Bai Wen, go and invite Mr. Yun to Qunyu Pavilion and tell him that I have something to discuss.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, many people who got up early saw people from Yunhan Society driving out of Liyue Port in carriages.

In addition to Yunhanshe's fleet, they also found that the fleets of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and other large chambers of commerce had also followed Yunhanshe's fleet.

New town area.

Han Xiao, who got up early, called Xu Wan in as soon as she arrived at the office, picked up a document from the table and handed it to her.

Xu Wan, this is the draft for a party held in Xincheng District.

You discuss it with the secretaries today and come up with a plan for me.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.

I have to say that thanks to the recruitment of a group of management talents in Liyue Port last time, the work efficiency of the new city has improved a lot.

Less than half a day later, Xu Wan found Han Xiao with the initial plan drafted by her and her secretaries.

Let me see.

Taking the draft of the plan, Han Xiao began to read it word by word.

However, Xu Wan found that the plan they had drawn up did not seem to be approved by Han Xiao, because she saw Han Xiao's brows frowning unconsciously while he was reading.

Apparently they were not satisfied with the plan they had drawn up.

Xu Wan.


The plan you made won't work.

Throwing the draft plan in her hand on the table, Han Xiao shook her head at Xu Wan.

The plan that Xu Wan and the others made was similar to the planning process for the holidays in previous years. It was basically a performance, dinner and then a party.

The excitement is too lively, and it defeats all the purposes of hosting a party.

I'm very sorry, Lord Hanxiao.

We're going to do it again.


Before Xu Wan could leave, Han Xiao called to her.

You don't have to worry about the plan. Let me arrange the personnel and venue first.


After Xu Wan left and closed the office door, Han Xiao took another look at the party plan they drafted on the table and sighed.

Talent, talent.

What he needs now is the kind of broad-minded talent.

It’s true that young people in Liyue today have such rigid thinking.

What the new urban area needs most now is cohesion!

Where does the cohesion come from?

Of course it is culture and tradition.

What Hanxiao needs are real residents who regard the new city as their second home from the bottom of their hearts, not migrant workers who come here to work part-time to support their families.

It seems I still need to figure out the plan myself.

Shaking her head helplessly, Han Xiao grabbed a pen and started revising Xu Wan's plan, thinking about submitting a plan to build a school as soon as possible.

While Han Xiao was struggling to change his plan, Zhongli was stopped by someone as he was about to leave the Hall of Life to drink tea.

Is this Mr. Zhongli?

Who are you?

Master Xiao sent me to deliver something to you, and also asked you, sir, to see if it can be used.

Zhongli took the package sent by Han Xiaoming from the Han family's housekeeper, nodded and said thank you to bid farewell to him, and then turned around and returned to the Hall of Rebirth.

After entering his room, Zhongli opened the package and quickly saw the items inside, a transparent vial with brilliance flowing inside.

This is...

Across the bottle, Zhongli could also feel a hint of sacred flavor contained in the brilliance.

Chapter 58 You guys really have no conscience


Although he didn't know where Han Xiao had brought out the products from another world over the years, Zhongli was still very curious as he played with the bottle in his hand and kept testing the ingredients of the brilliance inside the bottle with his spiritual thoughts.

Bright, sacred, and with a hint of evil-destroying rules.

This thing is interesting.

Pulling out the cork at the mouth of the bottle a little, Zhongli watched a ray of light flow into his hand. Zhongli soon felt the warmth coming from his palm.

He seemed to understand Han Xiao's idea of ​​sending this thing over.

Feeling the God's Heart that was as unresponsive as stagnant water in his body, Zhongli thought for a moment and then shouted easily:



In an instant, a wind element gathered in Zhongli's room, and Mandrill's figure also appeared.

Try this.


Although he didn't quite understand the meaning of the emperor's words, Mandrill accepted the small bottle handed over by Zhongli, then pulled out the cork and poured the holy light essence into his left hand.


As the holy light essence flowed out, a harsh sound sounded in their ears.

Streams of black gas emerged from Mandrill's left hand.

How does it feel?

Zhong Li naturally knew that these black energy were the karma wrapped around Mandrill's body. Depending on the situation, it should be useful, but he was not sure how useful it would be.

“The karma has been reduced.”

After carefully feeling his left hand, Mandrill honestly expressed his feelings, with a hint of surprise in his heart.

He didn't expect that the emperor could come up with such a magical thing. Although the karma eliminated was minimal, it was indeed reduced.

Thinking of this, Mandrill couldn't help but look at Zhongli curiously:

Emperor, what is this?

This is a product of another world that Han Xiao found.

It's actually a product of another world?

Mandrill couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard Zhongli's introduction.

He didn't expect that the venomous boy could find such a magical item.

Ignoring Mandrill's surprise, Zhongli held the teacup in both hands and took a sip, then said pointedly:

This thing is very good for you. You can go to Hanxiao and walk around more.

But Emperor, this is a different world...

My God's Heart is silent, do you understand?

The heart of God is silent?

Mandrill was stunned for a moment, then reacted and looked at Zhongli in shock.

He also knew some secrets about the island in the sky.

Since the emperor said that the Heart of God did not respond, Mandrill also realized that something unexpected might have happened to the island that once dominated the Seven Gods.

Perhaps soon Teyvat will usher in unprecedented changes.

Regarding Mandrill's astonishment, Zhongli said profound words, but the thoughts in his heart never stopped.

Sustainer, the reason why God's Heart is silent is because this power is beneficial to Teyvat and you chose to let it go.

Or are you really powerless to take care of it?

Hanxiao's office in Xincheng District.

Han Xiao, who was working, only heard a swish sound, and then saw Mandrill appearing in front of him, and couldn't help but be startled:

Great Sage of Conquering Demons, why are you here?

The emperor asked me to come and tell you that that kind of power can be used, but it cannot be used on a large scale.

When Zhongli said it could be used, Han Xiao was happy at first, but soon felt disappointed.

It can be used but cannot be used on a large scale. Doesn't that mean that the idea of ​​using the Holy Light Essence Demon God's Resentment is not feasible.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao asked in a tentative tone:

Great Sage of Conquering Demons, can you tell me how specific it can be used?

Just call me Mandrill.

Mandrill first asked Han Xiao to call him by his honorific title from now on, and then explained to Han Xiao according to Zhongli’s instructions:

The emperor said it in detail. This Holy Light Essence has the effect of eliminating the karma on my body.

“It’s okay to use it occasionally, but your idea of ​​using it on a large scale may not be possible.”

I see.

Han Xiao nodded, he almost understood the hidden meaning of Zhongli's words.

The fact that it can be used means that Zhongli has reached the conclusion after testing Sky Island with the Holy Light Essence.

As for the inability to be used on a large scale, I'm afraid Zhongli is not sure how weak the Sky Island guy is.

Understanding this, Han Xiao immediately changed her mind and reached into the drawer under the table in front of Mandrill. Then she opened the chat group and exchanged two bottles of approximately 500 ml of Holy Light Essence.

Great Sage, uh, Senior Mandrill, here are two bottles of Holy Light Essence. You can use it first.

Please give me a moment if you still need it.

Thank you!

Mandrill took the bottle containing the Holy Light Essence, nodded his thanks first, and then looked at Han Xiao seriously:

As long as you are in the Liyue area, you can call my name at any time.

Faced with the Holy Light Essence, a strange item that can alleviate karma, even Mandrill, who doesn't like to be close to others, can't refuse it.

Thinking that he only seemed to be outstanding in terms of martial arts, Mandrill could only once again promise Han Xiao that he would listen to his call at any time.

Otherwise, what would you do to Mandrill? He owes you this favor.

Do you really want Mandrill to perform a Jingyao Nuo dance for Han Xiao in front of him?

In that case, I'll take my leave now.

Senior Mandrill, walk slowly!

After sending Mandrill away, a happy look gradually appeared on Han Xiao's face.

Although he was a little disappointed at first that he could not use the Holy Light Essence on a large scale, he soon came up with a solution.

That is to first let Mandrill hoe the earth in Guiliyuan to accumulate karma, and then use the holy light and resentment he gave to dispel it regularly, such as using two bottles every month.

This not only ensures that the Holy Light Essence is not used on a large scale, but also reduces the resentment of the Demon God in Guiliyuan.

At the same time, the safety of the mandrill itself is also guaranteed.

Killing three birds with one stone belongs to yes.

The more Han Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that this was probably the purpose of Zhongli specifically asking Mandrill to send him a message. He immediately found a map and started planning the route Mandrill would use to hoe the earth in the future.

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