In his previous life, Han Xiao would not have believed much in metaphysics such as numerology and feng shui. After all, he had never seen the real thing and could not tell whether it was true or false.

However, after he was reincarnated in the continent of Teyvat, he changed his views on the theory of destiny and chose to believe it.

There is no other reason.

Because the fate of the continent of Teyvat is truly destined.

In the previous life in the game, through the interpretation of Mona's voice, it was discovered that the sky on the Teyvat continent was the so-called false sky.

The stars in the sky are everyone's destiny.

For example, the four-leaf clover sign symbolizes luck, so Keli's luck has always been very good.

Another example is that Lisa's birth sign is the hourglass, which symbolizes the other person's constantly passing life.

It can be said that as long as the shape of your destiny seat is, it can reflect your destiny to a certain extent.

This Hanxiao has already been verified.

That's why he frowned when he saw that Shen He's zodiac sign was the Sorrowful Comb.

Humans have seven emotions, including seven very representative emotional activities: joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and surprise.

The word sorrow in Shen He's Ming Zuo corresponds to the emotional activity of sorrow in the seven emotions.

The word comb in the seat of destiny symbolizes the emerald white jade comb that cuts off the mortal fate and steps into the immortal gate, or it is the three-comb ceremony of Taoism.

One comb will remove the clouds of sorrow; two combs will remove the joy and sorrow; three combs will remove the gray hair without regrets; this is called sorrow combing.

“This really feels like it’s destined from beginning to end.”

Looking at the contents of the information left by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, Han Xiao couldn't help but mutter to herself.

Thinking again of Shen He's birth date, Gu Chen, the zodiac character Gu Chen, encountered in the monthly branch and hour branch also encountered the calamity evil.

For a moment he didn't know how to start.

It’s no wonder that immortals such as Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun and Cut Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun couldn’t unravel Shen He’s fate, so they could only use the red rope soul binding method to bind the evil and murderous aura in her body.

It's a pity that the so-called red rope method of binding the soul is only a makeshift method, because the red rope not only bound Shen He's evil spirit and murderous aura, but also imprisoned her seven emotions and six desires.

As time goes by, Shen He's humanity becomes weaker and weaker, and he lives like a beautiful sculpture.

After studying for a while, Han Xiao found that Shen He's problem could not be solved with his existing knowledge base, so he copied the information from beginning to end and uploaded it to the chat group, and then asked for help in the group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: “Everyone, I’m here to ask for help again!”

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, are you here again? By the way, has the previous problem of Chongyun's pure Yang body been solved?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's solved. Not only can Chongyun now eat and drink at will like a normal person, his physique is also constantly improving.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Now that Chongyun's problem is solved, are you now focusing on Shenhe's problem?

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Yes, I have uploaded the immortals' research records on Shen He's destiny to the group. If you are interested, you can take a look.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Fate, I won't get involved. After all, I have never talked about fate here.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: +1, I don’t have a theory of destiny here. The so-called destiny here is not as real as the bronze dragons wandering on the timeline. Those guys are the real meaning. The master of fate above is so disgusting!

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Although there are rumors about destiny here, but you also know that I am a low-level martial artist here, and the metaphysics such as destiny are more like fake.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Didn't we just have a newcomer in our group who is very knowledgeable in ancient metaphysics? Just ask him!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: I just looked at the information, and to be honest, I am also very worried about Shen He's fate, because he is a typical fate-bearing Gu Chen.

Immediately, everyone in the group explained in detail the meaning of Gu Chen.

In the terminology of ancient diviners, the heavenly stem is the sun and the earthly branches are the chen. The branches in Liujia that do not match the heavenly stems are called Guchen.

Shen He was born in March, which is Chen Yue. When combined with his birth date, it completely complies with Gu Chen's destiny.

In addition, ancient numerologists pointed out that Guchen was an evil spirit, which was unlucky.

It can be said that if Shen He's fate is placed in classical mythological novels, it is probably the legendary evil star, showing a great evil aspect.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Good guy, after all, Shen He's fate is too miserable, isn't it?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: You can say that.

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Is there any way to eliminate the evil?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Yes, there is, but the solution is a bit difficult.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: No matter if it's difficult or not, let's say it first and show it to everyone.

Seeing that Yixiao seemed to have a way to eliminate Guchen's evil spirit, Hanxiao quickly urged him to tell the solution for everyone to refer to.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Okay, there is a saying in Yi Zhuan·Xici Zhuan: If the evil you encounter is very fierce, you can solve it by finding three miracles, and you can also solve it when you encounter Tiangang.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: If the three strange things are in the ground together with the evil spirits, and the evil spirits stay far away, there should be no disaster. Just like the three strange things in the sky suddenly appear, and the evil spirits rise and retreat.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Ah...although it's not difficult to understand, what the hell is Sanqi?

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Three Wonders, one of the Four Pillars of Gods, is also the general name for the Three Wonders of 'Heaven, Earth and People', and is the blessed treasure of the heaven and earth.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: How come another three wonders of heaven, earth, people, and humans appear? What are these differences?

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: I just found an ancient book, jo Xiao, I can answer your question. The three wonders of heaven, earth and man refer to the three wonders of heaven, Jia, Wugeng; the three wonders of earth, Gui, Ren, Xin; and the three wonders of man, Yi. Bingding.”

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: The correct answer is that the Three Strange Nobles are actually based on the three unique and extraordinary movements of [Jia escapes into Wu], [Taiyi carries the position] and [Renshui empty]. There is a relationship between images and numbers, so those who receive the three extraordinary fortunes are different from ordinary people and are extraordinary people in the world.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: So Yuanxiao, if you want to resolve Shen He's Guchen calamity, you must find someone with the fate of three extraordinary nobles to resolve the evil.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Well, it seems I have to learn some numerology knowledge.

Looking at the string of words related to numerology that Yixiao said in the group, Hanxiao also had a headache for a while.

Although he can roughly understand the general meaning like everyone else in the group, it is a bit difficult to actually operate it.

Especially for the so-called three noble people, if you don't understand numerology, you can't find someone who matches your destiny.

Chapter 825 Possible Three Wonderful Nobles

The next day, in the afternoon.

Sanqi nobleman, this statement is quite interesting.

When Han Xiao informed Yixiao about the method of resolving Gu Chen's fate and told Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun over the phone, the person on the other end of the phone said something unexpected.

First of all, what was surprising was that Han Xiao could find a way to resolve Gu Chen's fate in such a short period of time.

Secondly, they are curious about the three noble people who are necessary to resolve the evil fate of Guchen.

This was the first time she heard this statement.

Hanxiao, can you give us a detailed introduction to the fate of the so-called Three Strange Nobles?

Master Liuyun, have you never heard of the fate of the noble Sanqi?

Although I don't know whether the noble Sanqi you mentioned can resolve the evil spirit in Shen He's life, but if I knew, how could I not give her a try?

Hearing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's explanation, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Liyue is very similar to its previous life in ancient China, and even the immortals know a lot about fate.

Obviously, the fate of the three noble people is relatively basic knowledge in numerology. Why does he feel that his cheap master does not seem to have this knowledge at all?

Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:

Master Liuyun, can you tell me in detail the numerology knowledge that you and the other two True Lords have?

Of course it's possible.

Although he didn't quite understand why Han Xiao suddenly asked about his knowledge about numerology, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun still explained to him in considerable detail the numerology knowledge that the immortals had summarized over the years.

To put it simply, the original numerology foundation of these immortals came from Zhongli.

As the immortals have been innovating on this basis for so many years, a logical and self-consistent system has now been formed.

Even though Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's own numerology attainments were not as good as those of Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun and others, she was sure that she had never heard of the so-called Three Strange Nobles.

Is that so...

After listening to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's understanding of numerology, Han Xiao roughly understood why Liyue's numerology was not very different in thinking from the numerology handed down from his previous life in China, but it still appeared after the system matured. Distinctive differences.

In the final analysis, it is the [false sky] that is unique to the Teyvat continent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking up and looking out the window.

The [false sky] covers the real starry sky. Both Liyue's numerology and Mona's divination are deduced based on the stars displayed in the [false sky].

So they all fall into extremes.

That is, the accuracy of both is frighteningly accurate, just like Mona herself said, Destiny is destined.

However, Han Xiao's previous life in ancient China had been observing the real starry sky. Due to the variability of fate, the accuracy of the latter was much worse than the former.

But when it comes to system development, the Liyue system that has been observing the false sky is naturally not as complete as the development of ancient China where he lived in his previous life.

It is not unusual for Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng not to know the concept of Sanqi nobles.

It's not that the abilities of the immortals are insufficient, it's actually the [false sky] that restricts Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun and the others from promoting numerology.

In this regard, Han Xiao said that his cheap master can really complain this time, It's all the world's fault!

After thinking about this, he just said to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng on the other side of the microphone:

I probably understand the reason. Please give me some time and let me look for anyone on the Teyvat continent who has the fate of the Three Strange Nobles.

After saying that, Han Xiao hung up the phone without waiting for Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun to react, and then he called people he knew well one by one and asked them about their birth date.

As the phones rang one after another, Han Xiao recorded more and more birthdays.

Not to mention Liyue, even Mondstadt has to meet the birth date of most of the Knights.

After the data collection was almost complete, Han Xiao started to deduce the birth date of each worker based on his latest knowledge of numerology.

One, two...

As time went by, the information in front of him recording everyone's birth dates and horoscopes gradually decreased.

Finally, when Keli's name appeared in front of Han Xiao, he couldn't help but sigh that this was really expected.

It should be said that Keli is worthy of having the lucky four-leaf clover in the zodiac sign. Not only does it have a lucky meaning in Western astrology, but even Eastern numerology first indicates that the opponent's destiny is extremely precious.

What kind of chosen son is this?

In order to prevent herself from miscalculating due to poor academic skills, Han Xiao also specially sent Keli’s birthday and horoscope to Yixiao in the group and asked the other person to check it again.

Not long after, Aite picked him up in the group overnight as if he had seen a ghost.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Luanxiao, Yuanxiao, come out quickly!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Come on, come on, what's wrong with you? Why are you so uncalm?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]:'s really crazy if I can calm down when I see the birth date you gave me. Are you sure you remember the birth date you gave me correctly?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: That must be it. I checked it several times before sending it to you.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Oh, it seems that Yixiao can't believe the results he deduced?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Actually, when Keli was the only one on the list given by Yuanxiao, I had a vague premonition, but now it seems that things are weirder than I expected?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Yes, to be honest, when I deduced the result based on Keli's birth date, I was completely confused!

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Keli was born in the zodiac of the Rabbit in July, and those born in the Shenzi Chen month see Gui, and Rengui rabbits hide snakes. Do you know what this means!

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I don't know, I just calmly watched the newcomer go crazy overnight.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Don't interrupt, I'm really enjoying it!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Ignore them for a night. Just continue to express your conclusion. We don't understand much else.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: ...Then let me conclude. If the birth date and horoscopes Yuan Xiao provided me are correct, then Keli's destiny is one of those that is so good that it will explode!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Although I know that Xiao Keli is very lucky and smart, but is her destiny really as good as you say?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Believe me, I'm right. Keli's destiny is definitely beyond your imagination.

Chapter 826: Xiao Keli, who has an extremely precious destiny

Keli's fate is beyond my imagination?

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