Hanxiao, does your sun meditation method work?

As soon as he sat down, Xingqiu asked impatiently.

Chapter 817 Chongyun: It has some effect, but not much

I don't know if it will work or not.

As soon as she sat down, she heard Xingqiu's inquiry. Han Xiao looked at Chongyun who was sitting on the ground in the center of the courtyard and reading the meditation method, and she was not very sure.

Although he made some changes to the meditation method sent by Xixiao to adapt to the local environment of Teyvat, the overall effect is not particularly different from the original version.

If the theory they discuss is valid, it should have some effect.

As for how effective it will be... Han Xiao himself doesn't know.

Brothers Xingqiu and Hanxiao, look, the heavy clouds are about to begin!

Before Xingqiu could respond, Xiangling suddenly reminded the two of them in a low voice.

So Han Xiao and the two of them stopped talking and followed Xiang Ling's reminder to look in the direction of Chong Yun.

Chongyun, who was sitting on the ground in the center of the courtyard, put down the meditation method in his hand, then closed his eyes tightly, mobilized his mental power, and began to practice the sun meditation method.

The next moment, as Chongyun's mental power gathered, Han Xiao and others discovered that there were many white light spots in the air in the entire courtyard.

The shadow of a sun also appeared behind Chongyun's head.

This is the sun meditation method. It looks quite scary!

Seeing the vision in front of him, Xingqiu couldn't help but whisper to Han Xiao.

He didn't expect that this so-called meditation method could trigger such novel special effects.

It should be that the meditation method absorbed the yang energy in Chongyun's body, causing the light spots.

After staring closely at the light that appeared in the courtyard for a while, Han Xiao gave her own explanation.

So the meditation method works?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's judgment, Xingqiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

It should have some effect.

Han Xiao did not dare to guarantee this, so she could only reply in a vague tone.

While Xingqiu and his group were talking quietly, the light spots in the courtyard disappeared little by little, and Chongyun slowly opened his eyes and came back from his meditation.

Let's go and ask Chongyun how he feels!

Seeing Chongyun wake up, Han Xiao ran to the other party without saying a word, and asked with concern on his face:

How do you feel now, Chongyun?

Hmm...not bad.

Does this mean that meditation is effective for pure Yang bodies?

A little bit, but the effect is not particularly obvious and the effect is not very big.

Hearing Han Xiao's concerned inquiry in his ear, Chongyun concentrated on feeling the situation in his body before giving his evaluation.

The meditation method is easy to understand after Han Xiao's changes. In addition, as a member of an exorcism family, he often practices this kind of skill that requires calming down.

But before Han Xiao could be happy, Chongyun immediately changed the topic and talked about the unsatisfactory aspects of the sun meditation method.

As soon as he started practicing the sun meditation method, he could feel that the yang energy generated by the pure yang body in his body transformed into a special power symbolizing the form of the sun under the guidance of spiritual power.

Not to mention how excited Chongyun was after discovering this, because it proved that there might really be a way to solve the troubles caused by the pure Yang body.

After being excited, he began to construct a mental model in his mind more carefully according to the records of the meditation method.

Unfortunately, Chongyun found that although the sun meditation method could consume a small part of the yang energy in his body, the consumption rate could not keep up with the rate of birth.

That's why he said that meditation is somewhat useful, but not very effective.

That's it.

After hearing Chongyun's thoughts on practicing sun meditation, Han Xiao was slightly disappointed.

Originally, he was looking forward to how great it would be if the sun meditation method could solve the problems caused by the pure Yang body.

Now it seems that the effect is there, but unfortunately the effect is not enough to solve the problem of excessive yang energy in a pure yang body.

Don't be disappointed, Hanxiao!

Seeing a look of disappointment flashing through Han Xiao's eyes, Chongyun quickly thanked him:

I'm satisfied that the sun meditation method can help a little bit.

It wasn't that Chongyun was comforting Han Xiao, but that was what he really thought in his heart.

Although the sun meditation method is not very effective, it is still somewhat effective and can consume some excess yang energy.

If combined with the use of the ice bracelet, Chongyun dare not say that the two can restore him to normal levels, but he can still guarantee that the yang energy in the body will be maintained at a stable level.

You must know that except for the immortal being unable to find him due to his whereabouts, Chongyun's family has found countless ways for him, but they are all helpless against the pure Yang body.

Han Xiao was able to create a sun meditation method and an ice bracelet within a few days of getting started, which somewhat curbed the internal dryness problem caused by the pure Yang body.

In this regard, Chongyun felt that the opponent was already powerful enough, at least now he could get rid of the state of never leaving his hand with popsicles.

Although eating popsicles will not cause physical harm to Chongyun, the popsicles contain extremely high water content and frequent trips to the toilet are tiring.

Chongyun is right, Hanxiao.

At this time, Xingqiu also walked up to the two of them and echoed.

It is already very powerful to be able to contain the trouble caused by Chongyun's pure Yang body in a short period of time.


Han Xiao didn't say anything. He knew that Chongyun and Xingqiu were right, but the lack of treatment effect made him feel a little depressed.

It seems that we have to continue to think of a solution.

Chongyun, since the sun meditation method is useful, then there is no need to practice the moon meditation method. After all, the moon meditation method focuses more on suppression rather than elimination.

As for the next step, I will try to continue to improve and see if I can achieve a balance between the meditation method and the speed at which Yang Qi is produced in your body.


Chongyun nodded solemnly at first, and then he did not forget to say comforting words:

Han Xiao, I now have the double suppression of the sun meditation method and the ice bracelet. I am basically almost like a normal person. Let's just take it slowly. There is no need to be so anxious.

Don't worry, I know what's going on.

After sending Chongyun and others away, Han Xiao continued to lock herself in the study. At the same time, she did not forget to open the chat group to report on the role of the sun meditation method.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Xixiao, the sun meditation method has played a little role, but it may be a little less effective. Do you have any higher-level meditation methods over there?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: ...This thing is not a big deal. The sun meditation method is already a high-level meditation method among the astral meditation methods. Only a few top-level meditation methods such as the Flower of Heart are more powerful than it.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: The problem is that the top meditation methods are not as targeted as the sun meditation method, and the top meditation methods require various qualifications. Chongyun... I don't think I can hope to learn it.

[Failed Knight·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, why don't you try what I and Yexiao made?

[Original God·Hanxiao]; Oh? Tell me what happened to you!

Chapter 818: Newcomer to Taoism

[Locus·Hanxiao]: To put it simply, we combined the relatively similar martial arts from the three worlds to create a semi-finished technique based on consuming one's own yang energy.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, a technique that consumes one's own yang energy?

[World of Jiji·Hanxiao]: I have to take a breath of cold air. Together with you, we came up with a self-mutilation technique?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Well... although this technique is definitely self-inflicted by ordinary people, we all agree that this technique is probably the most suitable for Chongyun's physique.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: If you think about it, it is indeed true. The pure Yang body itself produces too much Yang Qi, so it is indeed not afraid of being consumed.

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: It is because we considered the characteristics of the pure Yang body that we figured out this technique. Unfortunately, our theoretical knowledge is not enough, and our knowledge is still half-finished at the moment.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: No, the three of you are mostly standing at the top of your respective worlds. You should know all kinds of martial arts techniques, right? Does this still mean you don't have enough theoretical knowledge?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Don't look at me, there are very few exercises with Eastern Yin-Yang philosophical thinking on the continent of Samlia.

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: I have two major Buddhist and Taoist sects here, such as the Wudang Yinmen and the Buddhist Dragon God Temple. The key is that I can't get them. If you have no grudges or grudges, I will come and ask for some. Unreasonable.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Due to the war, I did collect a lot of Buddhist and Taoist classics. It's just that my side is low-level martial arts, and secondly, we don't have deep research on this knowledge, so we did it. It only takes a few days to produce a semi-finished product.”

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Let me interrupt first. Have you noticed that through the things Yuanxiao raised this time, our group seems to lack experts in certain fields.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I can see that there is a lack of experts in the oriental system or in martial arts and immortal arts.

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Indeed, there is Aoxiao in the science and technology department, and there is Xixiao in the Western fantasy system. On the other hand, in the Eastern department, we have lost a person who can carry the cauldron!

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: There is no way, the upper limit of the world is there, unless my world can move towards Gaowu as we predicted.

Is there a need for an Eastern-style team member to carry the tripod?

Looking at the discussion in the group, Han Xiao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The other party's statement is somewhat interesting, but judging from Ao Xiao's meaning, it seems that he has some ideas!

Thinking of this, he also appeared in the group and expressed his guess:

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Aoxiao, are you suggesting that our next group member should choose a member of the Eastern family?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: That's right, that's what I thought.

Aoxiao's answer immediately made the group excited, because they could see a new person joining the group again.

Especially Luo Xiao raised her hands in agreement!

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Boss Ao Xiao is invincible, I can finally get rid of my identity as a newcomer!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Interesting, Aoxiao, don't you plan to continue saving points?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: No, the upper limit of the world I am in is high enough for me to climb up, so what I need now is a variety of systems.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: The one who carries the cauldron from the Eastern system must be at least the Xianxia level. Aoxiao, do you have enough points?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Well, Xianxia may not be able to do it, but it's okay to downgrade a little.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Ao Xiao rushes to the duck!

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: ...Okay, then I'll start charging!

As Ao Xiao finished speaking, the chat group prompts also sounded in the ears of Han Xiao and others.

[Searching for worlds tagged 'Taoist system'...]

[Searching for worlds tagged 'supernatural power'...]


Time soon came to night, and Han Xiao, who had eaten, was in the study room looking through the half-finished self-mutilation skills that Ye Xiao and the others had made, trying to complete them.

Unfortunately, although Teyvat itself is very similar to the ancient environment in previous lives, there is little room for the development of religion without a true god.

In addition, Han Xiao himself had no interest in these things before, so now he really complies with the old saying that a book will be used only when it is used.

Just when he was in an embarrassing situation where he couldn't make a move, a notification sound from the chat group suddenly came to his ears.

[Welcome to the chat group ‘I’ll give you three thousand a night, I’ll kill you three thousand’. ]

This nickname... has too many flaws!

Seeing the nickname of the newcomer, the first thought that flashed through Han Xiao's mind was that the world the other person lived in might not be so serious.

But he soon came to his senses and thought of the world where this newcomer was.

It can't be that world!

Han Xiao murmured softly and did not forget to open the chat group at the same time, and other members in the group who received the message all chose to dive like him.

Just waiting for the newcomer to bubble up for the first time.

However, it is a pity that when the newcomer emerged, his nickname had already been changed.

[Under One Person·Han Xiao]: Ahem... Bosses, please stop diving. Can you come out and tell the newbies some rules?

Sure enough, he is under one person!

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