What's the matter, Albedo?

Seeing Albedo frowning, Han Xiao asked casually while picking up the blue seeds scattered on the ground.

Is it difficult to replant glass lilies?

It's not difficult, but the amount of work should be quite large.

Abedo immediately shook his head.

Planting wild glazed lilies may be a difficult task for others, but for him who has mastered the alchemy of creation, it is basically no difficulty, and he can even improve the quality of wild glazed lilies by one level. Layer is not an issue either.

The problem lies in the quantity of work.

The project to clean up the salinization of the original land in Guili is currently in progress. Abedo found several good seedlings in the school and is currently in charge of this project.

After more than a year of on-the-spot transformation, most of the land dozens of kilometers around Guilicheng has been cleared of salinity problems.

However, these places will be food growing areas in the future. If you want to grow wild glass lilies, you need to treat the land in the nearby depression mountains.

The amount of this project is not small.

Now the construction team in Guilicheng basically follows Keqing to lay the optical fiber needed for the Internet, and there is no manpower to deal with the problem of salinization of large areas of land.

Don't we have a terrain adjuster? If we use it, can we solve it?

That only adjusts the landform and cannot change the internal composition of the soil. It can only be done manually.

Terrain adjuster Abedo also thought about it. Unfortunately, the solution to salinization is not to plow the land but to change the soil properties. This thing doesn't work.

Then take your time, there's no rush anyway.

Seeing that Abedo denied the terrain adjuster, Han Xiao didn't really care.

Planting wild glass lilies is something that takes a long time, and it doesn’t have to be done overnight.

Once the fiber optics for the Internet are laid, there will not be many projects that require large-scale groundbreaking in Guili City.

During the introduction, the idle engineering team can walk around Guiliyuan with props to deal with salinization.


After bringing the wild glass lily seeds back to Licheng, Abedo plunged into the alchemy workshop and began to study them.

He wanted to find out why the quality of artificially grown glazed lilies was so inferior to wild glazed lilies.

It is not stimulated like artificially grown medicinal materials, so its efficacy is worse than wild medicinal materials.

Similarly, Albedo's research also aroused the interest of Angus and Farushan, and they immediately joined the research.

Han Xiao has no opinion on this.

Nowadays, with the addition of game functions, the traffic of Internet cafes is gradually recovering.

Among several games, Liyue Cube is the most popular.

emmm...This is probably related to the LAN rankings embedded inside the Liyue Cube.

Most of these people have been aroused to have a fighting spirit.

Anyway, according to his observation, the name ID at the top of the rankings often changes.


Just when Han Xiao received the information sent by Ning Guang and began to develop the Liyue Millennium Game, far away in the North Country Bank headquarters in Liyue Port, Columbia, who had been staying quietly in the bank since he met Dragon King Ruotuo, Ya walked out after a long absence.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, her eyes couldn't help but look at Heyu Tea House not far away.

When the familiar figure of the big man was not found, Columbia breathed a sigh of relief. The Dragon King finally gave up his round-the-clock surveillance.

It seemed that she had finally gained a little trust after staying at Beiguo Bank for so long.

Girl, what is the purpose of our trip today?

Behind Columbia, the adjutant Anna, who had also been hanging out at Beiguo Bank for a long time, couldn't help but asked her immediate boss out of curiosity.

Of course I want to see the recent changes in Liyue residents.

Upon hearing her adjutant's inquiry, the young girl Columbia did not hide anything, and spoke of her plans in a gentle tone.

The task assigned to her by the Harlequin Piero is to explore another kind of power in Tianshu Xing Hanxiao that is very different from the Teyvat continent.

In addition to repairing diplomatic relations with Liyue, he also obtained orders for electric lamps and other creations.

Now she has some idea of ​​the power that is different from the Teyvat system.

Presumably, the reason why Ruotuo Dragon King was able to recover from the wear and tear was due to the influence of this power in Han Xiao's hand.

Should it be said that this is the reason why the Queen attaches great importance to it? This power is indeed somewhat extraordinary.

It's a pity that my current situation is a bit too passive.

Columbia is very clear that she is still under surveillance, at least the intensity of surveillance has dropped a bit.

As long as she shows her intention to go to Guili City, it is estimated that the Ruotuo Dragon King will appear in front of her again.

She didn't want Ruotuo Dragon King, who had regained his peak strength, to do something like this.

Since she was unable to establish a relationship with Han Xiao for the time being, Columbia decided to complete the other two purposes of her visit to Liyue.

Repair the diplomacy between the two countries and find ways to purchase a batch of electric lights, electric vehicles and other creations that are conducive to the overall development of society.

That's why she went out today.

Girl, if you want to observe the electric lights, it is best to do so at night. In addition, the speed of electric vehicles is limited in the city. It is best to go to the expressway connecting Liyue Port and Guili City to better understand its use.

After learning about her immediate boss's plan, Anna immediately gave her own advice.

As the adjutant specially assigned by Piero the Harlequin to Colombia, Anna did not do anything during this period.

She had collected some basic information a long time ago and kept it in mind.

Good job, Anna.

After hearing her adjutant's report, Columbia praised the other person without hesitation, but soon her conversation changed:

But before that you need to accompany me to a place first.

what do you mean...

We have agreed to repair the relationship between the two countries, so naturally we have to behave ourselves, right?

Looking up at the Jade Pavilion floating in the air, Columbia smiled softly and slowly revealed the place she decided to go to first:

Let's go to the General Affairs Department to apply for a research permit.


Soon, as Columbia and her adjutant Anna walked into the General Affairs Department, an urgent document was transmitted to Yueting Ganyu's office through the LAN line first laid in the main city.

The diplomat with all the fools came to the General Affairs Department?

Okay, I'll check the file content right away.

After hanging up the call from the secretary of the General Affairs Department, Gan Yu slid the mouse with one hand to open the mailbox system and found the envelope. With the other hand, he pressed the numbers on the phone keyboard and dialed Ningguang's number.

Chapter 750 The most peaceful executive

Columbia applied to investigate the use of electric lights and electric vehicles in Liyue Port?

After receiving a call from Gan Yu and learning from the other party that the young executive officer of Foolish People suddenly came to the General Affairs Department to apply for a report, Ningguang frowned slightly and was a little surprised in her words.

Yes, she followed the formal procedure this time.

This is really surprising, then promise her!

After hearing Gan Yu say that Columbia was following the formal procedures, Ning Guang was silent for a moment before giving an agreement.

Since arriving in Liyue on the eve of the Hai Lantern Festival, Columbia has been under surveillance. Some time ago, Han Xiao even invited Dragon King Ruotuo to keep a close eye on her.

The only time the other party went out during this period was to have a frank talk with His Excellency the Dragon King.

During the rest of the time, Columbia never left the Northland Bank, showing at all times that she came here with sincerity to repair the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Even when I went out this time, I came to the General Affairs Department as soon as possible to apply for research.

Regardless of whether Columbia's actions were true or not, since the other party could be said to have given Liyue enough face, Ningguang felt that Liyue and the others couldn't lose their status, right?

Isn't it just to apply to investigate the use of electric vehicles and electric lights in Liyue Port? Just agree to it.

She still quite believed in the anti-counterfeiting device made by Han Xiao and Abedo.

Emmm, the reason why Ningguang believes so is mainly because she personally paid a lot of alchemists to try to conduct reverse research on electric lights and electric vehicles.

The result can be imagined. Facing two alchemists who can be said to be the top level in Teyvat continent, those who are doing reverse research directly feel lonely.

Not only did they fail to decipher the manufacturing methods of these alchemy products, they even came up with a case where an accidental touch caused the entire machine to be completely scrapped during reverse research.

Therefore, Ningguang is very confident in the anti-counterfeiting devices on products such as electric lamps and electric vehicles.

Even though she knew that there were many experts in scientific research among the Fools, facing the joint design of the two top bosses Han Xiao and Abedo, it would probably take a certain amount of time for the Fools to crack it.

With this time buffer, Bao Buqi Hanxiao and Abedo developed the next generation of upgraded products.

Promise her, okay...I understand.

Hearing Ning Guang's slightly confident answer, although Gan Yu didn't know why the other party was so confident, considering their Tianquan star's historical strategizing performance, she decided to follow the other party's instructions.

Therefore, after hanging up the phone, Gan Yu sent the document with his official seal to the staff of the General Affairs Department.



Along with the sound of the printer operating, the documents signed by Gan Yu were slowly spit out from the machine.

The staff who handled the application procedures for Colombia quickly filled out the contents of the document and then handed it over to the other party:

Ms. Columbia, this is your approved application document. Please be sure to keep it safe.

Don't worry, I will keep it well.

Handing the approved application documents to her adjutant Anna, Columbia's eyes hidden under the curtain were fixed on the dormant printer.

Is this the desktop computer that has been rumored recently?

It really feels like a long time no see.

Looking at the desktop computer and printer in front of her, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

When King Daci Shu came up with the Void System, Columbia had a strong sense of déjà vu. Now that she has a desktop computer, the sense of déjà vu is even stronger.

Similar things did appear in the buried history of Teyvat continent.


After putting away the application documents, the adjutant Anna found her immediate boss standing there motionless and staring at the desktop computer, which made the staff nearby a little confused. She quickly called out to Columbia.

...Sorry, I was a little distracted just now thinking of other things.

Columbia, who came back to her senses, looked at the somewhat overwhelmed staff in front of her and apologized immediately.

Then he left the General Affairs Department with his adjutant Anna.



As soon as she walked out of the door of the General Affairs Department, Columbia walked along the street and called her adjutant's name without looking back.

Girl, I'm here!

When her boss called her, Anna whispered in his ear:

What are your orders?

Do you know the information about the machine in front of the General Affairs Department staff member just now?

Back to the young lady, that is the latest desktop computer developed by Tianshu Xing Hanxiao. Since we don't have enough manpower in Liyue, we only know that it seems to be a prop used to assist in office work.

Haha... Desktop computer, that's a more appropriate name.

After learning the name Han Xiao had given to the machine, Columbia nodded slightly. Although the name was different from what she remembered, it was indeed more suitable.

Ana, when you go back, tell Piero about the desktop computer and say that a terminal-like product has been born in Liyue.

Yes, my lady.

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