Seeing the newlywed's modified nickname, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

This time he guessed it right!

In the group, after the newcomer broke the silence in the group, someone soon appeared.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]:'s boring. It's hard to fool any of the newbies nowadays.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Indeed, it wouldn't be fun if everyone is so good!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: ...Is there a possibility that your rows of similar nicknames have betrayed you?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It seems that the more members there are in the group, the less likely it is that new members will be deceived.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I'm a little disappointed, I suddenly lost a lot of fun.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Brothers, let's get down to business. Speaking of newcomers coming from one person, there's really no problem with this label.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Qi, it is really a concept that has been circulating for a long time. I remember that there is a record of this thing in the Huangdi Neijing·Suwen.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: What is the situation like for a newcomer in a one-person world?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Me? The contemporary descendant of the Wenshi sect of Taoism is the kind with a big background but not a large population.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Wenshi Sect? Good guy, is it the Yinxian Sect of the legendary Wenshi real person Guan Yinzi?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Well, that's it.

Chapter 819 Wenshi School Kung Fu

Wenshi Zhenren Guan Yinzi, a native of the Zhou Dynasty, was the founder of the Louguan sect and the Wenshi sect (Yinxian sect) of hundreds of pre-Qin sects.

He was also one of the top ten tycoons in the pre-Qin world.

That's right, the concept of ten people under one person most likely comes from this.

But the real members of the top ten tycoons in the world are much better than the ten guys.

Except for Wang Liao, Erliang and Chen Pian, who are slightly less well-known, the remaining few are really famous.

The leader is Lao Dan, the Taoist ancestor Li Er.

In addition, Confucius, Mozi, Liezi, Yang Zhu and Sun Bin were all members.

Looking at the above-mentioned group of big guys, one can imagine the gold content of the top ten tycoons in the pre-Qin world.

That Guan Yinzi can be ranked among the top ten tycoons is enough to illustrate his importance in history.

Of course, the most famous deed of Guan Yinzi is that when Laozi left Hangu Pass in the west, he asked for the allusion of the five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching written by Laojun.

Everyone in the chat group became interested when they learned that the newcomer was from the Yinxian Sect, which has a very high status within Taoism.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: If I remember correctly, there are no people from the Wenshi sect or the Yinxian sect in the one-person plot. The only one who seems to be somewhat similar is Xu Xia, one of the thirty-six thieves. ?”

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: Well, Yixianliu is a branch of Wenshi sect.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: You can barely get involved with the Jiashen Rebellion!

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Pull him down. All the disciples of my sect add up to two or three big cats and kittens. It's too late to put aside the relationship.

With that said, Han Xiao, who was under one person, elaborated on his experiences over the years.

Like most Hanxiaos, Yixiao was reincarnated, but he was abandoned on the roadside right after he was born.

Just when he was about to hit GG in one night, he happened to be picked up by the contemporary head of the Wenshi sect and raised in a Taoist temple, and he became the next generation successor of the Wenshi sect.

Since the most famous deed of Guan Yinzi, the real person of Wenshi, was to observe the sky at night and know that the sage left Hangu in the west, the exercises of Wenshi sect are mainly observation and magic.

Lou Guan Tao, another sect passed down by Wenshi Zhenren, is mainly about observing Dharma, while the Wenshi Sect where Yixiao belongs is mainly about magic, supplemented by Dharma observation.

Therefore, he has been cultivating in the mountains for more than ten years, adhering to the principle of not caring about worldly affairs.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: “I didn’t expect that among us, there would be some who were born as Taoist priests, and they were directly trained by the next generation of successors!”

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Ah... There are less than ten people in my sect in total, of which there are only two in my generation, including me, and my junior brother is still practicing at home. If you are a Taoist priest who cultivates the fire, am I the heir?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: But then again, you must be a stranger too, right?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Well, my master said that he originally planned to send me to an orphanage after picking me up, but it turned out that I might be a congenital stranger. He thought it was God's will to send me to the orphanage. He stayed in the Taoist temple and became a member of the Wenshi sect.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Yixiao, has the plot started at your end?

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Not yet, I'm two years older than Don Bilian, and the one who counts the time is still in high school.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: That's good. The alien world hasn't started to be chaotic yet. You still have time to grow. When Zhang Chulan enters the alien world, the insecurity crisis will affect you.

[Ingenious World·Han Xiao]: That's not the case, right? The Wenshi sect where Yixiao belongs is now just a small family, can this be affected?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Why not? Don't forget that Yixianliu is a branch of Wenshi Sect, and Xu Xia, one of the thirty-six thieves, came out of Yixianliu.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Yes, it is precisely for this reason that I have never dared to delay my cultivation in all these years.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Don't worry, Yixiao, you can take off after joining the group.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: That's true. I have received the Flower of Heart from Mr. Xixiao. This thing is very interesting. I am sure to combine it with the skills of our Wenshi Sect to transform it into A top-level viewing method that surpasses Daluo Cave Viewing.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: That's incredible. Your starting goal is to catch up with the Eight Wonders?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: This also shows that our newcomer Taoist knowledge is solid. There should be a way to solve the problem of Lantern Festival.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It looks like it should be.

[Under One Person·Hanxiao]: What problem does Mr. Yuanxiao have? If I can solve it, I will definitely help.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Thank you very much!

After Han Xiao first thanked Han Xiao, a newcomer from the world under one person, in the group, he then described Chongyun's problem in detail.

[Original God Han Xiao]: So my current goal is to solve the problem of Chongyun's pure Yang body first.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Pure Yang Body, this is really a professional counterpart. Let me give you some time to study it first, and I will give you an answer in a few days.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: “Then I’ll leave it to you!”


With the help of new people from the world under one person, the research progress of Han Xiao and others has improved rapidly.

They take the Wen Shi Zhen Jing as the main body of Guiqing's thoughts of valuing the essence and attaching importance to the spirit, being indifferent, quiet and self-sufficient, being alone in nothingness, and responding to things, as well as the Tai Shang Laojun's Sutra of Chang Qing Jing.

Then, supplemented by the meditation method provided by Xixiao and the martial arts concepts of Yexiao and others, he created a mental method that is as moving as water, as quiet as a hanging mirror, pure and inactive, and harmonizes yin and yang.

After hurriedly thanking everyone in the group, Han Xiao hurriedly called Chongyun.

Hanxiao, why did you call me here?

Chongyun was the only one who came to the door this time. As soon as he opened the door, he asked with some doubts.

How was the effect of the previous sun meditation method after you practiced it?

Han Xiao did not directly hand over the mental method to the other party, but took the lead in asking Chongyun how useful the sun meditation method he had practiced before was.

not bad.

Hearing Han Xiao ask him about his feelings about practicing sun meditation, Chongyun immediately broke out into a smile.

Since he learned the sun meditation method, this period of time when he was able to talk was the most comfortable period he had experienced in so many years.

Although the sun meditation method cannot completely solve the troubles caused by the pure Yang body, it is already an unexpected surprise for Chongyun.

That's it, then take a look at this again.

Knowing that the effect of the meditation method was still continuing, Han Xiao nodded first, then took out a manuscript from his arms and handed it to Chongyun.

Chapter 820 Complete solution to the pure Yang body

Wen Shi Qing Xin Mantra?

After receiving the manuscript handed over by Han Xiao, Chongyun looked at the large characters on the cover and fell into deep thought.

Obviously I can understand every word, but why can't I figure out the meaning when they are connected together?

The Pure Heart Curse is easy to understand, but who is this Wen Shi?

I’ve never seen anyone like this in Liyue!

Don't worry about those details, just give it a try and see if it works!

Han Xiao did not explain Chongyun's doubts, but kept urging him to try the effect of the technique first.

The main reason why he didn't explain was that he didn't know how to explain to Chongyun the deeds of Guan Yinzi, the real person of Wenshi.

You can't tell the other party that this Guan Yinzi is a Taoist true person who can rank beside a saint.

In this case, Han Xiao would have to continue to explain to Chongyun the meanings of a series of terms such as saint and Taoism, which would be extremely troublesome.

That's why he chose to be vague and only let the other party focus on the technique itself.

Okay...let me take a look at the contents first.

Seeing Han Xiao's urging, Chongyun had no choice but to put aside his doubts and devote himself to reading.

Such difficult wording!

After a cursory reading, Chongyun found that the wording of Wen Shi Qing Xin Mantra was so clumsy that it would be difficult for others to read it through.

In particular, some of the pronouns in it are even more obscure and difficult to understand.

If he hadn't come from a family of exorcists, most of the alchemy he'd learned in elementary school would have been this kind of jarring vocabulary.

It is estimated that even he will not be able to understand this Wen Shi Qing Heart Mantra.

Once, twice...

It wasn't until he finished reading the entire book for the third time that Chongyun put down the Wen Shi Qing Xin Mantra in his hand and said to Han Xiao:

I have read all the contents of the book!

How about it, do you think this set of exercises can solve the problem of a pure Yang body?

Regarding Han Xiao's question, Chongyun recalled the contents of the book and hesitated a little.

If you follow what the book says, you only need to run it for a week to purify your body, mouth and heart.

If you practice for a long time, you will be able to spit out filth and purify it, and you will be able to nourish your mind and become spiritual. I think it should be possible.

Hearing what Chongyun said, Han Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up and he urged:

“You’ll know if it works or not!”


Chongyun nodded curtly, and then he was led by Han Xiao to the guest room where the windows were closed. He took out the cushion and placed it on the ground. He sat cross-legged directly.

After sitting down, Chongyun straightened his waist, straightened his head and neck, slightly retracted his lower jaw, and put his tongue against the roof of his mouth to calm himself.

After he calmed down and his breathing became even, he slowly closed his eyes and recited the Wen Shi Qing Xin Mantra silently.

Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes...wisdom is clear and peaceful, and the mind is peaceful...the elixir of the mouth is clear, the odor is expelled, the tongue is upright, the life is nourished and the spirit is nourished...the power of the eight directions makes me natural.

Along with Zhongyun's rhythmic and mysterious chanting, traces of foul smell slowly seeped out from his body, and then quickly disappeared into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiao saw the red yang energy appearing on the opponent's body, and transformed into the green dragon, white tiger, and Suzaku Xuanwu outside the body, which are the so-called four righteous gods.

Of course, these are just the four gods in Chongyun's body that transformed Yang Qi into his body under the guidance of Wen Shi Qing Xin Mantra.

The body of pure yang is really powerful!

Seeing that Chongyun transformed the yang energy in his body into the four righteous divine beasts just after he entered cultivation, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with a hint of wonder.

Although the four righteous beasts transformed by Yang Qi are not the real four righteous beasts, the fact that the other party can achieve this step in the first practice is obviously beyond his expectations.

It should be said that the innate pure Yang body is indeed the physique that Taoist cultivators dream of. With Chongyun's speed of entering samadhi, he is definitely the disciple that every major sect wants in the world of immortality.


Now that Chongyun's cultivation was on the right track, Han Xiao did not stay where he was. Instead, he quietly closed the door of the guest room, then came to the living room and sat on the sofa, waiting for him to wake up from his trance.

Tick ​​tock—tick tock—

The clock hung on the wall in the living room, specially made by Han Xiao, moved forward in an orderly manner, and two hours passed quickly.


Just when Han Xiao was engrossed in reading the light novel, the door of the guest room was suddenly pushed open, and then Chongyun's figure rushed out of the room, shouting his name non-stop:

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