This is really surprising news.

Confirming that Han Xiao was not joking, Abedo couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

Should we say that Tianquan Xing Ningguang is indeed a legendary businessman who is famous in Liyue? He even has wild glazed lilies that are close to extinction in Liyue.

How about it? You should be interested now, right?

Of course, I'm very interested now.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Abedo nodded immediately.

That's the wild glazed lily that sells for sky-high prices in Liyue shops. He's super interested in it, okay?

It is rumored that the real glass lily is a very noble material. Nowadays, whether it is artificially planted glass lily or artificial glass, it is said that it is just a poor imitation of the real glass.

The real glass lily is said to be a beautiful thing that can manifest dreams.

Even the word Li for Liyue is probably taken from the glass lily and the glass in the glass bag.

Faced with this kind of product that may have been representative of Liyue, how could Abedo not be interested.


Soon, according to the address provided by Ningguang, Han Xiao drove at high speed to the deep mountains near Qingce Village, and saw a Qianyan Army post that was not particularly large.

There is actually a Qianyan Army sentry here?

Yes, this is a camp built by Ningguang privately.

It's really interesting.

Seeing the small and shabby Qianyan Military Post outside the car window, Albedo immediately raised his eyebrows.

This place is no longer on a major traffic road, so seeing a sentry here seems a bit wasteful.

It seems that Tianquan Xing Ningguang really attaches great importance to this field of wild glazed lilies.

The electric car drove into the slightly dilapidated sentry post. As soon as Han Xiao and Abedo got off the car, the captain of the Qianyan Army, who had already received the news and had been waiting at the camp for a long time, came to greet them.

Lord Tianshuxing, Master Abeido!

Oh, it seems you have received the news?

Yes, Lord Tianshuxing, Lord Tianquanxing has already ordered us to wait here for your arrival.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the captain of the Qianyan Army stationed here led Han Xiao and Abedo into a building.

As soon as they walked in, they saw the entrance gate to a secret realm standing inside the building.

This is quite interesting. You actually covered the entrance to the secret realm with a house?

Master Tianshuxing is joking, we are doing this according to the instructions of Master Tianquanxing.

Seeing that Han Xiao was curious about how they had covered up the secret realm with a house, the captain of the Qianyan Army who was leading the way quickly explained.

The order they received while stationed here was to ensure that this secret realm would not be intruded upon by others.

Since adventurers from the Adventurers Association often appear on the land of Liyue, there were even fools wandering around in the past two years.

In order to prevent anyone from accidentally breaking in, they built a house along the entrance to the secret realm to hide it.

Thank you for your hard work. Abedo and I need to go in. You guys stay guard outside.

Yes, Lord Tianshuxing.

After instructing the Qianyan Army to continue guarding, Han Xiao took Albedo to the entrance of the secret realm and slowly reached out to push open the door of the secret realm.


Within the secret realm.

After entering the secret realm, the two walked slowly along the corridor and soon came to an empty hall.

After looking around at the scenery around him, Albedo stopped and frowned slightly.

Sensing Abedo's movements, Han Xiao couldn't help but stop and turned around and asked:

What's the matter, Albedo?

Hanxiao, this secret realm is a bit strange.

Are you saying there are no monsters?

Seeing that Abedo felt a little strange, Han Xiao seemed to understand the other party's doubts and immediately explained:

Ningguang said that in order to ensure that the wild glazed lily fields inside the secret realm are not trampled by monsters, the Qianyan Army team here often enters the secret realm to clean up monsters.

No, I'm not talking about monsters.

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo shook his head repeatedly, and then pointed to a broken stone table in the corner of the secret hall.

It seems like someone once lived here.

Isn't this normal?

Han Xiao was a little puzzled. In the information he collected about the secret realm, people often mentioned this kind of thing.

The techniques are different, and the age seems to be different.

At some point, Albedo, who was squatting in front of the broken stone table, gave his own identification results.

Chapter 748 Beautiful Sea of ​​Flowers

Oh, can you tell me the specific differences?

Seeing that Abedo seemed to have noticed something, Han Xiao also came to the corner of the hall and squatted down to carefully look at the broken stone table in front of her.

First of all, the construction method and style of this stone table are somewhat different.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo pointed to the faintly visible patterns on the stone table and slowly explained his opinion:

I have been to many secret places in the Mondstadt area. After arriving in Liyue, I also visited the secret places you sent people to clean before.

Really, what did you find?

Han Xiao had already expected that Abedo had visited many secret places, but he did not expect that the other party would even visit the secret places that he had specially asked Zhongli to clean before.

But these are nothing. Han Xiao is more concerned about what Abedo found out.

What I discovered may be a little beyond your expectations.

After glancing at Han Xiao with interest in his eyes, Abedo sorted out what he was thinking, and then revealed his findings:

Whether it is the secret realm in Mondstadt or the secret realm in Liyue, I found that the styles and techniques of the internal architecture of the two are highly similar. It is very likely that they were both born under the influence of the same culture.

But the construction techniques and style of the stone table in front of us are completely different. It looks more like it is in the same vein as the current Liyue.

Interesting, that means you think this stone table is something left over from Liyue's ancient times?

Looking at the broken stone table in front of her, Han Xiao crossed her arms over her chest with a thoughtful look on her face.


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo couldn't help but nodded.

So after I discovered that the construction style of the stone table was wrong, I checked it carefully. Sure enough, the construction period of this stone table was a bit short.

Judging from the degree of corrosion in the carving marks, the stone table was built about three thousand years ago, and it belongs to the early Liyue period.

Early Liyue...

Facing Albedo's judgment, Han Xiao murmured to himself, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He roughly guessed the possible origin of this secret realm.

Is it Immortal Cave?

It seems you think the same as me.

Seeing Han Xiao whispering about the immortal cave, the corners of Albedo's mouth raised slightly.

Because that's what he also speculated.

Recently, I have read a lot of ancient books handed down from Liyue in the electronic library. It was mentioned in the books that there were many immortals in Liyue in ancient times.

Perhaps this was once a cave where immortals lived, but it was later abandoned.

This also proves why there are wild glazed lily fields inside the ruins. Perhaps the immortals transplanted them into the cave.

Thinking of the clues she had found in the game and some information revealed by Zhongli, Han Xiao vaguely felt that Albedo's guess was probably right.

Because in that era when immortals and mortals lived together in the vast Liyue Continent, glazed lilies once spread all over the fertile soil of Guiliyuan and Dihuazhou.

At that time, this slender and beautiful flower was the final favorite of the dust king.

There is also an ancient legend that has been circulating among the people in Liyue.

It is said that in that innocent era, one day, the always smart Gui suddenly had a naughty thought and covered the emperor's eyes with his hands.

As she smiled, she spilled the shining blue seeds from her long sleeves and scattered them on the Guiliyuan. Accompanied by the soft laughter and poems of the god kings, the crystal clear, glass-like blue flowers , began to bloom in the countryside.

The ancestors of the Liyue people once worked, rested, lived, loved, sang and played together in the bright and soft sea of ​​flowers, while the gods they worshiped strolled leisurely among the glazed lilies.

The Rock King will listen to the childishly happy words of the Dust God. Over time, even he begins to gradually understand the joys, sorrows and joys of the mortal world.

It is precisely due to the love of the Dust King and the Rock God that the immortals also have a strong preference for the Glazed Lily.

Perhaps what they prefer is not the slender and beautiful flowers, but the light and gentle King of Dust who finally rests among the glazed lilies.


Han Xiao sighed softly, stood up and walked towards the depths of the secret realm without saying anything else. Albedo on the side saw this and followed him.

Whether this secret realm is like the cave that once belonged to the immortals as they speculated, they will know if they go into the depths of the secret realm and take a look.

Since the Qianyan Army was stationed here all year round, the monsters inside the secret realm were completely destroyed. The two of them quickly reached the depths along the winding paths in the secret realm.

In an instant, both of them were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The top of the secret realm is inlaid with a huge glowing gem, and a nine-winding stream runs through the entire inner land.

On both sides of the stream, there are seas of blue flowers composed of crystal clear glazed lilies.

This is really...

Looking at the unexpectedly beautiful scene in front of him, Han Xiao, who came back to his senses, immediately put his hand to his forehead and let out a faint sigh.

Ningguang only said that she found a flower field of wild glazed lilies in the secret realm, but the place in front of her could no longer be called a flower field but a sea of ​​flowers!

It is really unexpected that the wild glass lily, which has become an endangered and rare species in Liyue, is still preserved in such a large area in the secret realm.

It's full of surprises, isn't it?

On the other hand, Albedo seemed to feel a lot brighter when he saw the beautiful scenery in front of him.

With so many wild glass lilies, at least in the short term we don't have to worry about this beautiful flower disappearing from the land of Liyue.

That's true.

Hearing Abedo's words, Han Xiao did not refute.

The two quickly walked to the sea of ​​flowers and carefully searched for the fallen seeds of the glazed lily.

Soon, Han Xiao and Abedo collected a lot of blue seeds.

Hanxiao, how do you plan to use these seeds?

He packaged the seeds in a test tube and put them into his God's Eye space. Only then did Abedo raise his head and look at Han Xiao who had brought him here.

He had forgotten to ask the other party why he wanted the seeds of Glazed Lily before.

Of course it is to be replanted on the original ground.

Facing Albedo's question, Han Xiao answered without hesitation.

This beautiful plant was once born from the play of gods thousands of years ago, but it has also become pale due to countless tragedies that have happened to people, and it is forever fixed on the day when the huge waves hit.

Now that Guiliyuan's land has been reused by him, the problem of salinization is slowly being solved.

Maybe it's time for the beautiful sea of ​​flowers to bloom again on the land of Liyue.

Chapter 749: Traveling to Colombia

Let Guiliyuan be filled with the sea of ​​glazed lilies again?

Hearing Han Xiao's plan, Abedo couldn't help but frowned.

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