After learning that the training staff had roughly mastered the basics of machine language, Han Xiao quickly asked the questions that she was very concerned about.

After all, he asked Fa Lushan to teach and train these people not just for fun, but to have enough maintenance personnel when desktop computers became popular.

It should be OK for now.

Fa Lushan considered it for a moment, and then gave a more positive reply.

One month is certainly not enough time for these trainers to become technicians proficient in the underlying language of desktop computers, but they already know some methods of routine maintenance of desktop computers.

A small number of highly talented trainees have even transformed into real programmers.

Among them is Dai Yang, her latest student.

In other words, there are a few candidates in this group who are suitable to be programmers, and the rest are ordinary maintenance personnel?

Well, there are five people headed by Dai Yang. They can go down the road of desktop computer language.

After listening to Fa Lushan's story, Han Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

Five people doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually pretty good.

The underlying language of desktop computers has nothing to do with the existing disciplines on the continent of Teyvat, and is an emerging discipline.

A group of trainers can cultivate five seedlings, and Fa Lushan's teaching skills are still very good.

How is Dai Yang's recent study progress?

The progress is rapid!

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning the student she had just accepted, Fa Lushan's eyebrows suddenly lit up, and her whole body exuded happiness from the inside out.

In addition to the existing scripts of the seven countries, this little kid has mastered many ancient languages ​​such as Shigen script, Ancient Mondelphin, Ancient Liyue script, and Kanreiya script. He only needs to settle down for a few years before he can Become a qualified linguist.

The progress is so fast?

Han Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned that Dai Yang had mastered the interpretation methods of about ten languages ​​​​in just over half a month.

He knew that Dai Yang had a certain talent for language, otherwise Fa Lushan would not have accepted him as a student, but wasn't this talent a bit strong?

It would take an average person at least several months to learn a foreign language from scratch, even in a foreign environment.

Dai Yang has mastered multiple languages ​​in less than a month. Even if he only has a preliminary mastery, his talent is really outrageous.

Well, I have investigated and found out that he has the innate ability to convert all materials such as words and numbers into pattern memories.

Good guy, a born master of image mnemonics?

Hearing Fa Lushan reveal Dai Yang's talent, Han Xiao instantly understood how the other person had mastered the basics of more than ten languages ​​in less than a month.

This little guy basically mastered the memory palace ability without any teacher, and just stored everything he wanted to learn into his brain. No wonder he was able to learn so much in such a short period of time, and memorized it all!

Memory Palace?

Suddenly hearing Han Xiao's new term, Fa Lushan's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

What you described is really vivid.

After understanding how Dai Yang learned more than ten languages ​​in a short period of time, Han Xiao stopped asking further.

It's just a talent, it's not worthy of his surprise.

Then Han Xiao changed the topic:

Senior, haven't you started teaching Dai Yang about runes yet?

Not yet. I just asked him to temporarily remember how to write the basic runes. As for the subsequent interpretation of the meaning, I will wait until he has completely mastered the language and characters he has learned so far.

Although it is true that Dai Yang can start learning runes based on his current learning progress, Fa Lushan does not intend to encourage him.

Now Dai Yang basically just memorizes it, and there is still a certain distance between him and his mastery. The foundation has not yet been laid firmly.

It is possible to learn, but learning runes under such circumstances is nothing more than a castle in the air, which can easily collapse.

As the first student she formally accepted after escaping from the ruins, Fa Lushan was not willing to waste her talent in pursuit of progress.

It seems that I want to thank you, senior, on behalf of Dai Yang's parents. Thank you, senior, for paying so much attention to him and nurturing him with all your heart.

After learning about Fa Lushan's arrangements for Dai Yang, Han Xiao immediately thanked him with a serious look on her face.

As the 'head of the family' in Guili City, Fa Lushan deserved his thanks for being so responsible.

Well... no need to thank you.

Fa Lushan waved her hands repeatedly to signal Han Xiao not to be so serious. Dai Yang was her student, and it was normal in her eyes to train him seriously.

Let's get down to business.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to become strange, Fa Lushan quickly changed the topic to business:

The first training session will be over in a few days. When do you plan to make the Internet public?

It's probably just for the next few days. I'm going to open the official portal first to see the effect.

Hearing Fa Lushan's inquiry, Han Xiao returned to her usual state, pondered slightly and then gave her plan.

His idea was simple: first open an official website to see how well people in Liyue would accept it.

If the effect reaches expectations, then more relatively entertaining portals will be opened.

“What about Angus’s chat software?”

Aren't you going to open it at the same time?

She also learned from Abedo that Han Xiao and the others were testing the chat software before, so she knew that chat software was the 'big killer' in the early days of the Internet.

The chat software is still a semi-finished product in my opinion. Let's wait until Angus upgrades and iterates it.

Seeing Fa Lushan mention Angus' chat software, Han Xiao immediately spread her hands.

Although chat software has implemented instant messaging functions, it is still a bit immature in his eyes.

Such as aesthetic issues and multi-person chat functions, etc.

After these problems are resolved, he is considering launching chat software to Liyue residents.

Chapter 788 Officially connected to the grid

With the promotion strategy decided by Han Xiao, several people in the workshop temporarily put down other things in their hands and began to help him conduct the final inspection in an all-round way.

When all preparations were completed, Abeido and others gathered in the workshop, waiting for Han Xiao to connect Liyue to the Internet.

Alchemy workshop.

Han Xiao and the others were gathered in front of several desktop computers, and the monitor screen was connected to the Guili City underground data center.

Angus, how's the port detection going?

Looking at Angus sitting in front of the computer, Han Xiao asked softly.

Everything on the port is normal. We just need to wait for the port to be opened to connect to the grid.

Where are you, Fa Lushan?

All the data templates of the portal network are uploaded to the data center, and domain names are bound after being connected to the Internet.

very good...

Seeing that everything was ready, Han Xiao's eyes narrowed, and he gave a firm and powerful order to bring a different future to Liyue:

Release port restrictions and start integrating into the Internet!



Following Han Xiao's order, Fa Lushan and Angus moved their fingertips flexibly on the keyboard, and a series of data instructions continued to flow into the data center.

The port is normal and data starts to be sent!

IP address binding domain name completed!


Seeing that everything was going as smoothly as expected, Han Xiao immediately turned to look at Abedo who was sitting in front of another desktop computer.

When he heard Han Xiao's voice, Abedo quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands and entered the domain name address he had determined before in the browser software he developed.


With a jump sound effect, the page that originally prompted a series of errors jumped and refreshed instantly, and then the portal page that Fa Lushan had prepared appeared in front of him.

It's done!

Looking at the portal page that was beautified by Fa Lushan, the corners of Abedo's mouth slightly raised, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Quick, senior Fa Lushan, try to see if our glasses can be connected!

Seeing that the screen in front of Abedo successfully refreshed the portal page, Han Xiao repeatedly urged Fa Lushan to try on their previously customized glasses terminal.


Hearing Han Xiao's cry, Fa Lushan quickly took out a glasses terminal with similar functions to 'Google Glass' from her God's Eye space and placed it on the bridge of her nose. Her right hand also skillfully operated it on the temples. .

After a while, the same portal page that appeared on the screen in front of Albedo appeared on the lenses of the glasses terminal.

No problem at all, open it!

It's done!

Knowing that all the pages could be opened successfully, Han Xiao finally felt relieved, and she couldn't help but have a bright smile on her face.

Thank you for your hard work during this time!

I declare that the Internet is officially connected to the grid!

Bang bang bang——

As soon as Han Xiao's voice fell, a series of warm applause rang out in the workshop.

Fa Lushan, Albedo and Angus all clapped their hands to celebrate the successful completion of their research and development team's first collaborative research mission.

“I really didn’t expect that I would be involved in this kind of research and development.”

When the applause gradually subsided, Fa Lushan, who was completely relaxed, slumped down on the chair, her face full of emotion.

Just half a year ago, she was an unpopular scholar in the Academy who could not receive students and could not apply for research funds.

Who would have thought that half a year later, he would be involved in the development of an Internet system comparable to the Void System!

This is really unpredictable.

I wonder if those former colleagues in the Order will envy her when they know the functions of the Internet?

Thinking of this, the corners of Fa Lushan's mouth couldn't stop rising.

She really made a lot of money this time. Not only did she participate in the development of large-scale projects such as the Internet, she also received a very talented student.

Half a year ago, I wouldn't have dared to think of such a good thing.

Yes, this is a project that changes the environment of a country!

Like Fa Lushan, Angus was also full of sighs.

In the past, his only goal was to replace Albedo's identity. In fact, he was completely confused and had no idea of ​​the value of his own survival.

It's different now.

Not only did he understand that he was an independent individual, he also set the goal of surpassing Albedo in the short term and surpassing Reindot in the long term.

The Internet, which can change the living environment of Liyue residents, also made Angus see his own value.

Hearing the sighs of Fa Lushan and Angus, Han Xiao and Abedo couldn't help but look at each other, with a hint of smile flashing in their eyes.

It took nearly two years from the idea of ​​the network to the establishment of the project for research and development. Counting the first half of the research and development period, the total took two and a half years.

The Internet, an application that was once only imagined, has finally become a reality!


While Han Xiao and the others were celebrating happily in the workshop, Ke Qing and others in Liyue Port were still anxiously waiting for the news to come.

In the Qunyu Pavilion.

Ning Guang and Gan Yu were sitting on opposite sides of the living room, both holding a cup of hot tea in their hands, but their eyes couldn't help but look at Ke Qing who was walking around in the hall.

Deng Deng Deng——

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