Accompanied by a series of sounds made by the heels of Keqing's feet stepping on the ground, Ningguang finally couldn't help but put down the tea cup in his hand, raised his hand to cover his forehead and said helplessly:

Keqing, let's calm down for a while, you're making me unable to concentrate!


Hearing Ningguang's voice, Keqing, who was pacing back and forth, immediately stopped, but her beautiful face, which had always been calm, was now filled with annoyance.

It's been almost an hour, why is there no movement from Han Xiao's side!

The reason why a few of them gathered in Qun Yu Pavilion today was precisely because Han Xiao called them last night to inform them that the Internet was ready and that it would be connected to the grid tomorrow.

So early in the morning, Ke Qing rushed into Yuehai Pavilion to fish out Gan Yu who was working, and went to Qunyu Pavilion hand in hand to wait for the news.

But what's the result?

It was obvious that more than half an hour had passed since the agreed time, but there was no news from Han Xiao.

This made Ke Qing very anxious.

After all, she led the people to lay the Internet lines in the entire Liyue area, and Han Xiao herself attached great importance to Internet projects.

Even after learning about the functions of the Internet, Ningguang and several other Seven Stars showed great importance to it.

Faced with a project that she has participated in and that has attracted the attention of all the senior executives in Liyue, how could Keqing not be anxious when she received no feedback.

Don't worry, Keqing.

Seeing that Qing Qing was mentally unstable after a long time, Gan Yu on the side also spoke to comfort him.

Since Junior Brother Han Xiao chose to call us and let us wait for the news, he must be very confident.

Jingle Bell--

The next moment, the phone next to Ningguang finally rang.

Chapter 789 Application of Network

Hey, Hanxiao?

As soon as the phone rang, Ningguang reached out to pick up the phone, pressed the connect button and put it to his ear. He also asked about the identity of the person on the other end of the phone.

it's me.

You finally called!

Hearing Han Xiao's voice coming from the microphone, Ningguang couldn't help but glance at Keqin, who was holding his breath and looking at him intently, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

If you don't call me, I guess Keqing will rush to Guili City to find you!

Condensing light!

Faced with Ning Guang's sudden teasing, Keqing immediately blushed and retorted with a stutter:

You...what are you talking about? I...I'm not that impulsive, okay?

Are you not impulsive?

Whose footsteps were there that made her confused and unable to concentrate?

Seeing the red-faced purple cat head refuting him, Ning Guang rolled his eyes in silence.

Fortunately, she also knew that continuing to tease like this would easily make their Yu Hengxing go berserk, so she did not go into depth on this topic, but asked Han Xiao about business:

Hanxiao, the time you called was much later than the agreed time!

Sorry, I was delayed by some other things.

So what's the result?

Ningguang didn't care much about what happened to Han Xiao that delayed her time. She was now more concerned about whether the Internet connection was successful.

And soon, she heard the answer she wanted to hear most.

The connection to the grid was very smooth and there were no errors.

So Liyue now has the network you mentioned?

Yes, I'll give you an address and you can try it.

Then Han Xiao reported a domain name on the other side of the phone.

To use an easier-to-understand description, he registered a website similar to

That person hung up first. I'll contact you after I confirm.

After getting the URL, Ningguang first responded to Han Xiao, then hung up the communication and looked at Gan Yu who didn't know when to start the desktop computer.

Gan Yu, try this website...

After informing Gan Yu of the domain name Han Xiao had told her, Ning Guang stood up from his chair and walked quickly behind him, intending to see with his own eyes how magical this network that Han Xiao had boasted about for a long time was.

Some people may ask, doesn't Ning Guang know about Xumi's void system?

emmm, how should I put it?

Ning Guang does know the information about the Void System, but most of her knowledge of the Void System comes from reports from intelligence personnel, and she has never experienced it personally.

After all, before Han Xiao took the position of Tianshu Star, due to Ningguang's forward-looking vision and clever handling of things, she had been sitting in charge of the Liyue Center all year round and had no time to go on missions to other countries.

You must know that even Keqing had sent envoys to Mondstadt and other places on behalf of Liyue after she came to power, but Ningguang could not leave because his responsibilities were too important.

Ahem... I'm going too far.

Back to the topic.

Seeing Ningguang walking to Gan Yu's side, Ke Qing seemed to have received a signal. There was a flash of lightning under her feet and she appeared beside them in an instant.

Under the gaze of the two men, Gan Yu used the mouse to click on the browser that came with the desktop computer according to the steps taught by his junior brother two days ago.

Then she entered the URL that Ningguang said on the keyboard.

The next moment, a colorful, neat and beautiful webpage appeared in front of the three people.

There is a highly recognizable rock element dragon icon on the upper left side of the webpage, with the word Liyue revealed between the dragon's body.

Next to the icon, there is a row of equally spaced text, such as news, finance, education, etc.

In the center of the web page, several modules of different sizes occupy approximately 80% of the entire page.

Each module also has titles such as news, hot spots, announcements, etc.

There is even a window section of Liyue Daily.

This is... interesting.

Looking at the neatly arranged pages, under each module there are some hot topics in Liyue as well as summaries of certain policy announcements in Guili City and Liyue Port, Ningguang's eyes couldn't help but light up.

She vaguely understood why Han Xiao had boasted about the role of the Internet before.

Thinking of this, Ningguang said directly to Gan Yu:

Gan Yu, try clicking on the section summary to see!


Although he didn't quite understand Ningguang's intention, Gan Yu followed the other party's instructions and controlled the mouse to select an excerpt of an article reported in Liyue Daily.

Then, the three people present saw the webpage jump instantly, and the entire report previously published in the Liyue Daily appeared in front of them.

No need for Ning Guang to explain, both Gan Yu and Ke Qing understood the meaning of this website.

This function is very useful!

Watching Gan Yu close the pop-up window and select an announcement issued by Guilicheng some time ago, Ke Qing's eyes were shining.

With the Internet, as long as there is a desktop computer, people can open the webpage through a fixed URL and browse the official announcement content.

This is much more convenient than the two bulletin boards at the door of the General Affairs Department!

Two years ago, the people of Liyue wanted to know what policies the Seven Stars and Eight Sects had announced. The only official ways to know were the personal announcement by Qianyan Army Coach at Yujing Terrace and several bulletin boards in Liyue Port.

It can be said that this kind of information transmission is very lagging behind in terms of speed and accuracy, and sometimes there is even a situation of misinformation.

Later, after Han Xiao took office, he invented radio, and this situation of backward intelligence transmission was slightly improved.

However, even if it is broadcast, some people will still miss the broadcast announcement due to factors such as not being in Liyue Port, resulting in information lag.

Qixingbamen has been troubled by its inability to deliver messages accurately and efficiently.

Now, with this so-called portal on your desktop computer, any messages and notifications will be displayed simultaneously on it.

Even if someone misses the message for various reasons, they can still find the corresponding content on the web page.

Ding dong——

At this moment, a strange sound effect suddenly came from the desktop computer, startling several people, and then they saw a prompt icon appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

[You have a new unread email! 】

What's this?

With some curiosity, Gan Yu moved her mouse and clicked on the pop-up window, and then she saw that the program she used to send emails internally opened a pop-up window.

What surprised Gan Yu even more was the title of the email in the pop-up window.

[Are you shocked? ]

Another means of instant communication!

Ning Guang, who also saw the title of the email, immediately raised his eyebrows and immediately realized that this was a message sent via the Internet from Han Xiao who was far away in Guili City.

Chapter 790 Changes after grid connection

It's actually another means of instant communication?

Like Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu also immediately realized that Hanxiao seemed to have developed another communication method for long-distance communication. seems a little wrong to say that.

They have seen two parties sending emails to each other under the same LAN before, but now the other party has just expanded this method from an area to the entire Liyue.

“What a nice feature!”

After thinking about this, Keqing immediately nodded with satisfaction.

Although the long-distance communication method of email is not as convenient as direct voice communication like mobile phone, it is not without its merits.

Just like if Keqing wanted to use long-distance communication to give her orders to the Qianyan Army in Guili City, she might need to contact them one by one using a mobile phone.

And if she uses the method of sending emails, she can completely let everyone receive her instructions at the same time.

Therefore, in Keqing's view, the function of remote email communication is completely a new function that was born to make up for the inability of mobile phones to do one-to-many.

The two can completely make up for the shortcomings of both parties.

“The functionality is really good.”

Hearing Keqing praise the convenience of the email function, Gan Yu on the side nodded in agreement.

Although making a phone call is quick and convenient, the phone will eventually be busy.

Mail is quite different. As long as you make a habit of checking your mailbox regularly, you won't miss it.

It seems that the Internet is indeed a good thing.

After experiencing two services brought by the Internet in just a few moments, Ningguang couldn't help but sigh that this thing was indeed as powerful as Han Xiao had boasted.

Hearing Ning Guang's emotion, Ke Qing suddenly seemed to think of something and asked quickly.

Ningguang, I remember that you sent many newcomers from the General Affairs Department to Guili City for desktop computer training, right?

Yes, what's wrong?

Hurry up and ask Han Xiao how the results of their training are. I have a hunch that the Internet will bring us great changes in the future.

Okay, my vision is gradually growing!

Seeing Keqing pointing out that the Internet might bring a lot of changes to Liyue, Ningguang couldn't help but laugh and joke.

After saying that, without waiting for Ke Qing to speak, she took out her cell phone and called Han Xiao back.


The bell only rang twice before Han Xiao on the other side connected the communication.

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