiao's idea.

Indeed, he has been controlling the general direction of Liyue for these thousands of years, although it has always been very stable.

But he also found that because of himself, the people of Liyue gradually became a little inert.

Therefore, when he wanted to abdicate, it was not only because he had fulfilled his duties, but also because he did not want to waste his people.

So you agree?

Seeing that Zhongli agreed with him, Han Xiao was immediately excited. His school principal was finally returning to his post!


No, I can't agree!

Just when Zhongli was about to nod, a crisp and urgent voice came from behind the two of them.

Then Han Xiao felt his neck being strangled by a pair of slender and smooth hands, and at the same time, a faint scent of plum blossoms entered his nose.

You Hanxiao, you actually want to steal my guest at the Hall of Rebirth!

As he spoke, the weight from behind pulled Han Xiao's body backwards, and the back of his head hit a warm steel plate before stopping.

When he looked up, he saw a pair of plum blossom-shaped pupils staring at him 'viciously'.

It is Hu Tao, the contemporary master of the Purity Hall.

Hu Xiaotao, when did you come?

Seeing that it was Hu Tao who was strangling her neck, Han Xiao stretched out her hands while talking and tried to pull away the arm that was strangling her neck.

Don't change the subject for me, tell me! Were you trying to poach me just now?

Using her arms slightly to prevent Han Xiao from breaking away from her arms, Hu Tao also asked Han Xiao a 'soul question' in her mouth.

Let me go first!

If you don't let me go, I won't let you go.

Hu Xiaotao, let go first. How unbecoming is it to tug and pull in front of Mr. Zhongli!

Ahem, Hall Master, little friend Hanxiao is right. If there is anything, let's sit down and talk about it slowly.

Seeing that Han Xiao had brought the 'fire of war' to him, what else could Zhongli do? He could only bite the bullet and open his mouth to save himself.

no way.

The two unlucky children he was most uncertain about in Liyue now appeared in front of him at the same time, and Zhongli himself was almost numb.


After hearing Zhongli's persuasion, Hu Tao angrily let go of his hands, then folded his hands in front of his chest, and kept tapping his arm with his right index finger.

Plum-shaped pupils looked at Han Xiao angrily, as if waiting for him to explain.

Really, Hu Xiaotao, why do you choke me every time we meet?

As soon as he was free, Han Xiao touched his neck and looked at Hu Tao helplessly.

Ever since he met Hu Tao at Xiang Ling's place many years ago, he and the other person have been like enemies. Every time they meet, Hu Tao will choke him.

Don't get me started, tell me why you want to poach me.

Oh my Hu Xiaotao, who in the whole of Liyue doesn't know how knowledgeable Mr. Zhongli, our guest at the Rebirth Hall, is. I can't help it.

I am in urgent need of a principal as stable and knowledgeable as Mr. Zhongli.

Han Xiao rolled her eyes and trotted to Hu Tao's side, her little mouth was like honey smeared with sweet words.

That sounds true.

Although Han Xiao praised Zhongli, the smile on Hu Tao's face increased significantly, and it was obviously very helpful.

Zhongli was her guest at the Rebirth Hall, so praising Zhongli was indirectly equivalent to praising her for her sharp eyesight and discernment in the Rebirth Hall.

Actually, it's not impossible for Zhongli to become the principal at your place.

Perhaps because he was very happy to be praised, Hu Tao's tone relaxed.

But we still have to discuss the details.

What to discuss?

Han Xiao looked at Hu Tao in confusion.

Of course Maura, you won't be without wages if I work part-time at your place!


Hey, why did you suddenly stop talking?

Seeing Han Xiao's sudden silence, Hu Tao was a little puzzled at first, and then his big shining eyes widened involuntarily.

Wait a minute, you don't want Zhongli to work for you in vain!

As soon as these words came out, Zhongli, who was letting the two unlucky children talk to each other, couldn't hold himself any longer.

Good guy, good guy.

Who did Han Xiao learn this from, and why did she always think about having sex for free?

This is wrong!

I want to correct his bad thinking.


Zhongli pretended to cough, and after attracting their attention, he slowly said:

Little friend Hanxiao, in principle, I agree to go to Guilicheng to serve as the principal.

It's just that after all, I am still the guest of the Hall of Rebirth. Look at the hall master...

Chapter 77 Blackmailed by Hu Tao

Although Zhongli didn't finish what he said, how could Han Xiao not understand the true meaning of his words.

Thinking that even Uncle Zhongli had started asking for wages from him in a roundabout way, Han Xiao, who had originally planned to continue whoring for free, finally took out his small wallet with tears in his eyes.

Mr. Zhongli, Hu Xiaotao, what do you think of this?

As long as Mr. Zhongli serves as the principal of Guilicheng, Guilicheng will be responsible for daily living expenses, housing and other issues.

This is too troublesome. Just send Zhongli's salary directly to the Hall of Purity.

Hu Tao simply shook her head. Now she finally had a good opportunity to restore health to Shengshengtang, and she couldn't miss it.

Even though Hu Tao seemed to be unkind, she actually wanted to cry too.

Why is she trying so hard to attract customers? Isn't it because Zhongli, an old man, just sends the bill directly to the Hall of Purity every time he likes something?

Although Zhongli makes money quickly, he spends money even faster!

Every time he saw the bill, Hutao's little hands trembled when he took out the money to pay.

Now that she finally had the opportunity to have a channel to get Maura every month, she couldn't let it go no matter what.

Today she was going to make a fortune from Zhongli.

Finally, with Zhongli's helpless expression, Han Xiao and Hu Tao signed a contract.

Zhongli will work part-time as the principal of Licheng School, and his monthly salary of five million molas will be sent directly to the Hall of Purity.

Then it's settled, Mr. Zhongli.

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