What should I say, let’s bow to Mandrill first.

Who made Han Xiao and Zhongli understand these little tricks?

A few more days passed.

Han Xiao called Mandrill and handed the road map to him, along with a bottle of Holy Light Essence.

After receiving the road map and the Holy Light Essence, Mandrill pursed his lips, took a deep look at Han Xiao, then turned around and left, but his leaving figure seemed a bit desolate.

Looking at the other party's rather 'forlorn' back, Han Xiao suddenly felt that she was a little too heartless.

But within a few seconds, he put this thought behind him.

The mandrill was created by Zhongli and had nothing to do with him.

Well, that's right.

How can you say you have no conscience when it comes to working for money?


At this moment, Han Xiao suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ears, and turned his head to follow the sound.

A row of motorcades in the distance were heading towards the new city, and the one at the front calling her name was Yun Jin, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Chapter 59 The atmosphere is getting weird

Long time no see, Ah Jin!

After instructing Xu Wan to have Qian Yanjun register the convoy members one by one, Han Xiao looked up and down at Yun Jin, who was wearing casual clothes.

Yun Jin wore a black short-sleeved shirt on her upper body, a pink coat on top, and a fringed scarf around her neck.

She wears a short skirt with a white pattern on the lower body and purple stockings that cover the entire thigh. On her feet are a pair of black boots with foundation.

The whole person looks fashionable and smart.

Why do you keep staring at me?

Yun Jin, who was a bit hairy as Han Xiao stared at her, looked at her clothes from side to side, as if she understood something, and there was something cunning in her eyes:

Isn't this the dress design you drew for me? I asked someone to make it for me. How about it?

Do I look good in my dress?

Beautiful, Ah Jin, you look so beautiful today!

Hearing Yun Jin's inquiry, Han Xiao couldn't help but praise her again and again.

The design of this outfit was designed by him for Yun Jin a long time ago, but at that time Yun Jin kept saying that she was not suitable for such clothes, so Hanxiao forgot about it as time went by.

Unexpectedly, Yun Jin would specially make clothes for this meeting.

Only then did Han Xiao get attracted for a moment.

Hmph, that's pretty much it.

Hearing Han Xiao's praise, Yun Jin snorted, with a satisfied smile on her face.

She suddenly decided to wear such un-'Liyue' clothes because she hadn't seen Han Xiao for a long time and wanted to give him a surprise.

After all, she, Mr. Yun, might be missed if she doesn’t show up (fog).

The real reason was that Yun Jin was very pleased with Han Xiao's recent changes.

I am happy that my childhood sweetheart is finally willing to make progress, and has also developed talents that no one expected.

Yun Jin was very proud of this.

There used to be some rumors circulating among some of the 'noble sons' in Yujingtai.

The general meaning is that Han Xiao, an ordinary person, has such a good relationship with Xingqiu and Yun Jin, two human masters with divine eyes, just because they grew up together.

Yun Jin has always been quite disgusted with such rumors. She never thought there was anything great about having the Eye of God.

Although as Han Xiao became a well-known puppet master, this statement was rarely mentioned.

But this time the handling of the Strata Abyss incident and the talent shown by Xincheng District indirectly slapped those who spread rumors in private.

Yun Jin was naturally happy that her childhood sweetheart showed such talent.

Therefore, based on these two reasons, she dug out the design drawings that Han Xiao had given her many years ago, and went to a tailor to have it made.

Han Xiao led her all the way to the office. After she sat down, Yun Jin asked:

Tell me, why did you think of coming to me to perform this time?

Ah Jin, I plan to hold a gala in Xincheng District, so I need Yunhan Society to perform.

Seeing Yun Jin asking why she was invited here this time, Han Xiao also handed over the plan she had prepared.

Wait a minute and I'll take a look first.

Yun Jin took the plan and read it carefully. Han Xiao didn't say anything and just looked at the other person quietly, her mind gradually wandering away.

On the way here, many people were staring at Ah Jin.

Even Xu Wan seemed to be a little shocked when she saw Ah Jin's pupils. She was obviously shocked.

Maybe I can design some relatively trendy clothes and open a store in Xincheng District in cooperation with Feiyun Chamber of Commerce?

Hmm, write it down first.

Just when Han Xiao was immersed in the fact that she was about to have another identity as a fashion designer, Yun Jin also finished reading the plan.

Hanxiao, I don't quite understand this aspect.

Pointing at a column on the plan, Yun Jin looked at Han Xiao with some confusion:

The opera must be novel and integrate traditional culture into it.

Can you tell me your plan?

Oh, that's right.

Han Xiao, whose fantasy was interrupted by Yun Jin, was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and started to explain.

Most of Liyue's operas are fairy plays, and the scope is actually quite limited.

Where is the new city? It's the old capital of Liyue. There's actually more to write about here, right?

You go on, I'll listen first.

Han Xiao's words immediately made Yun Jin interested, and she quickly motioned for the other party to continue talking.

Then let me give you an example. For example, you can write about what happened in the Demon God War.

You see, the people in Liyue Port all migrated from Guiliyuan. Guiliyuan was still at war at that time. Many touching things must have happened during the migration.

For example, the Qianyan Army and ordinary people at that time should also have resisted foreign enemies.

I can give it a try.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Yun Jin had to admit that she was very moved by the other person's suggestion.

Usually, the most popular dramas in Liyue were fairy dramas, but she really wanted to write some human stories.

Han Xiao's suggestion was exactly the same as her idea.

But I need detailed information.

Although she agreed to Han Xiao, Yun Jin also put forward her own opinions.

That means she needs detailed historical information for reference. After all, making things up is not her style.

No problem, I can ask Mr. Zhongli to help you!

Mr. Zhongli?

Yun Jin was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

That's right, there are some rules in the opera industry that even I only know but don't know why. But when Mr. Zhongli talks about them, they are so familiar to everyone.

I also heard that Mr. Zhongli is quite knowledgeable in all aspects, including historical knowledge.

In this way, Morax, coin minter, future principal, Guili original antiquities collector, Zhongli, was given the title of 'keeper of historical data' by Han Xiao.

However, Han Xiao felt that Zhongli would be quite happy to take on the job this time. After all, the old man still liked to listen to Yun Jin sing.


Just as the two were discussing how to determine the theme of the opera, a sharp voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Then with a creak, the door opened, and Ke Qing walked in.

Hey, Yun Jin, are you here? You look really beautiful today.

Before Han Xiao and Yun Jin could speak, Ke Qing's eyes fell on the new clothes Yun Jin was wearing, and her words were full of admiration.

Thank you for the compliment. Han Xiao designed this before. I made the clothes on a whim.

Facing Keqing's compliment, Yun Jin narrowed her eyes with a smile, like a fox that had stolen a piece of chicken.

I didn't expect you, Han Xiao, to know how to do this?

Keqing raised her eyebrows, looked at Han Xiao with some surprise, and said involuntarily:

We all grew up together. Why haven't I seen you design a set for me?

Ah, here, the atmosphere seems a bit off.

As Ke Qing finished speaking, Han Xiao suddenly noticed that the temperature in the office seemed to have dropped a lot.

Chapter 60: Passing the Microphone Chongyun

Facing Ke Qing's 'death question' and looking at Yun Jin, who was still smiling, Han Xiao couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and she was as quiet as a quail.

There was no other way, he didn't know how to answer the call.

No matter how you say this, you will offend the other person.

To suffer, feel like pills.

I remember Han Xiao designed clothes for each of us when we were little.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, her childhood sweetheart was still there, and Yun Jin attracted Ke Qing's attention with just one sentence.


Then I want to take a closer look at what kind of clothes he has designed for me.

Keqing, who knew that she had said the wrong thing because of her quick mouth, also walked down the steps given by Yun Jin.

Afterwards, Yun Jin and Ke Qing started chatting enthusiastically in the office, and they laughed happily from time to time.

Completely 'ignoring' Han Xiao who was treating herself as an invisible person.

The atmosphere in the office gradually returned to normal.

Only then did Yun Jin change the topic:

By the way, Keqing, why did you come here to see Han Xiao just now?

Oh yes, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me.

Ke Qing first pretended to be annoyed and patted her head, then turned to look at Han Xiao:

I've already found the venue for the party, what's the plan?

At this!

Han Xiao hurriedly handed over the party plan she had prepared to Ke Qing.

After taking the plan document, Ke Qing quickly got into working mode, and Yun Jin beside her also sat quietly drinking tea in a sensible manner.

Yes, just do as it says in your document.

After finalizing the party plan, Keqing was quite satisfied.

I will be responsible for setting up the venue and props. I am familiar with this.

Let the secretaries handle the budget and other aspects.

The program is up to you, Han Xiao.

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