After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Han Xiao decisively activated her brain to make a patch:

Let's just say that the reason why I can heal the pure Yang body is because as a disciple of the Immortal family, I have some techniques that I obtained from the immortals to calm the mind. It is because of this technique that I can reconcile There is too much yang energy in Chongyun’s body.”

This should be able to reduce the number of patients from all over the world flocking to Guili City, right?

It should be possible, but...

Regarding Han Xiao's plan, Xingqiu affirmed it at first, but soon he changed the subject and asked worriedly:

Although if you do this, you can reduce the number of patients with difficult and complicated diseases from all over the world coming back and leaving the city, but you are not afraid that someone will focus on the 'non-existent' technique in your hand?


Hearing Xingqiu's worried inquiry, Han Xiao suddenly chuckled, with a playful look in his eyes.

To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to someone trying to figure out my skills!

When he thought that among the people who heard the rumors, there might be a few bold people who were eyeing the technique in his hand, he couldn't help but feel itchy.

There was no way, God knew how much Han Xiao wanted to fight with others.

It's a pity that since he chose to step onto the big stage in Liyue, he has only had fights with others a handful of times.

After becoming a demon god, he didn't even fight a decent battle.


Some people may ask, didn't Han Xiao fight against Dadalia and Ruoduo Dragon King after becoming a demon?

In response, Han Xiao said that these two so-called ‘battles’ were not satisfying at all.

Beating Dardalia was purely an adult beating a child, and the other party didn't even have a chance to resist.

As for Ruotuo Dragon King, the opponent's strength is sufficient.

However, when Han Xiao and Ruotuo Dragon King met under the Fulong Tree, the other party was still in a state of unconsciousness, and the fight was as good as no fight.

So it would be great if someone could come to his door and help him ‘let out his anger’!

Okay, as long as you know what's going on.

Since Han Xiao planned to throw out bait to trick people into taking the bait, Xing Qiu didn't bother to take care of it.

So after simply saying a word, he hung up the phone and went to contact Zhiyi to discuss how to block the time when the news could be spread as much as possible.


Xingqiu's actions were still very fast.

Within a few days, there was a rumor among the people in Liyue that Chongyun's pure Yang body was cured by Han Xiao using the techniques passed down from immortals.

And the people who spread this rumor also believed the content in the rumor.

There are two reasons for this.

First of all, everyone in Liyue knew that Han Xiao was a disciple of Immortal Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, so it was very possible that he had a technique passed down by the Immortal.

Secondly, Chongyun himself also expressed his approval of this rumor and admitted that the fundamental reason why his pure yang body restored the harmony of yin and yang was due to a single skill.

At the same time, Chongyun did not forget to take the initiative to conceal the name and origin of the technique according to Xingqiu's instructions. At most, he would only reveal that the technique was obtained from Han Xiao.

As for where Tianshu Xing got his technique from, he had no idea.

As the rumors spread, Han Xiao was also looking forward to whether there would be one or two caring people in her family who were not very bright.

It was a pity that even though he had been waiting for several days, no one came to his door secretly.

this day.

Just as Han Xiao was looking forward to someone sneaking in so that he could have some fun, as usual, he heard a call coming from the wind.


Along with the sound of flapping wings, Han Xiao welcomed an uninvited guest.

Uh... I can't say that. It should be said that the other party rarely comes out except for major events.

Yes, the person who came was none other than Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who had been staying in Mingyun Town.

Master Liuyun, why are you here?

Seeing the crane landing from the sky in the courtyard, Han Xiao stood up in surprise and went to greet it, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

I have something important to ask you this time.

If you have anything to do, just call me directly. Why bother to come to my door in person?


Hearing Han Xiao's words, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun shook his head and said solemnly:

This matter is of great importance. I won't worry if the half-immortal doesn't come here in person.

Then Master Liuyun, what do you want from me?

Seeing the serious look on Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's face, Han Xiao couldn't help but become interested.

I recently heard rumors that Chongyun from a family of exorcists had a problem with excessive yang energy due to his innate pure yang body, and you solved it?

Is this true?

Yeah, it's true.

Han Xiao nodded in front of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, admitting that things were indeed as rumored, and that she had solved the problem of excessive yang energy caused by a pure yang body.

Then I came to the right place this time.

Knowing that the rumors he heard before were true, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun seemed very happy.

Hanxiao, I wonder if you have done any research on fate?

Ah...Why are you here specifically for Senior Sister Shen He?

When Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun brought up the issue of destiny, Han Xiao immediately thought of his second senior sister Shen He, who was destined to commit Gu Sha.

Yes, I am here just for your miserable Second Senior Sister.

Chapter 823 Fate Research

Speaking of Shen He, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng, who had always been serious in the past, also showed a rare kindness among immortals.

Senior sister Han Xiao was originally the son of a branch of the exorcism family, but by various chances and coincidences, she accidentally became a disciple of the Xian family.

It is not easy to live with the immortal family as a human being, but Shen He has a special physique, extraordinary will, and great talent for immortal arts. He quickly won the love of several other immortals.

So when she learned that her little apprentice had cured Chongyun of the excessive yang caused by his innate pure yang body, she had the idea of ​​contacting Han Xiao.

It's just that although Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was moved, he never took action.

The main reason is that she doesn't know whether her little apprentice was cured by luck this time, or whether he is really capable.

So Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun rarely used her brain. Instead of asking Han Xiao directly, she found Xingqiu by phone.

After some indirect inquiries, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun not only learned from Xingqiu that his young apprentice had a clear plan for treating excessive yang energy. He was not just trying his luck randomly, but was well-targeted.

She even learned another even more exciting news from the other party. Han Xiao had once cured a disease known as magic scale disease!

Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun's own research on the demon scale disease, and she knew very well that it was not a disease at all but a lingering curse attached to the soul.

With two consecutive cases in hand, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng finally made up his mind to ask Han Xiao about Shen He's fate.

Master Liuyun, you and Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan should be able to cure the excessive Yang Qi problem caused by Chongyun's pure Yang body, right?

Well, we immortals do have ways to solve the problem of excessive yang energy caused by pure yang bodies, but most of them use immortal magic to reconcile yin and yang. But like your method of 'turning waste into treasure' I don’t have it.”

Although he didn't know the meaning of Han Xiao's sudden question, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun still nodded quite simply.

They could indeed use immortal magic to reconcile the imbalance of yin and yang in Chongyun's body to the level of a normal person, but at most they would just use exercises to remove the excessive yang energy.

It's just that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought that the immortals like Han Xiao and the other immortals couldn't do this, which was to continuously turn the excess yang energy into feeding the internal organs.

You see, you and the other True Lords can both solve the problem of pure yang body. The only difference is the treatment effect.

Saying that, Han Xiao immediately spread her hands towards Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun Xiaoxiong, with a look of helplessness on her face:

But Senior Sister Shen He's problem is much more complicated than that of a pure Yang body. Master Liuyun, you and several True Lords are helpless and can only choose to suppress it. Where can I find a treatment for you in this moment?

I know that the idea of ​​asking you to come up with treatment methods in a short period of time is unrealistic.

Hearing that Han Xiao was trying to evade, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was not upset and directly expressed her thoughts.

But I know from the emperor that your boy's abilities are beyond ordinary people. He can even cure the demon scale disease that the emperor cannot cure.

That's why I ask you if you want to study destiny, just to help your second senior sister who is suffering from fate?

Although Xingqiu had warned him before that once the news was leaked, someone would come to his door with difficult and complicated diseases, Han Xiao never expected that the first one to come would be Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, his cheap master.

Fortunately, Han Xiao had also planned to study Shen He's fate before.

In addition, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng has been staying in Mingyun Town for almost two years to help him, and he does so for free.

So when faced with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's 'request', he agreed very simply.

Don't worry, I will try to solve the fate problem of Senior Sister Shen He.

Before he finished speaking, Han Xiao immediately changed his tone and vaccinated his cheap master in advance:

However, this is also the first time that I have started to study destiny. I can't guarantee the progress.

Seeing that Han Xiao agreed to his request quite simply, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng looked very happy, and at the same time, the look he looked at him became extremely satisfied.

Good boy, really good boy!

The emperor indeed saw the right person!

While Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was thinking about what kind of gift he should prepare for Han Xiao, he also did not forget to reply to him:

It doesn't matter, I have already prepared for this.

While speaking, she raised her right wing and waved, and a thick stack of information appeared from the void and landed on the stone table in front of Han Xiao.

These are the research materials on Gusha's destiny that I, Lishui, and Xieyue have studied for more than ten years. You can take them.

In addition, I will confirm the truth to the outside world. I will say that the technique you used to treat the pure Yang body was passed down to you by me. You don't need to worry about others coming.

It's really a big help, thank you Master Liuyun!

Hearing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng was about to take the source of the technique for treating the pure Yang body on his head, Han Xiao immediately beamed with joy and couldn't help but say thank you.

The matter of Demon Scale Disease was blocked early due to Xingqiu news, and there are currently no Demon Scale Disease patients on the Teyvat Continent, so very few people know about it.

The issue of the pure yang body is the main issue that will attract the attention of interested people.

Liu Yun took over the matter with Feng Zhenjun, making it clear that he was going to turn the public's attention to her and ignore him.

Han Xiao was naturally very grateful for this.

After all, the other party's actions helped him block the sight of many people.

Then I'll leave Shen He's affairs to you. I'll go back first!

After saying that, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun flapped his wings and flew into the air, then disappeared from Han Xiao's sight.

However, she did not fly directly towards Mingyun Town, but turned in the air towards the school.

Han Xiao was willing to take over Shen He's problem, and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun naturally wouldn't let her work in vain, so she planned to ask the emperor to see what 'gift' she could prepare for her young apprentice.


On the other side, Han Xiao just walked back to the study with the treatment after witnessing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's figure disappearing from sight.

Spreading the information on the desk, he pulled up a chair and sat down to carefully read through the research records of Gusha's destiny jointly by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun.

It would be better not to study this.

After studying it, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Shen He's destiny seat is the Sadness Seat, which does not have a good meaning.

Although he doesn't really believe in metaphysical theories such as numerology and destiny, the problem is that he has to believe it in Teyvat today.

Han Xiao raised her head and looked at the clear sky outside the window, with a strange look in her eyes.

Chapter 824: Transforming the Evil Three Miracles

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